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KANA 013536 P.V. Godrick Naveen(Networking Batch 64)

Godrick Naveen KAN/A 013536 Batch 64
Higher Nationals
Godrick Naveen - HND in Computing |Networking Assignment 01
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Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
Programme title
HND in Computing
Mr. Geeth
Unit 02:
Assignment title
LAN Design & Implementation
P.V.Godrick Naveen
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assessment Pass
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Examine networking principles and their protocols.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1
LO2 Explain networking devices and operations.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P3
LO3 Design efficient networked systems.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5
LO4 Implement and diagnose networked systems.
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7
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Thank you for guiding me throughout this
Assignment helping out to fix the errors ,you
have been a great support!
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Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
Unit Number and Title
Unit 2: Networking
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Assignment Title
LAN Design & Implementation for VIDCO-19 -19
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
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Table of Contents
Task 01
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form ........................................ 3
1.1 Network models / System types ............................................................................. 10
1.2 IEEE standards for LAN and WLAN Network ..................................................... 17
1.3 Network protocols and Protocol suites .................................................................. 18
1.4 Network Topology ................................................................................................. 23
1.5 The most suitable Network topology for the company .......................................... 31
Task 02
2.1 Operating Principles of Network devices .............................................................. 32
2.2 The devices which we can use to enhance security of VIDCO-19 Kandy Branch.
...................................................................................................................................... 35
2.3 Importance of networking software ....................................................................... 38
2.4 The importance of Servers in computer networks Servers .................................... 40
I recommend the PowerEdge T140 Tower Server and the HP Z620 as the work station
for VIDCO-19 considering the company needs high performance devices due to its
being a software company and have a large number of employees, so the employees
would have an efficient workflow without any problematic situations such as lags
which causes delays and effects the ongoing workflow. ............................................. 50
2.5 Importance of having compatible devices and related software ............................ 50
in network design. ........................................................................................................ 50
Task 03
3.1 VLAN and IP subnetting ....................................................................................... 52
3.2................................................................................................................................. 54
3.3 Network design ...................................................................................................... 54
3.4 Feedbacks for the design test ................................................................................. 55
3.5 Configuring Network services and Applications ................................................... 57
3.6 Maintenance schedule for VIDCO-19’s Network system ..................................... 79
Task 04 ........................................................................................................................ 80
4.1 Network configuration ........................................................................................... 80
4.2 VIDCO-19 Test cases for the Network design ...................................................... 83
4.3 Why network monitoring is important in VIDCO-19 Kandy branch? .................. 85
4.4 Network monitoring Tools ..................................................................................... 87
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4.5 Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 91
4.6 Future enhancements for the networked system .................................................... 93
4.7 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 94
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Case summary
I have been appointed as the network consultant of VIDCO-19(a well-known private
software company) located in colombo, so my task is to put together a network
architectural design and implement it with my proposals and recommendations to meet the
company’s specifications, as the management are planning to extend their branch to kandy
as it is a 3 story building and it is expected to have around 150 employees.
Task 01
1.1 Network models / System types
Lets begin with a definition , A network involves of two or more computers that are
linked in order to share resources (such as printers), exchange files, or allow electronic
Local Area Network
A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that is limited to a relatively small area. It
is generally limited to a geographic area such as a laboratory, school, or building. A
LAN comprises cables, access points(Wi-Fi), switches, routers, and other components
that enable devices to connect to internal servers, web servers, and other LANs via wide
area networks (WAN). The rise of virtualization has also boosted the development of
virtual LANs,which enable network setting up a secure and reliable local area network
benefits not only employees, but also the customers and business partners.
LANs connect workstations and personal computers. Each node (individual computer)
in a LAN has its own CPU with which it executes programs, but it also is able to access
data and devices anywhere on the LAN. This means that many users can share devices,
such as printers, as well as data. Users can also use the LAN to communicate with each
Here are some Benefits of using LAN (Local Area Network)
Compared to a wide area network (WAN) , a LAN connection is relatively inexpensive
to set up and maintain. A wide area network (WAN) requires substantial investment,
whether it be private ownership or not. The local nature of a LAN also makes
troubleshooting quick and cost-effective.
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Ease of Setup
To set up a LAN, all you need is internet service and a server, or central hub. This hub
can be a main computer or a router. From there, you can connect devices using Ethernet
cables or wirelessly via Wi-Fi transmission. There is no limit to the number of users
you can add to a LAN, and multiple LANs can be joined across multiple office locations
to create a larger virtual LAN.
A LAN is very flexible. As employees get shuffled between teams and departments and
new hires come on board, a LAN ensures that every user and every machine stays
connected. You can add or remove devices, move printers and computers to different
areas of the building, and modify user information for existing devices with minimum
hassle. This versatility is essential in today's fast-paced business world.
Speaking of fast-paced, modern LAN speeds can easily reach or exceed 1 Gbps, several
times faster than the average WAN. From sharing files to uploading and downloading
to high-definition streaming, applications and videoconferencing, a LAN provides all
users with the speed needed to conduct even the most data-intensive tasks.
Operating a LAN can make your business more productive in several ways:
Faster, more personalized service to customers via email, web forms or chat.On-site
and remote access to all business applications and business data.
Easy meeting scheduling and videoconferencing.
Real-time insight into business performance to help with decision-making.
A LAN can be easily monitored by a small information technology team. If you use a
router, you will have a built-in firewall. All devices must provide a valid username and
password, which can be encrypted, to access the network. Automated backups to the
server or to the cloud can be scheduled to further safeguard your information for
disaster recovery or when traveling.
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WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
A WLAN is a network that allows devices to connect and communicate wirelessly.
Unlike a traditional wired LAN, in which devices communicate over Ethernet cables,
devices on a WLAN communicate via Wi-Fi.
A WLAN may look different than a traditional LAN, it functions the same way. New
devices are typically added and configured using DHCP. They can communicate with
other devices on the network the same way they would on a wired network. The primary
difference is how the data is transmitted. In a LAN, data is transmitted over physical
cables in a series of Ethernet packets containing
LANs and WLANs can be linked together using a “Bridge” that connects the two
networks. Wireless routers that include Ethernet ports can automatically combine wired
and wireless devices into the same network.
Benefits of using WLAN in the company
devices can connect wirelessly, eliminating the need for cables.
(This allows the business to create local networks without wiring the building with
It also provides a way for small devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to
connect to the network.
WLANs are not limited by the number of physical ports on the router and
therefore can support dozens or even hundreds of devices.
The range of a WLAN can easily be extended by adding one or more repeaters.
A WLAN can be easily upgraded by replacing routers with newer version, a
much easier and cheaper solution than upgrading old Ethernet cables.
