1 Dr. Shahid Hussain Abro 2 Course Outlines Electron microscopy of materials. Specimen preparation techniques, Image focusing techniques, Image forming techniques and interpretation and crystallographic characterizations information, of Image microstructures, Convergent beam, weak beam and microanalysis of thin foils, Working principles of different types of electron microscopes; TEM, SEM, STEM, HREM. microscopy in materials engineering. Examples of Electron 3 What will we learn What is electron microscopy? How are electrons generated? How are electrons focused? How do electrons interact with matter? How are the electron/matter interactions used to generate images? What analytical Information we can obtain? Sample Preparation? 4 An electron microscope is an instrument that uses electrons instead of light for the imaging of objects. The development of the transmission electron microscope was based on theoretical work done by Louis de Broglie, who found that wavelength is inversely proportional to momentum. In 1926, Hans Busch discovered that magnetic fields could act as lenses by causing electron beams to converge to a focus. A few years later, Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska made the first modern prototype of an electron microscope. 5 Electron microscopy is an imaging e- Source technology that uses the properties Anode of electrons rather than light. 1st lens uses a beam of electrons to create 2nd lens an image of the specimen. Final lens It is capable of much higher magnifications and has a greater resolving power than a light microscope, allowing it to see much smaller objects in finer detail. Detectors Backscatter eX-ray Secondary e- 6 The resolution is 1,000 times greater than a light microscope and about 500,000 times greater than that of a human eye. The STM is similar to the TEM except for the fact that it causes an electron beam to scan rapidly over the surface of the sample and yields an image of the topography of the surface. The resolution of a STM is about 10 nm. The resolution is limited by the width of the exciting electron beam and by the interaction volume of electrons in a solid. 7 Resolution is the finest detail that can be distinguished in an image. The resolving power of a microscope is quite different from its magnification. You can enlarge a photograph indefinitely using more powerful lenses, but the image will blur together and be unreadable. Therefore, increasing the magnification will not improve resolution. The minimum separation (d) that can be resolved by any kind of a microscope is given by the following formula: d = λ/(2n sinθ) 8 where n is the refractive index (which is 1 in the vacuum of an electron microscope) and λ is the wavelength. Since resolution and d are inversely proportional, this formula suggests that they way to improve resolution is to use shorter wavelengths and media with larger indices of refraction. The electron microscope exploits these principles by using extremely short wavelengths of accelerated electrons to form high-resolution images. 9 Today, electron microscopy is widely used in metallurgy, biology, material science, physics, chemistry, and many other technological fields. It has been an integral part in the understanding of the complexities of cellular structure, the fine structure of metals and crystalline materials as well as numerous other areas of the microscopic world. 10 Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) An electron probe microanalyzer utilizes X-rays emitted due to electron bombardment to obtain qualitative and quantitative microanalysis. Electron Microprobe (same as EPMA) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Uses transmitted electrons instead of emitted electrons. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) Combines aspects of both SEM and TEM. Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) Similar to a SEM, but does not require the high vacuum. Scanning Auger Microscope (SAM) Similar to an SEM only it uses Auger electron emissions instead of secondary electron emissions for imaging and compositional analysis. Scaning Electron Microscopy 11 How are electrons generate? Thermionic emission Tungsten (W) filament Lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) filament Field emission The amount of electrons (flux or current density) determines resolution. The size of the electron beam (spot size) determines resolution. 12 Thermionic emission is the emission of electrons from a heated metal (cathode). Thermionic emission is the thermally induced flow of charge carers from a surface or over a potential-energy barrier emission of electrons induced by an electrostatic field. 13 Electron Generation Thermionic Electron Gun Heated filament produces electrons Typically made of Tungsten or Lanthanum hexaboride Electrons drawn towards an anode An aperture in the anode creates a beam Field Emission Gun A very strong electric field is used to extract electrons from a metal filament Filament typically a single tungsten crystal requires a vacuum Similar anode setup 14 The requirement of high vacuum Electrons have extremely low mass (~1/1000 that of a proton) and easily give up their energy in collisions with gas atoms and molecules. SEM technology is not possible without a high vacuum in at least the source and focusing column of the machine. Column vacuum ~10-7 torr Sample chamber vacuum ~<10-5 torr 15 How does the e- beam interact with matter? Incident electrons interact with matter in two ways elastic collisions inelastic collisions From these interactions, information regarding shape, composition, crystal structure, electronic structure, internal electric or magnetic fields, … Eo N Q= , nt ni λ= A N o ρQ Q=collision cross-section (probability) N=num of collisions/unit volume nt=number of targets/unit volume ni=number of incident particles/unit area (flux) Ei φe 16 Inelastic emissions Inelastic interactions result in a wide variety of emissions: Secondary electrons Characteristic X-rays Bremsstarahlung (continuum) X-rays Cathodluminescence light) radiation (IR, UV and visible 17 Secondary electrons are electrons generated as ionization products. They are called 'secondary' because they are generated by other radiation (the primary radiation). This radiation can be in the form of ions, electrons, or photons with sufficiently high energy, i.e. exceeding the ionization potential. 