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Questions and Answers [55]
1. Database [SEE 2074] [SEE 2073] [SEE 2073 U] [SLC 2072] [SEE 2071 S] [SLC 2064] [SLC 2065]
A database is an organized collection of related information that can be used for different purpose so that it
can easily be accessed, managed, and updated.
E.g. Dictionary, Marks Ledger, Telephone Directory etc.
2. Electronic Database [SQE 2075K]
An electronic database refers to an organized collection of data stored in a computer in such a way that its content
can be easily accessed.
3. Computerized Database [SQE 2075K]
a) It can store large volume of data. It is very fast to find a specific record.
b) Data can be sorted into ascending or descending order on multiple criteria.
c) The database can be kept secure by use of passwords.
d) We can search data very easily.
e) Modification is very easy in comparison of manual database.
4. Non-Computerized Database
It is limited by physical storage available.
It can take a while to manually search through all of the
records. Difficult to sort data on more than one criteria.
The only security would be locking up the records.
5. Data [SEE 2073] [SLC 2064] [SLC 2070] [[SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2069 S]
Data can be numbers, letters or symbols representing facts and figures which may or may not give any sense.
E.g.: Ram, student, 20, etc.
6. Information [SLC 2070]
Information is an organized collection of related data, which gives a complete sense.
―Ram is a student. He is 20 years old.‖, is information that gives a complete sense.
7. DBMS (Database Management System) [SEE 2075 U] [SEE 2074 U] [SLC 2066] [SLC 2067] [SLC 2067
S] [SLC 2069 S] [SQC 2075K]
DBMS is a software which helps to extract, view and manipulate data in an organized way.
In DBMS, data can be accessed, managed and updated easily.
E.g.: MS-Access, Oracle, Fox pro, Dbase etc.
8. RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) [SQE 2074]
RDBMS is a database management system that is based on the relation model in which data is stored in the
form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables.
E.g.: SQL, MS-Access, Oracle, etc.
9. Importance / Advantages of DBMS / Computerized database [SEE 2075] [SLC 2071]
a) It controls data redundancy which means duplication of data.
b) It allows sharing the existing data by different programs.
c) Large volume of data can be stored and updated easily.
d) It provides high security of data as well as maintains accurate database.
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10. MS-Access
MS-Access is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft Corporation which is used
to store and manipulates large volume of data in the form of table.
11. Features of MS-Access
a) It provides the flexible ways to add, edit, delete and display the related data.
b) Queries help to view, change and analyse the data indifferent ways.
c) Forms are used for viewing and editing the information.
d) Reports are used for summarizing and printing the data.
12. Objects of MS-Access [SEE 2074 U] [SLC 2071]
a) Table
b) Form
c) Query
d) Report
13. Define table.
Table is an object of Ms-Access that stores large volume of data in the form of rows and columns.
The different ways to create table are:
i) Design view
ii) Using wizard
iii) Entering data
14. Importance of table
a) Different properties of a field can be set in a table.
b) It provides options for primary key which helps to make data consistent.
15. Form [SEE 2073 U] [SLC 2064] [SLC 2066] [SLC 2068] [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2069 S] [SQE 2075K]
[SQE 2074]
Form is an object of Ms-Access which provides graphical interface to enter data into the tables or multiple
linked tables.
Forms are usually displayed on the screen.
Forms generally provide a detailed took at records and usually for the people who actually work with the database.
Methods to create a form are:
i) By using auto forms features.
ii) By using the form wizard features.
iii) By using your own in design view.
16. Importance / Function / Advantages of form [SEE 2075] [SLC 2064] [SLC 2066] [SLC 2065 S]
[SLC 2070 S] [SQE 2074]
a) It provides an interactive platform for input of data into the database.
b) It helps to display data in more presentable form than a datasheet.
c) It gives a separate platform to handle data.