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A client-server network involves multiple clients, or workstations, connecting to at least
one central server. Most data and applications are installed on the server. When clients
need access to these resources, they access them from the server. Servers often have
private user directories as well as multiple public directories. Client-server networks
tend to have faster access speeds because of the large number of clients they are
designed to support. The clients are allowed to function as workstations without sharing
any resources. It is easier to upgrade software applications and files because they are
held on one single computer. System-wide services can be provided through the server
software. Security is enhanced on a client server network because the security is
handled by the server.
So in that case Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are typically less secure than a client-server
network because security is handled by the individual computers, not on the network as a
Below is a comparison between Client-server and Peer-to-peer network
Client-server Network
In client server network clients and In peer to peer network, clients and
servers are differentiated, specific server servers are not differentiated.
and clients are present.
Focuses on information sharing.
Focuses on connectivity.
Centralized server is used to store data.
Each peer has its own data
Server responds the service which is Each and every node can do both request
requested by the client.
and respond for the services.
Costlier than peer to peer.
Less costlier
More stable than peer to peer.
Less stable if number of peer increases.
Used for both small and large networks.
Generally suited for small networks with
fewer than 10 computers.
Benefits of Implementing Client-server Network in the kandy branch
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A single server hosting all the required data in a single place facilitates easy
protection of data and management of user authorization and authentication.
Resources such as network segments, servers, and computers can be added to a
client-server network without any significant interruptions.
Data can be accessed efficiently without requiring clients and the server to be
in close proximity.
All nodes in the client-server system are independent, requesting data only from
the server, which facilitates easy upgrades, replacements, and relocation of the
Cloud Network
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Cloud networking, or cloud-based networking, gives users access to networking resources
through a centralized third-party provider operating inter-connected servers. This involves
connecting to a Wide Area Network (WAN) or other internet-based technology, and helps
to distribute content quickly and securely. In cloud-based networking, the entire network
is in the cloud. This includes network management resources and physical hardware.
So in this case by using a cloud network the organization can deliver content more
rapidly, reliably, and securely, without having to bear the costs and difficulties of
building and operating its own network.
Cloud networking allows users to build networks using cloud-based services. A reliable
cloud network provides centralized management, control and visibility, for example,
managing devices in different physical locations using the internet. It can be used for
connectivity, security, management and control.
Using cloud architecture in thousands of different locations globally, cloud networking
allows organizations to deliver content faster and monitor their devices and operations
in real-time. It also helps to keep them alongside of any network security issues,
including monitoring high volumes of traffic.
Benefits of Implementing Cloud Network in the kandy branch
With the increasing availability of online content networking for better content
distribution. It can be used for web contents, ecommerce, , or network operators
looking to extend their network reach.
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Using a cloud network guarantees the faster delivery of content thanks to the use
of thousands of servers across the world. This means that content has less physical
distance to travel between servers, giving the final end users faster access.
Cloud security solutions available as part of cloud networking ensure that users are
protected from the latest web security threats. There is also less risk of server
downtime thanks to server load balancing.
By using a cloud network the company can save money on building and operating
their own networks, as well as avoiding the potential technical issues that come
with these.
Virtualized Network
Network Virtualization (NV) refers to abstracting network resources that were
traditionally delivered in hardware to software. NV can combine multiple physical
networks to one virtual, software-based network, or it can divide one physical network
into separate, independent virtual networks.
Network virtualization software allows network administrators to move virtual machines
across different domains without reconfiguring the network. The software creates a
network overlay that can run separate virtual network layers on top of the same physical
services like switching and routing, network virtualization typically incorporates
virtualized services including firewalling and server load-balancing. The technology
solves a lot of the networking challenges in today’s data centers, helping the organization’s
centrally program and provision the network, on-demand, without having to physically
touch the underlying infrastructure. With this approach, organizations can simplify how
they roll out, scale and adjust workloads and resources to meet evolving computing needs.
the ability to simulate a hardware platform, such as a server, storage device or network
resource, in software. All of the functionality is separated from the hardware and simulated
as a “virtual instance,” with the ability to operate just like the traditional hardware solution
In addition, a single hardware platform can be used to support multiple virtual devices or
machines, which are easy to spin up or down as needed. As a result, a virtualized solution
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is typically much more portable, scalable and cost-effective than a traditional hardwarebased solution.
1.2 IEEE standards for LAN and WLAN Network
What is IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) standards?
IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that cover the physical and data-link
layer specifications for technologies such as Ethernet and wireless. Essentially, the IEEE
802 standards help make sure internet services and technologies follow a set of
recommended practices so the network devices can all work together smoothly.
Without these standards, equipment suppliers could manufacture network hardware that
would only connect to certain computers. It would be much more difficult to connect
to systems not using the same set of networking equipment. Standardizing protocols
help ensure that multiple types of devices can connect to multiple network types. It also
helps make sure network management isn't the challenge it could be if it wasn't in place.
Given below are the IEEE standards which can be used in above LAN and
WLAN design in the company.
IEEE 802
IEEE 802.1
Higher Layer LAN Protocols Working Group /Bridging
IEEE 802.2
Logical Link Control (LLC). This sublayer is responsible
for the data transmission between computers or devices on a
IEEE 802.3
For Ethernet networks
IEEE 802.4
Token Bus is for the token passing LANs
IEEE 802.5
For Token Ring networks / MAC sublayer
IEEE 802.6
DQDB (Distributed Queue Dual Bus) is a MAN(Metropolitan
Area Network) protocol.
IEEE 802.7
for Broadband Local Area Networks (LAN) using
Cable Medium
IEEE 802.8
Use of Fiber optics on networks, including
Fiber Distributed Data Interface(FDDI) and
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Ethernet over Fiber-optic cable.
IEEE 802.9
For Integrated voice and data access
IEEE 802.10
For an Interoperable data link layer security protocol
and associated security services
IEEE 802.11
Wireless LAN
1.3 Network protocols and Protocol suites
What is a Network Protocol and how does it work ?
A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted
between different devices in the same network. Essentially, it allows connected devices to
communicate with each other, regardless of any differences in their internal processes,
structure or design. Network protocols are the reason you can easily communicate with
people all over the world, and to play a critical role in modern digital communications.
Neither Local Area Networks (LAN) nor wide area networks (WAN) could function the
way they do today without the use of network protocols.
Network Protocol suite
A Network protocol suite is a collection of protocols that are designed to work together.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
The protocol suite is named after two of the most common protocols TCP (transmission
Control Protocol) and IP (internet Protocol).
In addition, TCP/IP divides the different communications tasks into layers. Each layer has
a different function. Data goes through four individual layers before it is received on the
other end (as explained in the following diagram). TCP/IP then goes through these layers
in reverse order to reassemble the data and to present it to the recipient.
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1. Data Link Layer
The Data link layer is what handles the physical parts of sending and receiving data
Using the Ethernet cable,wireless network, Network Interface Card (NIC),device driver in
the computer and so on.
