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An Essay on how your Last Day would Be

How would you spend your last day if you knew you had only one more day to live?
The Most Important Story
We Will Ever Write in Life is Our Own
Not With Ink, But with Our Choice
Richard Paul Evans from the Book the Four Doors
In 2015, 10 days after my daughter was born with a condition called microtia, an ear
deformity where she was born with only 1 ear, my caesarean wound got infected
severely due to not proper rest and stress. I came to the doctor’s appointment for a
check on my wound. I was in my O&G doctor’s office crying non-stop and I asked my
doctor, ‘why me, Doctor’. I didn’t find the answer then. I came out of the office burn
out, sat in a chair faraway and broke down whipping. I refused to go home. I couldn’t
accept this happened to my baby. My husband, my family tried to console me, I didn’t
hear none. This was my first panic attack which was unknown to me.
I was diagnosed on post-partum depression later and was put on depression
medication and sleeping pill on daily basis. The most support that I wanted during time
from mother didn’t came to me. Now I realise, she had gone through the same with
me so she couldn’t support me. After all this, I started having constant fear of me dying
daily leaving my daughter behind. I had panic attacks daily without me realizing it was
one and I didn’t spoke to anyone. It came to a point where I didn’t drive my car for
almost 2 years, fearing I may die in the car. I couldn’t sleep alone. I had multiple panic
attacks for the past 7 years but my choice was always to fight it. After 7 years of
medication and panic attacks here we come, finally facing my biggest fear that I have
still to day. I have 1 more day to live. If I know for real that I have one more to life only,
I would life it with utmost calm, I guess, because I have lived this past 7 years thinking
about it!
Since it’s the last day, I want to live it in my own terms I will wake up at 4am to
make the most of my day. First thing first, I will have a cup of coffee and would go for
a walk, enjoying the scenery and get some fresh air and appreciate nature by thanking
the sun and the universe for giving me this amazing life. Next, I would sit to write letters
and record videos for my daughter, so she remembers me always. Next, after a good
shower, I will enjoy my most favourite breakfast from McDonald’s, the Big Breakfast.
Before my daughter and husband wake up, I will sort out my clothing to be given to
orphanage, and will clear my library and my work table fast to give the space for my
daughter to use in the future.
My most prized and important possessions of all time, my book collection
comprising Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Marry Higgins Clack, Jane Austen, colouring
books and my self-help books, I will put aside for my daughter. Also, will do the same
for my collection of watches. Following this, I will call my lawyer drafting my last will to
appoint my husband as guardian for my daughter and my house will be given to my
daughter when she becomes 21. My saving and the EPF fund I will allocate for my
parents. I will also register as an organ and tissue donor online. I will also write a short
note on how to conduct my funeral services.
Next, I will cook both my husband’s and my daughter’s favourite meal. After
getting her ready, I will sit with them to enjoy the meal and their company. I will read
my daughter all the stories she wants me to read. She has complained many times
nowadays that I don’t spend enough time with her due to my tuition classes, my
assignments, cooking and cleaning. So, today I will make sure to play with her all she
wants, with her Elsa and other dolls. I normally schedule my dance day with her on
Saturday night but today I will have it again. I will play all our favourite songs and dance
with her. After the dance and a small rest, I would go for a visit to my parents’ house.
My father, mother and my grandmother are my biggest pillar, through my tough times
facing doctors telling my daughter may never be able to talk or listen. I made sure she
talks and listens well.
Both my parents had come around to become my biggest supporter and I love
them. So, I will stay with them for lunch and talk stories with them, cherishing every
moment. Last before leaving, I will ask for forgiveness and blessing from them and
hug them tight as usual. Next, I will visit my in-laws. They have been the biggest
supporter for me these past years. I will never be able to re-pay them. After a small
talk, I will ask for their forgiveness and blessings and head to home. I will then sit to
order gifts online for everyone in my family. So, they have something to remember me
by. I will record video for my lovely students and wish them luck in their future.
After a good shower, I will have a light meal with my daughter and husband
while listening to my favourite songs. Will call my immediate friends and speak to them
for a while. I will read a story for my daughter and put her to sleep. Will hug her tight
telling her that no matter what, my love will be with her always. I will write my last letter
to her, how she has changed me for better, that she is the best gift GOD has given
me, I was chosen to be the mother of a special child with a little regret because I didn’t
realize it before. I will sit to pray to GOD and thanking for all he has given me. Finally,
I will spend the last part of my day with my husband, talking until I drift to sleep while
holding my daughter in my hand.
