GENETIC MUTATIONS Open and read the document “Genes are made of DNA”. Answer the following questions. Once completed, print it out and stick it in your book for future reference. 1. Define ‘mutation’. 2. Explain what a mutagen is. Give some examples of mutagens and how they act to cause mutations. 3. Compare a gene mutation and chromosome mutation. 4. Explain why mutations can result in a change in protein function. 5. Complete the following table: Type of mutation Point mutation Frameshift mutation Explanation Example Read the article “Disadvantages of mutations”, then complete the following: 1. Complete the summary using words from the wordlist: caused mutations defects treat occur invade cell increases function fertility cancer lifetime ability chemicals daughter age low Changes in a cell’s DNA are called ____________. Most mutations don’t harm the __________ but some cause significant problems by interfering with the cell’s ability to ______________ normally. Mutations normally occur throughout an organism’s ___________. They are passed on to _____________ cells when cell division takes place. As an organism gets older, the number of cells with mutations ____________ and its cells don’t function as well. Cancer is _________ by mutations. A tumour is a mass of mutated cells that have lost the ____________ to function. Sometimes cells break away from the tumour, to __________ other parts of the body and grow into secondary tumours. Once cancer reaches this stage it can be difficult to __________. Mutations in eggs and sperm can cause birth ____________ and miscarriages. The risk of these cells containing mutations increases with ___________ and can cause __________ problems in couples who wait too long before having children. Mutations occur at a ______________ rate throughout life but some __________ and some forms of radiation increase the rate at which mutations ______________. This is why smoking and sunbaking can cause ____________. 2. The risk of getting cancer increases as you get older. Suggest a reason why. 3. Explain why older couples have more fertility problems than younger couples. 4. X-rays cause mutations. If you need an X-ray, the radiologist taking it: a. will stand behind a protective screen. Why? b. may place a protective covering over your lap if there is a danger of X-rays reaching your ovaries or testes. Why?