2. Network Layer
The Network Layer (also called the internet layer) controls the movement of packets
around the network
3. Transport Layer
The Transport Layer is what provides a consistent data connection between the two
devices. It divides the data in packets, acknowledges the packets that it has received from
the other device and make sures that the other device acknowledges the packets it receives.
4. Application Layer
The Application Layer is the group of network that involve communication. This is what
the user typically interacts with such as email and messaging, Because the lower layers
handles the details of communication, the application doesn’t need to concern them-selves
with this.
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AppleTalk Protocol Suite
AppleTalk is a branded suite of networking protocols established by Apple Inc. for their
Macintosh computers . Linked AppleTalk equipped systems automatically assigned
addresses, updated the distributed namespace, and configured any required internetworking routing. It was a plug-n-play system. AppleTalk involved a number of features
that enabled Local Area Networks(LAN) to be connected with no previous setup or the
need for a centralized router or server of any type.
This network system interconnects personal computer workstations, computers acting as
file servers and print servers, printers, and shared modems enabling them to exchange
information through various of types of communications hardware and software.
And the Main dis-advantage is that is it can be used only on Apple Devices. Now that it is
discontinued TCP/IP is used in every Apple device for better communication.
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IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange)
IPX/SPX was created as a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
alternative developed by Novell . These protocols share similarities but have minor
IPX/SPX is well-suited with local area networks (LAN) or private networks and
different communication protocol functions.
IPX is the network layer and SPX is the transport layer of the IPX/SPX network
protocol. The Transport layer protocol or SPX protocol is used to establish and maintain
a connection between devices. Together, they can be used to transfer data and create a
network connection between systems.
The Dis-advantages of using this particular Protocol is that ,
With IPX applications and the usage of the internet, the costs are higher if implementing
VPNs (Virtual Private Network).
And it does have slow performance in Large Area Networks.
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The Recommended Protocol Suite for VIDCO-19 is TCP/IP due to the following
reasons ,
It is an industry standard model that can be successfully installed in practical
networking problems as it is designed for Wide Area Networks (WAN). It allows crossplatform communications among various networks. For it is scalable, This allows
networks to be linked without disrupting the existing services. It assigns an IP address
to each computer on the network, therefore making each device to be recognizable over
the network. And It is compatible with every operating systems, so it can communicate
with any other system. TCP/IP can be used to provide remote login over the network,
for interactive file transfer, to convey email, to distribute webpages over the network
and to remotely access a server host's file system.
Independence from specific physical network hardware. This enables TCP/IP to add
many different kinds of networks. TCP/IP can be run over an Ethernet, a DSL
connection, a dial-up line, an optical network, and virtually any other kind of physical
transmission medium,so this would be much easier for the company to handle the
network with any complications.
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1.4 Network Topology
What is a Network Topology ?
A Network Topology is the arrangement with which computer systems or network
devices are connected to each other. Topologies may define both physical and logical
feature of the network. Both logical and physical topologies could be same or unlike in
a same network.
Logical Topology
A logical topology is a model in networking that defines the architecture of the
communication mechanism for all nodes in a network. Using network equipments such
as routers and switches, the logical topology of a network can be effectively maintained
and reconfigured. The Logical Topology defines how the data should transfer.
Two of the common Logical Topologies are ,
1. Logical Bus topology
Ethernet uses the logical bus topology to transfer data with a linear manner. Under a
bus topology a node broadcasts the data to the entire network. All other nodes on the
network receive the data and check if the data is intended for them.
2. Logical Ring topology
In this topology the data transfers in a circular manner, only one node can be allowed
to transfer the data in a network at a given time. This mechanism is achieved by token
(the node having token only can transmit the data in a network) and therefore the crash
can be avoided in a network.
Physical Topology
Physical topology states to the interconnected structure of a local area network (LAN).
The method is used to connect the physical devices on the network with the cables, and
the type of cabling used, all establish the physical topology.
Given below is the difference between Physical and Logical Topology
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Physical Topology
Logical Topology
Depicts physical layout of the Depicts logistics of network
concerned with transmission of
The layout can be modified based There is no interference and
on needs.
manipulation involved here.
It can be arranged in star, ring, It exists in bus and ring topologies.
mesh and bus topologies.
Major impact on cost,
capacity of network based on
selection and availability of
Has major impact on speed and
delivery of data packets. It also
handles flow control and ordered
delivery of data packets.
It is actual route concerned with It is a high level representation of
data flow.
the Data path followed of the network.
Types of Physical Topologies include ,
Bus Topology
In a Bus topology, all the computers are connected through a single cable, which acts
as the backbone of the network. Only one host can transmit data at a time , only when
the bus is free. Bus topology is very less expensive as one continuous cable is used.
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Advantages of Bus topology
It is easy to connect or dis-connect devices in this network without affecting any
other device.
Easy to extend by joining the two cables together.
It works very efficiently when there is a small network.
It is the easiest network topology for connecting peripherals or computers in a
linear manner.
Disadvantages of Bus Topology
The Bus topology is very slow as compared to other topologies.
Additional devices slows down the network.
If a main cable is damaged, whole network fails.
Bus topology is not great for large networks.
Troubleshooting of separate device’s issues is very hard.
Mesh Topology
Mesh topology is a type of network topology in which each computer is connected to
every other computer in the network.It is the most fault tolerant network topology as it
has multiple connections. This topology setup allows for most transmissions to be
distributed even if one of the connections goes down. It is a topology commonly used
for wireless networks.
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Advantages of a Mesh topology
A fault is analyzed easily
There is no traffic problem as there are dedicated point to point links for each
Provides high privacy and security.
Disadvantages of Mesh topology
A lot of cabling is required. Therefore, the costs incurred in setup and
maintenance are high.
There are high chances of redundancy in many of the network connections.
Installation is a difficult and complicated procedure because of the structure and
connecting all nodes to each other.
Star Topology
In Star topology, all the components of network are connected to the central device
called “hub” which may be a hub, a router or a switch. All the data on the star topology
passes through the central device before reaching the intended target.
The Hub acts as an intersection to connect different nodes present in the Star Network,
and at the same time it manages and controls the network.
Advantages of Star Topology
Easy to connect new nodes or devices. In star topology new nodes can be
connected easily without affecting rest of the network. Also, components can
also be removed easily.
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It provides very high speed of data transfer.
Due to Hub device network control and management is much easier.
Easy to discover problems because cable failure only affect a single user.
Disadvantages of Star Topology
Entire performance of the network depends on the single device hub.
If the hub device goes down, the whole network will be down.
Requires more wires compared to the ring and bus topology.
The use of hub, a router or a switch as central device increases the whole cost
of the network.
Cabling cost is high.