17. Query [SEE 2075 U] [SEE 2075 S2] [SLC 2072] [SLC 2065] [SLC 2069] [SEE 2066 S] [SLC 2068 S]
[MM 2076] [PMT 2075K]
Query is an object of Ms-Access which extracts and arranges information from a table in a manner that is
The different types of query are:
i) Select query
ii) Action query
In action query, we have update query, append query, delete query and make-table query.
18. Advantages of query [SLC 2065]
a) We can filer, perform calculations and summarize data.
b) Large volume of records can be updated or deleted at a same time.
c) It retrieves and display records including some fields or all the fields of a table or multiple linked tables.
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19. Purposes of query in MS-Access [PMT 2075K]
a) To view records including some fields or all the fields of a table or multiple linked tables.
b) To perform mathematical calculation of a data.
c) To sort the records on the basis of one or more key fields.
d) To perform mass update, delete or append new records to a table.
20. Select query
A select query is the most common category and is used for extracting specific information from one or
more tables in a database. It cannot make changes in tales.
We use select query to group records and perform calculations on field values in the groups such as sum,
count, average, minimum and maximum.
21. Action query
Action query is a query which makes changes to many records in just one operation.
22. Update query
Update query is a type of action query which make global changes to a group of records in one or more tables.
23. Append query
The use of append query is to add a group of records at the end from one or more tables. It can do changes
in tables by update, append.
24. Report [SEE 2074 U] [SEE 2071 S] [SLC 2070] [SLC 2067 S]
Report is an object of Ms-Access which displays the output in an effective way to present the data in a printed
Reports can be previewed on the screen, but they are usually printed.
Reports are often used to group and summarize data, and are often for the people who don‘t work with
the database but who use its information for other business task.
The data sources for report are table and query.
The methods of creating report are:
i) Using design view
ii) Using report wizard
25. Why is Report created? [SEE 2075 U] [SLC 2067]
Report is created to print documents according to user‘s specifications of the summarized information through
query or table.
26. Importance of report [SEE 2071 S] [SLC 2070] [SLC 2067 S]
a) It helps to prepare well formatted output.
b) It displays the information the way we want to view it.
c) It presents the information retrieved through queries or tables.
d) It presents the information in designed layouts by adding necessary titles, setting font colour or font size, etc.
27. What are the advantages of form over table?
Ans: The advantages of form over a table are:
i) It allows to design the layout of field on screen in any arrangement.
ii) It shows only the information we want to see.
iii) It can display one complete record at a time.
28. Data type [SEE 2075 S2] [SEE 2074] [SEE 2073] [SLC 2072] [SLC 2064] [SLC 2066] [SLC 2070]
Data type is an attribute for a field that determines what type of data it can contain.
Any four data types of MS-Access are:
i) Text
ii) Number
iii) Memo
iv) Currency
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29. While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher‟s
name, address, salary and date of birth. [SLC 2065] [SLC 2068 S]
Teacher‘s name Text Address – Text
Salary – Currency
Date of birth – Date/Time
30. Identify a record, field and value from the following table structure. [SQE 2074]
Rabin Rana
Ans: Record = 1 Kopila 87, 2 Prabin Rana 56
Field = Roll, Name, Marks
Value = 87, 56
31. What happens when we enter text in a numeric field?
Ans: If we enter text in a numeric field then it displays the errors.
32. Text
It is used for storing text or combination of text and numbers. It can store up to 255 characters.
33. Memo
It is used for storing lengthy text and numbers. It can store up to 65,535 characters.
34. Field properties
The four types of field properties of MS-Access are:
i) Caption
ii) Format
iii) Validation rule
iv) Input mask
35. Input mask
Input mask is a field property that controls the value of a record and sets in a specific format.
36. Caption
Caption is a field property which displays an alternate name for the field to make the field name more
explanatory. It can contain up to 2048 characters.
37. Validation rule:
A field property which enables to limit values that can be accepted into a field is known as validation rule.
38. Validation text
A field property which allows type text to be displayed if the user input value is prohibited by the validation rule
is known as validation text.
