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Thermodynamics Error Correction Worksheet - High School

Quarter 4 Week 5
What’s I Can Do
Directions: The entire test has been answered for you. Your job is to identify if the
given answers are correct. If there are errors, do the following in the
table after the test sample.
1. Copy the error and explain why this is wrong.
2. Write a correction of the identified error.
3. Then explain why your correction is right
1. Thermodynamics is the study of heat and its transmission into work.
2. The first law of thermodynamics also known as Law of Conservation of Energy,
states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. When an engine burns fuel,
it converts the energy stored in the fuel's chemical bonds into useful chemical work
and into heat.
3. Turning on a light would seem to produce energy. However, it is electrical energy
that is converted. This is an example of second law of thermodynamics.
4. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy per molecule in a
substance. It is also known to be a feeling of hot or cold.
5. In the law of conservation of energy, the system loses energy if heat is transferred to
it and loses it if it does work on another system, and the energy flow is reversed in
the opposite situations.
6. As explained in the first law of thermodynamics, when it comes to doing useful work
like running or powering a car, highly concentrated energy is easier to use and more
efficient than low concentrations of energy
Name: Alessandra Rian C. Acoba
Section: 9 – SSC Thomson
Quarter 3 Week 5
What’s I Can Do
Error-Correction Test Answer Sheet:
Identified Error
The first law of
thermodynamics also
known as Law of
Conservation of
Energy, states that
energy can neither be
created nor destroyed.
When an engine burns
fuel, it converts the
energy stored in the
fuel's chemical bonds
into useful chemical
work and into heat.
Correction of Error
Explanation of Error
The chemical energy in
The first law of
the fuel is converted into
thermodynamics also
heat first and then
known as Law of
having the burning fuel,
Conservation of Energy, it is converted into
states that energy can mechanical
neither be created nor Therefore, the energy
destroyed. When an
that is stored in the
engine burns fuel, it
fuel’s chemical bonds is
converts the energy
stored in the fuel's
mechanical work and
chemical bonds into
into heat.
useful mechanical work
and into heat.
According to the first law
energy can only be
transferred or changed
another. That means
that energy is converted.
The example shows an
example of the first law
of thermodynamics and
not the second law.
The system gains energy
In the law of
when heat is transferred
conservation of energy,
to it. If heat is added to
the system gains energy the system, the internal
if heat is transferred to
energy increases
it and loses it if it does
therefore it’ll gain not
work on another
lose. On the other hand,
system, and the energy
if the heat is removed,
flow is reversed in the
then the internal energy
opposite situations.
Turning on a light
Turning on a light would
would seem to produce seem to produce energy.
energy. However, it is
However, it is electrical
electrical energy that is energy that is converted.
converted. This is an
This is an example of
example of second law
first law of
of thermodynamics.
In the law of
conservation of energy,
the system loses
energy if heat is
transferred to it and
loses it if it does work
on another system,
and the energy flow is
reversed in the
opposite situations.
3 points
2 points
1 point
Errors are correctly and completely identified. Explanation
for error is accurate.
Correction is well done. Reason for error is logical.
Errors are correctly identified but not all are mentioned.
Explanation for error is
not clear. Correction is not right in some parts. Reason for
error is confusing in
some parts.
Errors are correctly identified but not all are mentioned.
Explanation for error is
missing. Correction is not done at all. Reason for error is
No errors are identified and no explanation are given
regarding the error. No
corrections and reasoning.