Ring Topology
Ring topology is a network configuration where the connected devices create a circular
path for the data to travel. Each host machine gets connected to two others, creating
points on a circle that allows for communication to occur. Data packets travel from
device to the next up until they reach their intended destination.
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Advantages of Ring Topology
Flow of data is in circular manner which reduces the chance of packet crash.
Ring topology delivers good communication over a long distance.
The maintenance of ring network is much easier compared to the bus network.
There is no need of network server to maintain the flow of data.
Ring network is less costly compared to the other topologies.
Disadvantage of Ring Topology
A single damage in the cable can cause disruption in the entire network.
It is slower in performance as compared to the bus topology.
Adding and removal of any node during a network is challenging and may cause
problem in network activity.
Difficult to troubleshoot network issues.
Not Scalable.
Tree Topology
Tree topology is the combination of star and bus topology. A tree topology is a structure
type where computers, terminals, servers, and peripherals get connected in a shape of
branches on a tree. In a tree topology, nodes of the underlying bus network topology
are switched with a complete star topology. This topology is generally used on larger
networks. In a tree topology, there can be only one connection among any two
connected nodes. Because any two nodes can have only one mutual connection, tree
topologies form a natural parent and child hierarchy.
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Advantages of Tree Topology
It delivers high scalability, as nodes can add more nodes in the hierarchical
It provides easy maintenance and fault identification.
Each segment is delivered with dedicated point-to-point wiring to the central
If one segment is damaged, other segments are not affected.
Disadvantages of Tree Topology
Because of its basic structure, tree topology, relies heavily on the main bus
cable, if it breaks whole network is down.
As more and more nodes and segments are connected, the maintenance becomes
Scalability of the network depends on the type of cable used.
Hybrid Topology
A hybrid topology is a type of network topology that uses two or more different network
topologies. These topologies can include a combination of bus topology, mesh
topology, ring topology, star topology, and tree topology.
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Advantages of Hybrid topology
It has far better fault tolerance. The section where fault is found could probably be
singled out from the rest of network and necessary restorative steps could be taken,
without impacting the functioning of rest of the network.
One of the key advantages of this topology is it’s flexibility. The topology is
formed, so that it can be implemented for a variety of separate network
environment. Hybrid Network can be created in line with the demands of the
corporation and by maximizing the existing resources.
The most important advantage of this topology is that the weakness of the different
topologies connected are disregarded and only the strengths are taken into concern.
For instance, ring topology has good data reliability and star topology has high
tolerance capability, so these two function quite well in hybrid star-ring topology.
Hybrid networks are built in a manner which enables for easy combination of new
hardware components like additional concentration points. It’s quite simple to
extend the size of network with the addition of new elements, without interrupting
the existing architecture.
Disadvantages of Hybrid topology
The network hubs required for hybrid topology networking are expensive to purchase
and maintain. The cost of this topology is higher in comparison to the other topologies.
The hubs used to connect two distinct networks are expensive. These hubs are not the
same as usual hubs since they have to be smart enough to work with different types
architectures and should be able to function even when a portion of network is down.
As hybrid architectures are usually larger in scale, they may require a lot of cables,
advanced network devices, etc.
Due to the fact that different topologies connect in a hybrid topology, handling the
topology gets complicated. It is not easy to design this type of architecture and it’s a
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difficult job for designers. Configuration and installation procedure needs to be very
1.5 The most suitable Network topology for the company is the Hybrid topology
because it is the most versatile topology out of the others and the most effective due to
its characteristics mentioned above.
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Task 02
2.1 Operating Principles of Network devices
Switches generally have a more intelligent role than hubs. A switch is a multiport device
that improves network efficiency. The switch maintains limited routing information
about nodes in the internal network, and it allows connections to systems like hubs or
routers. Components of LANs are usually connected using switches. Generally,
switches can read the hardware addresses of incoming packets to transmit them to the
suitable destination. Switches also increase network security because the virtual circuits
are more difficult to observe with network monitors. There are two types of switches,
managed or unmanaged. The managed type of switch is much easier to set up
A router is hardware device designed to receive, analyze and move incoming packets
to another network. A router is a key network security device. You cannot set up a
network without one. A router is a device that links different networks together. The
router will use the best way to communicate among networks and devices. The router
can be configured to which the computer priority needs.
Wireless (Wi-Fi) routers
Wireless routers provide Wi-Fi access to smartphones, laptops, and other devices with
Wi-Fi network capabilities. Also, they may deliver standard Ethernet routing for a small
number of wired network devices.
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Network Bridge
A network bridge may be a device that divides a network into segments. Each segment
represents a separate collision domain, therefore the number of collisions on the
network is reduced. Each collision domain has its own separate bandwidth, so a bridge
also increases the network performance. It checks incoming traffic and decide whether
to forward it or filter it. Each incoming Ethernet frame is inspected for destination MAC
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Hubs connect numerous computer networking devices together. A hub also acts as a
repeater in that it amplifies signals that weakens after traveling long distances over
connecting cables. A hub is the simplest in the family of network connecting devices
because it connects LAN components with identical protocols. A hub can be used with
both digital and analog data, provided its settings have been configured to prepare for
the formatting of the incoming data. For example, if the incoming data is in digital
format, the hub must pass it on as packets; however, if the incoming data is analog, then
the hub passes it on in signal form.
Hubs do not execute packet filtering or addressing functions, they just send data packets
to all connected devices.
Gateways provide translation between networking technologies such as Open System
Interconnection (OSI) and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Because of this, gateways connect two or more separate networks, each with its own
routing algorithms, protocols, topology, domain name service, and network
administration procedures and policies.
Gateways performs all of the tasks of routers and more. In fact, a router with added
translation functionality is a gateway. The function that does the translation between
different network technologies is called a protocol converter.
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2.2 The devices which we can use to enhance security of VIDCO-19 Kandy Branch.
A firewall device is one of the first step of defense in a network because it separates
one network from another. Firewalls can be individual systems or they can be involved
in other infrastructure devices, such as routers or servers. It can be found on both
hardware and software firewall solutions, some firewalls are available as appliances
that serve as the main device separating two networks.
The unwanted and undesirable network traffic from entering the organization’s systems
is blocked by the Firewall.
There are two commonly used types of firewall policies which can be used in VIDCO19 the two types are ,
Only the specifically listed as acceptable are accepted and the other connections are
denied by the Firewall.
Only the specifically listed as unacceptable are unaccepted and all the other connections
are allowed by the Firewall.
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
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An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a technique of network security that works to
identify and avoid recognized threats. Intrusion prevention systems constantly monitor
the network, searching for possible malicious events and taking information about
them. The IPS reports these events to system administrators and takes blocking action,
such as closing access points and configuring firewalls to avoid future attacks. IPS
solutions can also be used to identify issues with corporate security policies and
network guests from violating the rules these policies contain.