18 Characteristic X-rays are emitted when outer-shell electrons fill a vacancy in the inner shell of an atom, releasing X-rays in a pattern that is "characteristic" to each element. 19 How is a secondary image generated Secondary electrons are generated by the interaction of the incident electron beam and the sample. The secondary electrons emerge at all angles. These electrons gathered by electrostatically attracting them to the detector. Knowing both the intensity of secondary electrons emitted and position of the beam, an image is constructed electronically. incident e- beam emitted e- beam location secondary edetector ~+12,000 V signal intensity 20 How is a secondary image generated? Emitted electrons are not assembled by the electron microscope in the way that light (visible photons) are assembled by the human eye. Light reflecting from a given spot enters the eye. Many points of such reflected light are assembled in a pattern on the eye that exactly mimics the reflecting source. incident e- beam incident light emitted e- secondary edetector eye ~+12,000 V 21 Elastic collisions Elastic collisions produce backscattered electrons (BS). Ei φe Eo Q(> φo ) = 1.62 ×10 − 20 Z=the atomic number E=electron energy (keV) fo=scattering angle Z 2 φo cot 2 2 E 2 22 Detecting BS electrons There are many types of detectors, only the solid state type is discussed here. incident e- beam solid state BS detector BS e- sample 23 Microscope Setup Transmission Electron Microscope Phase contrast Image is formed by the interference between electrons that passed through the sample and ones that did not Scanning Electron Microscope Electron beam is scanned across the sample The reemitted electrons are measured in order to form the image. 24 Focusing When the image is in focus, there is very low contrast due to the electron loss around the objective By imaging underfocus or overfocus, a phase shift and amplitude contrast are created. This creates a dark image with a white ring around or a white image with a dark ring (respectively). 25 How electron microscopes work 1.The source of light. 2.The specimen. 3.The lenses that makes the specimen seem bigger. 4.The magnified image of the specimen that you see. 26 In an electron microscope, these four things are slightly different. 1.The light source is replaced by a beam of very fast moving electrons. 2.The specimen usually has to be specially prepared and held inside a vacuum chamber from which the air has been pumped out (because electrons do not travel very far in air). 3.The lenses are replaced by a series of coil shaped electromagnets through which the electron beam travels. 27 1.In an ordinary microscope, the glass lenses bend (or refract) the light beams passing through them to produce magnification. In an electron microscope, the coils bend the electron beams the same way. 2.The image is formed as a photograph (called an electron micrograph) or as an image on a TV screen. TEM - transmission electron microscopy Typical accel. volt. = 100-400 kV (some instruments - 1-3 MV) Spread broad probe across specimen - form image from transmitted electrons Diffraction data can be obtained from image area Many image types possible (BF, DF, HR, ...) - use aperture to select signal sources Main limitation on resolution aberrations in main imaging lens Basis for magnification - strength of post- specimen lenses 28 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Instrument components Electron gun (described previously) Condenser system (lenses & apertures for controlling illumination on specimen) Specimen chamber assembly Objective lens system (imageforming lens - limits resolution; aperture - controls imaging conditions) Projector lens system (magnifies image or diffraction pattern onto final screen) 29 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Examples Matrix - β'-Ni2AlTi Precipitates - twinned L12 type γ'-Ni3Al 30 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Examples Precipitation in an Al-Cu alloy 31 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Examples dislocations in superalloy SiO2 precipitate particle in Si 32 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Examples lamellar Cr2N precipitates in stainless steel electron diffraction pattern 33 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Specimen preparation Types replicas films slices powders, fragments foils as is, if thin enough ultramicrotomy crush and/or disperse on carbon film Foils 3 mm diam. disk very thin (<0.1 - 1 micron - depends on material, voltage) 34 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Specimen preparation Foils 3 mm diam. disk very thin (<0.1 - 1 micron - depends on material, voltage) mechanical thinning (grind) chemical thinning (etch) ion milling (sputter) examine region around perforation 35 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction Use Bragg's law - λ = 2d sin θ But λ much smaller (0.0251Å at 200kV) if d = 2.5Å, θ = 0.288° 36 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction 2θ ≈ sin 2θ = R/L λ = 2d sin θ ≈ d (2θ) specimen R/L = λ/d Rd = λL L is "camera length" image plane λL is "camera constant" 37 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction Get pattern of spots around transmitted beam from one grain (crystal) 38 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction Symmetry of diffraction pattern reflects symmetry of crystal around beam direction Example: 6-fold in hexagonal, 3-fold in cubic [111] in cubic [001] in hexagonal Why does 3-fold diffraction pattern look hexagonal? 