Uploaded by Amanda Armstrong

Astrology Course: Understand Your Chart & Transits

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How to use this course
1. Click on the pink box above. It is hyperlinked to take you to the course materials folder.
2. Begin with the folder 1. How to Pull Up Your Chart. In the video, you will be shown how to pull
up your chart and find your rising/ascendant sign.
3. Next, go to your rising sign folder to find recordings for your sign. You can follow along with
your chart to see the upcoming transits and the areas of your life that will be impacted by
4. I recommend listening to your rising sign recordings, with the option of listening to your sun
sign recordings for additional information (i.e., if your sun sign is in Aries, you can listen to Aries
5. You can stream the videos with an internet connection via Dropbox. If you find that the sound
quality skips, please download the recording before viewing, using the “Download” button in
the top right corner of Dropbox. I recommend using a laptop or computer, rather than a mobile
6. Questions about specifics? Feel free to ask them in the comments section to the right of the
video on Dropbox!
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Table of contents
1. How to Pull Up Your Chart – I walk you through how to pull up your chart in the whole sign
houses style of astrology I use. As the course is written in this style of astrology, this style of
chart will make the most sense with the recordings.
2.-13. Rising Sign Folders – Each rising sign folder includes:
1. A Reading for Your Sign
2. Printable Slides
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FAQ: What are aspects?
Conjunction: (0°-29° degrees – e.g. Mars and another planet both in the 3rd house)
Sextile (60 degrees – e.g. 1st house to 3rd house)
Square (90 degrees - e.g. 1st house to 4th house)
Trine (120 degrees – e.g. 1st house to 5th house)
Aspects won’t all make sense right away.
I encourage you to research aspects on your own and to remember that often the most important
discoveries about your chart will be done by you as you continue to investigate how these
combinations show up in your life and through your relationship to yourself.