Uploaded by Abhijit Aich

AWS Cloud Computing & DevOps Training Course Contents

Course Contents for Cloud Computing (AWS) Training
1. Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS) & the Cloud
What Is Cloud Computing & Advantages of Cloud Computing
AWS Architecture and Terminology, AWS Regions and Availability Zones
Understanding How AWS is Physically Set Up
Understanding AWS, Understanding EC2 , Understanding Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) & Amazon
Simple Storage Service (S3)
Understanding VPCs, Understanding RDS
Selecting the appropriate AWS service based on compu te, data, or security requirements
Cloud Service Models, Essential Characteristics & Cloud Computing Deployment Models
LAB - Navigate the AWS Management Console
2.AWS Elastic Compute Cloud- AWS EC2
Understanding EC2 Instance Types, The Lifecycle of Instan ces
Storage Options for EC2 Instances & Advanced EC2 Features
LAB- Deploying an EC2 Linux and EC2 Windows Instance, Security Groups, Monitoring and Reporting
3. AWS Storage Fundamentals
High Level view of AWS Storage Solutions
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Glacier, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon
Cloudfront & AWS Storage Gateway
Managing Instance Volumes Using EBS, EBS Snapshots and Replication
LAB- AWS EBS- Creating and Deleting EBS Volume, Attaching & Detaching EBS Volume and Creati ng
Snapshot etc.
4. AWS Simple Storage Service (S3)
AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) Essentials, S3 Bucket/Object Versioning And LifeCycle Policies
Moving Objects Into S3, Handling Bucket And Object Permissions, Accessing S3 Objects, Protecting
Data In S3
AWS S3 Concepts & Advanced S3 Features, Hosting A Website In S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Amazon CloudFront
storage solutions
Amazon Glacier - Archives, Vaults, Vaults Locks & Data Retrieval
Amazon Glacier versus Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
LifeCycling with S3 and Glacier
Getting Data into AWS – Snowball and Transfer Acceleration
Introduction to CloudFront
CORS, Bucket Policies, ACLs, and Encryption
LAB- S3 Bucket Policy and Versioning
LAB- Enabling S3's LifeCycle feature - Lifecycle Policies
LAB- Creating A Static Hosting Website With S3
5. Amazon IAM (Identity And Access Management)
Understand the security measures AWS provides and key concepts of AWS Identity and Access
Management (IAM)
IAM Best Practices For New Accounts, Building IAM Policies & Using IAM Roles with EC2
Active Directory Federation Role
Web Identity Federation Role
LAB- IAM - Creating and Managing User Access, Creating Users, Roles, and Groups
LAB- Logging IAM events on CloudTrail
6. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) And Networking
Introduction To VPC And AWS Networking, AWS Networking Architecture
Building Your Own Custom VPC
Subnets, Route Tables, Internet Gateways
NATs Versus Bastion Hosts
Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Option Sets
Elastic IP Addresses (EIPs), Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs)
Endpoints & VPC Peering
Security Groups, Network Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Network Address Translation (NAT) Instances and NAT Gateways
VPC Peering & VPC Flow Logs
Virtual Private Gateways (VPGs), Customer Gateways (CGWs), and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
VPC Networking, VPC Security
VPC Access Methods & VPC Configuration, Extending The VPC To On -Premise Networks
Integrate the VPC with On-Premise-Networks
LAB- Building a Virtual Private Cloud from Scratch & Securing Your VPC
LAB- Creating a NAT Instance in a VPC
LAB- Configuring VPC Peering & Routing Between VPCs
7. AWS Security Fundamentals
Understanding AWS Security Measures
AWS Shared Responsibility Model
AWS Compliance Program
AWS Global Infrastructure Security
Physical and Environmental Security
Layered Security, Security Groups & Network ACLs
AWS Reports, Certifications, and Third -Party Attestations
AWS Account Security Features
AWS Credentials, Passwords
Cloud Security Considerations & Security Best Practices for Clouds
LAB- Security Group and Network ACLs
LAB- Encrypting & Controlling Access to S3; Logging and Auditing Access and Actions
8. Securing Data on AWS
Shared Responsibility Model
Protecting Data at Rest
Protecting Data in Transit
Securing Your Operating Systems and Applications
How to use IAM to keep your data secure
AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (AWS MFA)
LAB- MFA (Multifactor Authentication) on Amazon Web Services
9. Database Fundamentals for AWS
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) Overview, Working With RDS
Relational Database Service (RDS): Structure, Understanding RDS Multi -AZ Failover
RDS Security Groups, Read Replicas with MySQL RDS Across Regions
DyamoDB and NoSQL, DynamoDB vs Amazon RDS Database