39. Field size
Field size is a field property that specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the field.
40. Format
The use of ‗Format‘ field property is to display data in a different format.
41. Lookup Wizard
The use of Lookup Wizard is that it creates a field that allows choosing a value from another table or from a list of
values by using a list box or combo box.
42. Hyperlink
The use of Hyperlink is that it stores hyper like addresses like email addresses, websites, database objects or other field.
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43. Indexing
Indexing is one of the important properties of database that speed up searching and storing of records using on the
44. Relationship
Relationship is an association among several entities (table). Its types are:
i)One to one relationship
ii)One to many relationship
iii)Many to many relationship
45. Referential integrity
Referential integrity is a set of rules used by RDBMS to make sure that the relationships between tables are valid
and that the related data is not accidentally changed or deleted.
46. Record [SEE 2075 S2]
Record is complete set of information. Record is a collection of multiple related fields in a row which
gives complete information about a person or thing. E.g.: Ram Chabahil 4468790
47. Field [SEE 2075 S2]
Field is a small unit of information. A column in a table is called field, and it contains a specific piece of
information within a record. E.g.: Name, Address, Telephone
48. Sorting [SEE 2073 U] [SLC 2068]
Sorting is the process of arranging the record in ascending or descending order according to a given field or
fields. Sorted data is easier to handle than unsorted data. The advantages of sorting are:
i) It helps to find specific information quickly.
ii) It helps to arrange data in alphabetical order.
49. Filtering
Filtering is an option that selects the required records and displays the result.
Primary key [SEE 2075] [SEE 2073] [SEE 2071 S] [SLC 2067] [MM 2076] [PMT 2075K]
A key that uniquely identifies each record in a database is primary key. It is needed because it neither accepts
duplicate values now null values.
50. Uses of Primary key [SLC 2069]
i) To reduce and control duplication of record in a table.
ii) To set the relationship between tables.
51. Purpose of Primary key [PMT 2075K]
A primary key prevents duplicate records from being entered in the table and is used to control the order in
which records display in the table. This makes it faster for databases to locate records in the table and to process
other operations. The primary key is also used to create a link between tables in a database.
52. Importance of Primary Key [SEE 2073] [SLC 2069 S] [MM 2076]
a) It does not allow duplicate data.
b) It does not allow null value
53. Composite key
The group of primary key that consists of two or more attributes is called composite key.
54. Foreign Key
Foreign key is a unique field or combination of fields in linked table whose value matches with a primary key
in another table.
55. Data Redundancy [SEE 2074]
Data redundancy means repetition of same piece of data in a database in more than one location.. Data redundancy
can be controlled in MS-Access by normalization of database.
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MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) [80]
1. Database is a
i.tool of editing documents
ii. way to automate common tasks
iii. collection of related information
2. A (n) ____________________ is an organized collection of the related information.
3. Which is the database?
Data of SLC Exam
4. A database is the collection of __________[PMT 2075]
i. Hardware
ii. Software iii. Record
iv. None of these
5. Which is not the database?
ii. Mark ledger iii. Attendance Register iv. Report Card
i. Phone diary
6. Which is the example of Relational Database Management System?
7. __________ is a Database Management System.
All of above
8. Ms-Access is a ............ software. [SEE 2075 S2]
(i) Word processing (ii) DBMS (iii) Spreadsheet
(iv) Web
9. MS-Access is a
10. MS-Access is used to create _____________.
11. ___________ is not DBMS.
12. Which is an example of database? [SLC 2064]
Telephone Directory All
13. …………… is the DBMS. [SLC 2065]
i) Fox-Pro ii) MS-Excel
iii) Lotus-123 iv) All of the above
14. Which of the following is database application? [SLC 2070]
i) MS-Word
iii) MS-Excel
ii) MS-Access
15. Which of the following is not a database application? [SLC 2069]
i) Oracle
ii) Foxpro
iii) MS-Accessiv) MS-Excel
16. MS-Access is a ------------ software.
i. Utility
ii. Application
iii. System
iv. None of the above.
