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Reconstruction US History Worksheet

Name: ___Rodrigo Ortega_____
Period: __8th_____ Date: __1-12-21_____
Video Writing Activity
Title of film:
Reconstruction and 1876: Crash Course US History # 22
What are the main topics and purpose of the film?
Although the Civil War had ended with the North victorious, the problems still remained.
With Abraham Lincoln being shot and killed soon after reconstruction had begun.
Andrew Johnson would become president, yet troubles with him would render
Reconstruction a mass failure. And without Reconstruction, the progress that the African
American population had made were largely taken away.
What did you learn from the film?
Abraham Lincolns death truly was one of the worst things that has happened in the
precedency of the United States. As he was an incredible leader, he would be replaced by
a terrible president who would leave America in a state of shambles. Hating the south,
but also being very racist, Andrew Johnson would make those in the government be
white. With now sharecropping replacing slavery, although much of the roles were
occupied by the same people, it became better for the slaves. Now they worked for
money, not much, but they also got housing and more liberties. And although there were
more rights for slaves, things such as the creation of the KKK would render this
progression void.
Was there anything in the film that you found surprising or unusual?
Although I had heard of Abraham Lincolns death as a little kid, I had never truly grasped
how impactful his assassination had been. And also how I had never heard of Andrew
Johnson, even though he was the one who replaced Lincoln and was also a terrible
president. Yet Republicans were doing some pretty good things, until they were ruined by
southern racists and a hate for taxation.
List ten ( 10 ) facts you learned from this film. Write in complete sentences
1. Andrew Johnson is in John Greens top three worst presidents of the United States.
2. He also held a vendetta against the south, perhaps because he wasn’t part of the elite
south, while also being an extreme racist.
3. Andrew Johnson basically turned the government into the confederates that they had
just gone to war with, as he made everyone in office be white.
4. Sharecropping took over after the south had regained land, which lead to a less
profitable, slightly more humane version of slavery.
5. Many of the less wealthy land and slave owners of the south would have to begin
working under a sharecropper for money.
6. The republicans did not like the idea of share cropping as they saw it as the same as
slavery which made them try to give more power to former slaves.
7. After losing a close presidential election, the Republicans made voting legal for those
of any race, but not gender.
8. Republicans now lead the government in the south due to the new and large amount
of African American voters.
9. Although republican governments were doing good by helping out the former slave
population and making basic infrastructure, they were stopped by racism and a hate of
10. So that Republican president Rutherford B. Hayes to pass into office peacefully, they
had to make an agreement to basically kill of reconstruction and leave the south