LAB- Setting Up RDS, Multi-AZ, Backups, and Read Replicas
LAB - Creating DynamoDB Tables
10. Understanding Backup Options
Overview of Backup Services on AWS and Services that Include Backups
Managing Backup And Disaster Recovery Processes,
Quickly Recovering from Disasters
S3 and RDS Backup Options, EBS Options, EC2 Backup Strategies
LAB- S3, RDS Backup & EBS Options
11. Load Balancing with Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
Introduction to ELB, Basic ELB concepts
Internet-facing ELBs & VPC-facing ELBs
LAB- Elastic Load Balancer Configurations for high availability
LAB- SSL on Elastic Load Balancer
12. AWS's Domain Name System
Amazon Route 53 Overview
Domain Name System (DNS) & Concepts
Steps Involved in Domain Name Sy stem (DNS) Resolution
Record Types & Supported Record Types
Domain Registration
Domain Name System (DNS) Service
Hosted Zones
Amazon Route 53 Enables Resiliency
Domain name management, Route 53 Web Request Handling, Route53 and DNS Failover
Simple Routing Example
Weighted and Latency-Based Routing
Failover and Geo-Based Routing
LAB- Configuring Route 53 from the AWS Management Console
LAB- Route 53 Complex Configurations
13. Amazon CloudTrail
Amazon CloudTrail Overview, Configuring CloudTrail In The Consol e
LAB- Monitoring CloudTrail Events With CloudWatch
14. Working with Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront Key Concepts And Overview
CloudFront architectural considerations, Dynamic Content With CloudFront, Streaming Media With
Monitoring CloudFront with CloudWatch
LAB- Creating A Multi-Region CloudFront Solution
15. Understand AWS management tools
Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Trusted Advisor
Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch and Trusted Advisor
LAB- Configuring CloudWatch from the AWS Management Co nsole
16. Active Directory and Amazon Web Services
Setting up Simple Active Directory
Setting up AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory
Active Directory Connector
AWS Hybrid Active Directory Environments
LAB- Join EC2 Instance to the Domain (Simple AD & AWS AD) Windows
17. High Availability And Fault Tolerant Systems on AWS
Designing highly available, cost -efficient, fault-tolerant, scalable systems, Disaster Recovery And
Fail-over Strategies
Implement DR for systems based on RPO and RTO
Implement Elasticity
Scaling Vertically & Horizontally
AutoScaling vs. Resizing
Applying Auto Scaling And ELB To Create High Availability And Fault Tolerance
Deploying, managing, and operating scalable, highly available, and fault tolerant systems on AWS
LAB- Elastic Load Balancer With High Availability Hands On
LAB- Configuring an Auto Scaling Application
18. Monitoring Performance and Availability
Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor Amazon EC2 Instances & EBS for Performance and
Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor the Elastic Load Balancer for Performance and Availability
Creating CloudWatch Alarms to Monitor the RDS for Performance and Availability
19. Troubleshooting
EC2 Troubleshooting Scenarios
VPC Troubleshooting Scenarios
ELB Troubleshooting Scenarios
Auto Scaling Troubleshooting Scenarios
LAB- Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues
20. Application Services
Introduction to the Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Introduction to the Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Hands-on with SNS
Example of Using SQS and SNS
Introduction to the Simple Workflow Service (SWF)
LINUX Basics:
Unix and linux difference
Linux File system structure
Basic linux/unix commands
Changing file permissions and ownership
Types of links soft and hard link
Filter commands
Simple filter and advance filter commands
Start and stop services
Find and kill the process with id and name
Package installation using RPM and YUM
Introduction to Devops
Define Devops
What is Devops
SDLC models,Lean,ITIL,Agile
Why Devops?
History of Devops
Devops Stakeholders
Devops Goals
Important terminology
Devops perspective
Devops and Agile
Devops Tools
Configuration management
Continuous Integration and Deployment
Introduction to Cloud computing
What is cloud computing
Characteristics of cloud computing
Cloud implementation models
Cloud service models
Advantages of cloud computing
Concerns of cloud computing
GIT: Version Control
What is Git
About Version Control System and Types
Difference between CVCS and DVCS
A short history of GIT
GIT Basics
GIT Command Line
Installing Git
Installing on Linux
 Installing on Windows
 Initial setup
 Git Essentials
 Creating repository
 Cloning, check-in and committing
 Fetch pull and remote
 Branching
 Creating the Branches, switching the branches, merging the branches.
Chef for configuration management
 Overview of Chef
Common Chef Terminology (Server,
Workstation, Client, Repository etc.)