Intrusion detection system (IDS)
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a
network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. Any intrusion activity or
violation is usually reported either to an administrator or collected centrally using a
security information and event management (SIEM) system. A SIEM system combines
outputs from multiple sources and uses alarm filtering techniques to distinguish
malicious activity from false alarms.
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Proxy Server
A Proxy server is basically a separate hub that allows another server to connect.
Usually, the connection is to the Internet. In this occasion, the server would request
information, and send that request through the proxy server. The proxy would
ultimately send the request to the Internet connection.
They can also limit access to certain types of information online so this could be used
to hopefully avoid access to potentially harmful sites.
Using a proxy server, speeds up Internet access by caching specific files. This reduces
bandwidth consumption, which is an important benefit for the company.
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2.3 Importance of networking software
What is a Networking Software ?
Networking software is a foundational element for any network. It helps administrators
install, manage, and monitor a network. Traditional networks are made up of
specialized hardware, such as routers and switches, that bundle the networking software
into the solution. Software defined networking (SDN) separates that software from the
hardware, making it easier to transform and adjust the network to quickly meet
changing network demands. The separation of functions from hardware, such as
firewalls or load balancing, is called network functions virtualization (NFV).
The functions are ,
Assists to set up and install computer networks
Enables users to have access to network resources in a smooth manner
Allows administrations to add or remove users from the network
Assists to define locations of data storage and allows users to access that data
Assists administrators and security system to protect the network from data
intruders, unauthorized access and attacks on a network
Enables network virtualizations
Networking softwares which can be used in a network design.
Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS)
The Cisco IOS (Internetwork Operating System) is a proprietary operating system that
delivers routing, switching, and internetworking features. It controls and manages the
hardware on which it runs. Technically, it provides an interface between a user and the
hardware, allowing the user to execute commands to configure and manage the Cisco
device. the IOS was developed for Cisco routers, but a few years later Cisco decided to
use the IOS to its other platforms, including the Catalyst switches. Currently, the IOS
runs on most Cisco routers as well as a growing number of Cisco Catalyst switches
such as Catalyst 2960 and 3560 series switches.
Functions of the IOS are ,
To transfer network protocols and functions
To connect between different data link layer technologies
To connect high speed traffic between devices
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To secure network resources
To control unauthorized access
To provide scalability for ease of network growth
To keep the network stable and reliable
IBM AIX is an enterprise class UNIX operating system (OS) for the POWER processor
architecture found in IBM Power Systems. It has a infrastructure that is secure, highly
available and able to adjust quickly to varying business needs. AIX delivers these
capabilities and more, with the performance, reliability and security that the company
critical data demands.
The functions of IBM AIR are ,
AIX Live Update: OS fixes without reboot downtime
Power Systems Dynamic Flash Cache: Transparent SSD caching
Dynamic System Optimizer (DSO): Tune software in real time
Active Memory Expansion: Improve use of physical memory
Binary Compatibility Guarantee: No need to recompile
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2.4 The importance of Servers in computer networks Servers
What is a server ?
A server is a software or hardware device that receives and responds to requests made
over a network. The device that makes the request, and receives a response from the
server, is called a client. On the Internet, the term "server" commonly refers to the
computer system that receives requests for a web files and sends those files to the client.
Servers not only help the business with data storage, but they will also improve
efficiency and productivity. As employees can access data and information from any
workstation it means they can work from home, while travelling or from a different
The benefits of using a server in the network,
A server gives the network a lot of reliability
For instance, if having four working PCs on an interlinked network connection. If one
PC fails (on basis of any motherboard, hard disk or power supply faults) on the
interlinked network, the entire system goes down until the problems are treated
successfully with proper solutions.
A server, on the other hand is an effective solution to such a serious issue. Server
hardware maintains unnecessary hardware to overcome these issues at moment’s
notice. In such cases, the failure of one device does not guarantee the failure of the
entire server system. Therefore, it can continue to serve the business with satisfaction
even after the failure of a slight little linked device unlike the interlinked PCs.
Reliability which is wanted is got.
A server provides the business with network security
By creating well-known group and individual accounts, individual right can be assigned
to users based on the nature and amount of data they can access on basis of their
requirements. This can bring down unauthorized data access to a great extent and can
provide the network with additional security that the company had wanted for in the
For instance, If the company have a sales team and a HR team, both would not be able
to access data of one another even if the entire data is present on a single server.
A server provides the business with an effortless remote accessibility
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A Windows 2008 server would give the option to have 2 remote users on its network at
the same time by default. And it also give the opportunity to add as many remote users
the company wants in the near future through Remote Desktop licensing or a 3rd party
software. Therefore, geographical obstacles stop to be a problem anymore. The staff
will be able to work remotely and access files on the server whenever they want
wherever they are. They would also be able to access their individual company emails
from any web browser on their respective devices whenever they want from anywhere
in the world.
A server provides the business with a centralized back up facility
Data losses take place generally in workplaces for several reasons ranging from
machine failures to carelessness. These things create huge problems especially when
the workplace functions in lack of a server.
A server can be considered a blessing in this aspect because it supports a lot in
smoothing up the data backup process. The company will be able to back up all the data
including the mails to a centralized storage on the server and reduce all the stresses
associated with data losses thereby, improving the workplace productivity at the same
A server system supports in proper virus management
A server system can help a lot in appropriate virus management. The system
administrator will be able to deploy the anti-virus software from a single PC to each
workstation PC connected on the network, by running a network wide scan as a whole
(including the devices connected on the WiFi network) and remove all sorts of viruses
if any. So it will be able to see very well that this convenience is basically unmatched.
The compact server system, the entire virus management process can be done from a
single PC itself. Always that the expenses experienced in creating a server based
network is not just a cost, It’s an investment,an invest having high ROI(Return on
Investment)especially when the business is small, scheme is concerned. It’s definitely
going to benefit in the long run.
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Types of servers
Application Server
Also known as a type of middleware, it occupies a substantial amount of computing
region between database servers and the end user, and is commonly used to connect the
Mail Server
It transfers and stores emails over corporate networks through LANs, WANs and across
the Internet.
Proxy Server
It acts as a mediator between a client program and an external server to filter requests,
improves performance and share connections.
Web Server
A web server is a server that runs on websites. It is also called a computer program.
The main task of web servers is to store, process, and deliver. A web server program
uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), which serves files for users that create web
pages. Dedicated computers and applications are also known as web servers.
File Server
A file server is a network that supports to transfer stored files. The file server stores and
manages all the files in a computer and sends a copy of the file to the other computer
on the request of the users. It shares the storage of computer files such as documents,
sound files, photographs, images, databases, etc. These types of servers is used mainly
on the local network.
