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Dicore International Expansion Case Study

Dicore international
Role: Paul Calvin, senior vice president and general manager of the north american
division of Dicore international
Whether dicore should enter the southwestern united states
If so , he had to outline the expansion strategy along with its associated risks and the
necessary actions to mitigate those risks.
Goals/ constraints:
- Increase profitability
- Boosyt share price
- Increase drill utilization across Dicore and NA
- Want to loch in 2014 contracrs ASAP and start SW united operations by Q4
- 20% hurdle rate or 5 year payback minimum ace[table rate
need to determine if future expansion into SW united states is a good option- if so ,
focus on rotary or core?
- organic growth vs blackstone acquisition
- -appropriate mgmt. structure
- must include financing financing details as part f action plan and provide
- must outline the exoansion strategy and detail risks and plans to mitigate
Just look at the management Change!
Did Dicore have enough cash to finance the expansion internally
Cash budget analysis: because there’s a cash problem
Statement of cash flow
analysis? Cash management issues
• New financing is required
• Understand the current financial position
of the company
Ratio analysis?
• Anytime an SCF is analyzed
• Understand the past
• Profitability assessment (vertical)
Differential analysis? • Assess a future opportunity
Business Size-up :
Types of analysis may include: industry/market, PEST,
consumer, competitive and corporate capabilities
- What factors are working for the company?
- What factors are working against the company?
Industry analysis:
2. Financial Size-up
 Understand the past financial performance of the business
 Types of analysis may include: statement of cash flows preparation, and
interpretation, ratio preparation and interpretation, contribution and subunit
 What does this mean for future opportunities? Should changes be made?
External and internal analysis:
[ast: Rotary and core drilling segment analysis
primary : future expansion into SW inited States ( qualitative)
rotary or core?
Organic growth vs. blackstone acquisition ( differential plus qualitative
Appropriate mgmt. structure; important in this case because
If you acquire blackstone someone might leva or stay and calvin wants to retire in 5
- recommendation to 2executive committee? How to finance?
- Action plan and contingency plan!
External analysis:
PEST:, TRAde consideration< Competition,
- Regulations
- We are tied to another industry
- Industry profits decreased last year, stock prices decreased so we have to
deal with it , because it affcts our shares
-  issue bonds, or shorten your costs , days of receivables
more PEST:
environmental :we have to be aware of using the dril in the ground and casue
ussues, cause we have to pay , and some companies had some issues and
went bankcrupcy
when metal prices are low, it’s uneconomical to make issues..USExploration
market is tied to gold prices
 there are declining quickly
tougher to access capital because of poot stock performance- investors
recation to
margins will likely decrease in the future bc if you wat to comete
Customers – Majors vs Juniors
- Majors hare more stabke , offering more
- Majors often fund internally and rely less on equity
-  majors can still continue as the stock prices decreasing while
juniors cant
- majors demand more in tems of experience and safety records. They
look fro prices, quality , and safety. Yo must be known and proven
-  we kind of fit here as we are all over the world and
Competition is mainly regional with very few international drilling
Competition in the junior is local
Two major competitors- the competition in the major market is mre
extensive- they rend to value qulity and service
Boart Longyear
- lager than dicore
- reeent issues in SW with turnover and loss experience – could use this
as an opportunity
- manufactures drilling equipment as well, diversity revenue
- wide range of service- able to service variey of needs for mine
Major drilling
more focused on core Drilling
twice dicore size
excellent service – mainly on core drilling
because rotary requires a large service variet , MD is less able to serve
what we need to be ood at and aware of ? inorder to gain competitive
An opportunity to position yourself in Core drilling and rotary
Offer more options for the majors to get them
Internal ANALYSIS: what are we good at? Bad at ? what do we need? Thoughts
would wake you up at night?
- We’ve been successful in the past investments and expansions
Corporate capabilities
o Rotary vs. core
o Past profitability
o SCF analysis
o Ratios analysis
Write in the exam about how experience you are
Dicire is relatilvely new in the mineral explorations bus this is where their
ervenuws are from
- rapid growth was achieved through acquisition- experience with M&A may
help with any future acquisition.
- Retire I nfive yearsthen get a new VP that can work with him in the
upcoming years so that ghe gets the knowledge and sont get lost
Have acquires many skills and cotacts/ knowledge with mgmt.
experience with
drilling technologies
case facts about Core drilling and Rotary Drilllings
increase utilization bc oens 33%
get rid of the bonus concern but this happens ith the industry too, so figure this
out and maybe ask for voth wuality and speed to get a bonus
dicore owns 6 rotary drills with 85% utilization
which is good
sub unit Evaluaiton –Rotary vs Core
Second day
Future expansion?
- Rotary/core
- Organic/ blackstoen/both?
MGT strucsture?
-Q4 2014
- 20% ROI/ 5 yr payback
pros and cons : after the Ratio analysis
-despite our gross margin, our operating margin is better than the competitors
-50% of our assets financed with debt
 may not be able to take more debt
pros and cons for expansion:
prosL given
a lot of regulations
 time consuming and complicated may delay entry
smaller competitos competent at complex drilling
poor performance in SW will have implications for dicore’s international reputation
Expansion or not??
How do the options fit with the analysis thus far?
Must assess organic groeth vs bs
- do qualitative analysis
what numbers?
Organic growth Analysis: how does this fit? Pros and Cons?
-buils in your reputation, avoid that added stress( Goal)
buils in your reputation, avoid that
added stress( Goal)
Competers directly woth MD and smaller
-increase utilization
core drilling Drillers
low ris bc already large portionof assets Must establish new administrative office
have alreasy been pearchased ,  very
Licensing process could delay strat up
little investment required
then caluculations
pros of BS
Cons :BS
for BS –
you don’t have to buys and transfer new
equipments ( avoid massive capital
if you buy BS their reputation go down
while it’s good for you
if they stay they compete with you and
someone else might come and buy it and
compete with you
-it’s faster way to grow but harder to
It takes double the time to start
6 months
 could male it and could not
 two separate sections , so need to
decide how to set this up
-can we keep wilemson in the
compmany with his management
 need to make sure who to hire and if
he’s going to leave soon and retire or not
 then contingency plan : what if he
-can take advantage of their reputation
and expertise
-gain access to connections/ contacts
through wilemson
helps to mitigate personnel hiring issues
-easier to get ti the core drilling market
 possible operationa synergies
between the two segments of business
the flexibility of rotary drills allows for a
variety of services, results in higher
requires a subatantial investment
8.32 miliion