Servers and Nodes
Chef Configuration Concepts
Workstation Setup
How to configure knife
Execute some commands to test connection between knife and workstation
 Organization Setup
Create organization
Add yourself and node to organization
Test Node Setup
Create a server and add to organization
Check node details using knife
Node Objects and Search
How to Add Run list to Node
Check node Details
 Environments
How to create Environments
Add servers to environments
Create roles
Add Roles to organization
Understanding of Attributes
Creating Custom Attributes
Defining in Cookbooks
 Data bags
Understanding the data bags
Creating and managing the data bags
Creating the data bags using CLI and Chef Console
Sample data bags for Creating Users.
Creating AWS account
Free tier Eligible services
Understanding AWS Regions and availability zones
EC2 ( Elastic Cloud Comput)
About EC2 and types , Pricing
EIP ( Elastic IP address), Allocating, associating , releasing
Launch windows and Linux Instances in AWS
Connecting windows and Linux instances from windows desktop and Linux
S3 ( Simple Storage Service)
About AWS Storage services, EBS and S3
Creating S3 Buckets and putting objects in bucket
Discussion about Bucket Properties
S3 Pricing
About S3 glecier
EBS ( Elastic Block Storage)
Types of EBS Volumes
Creation, attaching and Detaching volumes
ELB ( Elastic Load Balancer)
Understanding the load balancing
Configuring ELB and adding the webservers under ELB
Auto Scaling
Types of Scaling ( Horizontal and Vertical)
Configuring Launch Configuration
Creating and defining the auto scaling group policy
IAM ( Identity Access Management)
Understanding of AWS Security using IAM
Definition of Roles, policies and Groups
Creating IAM Users and managing password policies
RDS ( Relational Database server)
About RDS and available RDS Engines in AWS
Configuring MYSQL RDS service
Connecting EC2 Instance to RDS Instance
Puppet for configuration management
 What is Puppet?
 How puppet works
 Puppet Architecture
 Master and Agents
 Puppet terminology and about Manifests
 Installation and Configuration
 Installing Puppet
 Configuring Puppet Master and Agent
 Connecting Agents
 Puppet Master
 Puppet configuration files
 Puppet Language Basics
 The declarative language
 Resources
 Using Basic resources like file,exec,package service
 Resource Collectors
 Virtual Resources
 Exported Resources
 Manifests
 Modules and Classes
 Class Parameters
 Defined Type
Static Contents Explosion
Using Dynamic Content with Templates
Templates Overview
Example Code Manifests/Modules
NTP Module
Users Module
Puppet Forge
Understanding the Puppet Forge
Module structure
Install LAMP with pre-existing modules
Installing Apache Tomcat with Puppet Modules
Jenkins – Continuous Integration
Understanding continuous integration
Introduction about Jenkins
Build Cycle
Jenkins Architecture
 Installation
Obtaining and installing Jenkins
Installing and configuring Jenkins using WAR and RPM
Java installation and configuration
Maven Installation
Exploring Jenkins Dashboard
Creating Jobs
Running the Jobs
Setting up the global environments for Jobs
Adding and updating Plugins
Disabling and deleting jobs
Build Deployments
Understanding Deployment.
Tomcat installation and configuration
Securing Jenkins
Jenkins Plugin
Creating users
Best Practices for Jenkins
Docker– Containers.
 Introduction
 What is a Docker
 Use case of Docker
 Platforms for Docker
 Dockers vs. Virtualization
 Architecture
 Docker Architecture.
 Understanding the Docker components
 Installation
 Installing Docker on Linux.
 Understanding Installation of Docker on windows.
 Some Docker commands.
 Provisioning
 Docker Hub.
Downloading Docker images.
Uploading the images in Docker Registry and AWS ECS
Understanding the containers
 Running commands in container.
 Running multiple containers.
 Custom images
 Creating a custom image.
 Running a container from the custom image.
 Publishing the custom image.
 Docker Networking
 Accessing containers
 Linking containers
 Exposing container ports
 Container Routing
 Docker Compose
 Installing The Docker compose
 Terminology in Docker compose
 Build word press site using Docker comp
 Introduction
 Why and what is Vagrant
 Uses of Vagrant in an environment
 Alternatives of Vagrant
 Vagrant versions
 Installation and Configuration
 Installing Virtual box
 How to install Vagrant on Windows and Linux
 Configuring Vagrant
 Provisioning with Vagrant
 Creating first VM with Vagrant
 Operations on the VM
 Connecting to the VM
 Add required Images to Vagrant
 Creating network and port forwarding using Vagrant
 Introduction
About Monitoring tools
About New Relic
Installing and Configuring New Relic
Application Monitoring using New Relic
Server Monitoring using New Relic
Alerts policies
What is ELK?
ELK Installation
Configuring Logstashand Kibana