Database server
A database server is a computer system that provides other computers with services
related to accessing and retrieving data from a database. Access to the database server
may happen via a "front end" running locally a user's machine or "back end" running
on the database server itself, accessed by remote shell. After the information in the
database is retrieved, it is outputted to the user requesting the data.
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The most Common Severs and Workstations which are used today,
PowerEdge T140 Tower Server
Intel® Celeron G4930 3.2GHz, 2M cache, 2C/2T, no turbo (54W)
Operating System
Canonical® Ubuntu® Server LTS
Citrix® Hypervisor ®
Microsoft® Windows Server® with Hyper-V
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux
SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server
VMware® ESXi®
DIMM Speed up to 2666MT/s
Memory Type UDIMM
Memory Module Slots 4
Maximum RAM UDIMM 64G
Storage Controllers
Internal Controllers
PERC H330, H730p, HBA330
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External Controllers (non-RAID)
12 Gbps SAS HBA
Software RAID
Internal BOOT
Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem (BOSS):
2 x M.2 240GB (RAID 1 or No RAID)
1 x M.2 240GB (No RAID only)
Cryptographically signed firmware
Silicon Root of Trust
Secure Boot
Secure Erase
System Lockdown (requires OpenManage Enterprise)
TPM 1.2/2.0, TCM 2.0 optional
Front panel: 1x USB 3.0, 1x iDRAC micro USB 2.0 management port
Back panel: 2x USB 3.0, 4x USB 2.0, VGA, serial connector
Internal USB: 1x internal USB 3.0
Up to 4 x 3.5" SAS/SATA (HDD), max 16TB
Dell PowerEdge R610
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Intel® Xeon® processor 5500 and 5600 series
Six-core Intel® Xeon®
Dual-core Intel® Pentium®
Quad-core Intel® Xeon®
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012
Microsoft Windows® Small Business Server 2011
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2, x86/x64 (x64 includes Hyper-V®)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, x64 (includes Hyper-V v2)
Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008 R2
Novell® SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server
Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®
Up to 192GB
Up to 1333MT/s DDR3
12 DIMM slots: 1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB/16GB
Storage Controllers
Internal Controllers
PERC H200 (6Gb/s)
PERC H700 (6Gb/s) (nonvolatile battery-backed cache:
512MB, 1GB)
SAS 6/iR
PERC 6/i (battery-backed
cache: 256MB)
External Controllers
PERC H800 (6Gb/s) (non-volatile
battery-backed cache: 512MB, 1G)
PERC 6/E (battery-backed cache:
256MB, 512MB)
External HBAs (non-RAID):
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Hot-plug Hard Drive Options:
2.5” SAS SSD, SATA SSD, SAS (10K, 15K), nearline SAS (7.2K), SATA
Max Up to 12TB
HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10
Intel® Xeon® Scalable 8100 series
Intel® Xeon® Scalable 6100 series
Intel® Xeon® Scalable 5100 series
Intel® Xeon® Scalable 4100 series
Intel® Xeon® Scalable 3100 series
Operating System
Canonical Ubuntu
Citrix XenServer
Microsoft Windows Server
Oracle Solaris
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server
12 DDR4
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Up to 2666 MT/s
Storage Controllers
Software RAID
HPE Smart Array S100i SR Gen10 SW RAID
Essential RAID Controller
HPE Smart Array E208i-a SR Gen10 Controller
HPE Smart Array E208i-p SR Gen10 Controller
HPE Smart Array E208e-p SR Gen10 Controller
Performance RAID Controller
HPE Smart Array P408i-a SR Gen10 Controller
HPE Smart Array P408i-p SR Gen10 Controller
HPE Smart Array P408e-p SR Gen10 Controller
HPE Smart Array P816i-a SR Gen10 Controller
Up to 190TB
UEFI Secure Boot and Secure Start support
Immutable Silicon Root of Trust
FIPS 140-2 validation (iLO 5 certification in progress)
Common Criteria certification (iLO 5 certification in progress)
Configurable for PCI DSS compliance
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Triple Data Encryption Standard
(3DES) on browser
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Dell Precision 7920
Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable Operating System CPUs with up to 28 cores
per processor
Operating System
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (up to 4 Cores)
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations (4 Cores Plus)
Up to 1.5TB 2666MHz DDR4 ECC memory with dual CPUs, up to 3TB
NVIDIA Quadro P4000
Up to 8 x 1TB drives
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HP Z620
Intel Xeon E5-2643 (3.3GHz, 10MB cache, 4 cores)
Operating system
Windows 10 Pro
96GB 1600MHz DDR3
1TB SATA 7200RPM 6Gb/s 3.5" HDD
NVIDIA Quadro K2000
Expansion slots
2 PCIe Gen3 x16
Storage controller
Integrated SATA 6.0Gb/s
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I recommend the PowerEdge T140 Tower Server and the HP Z620 as the work station
for VIDCO-19 considering the company needs high performance devices due to its
being a software company and have a large number of employees, so the employees
would have an efficient workflow without any problematic situations such as lags
which causes delays and effects the ongoing workflow.
2.5 Importance of having compatible devices and related software
in network design.
The company network is part of the basic infrastructure of any business. It is also an
important component, for it enables teamwork and provides access to the Internet. It
also allows for all members of staff (including management) to share a company’s
hardware, printers, servers, and services, and accordingly communicate and exchange
data with one another.
A variety of devices are required to build a network. The router connects the company’s
local network (LAN/WLAN) to the wide area network (WAN), the Internet, and the
outside world. Switches, hubs, cables, wireless technology, and power supplies connect
computers, VoIP phones, printers, and servers to the router and to each other.
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The above stated network devices make up the network infrastructure. To keep these
devices up and running as smoothly as possible, a few basic conditions are required.
The company must decide how data is exchanged between these devices and invest in
specific network device management. When met, these conditions make
troubleshooting more effective than ever. By spending less time identifying problems,
the company not only keep interruption to a minimum, but also save money and avoid
losses in transactions.
Networking software is a initial element for any network. It helps administrators install,
manage, and monitor a network. Traditional networks are made up of specialized
hardware, such as routers and switches, that bundle the networking software into the
solution. Software defined networking (SDN) separates that software from the
hardware, making it easier to transform and adapt the network to quickly meet changing
network demands. The separation of functions from hardware, such as firewalls or load
balancing, is called network functions virtualization (NFV).
Network software is not the same as software applications. The former exposes the
inner-workings of the network to administrators, while software applications enable
end users to perform specific tasks. Network software is “invisible” to end users it is
simply used to simplify the access those users have to network resources, in a seamless
The basic functionality includes both user management and file management. User
management enables administrators to add or remove users from the network. File
management allows administrators to define the location of data storage and user access
to that data.
Network software allows multiple devices, such as desktops, laptops, mobile phones,
tablets, and other systems to connect to one another, as well as other networks. The
internet is a major example of a globally connected system of servers and computers
that depend on on networking software to certify accessibility by end users.