39 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction Note: all diffraction patterns are centrosymmetric, even if crystal structure is not centrosymmetric (Friedel's law) Some 0-level patterns thus exhibit higher rotational symmetry than structure has P cubic reciprocal lattice layers along [111] direction l = +1 level 0-level l = -1 level 40 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction Cr23C6 - F cubic a = 10.659 Å Ni2AlTi - P cubic a = 2.92 Å 41 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction - Ewald construction Remember crystallite size? when size is small, x-ray reflection is broad To show this using Ewald construction, reciprocal lattice points must have a size 42 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Diffraction - Ewald construction Many TEM specimens are thin in one direction - thus, reciprocal lattice points elongated in one direction to rods - "relrods" Also, λ very small, 1/λ very large Only zero level in position to reflect Ewald sphere 43 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Indexing electron diffraction patterns Measure R-values for at least 3 reflections 44 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Indexing electron diffraction patterns 45 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Indexing electron diffraction patterns Index other reflections by vector sums, differences Next find zone axis from cross product of any two (hkl)s (202) x (220) ——> [444] ——> [111] 46 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Indexing electron diffraction patterns Find crystal system, lattice parameters, index pattern, find zone axis ACTF!!! Note symmetry - if cubic, what direction has this symmetry (mm2)? Reciprocal lattice unit cell for cubic lattice is a cube 47 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Why index? Detect epitaxy Orientation relationships at grain boundaries Orientation relationships between matrix & precipitates Determine directions of rapid growth Other reasons 48 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Polycrystalline regions polycrystalline BaTiO3 spotty Debye rings 49 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Indexing electron diffraction patterns - polycrystalline regions Same as X-rays – smallest ring - lowest θ - largest d Hafnium (铪) 50 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Indexing electron diffraction patterns - comments Helps to have some idea what phases present d-values not as precise as those from X-ray data Systematic absences for lattice centering and other translational symmetry same as for X-rays Intensity information difficult to interpret 51 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Sources of contrast Diffraction contrast - some grains diffract more strongly than others; defects may affect diffraction Mass-thickness contrast - absorption/ scattering. Thicker areas or mat'ls w/ higher Z are dark 52 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Bright field imaging Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks diffracted beams Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the main beam by diffraction 53 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Bright field imaging Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks diffracted beams Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the main beam by diffraction 54 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Bright field imaging Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks diffracted beams Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the main beam by diffraction 55 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Bright field imaging Only main beam is used. Aperture in back focal plane blocks diffracted beams Image contrast mainly due to subtraction of intensity from the main beam by diffraction 56 TEM - transmission electron microscopy What else is in the image? Many artifacts surface films local contamination differential thinning others Also get changes in image because of annealing due to heating by beam 57 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Dark field imaging Instead of main beam, use a diffracted beam Move aperture to diffracted beam or tilt incident beam 58 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Dark field imaging Instead of main beam, use a diffracted beam Move aperture to diffracted beam or tilt incident beam strain field contrast 59 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Dark field imaging Instead of main beam, use a diffracted beam Move aperture to diffracted beam or tilt incident beam 60 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Lattice imaging Use many diffracted beams Slightly off-focus Need very thin specimen region Need precise specimen alignment See channels through foil Channels may be light or dark in image Usually do image simulation to determine features of structure 铝 钌 铜 合金 61 TEM - transmission electron microscopy Examples M23X6 (figure at top left). L21 type β'-Ni2AlTi (figure at top center). L12 type twinned γ'Ni3Al (figure at bottom center). L10 type twinned NiAl martensite (figure at bottom right). 62