Lesson 3
Revise the following paragraph to make it coherent.
Krakatoa is a volcano located in an Indonesian island. In 1883, the volcanic explosion
of Krakatoa produced the loudest noise known to history. The sound of the eruption
was so frightening and shockingly loud that it sent sound waves around the world four
time louder and it could be heard 5,000 miles away on the island of Rodriguez. People
claimed that the noise of the eruption sounded like cannon. The eruption, caused tidal
waves which travelled over 1300 kilometres destroying hundreds of villages and killing
more than 36,000 lives. The eruption released volcanic dust, ash and gases that was
scattered into atmosphere that caused brilliant sunsets for the next three years to
come and people all over the world experienced this phenomenon. Comparatively, the
force of Krakatoa explosion was only one fifth the force of the eruption that occurred
in an island called Thera which is located in the Aegan Sea. The volcanic eruption that
occurred in the island of Thera probably destroyed the Minoan civilization in 1470BC.
Travelling was once a very favourite activity of many to unwind with family, to discover
others culture, heritage, food and to experience the unique essence of a location.
However, during this pandemic of Covid-19, tourism has hit the rock bottom causing
many hotels, tourism location to shutdown causing billions of lost to many countries
including our country Malaysia. Growing up, I have always dreamed of visiting all over
Malaysia to experience the food and the uniqueness of every location. So, when I had
the chance, I went to Terrengganu, Kelantan, Pahang, Langkawi, Melaka and
experienced all I dreamed of. I still have some on my bucket list which is visiting
Desaru, Fraser Hill and Penang.
So, when given an assignment on to write about a location in Malaysia through
internet search I was keen to know on which location all of us will choose and write
our report on as group. The assignment has highlighted that we had to choose a place
that is not very well known and we chose Kota Tinggi, Johor. I have never been to
Kota Tinggi before. I was assigned to write up on the Firefly Park located at Kota Tinggi
which I have never visited. So, I was excited on my quest on knowing more on Firefly
Park of Kota Tinggi.
As I started searching up about the firefly park, I discovered a lot interesting
information. Kota Tinggi also have other tourism locations such as Waterfall and fruit
farm, beaches and so on. The most intriguing fact was about the fireflies which I knew
not much about. I got to learn regarding how it emits the light, the reason behind it, the
park that provides boat services for visitors to view these breath-taking views. I took
note on all these information and started writing up my assignment on it. I had to collect
pictures too for this assignment and saw so many pictures posted by visitors in the
travel blogs. The pictures made me wonder on the amazing creation of nature. It gave
me a perspective on life that even a fly could be this unique.
Along with the write up, I had to prepare PowerPoint slides to accompany this
essay. Previously, as a person in charge for ISO 22000;2005, HACCP and GMP
documents in a food manufacturing company, I had done my fair share in doing and
presenting slides. However, I have left the industry 7 years ago, so my presenting
skills needed sharpening. I recorded the introduction slide for at least 10 times. It
took 2 hours to record for 3 slides! I learnt that; it is always important to keep in tract
with the development of technology.
In conclusion this assignment has made me add Kota Tinggi into my bucket list.
I plan to visit Kota Tinggi myself once this pandemic is over. Tourism in Malaysia is
also one industry that has created and developed new income opportunities to the
locals and improving their standard of living. Thus, tourism is not just about the
place but also about the people and the nature surrounding it.
Lesson 5
Argumentative Essay (Instructions)
This assignment carries 30% of your marks and is due by the end of Week 5. To submit, click on
Lesson 5 > Argumentative Essay (Submission) page.
TOPIC: Should the voting age be lowered to sixteen?
Write out your essay based on the above topic. The length of your essay should be BETWEEN 450650 words.
Ensure that your essay has:
an INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH (Introduce the Topic & Thesis Statement)
BODY PARAGRAPH (3 Main Ideas with Relevant Supporting Details, & 1 Counterargument
with Refutation)
Take note of the following:
Please ensure that you have done some RESEARCH on the given topic and include the
relevant information in your essay writing (Include In-text citation).
Reference Page (APA style)
Use font 11, Arial.
Spacing : 1.5
Before your essay submissions, email your essay to unitar.kmc@gmail.com (cc your lecturer)
for plagiarism check through Turnitin.com. If the plagiarism report exceeds 30%, edit according to
the report generated and resend for another plagiarism check.
Upload your essay in UNIEC Virtual OL if the plagiarism report shows 30% or below.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated as ‘0’ mark will be given if exceeds the maximum similarity
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