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Task 03
3.1 VLAN and IP subnetting
VLAN (virtual LAN)
A VLAN (virtual LAN) is a subnetwork which can group together collections of
devices on separate physical local area networks (LANs). A LAN is a group of
computers and devices that share a communications line or wireless connection to a
server within the same environmental area.
VLANs make it easy for network administrators to partition a single switched network
to match the functional and security requirements of their systems without having to
run new cables or make major changes in the existing network infrastructure. VLANs
are often set up by larger businesses to re-partition devices for better traffic
IP subnetting
Subnetting is the preparation of dividing a network into two or more smaller networks.
It increases routing efficiency, enhances the security of the network and reduces the
size of the broadcast domain.
The VLAN and IP subnetting scheme for above scenario
No of VLAN Subnet mask
IP range
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and 25
Customer Care
Network Team
Server Room
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Cisco packet tracer
Packet Tracer is a cross-platform visual simulation tool designed by Cisco Systems that
allows users to create network topologies and imitate modern computer networks. The
software allows users to simulate the configuration of Cisco routers and switches using
a simulated command line interface. Packet Tracer makes use of a drag and drop user
interface, allowing users to add and remove simulated network devices as they see fit.
PuTTY is an open-source application making use of network protocols like Telnet and
rlogin in Windows and UNIX platforms in combination with an xterm terminal
emulator. Over a network, PuTTY makes use of all the above protocols to enable a
remote session on a computer. It is a popular tool for text-based communication and is
also a popular utility for connecting Linux servers from Microsoft operating systembased computers.
3.3 Network design
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3.4 Feedbacks for the design test
Network Engineer
1.Does the network system fulfill the
2.The security of this network?
3. User friendliness
4. The performance of this network?
5.Access speed
6. Server responses
Improve the security system in the
Network Engineer
1.Does the network system fulfill the
2.The security of this network?
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3. User friendliness
4. The performance of this network?
5.Access speed
6. Server responses
Improve the performance and security in
the network
Network Engineer
1.Does the network system fulfill the
2.The security of this network?
3. User friendliness
4. The performance of this network?
5.Access speed
6. Server responses
Improve the server response time in the
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3.5 Configuring Network services and Applications
Installing Windows server
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Configuration of Active Directory, DHCP and DNS
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3.6 Maintenance schedule for VIDCO-19’s Network system
Weekly Monthly Annually
Scanning for threats and errors
Data backup check
Network Cables and Switches check
System Update check
Hardware devices check
System Password update
Internet connection Check
Software check
Update Network diagram
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Task 04
4.1 Network configuration
Vlan configuration
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DHCP configuration
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4.2 VIDCO-19 Test cases for the Network design
Test case 1
DHCP Check successful
Test case 2
Pinging from Sales and Marketing to Developers department successful
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Test case 3
User access verification successful
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4.3 Why network monitoring is important in VIDCO-19 Kandy branch?
Network monitoring is unquestionably compulsory for the company without any doubt.
The entire purpose of it is to monitor the computer network’s usage and performance,
and to check for slow or failing systems. The system will then notify the network
administrator of any performance problems or errors with some kind of an alarm or an
email. This system will save a lot of money and reduce numerous problems. It is the
best probable way to safeguard that the company is functioning properly.
The below given factors are considered as well,
An advantage of network monitoring is its troubleshooting facilities. We can save a lot
of time trying to identify what is wrong. With network monitoring we can quickly tell
which device it is that’s giving we the problem. Our support team will be able to pick
up on a problem and fix it before the users are even aware of it. Because our monitoring
is endless, it can help us to find out certain movements in the performance of our
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network. When problems occur occasionally or at peak times they can be hard to
diagnose, but a network monitor will help us better to understand what is going on.
Save Time and Money
Network monitoring will save us both lots of time and lots of money. Without it, a lot
of time would have to be spent inspecting, which would result in more hours having to
be worked. This will not only cost more money but it will decrease efficiency. When
we can quickly point out and fix network issues we are increasing our profits. When
everything is running smoother, this gives us more time to run our company. When we
understand how all of our devices are being used, we are able to recognize what needs
additional disk space so it lets us to increase the capacity quickly and effectively.
One of the most important parts of network monitoring is keeping our information
secure. It will keep track of everything and alert the network administrator of any issues
before they become real major problems. A few of the things that a network monitor
can tell that is if something stops responding, our sever fails, or our disk space is running
low. Network monitoring is possibly the most active way to deal with problems so that
we can stay ahead of them, especially since our company will be monitored 24/7.
Planing for any Changes
With network monitoring, we can track if a device is running close to its limit and needs
to be changed. It gives us the ability to plan in advance and easily make any necessary
changes. All of the reports that we will have showing our activity and what type of
health our system is in will become convenient as great tools for our company. They
will allow us to easily prove to others what is happening and show why one of our
devices needs to be fixed or replaced.
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4.4 Network monitoring Tools
What is Network Monitoring?
The term network monitoring is common throughout the IT industry. Network
monitoring is a serious IT process where all networking components like routers,
switches, firewalls, servers are monitored for fault and performance and evaluated
continuously to maintain and optimize their availability. One important aspect of
network monitoring is that it should be practical. Finding performance issues and
blockages practically helps in identifying issues at the early stage. Efficient active
monitoring can prevent network interruptions or failures.
Significant benefits of network monitoring are as follows,
Clear visibility into the network
Through network monitoring, administrators can get a clear picture of all the connected
devices in the network, see how data is moving between them, and quickly identify and
diagnose issues that can weaken performance and lead to interruptions.
Better use of IT resources
The hardware and software tools in network monitoring systems reduce manual work
for IT teams. That means valuable IT staff have more time to offer to critical projects
for the company.
Early awareness into future set-up needs
Network monitoring systems can deliver reports on how network components have
performed over a particular period. By analyzing these reports, network administrators
can get ahead when the company may need to consider upgrading or implementing new
IT set-ups.
The capability to identify security threats faster
Network monitoring helps organizations understand what "normal" performance looks
like for their networks. So, when unfamiliar activity occurs, such as an unexplained
increase in network traffic levels, it's easier for administrators to identify the issue
quickly and to determine whether it may be a security threat.
The Network Monitoring which could be installed and configured is,
Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor
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SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor is easy to setup and can be ready in no time.
The tool automatically discovers network devices and installs within an hour. Its simple
approach to manage an entire network makes it one of the easiest to use and most
spontaneous user interfaces.
The product is highly customizable and the interface is easy to manage and change very
quickly. We are able to customize the web-based performance dashboards, charts, and
views. We are able to design a tailored topology for our entire network infrastructure.
We can also create customized dependency-aware intelligent alerts and much more.
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Solarwinds NPM has an Extensive Feature list that make it One of the Best Choices for
Network Monitoring, including,
Automatically Network Discovery and Scanning for Wired and Wifi Computers
and Devices
Quickly Pinpoint Issues with Network Performance with NetPath™ Critical
Path visualization feature
Easy to Use Performance Dashboard to Analyze Critical Data points and paths
across your network
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Robust Alerting System with options for Simple/Complex Triggers
Monitor CISCO ASA networks with their New Network Insight™ for CISCO
Monitor ACL’s, VPN, Interface and Monitor on Cisco ASA
Monitor Firewall rules through Firewall Rules Browser
Step by step Analysis of Critical Network Paths and Components
Automatically Discover Networks and Map them along with Topology Views
Manage, Monitor and Analyze Wifi Networks within the Dashboard
Generate HeatMaps of Wifi Networks to pin-point Wifi Dead Spots
Monitors Hardware Health of all Servers, Firewalls, Routers, Switches,
Desktops, laptops and more.
Real-Time Network and Netflow Monitoring for Critical Network Components
and Devices
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4.5 Troubleshooting
Steps for following situations
Everything is working normally but suddenly the connection goes
away, and then comes back, and then goes away again on client
Step 1: Restart the modem and router
Just like the computer can freeze up and need a reboot, the modem and router can do
the same. If either device is no longer doing its work, restarting may be all that’s needed
to get it up and running again.
Unplug the modem and router and leave them disconnected from the power for at least
15 seconds. Then plug them back in, modem first, then router. If they don’t start
powering up immediately, look for a Power button. Most devices need about 2 minutes
to fully power on. If the devices aren’t working once this is complete, move on to Step
2. Be sure not to RESET the modem ,This will clear all important Internet connection
settings from the modem and will then need a reconfiguration.
Step 2: Check the lights
The modem and router may have indicator lights that tell whether they’re working. If
so, analysis these. If they say they’re working, but the devices still don’t have internet,
move to Step 3.
Step 3: Forget and rejoin the wireless network
The phone or tablet remembers information about the wireless network so that it can
quickly reconnect. But if something goes wrong with the network, the devices may be
remembering some corrupt information. Look for an option on the device to forget the
wireless network. Doing this, then rejoining. If that doesn’t fix the issue, move to Step
Step 4: Call the ISP(Internet Service Provider)
If the above steps don’t resolve the problem (and especially if the modem and router
display that something’s not working), it’s time to call the specific Internet Service
Provider (ISP). Sometimes it’s a simple fix on their end where they send a reset
command to the modem. Other times there’s a more widespread outage affecting
multiple customers. Calling in is the best way to get an idea when this will be fixed.
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Network cable plugged in, but getting no connection.
Step 1: Install the latest drivers
This issue can appear if the network adapter doesn’t have the necessary drivers installed
Step 2: Replacing the Ethernet cable
If this issue still occurs, we might have to replace the Ethernet cable. Before purchasing
a new cable, we should test the same cable on a different PC to see if it works. If the
problem occurs on two or more different devices, be sure to replace the cable.
Step 3: Restart / reset the router
In some cases, this error can appear if the router configuration is not correct, and in
order to fix this problem it is advised to restart the router. To do that, just turn the router
off and turn it back on and check if the problem appears again. If the issue still
continues, we might have to reset the router. To see how to properly reset the router we
must be sure to check the router’s instruction manual.
Step 4: Run the network troubleshooter
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4.6 Future enhancements for the networked system
• Updating software and firmware
Advancements in technology and the software that runs on it do not always keep pace
with each other. We may have new programs running on old machines, or old programs
running on new one either way, it is questionable that they’ll work well together.
Configuration of VPN (Virtual Private Network) server
VPN server must be used in the network system because VPN use powerful encryption
protocols to protect online data while we browse the web . The network can be increased
with the implementation of VPN. The great advantage of using VPN is that the
information can be accessed remotely from any place which can increase the
Provide a separate guest network
The company can deploy a separate network for guests to access so they can connect to
the web while the business resources are kept separate.
Implement load balancing
Its advanced traffic management functionality can help business requests more
efficiently to the correct resources for each end user.
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4.7 Conclusion
In conclusion, a network is two or more computers connected together using a
telecommunication system for the purpose of communicating and sharing resources.
Without having a network, VIDCO-19 would not be able to share resources and
increase productivity more efficiently. The WAN network allowed VIDCO-19 to use
the internet over large ranges. This provided the company to have meetings overseas
and sharing data over the network. As you can see, Networks have many benefits to the
end user. Weather the Network is Wired or Wireless, Networks are an important part
of technology. In this case design, planning, Configuration and testing of the network
are the key factors which are considered when it comes to building a network. The
company’s requirements must be met to run a successful network such as managing the
employees’ traffic and separating the network according to the departments comes
under planning. The next factor to consider will be the network design, the design
causes a big impact on the system for it is a major factor to be considered. Next will be
configuring the network design in-order to make the network work as per meeting the
requirements of VIDCO-19, each and every module must be checked properly for an
error free network, so that the devices may operate efficiently. And after that the
network must be tested before implementing, in order to test the network, it is required
to go through every module looking for any faults which may cause a problem. After
every step is completed successfully the network will be implemented in VIDCO-19 as
shown above
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Douglas E. Comer. Internetworking with TCP/IP – Principles, Protocols and
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The success and final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and
assistance from Mr. Geeth and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the
completion of my assignment work. Whatever I have done is only due to such guidance
and assistance and I would not forget to thank him. I respect and thank all my colleagues
at the ESoft metro campus, for providing me all support and guidance which made me
complete the assignment on time . I am extremely grateful to be a part of this amazing
team. Thanking you,
P.V. Godrick Naveen
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Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria
Achieved Feedback
LO1 : Examine networking principles and their protocols.
Discuss the benefits and constraints of
different network types and standards.
Explain the impact of network
bandwidth requirements.
principles and how protocols enable
the effectiveness of networked
LO2 : Explain networking devices and operations
Discuss the operating principles of
networking devices and server types.
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Discuss the inter-dependence
of workstation hardware with
relevant networking software.
Explore a range of server types
and justify the selection of a
server, considering a given
scenario regarding cost and
performance optimization.
LO 1 & LO2
Considering a given scenario,
identify the topology protocol
selected for the efficient
utilisation of a networking
LO3 : Design efficient networked systems
Design a networked system to
meet a given specification.
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Test and evaluate the design to
meet the requirements and
analyze user feedback.
Install and configure network
services and applications on your
Design a maintenance schedule to
support the networked system.
LO4 : Implement and diagnose networked systems
Implement a networked system
based on a prepared design.
Document and analyze test
results against expected results.
Recommend potential
enhancements for the networked
Use critical reflection to evaluate
own work and justify valid
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