17. Which is DBMS?
ii. Metabase
iii. dBase
iv. MS-Excel.
i. Database
18. A Database Management System can be used to
i. retrieve information
ii. search information iii. sort information iv. all of the above
19. ___________________ is a set of rules used by Access to ensure that the relationships between tables are valid
and that the related data is not accidentally changed or deleted.
Referential integrity
20. What is extension of access database? (MS-Access 2003 version) [SLC 2066]
21. _____ is the table design creating option to create custom table design.
Link Table
Design view
22. _____ is a data type used for lengthy text and numbers
Long Text
OLE Object
23. A field name can be up to _____ characters long. [MM 2076]
24. Data type that requires 8 bytes of storage.
Long Integer
All of them
25. Memory space consumed by a currency data type maximally is …………[SLC 2069]
i) 2 bytes
ii) 4 bytes
iv) 1 GB
iii) 8 bytes
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26. The data type appropriate to store salary is: [SLC 2067]
iv) Auto number
27. The name of caption can be declared up to _____ characters.
28. Memory space used by a auto number data type is _____
1 Byte
2 Bytes
8 Bytes
4 Bytes
29. What is the default size of Access?
(i) 10
(ii) 20
(iii) 30
(iv) 50
30. Date/Time occupies ………. bytes of memory. [SLC 2066] [SLC 2067] [MM 2076] [PMT 2075]
i) 4
ii) 2
iii) 8
iv) 16
31. The maximum size of text field in MS-Access is …………. [SLC 2068 S] [SLC 2070]
i) 50
ii) 10
iii) 6400
iv) 255
32. Format symbol that converts all characters to uppercase.
33. …………… is not the data type of MS-Access. [SLC 2065] [SLC 2068]
i) Number
ii) Text
iii) Memo
iv) Form
34. The logical field data type of MS-Access is______________ [SLC 2064]
ii. True/False
iii. On/Off
iv. All of the above.
i. Yes/No
35. The field size of logical field data type is __________ in MS-Access.
ii. 1 byte
iii. 2 bytes
iv. 2 bits
i. 1 bit
36. Which data type consumes the least storage space? [SEE 2074]
(i) Text
(ii) Yes/No
(iii) OLE object
(iv) Memo
37. Which of the following data type is appropriate to store gender of person in terms M or F?
i. Memo
ii. Currency
iv. Auto number
iii. Yes no
38. The default data type of MS-Access is: [SLC 2068 S] [SLC 2069] [SEE 2074] [SQE 2074K]
i) Number ii)Text
iii) Memo
iv) Auto number
39. The default field size of ―AutoNumber‖ data type is [SEE 2075 S2]
i. Byte
ii. Integer
iii. Long Integer
iv. Long Integer
40. Which is the subtypes for the number data type?
41. Which is the subtype of number data type?
i. Integer
ii. Byte
iii. Single
iv. All of the above.
42. Number field is used for storing only _______________.
Text and Number
Number and Time
Number and
43. The datatype which is used for only integer value.
Year iv.OLE
44. Which is not MS-Access object? [SQE 2074K]
a) Form
b) Query
c) Caption
d) Table
45.Which of the following is not a Microsoft Access database object? [PMT 2075]
i. Tables
ii. Queries
iii. Forms
iv. Sorting
46.Which of them is not a data type?
47.Which of the following is not a data type?
i. Picture
48. Which of the following is not the data type used in MS-Access?
i. Date/Time ii. Counter iii. Hyperlink iv. Caption 49. Which of the following is not
a data type in Microsoft Access?
i. Text ii. Currency iii. Hypertext iv. Date/Time 50. What field type is used to
store picture in a table?
51. Which is suitable data type to store video? [SLC 2070] [SEE 2073]
i) Text
ii) Number
iii) Hyperlink iv) OLE object
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52. The data type appropriate to store address is
i. Memo
ii. Currency
iv. Auto number
iii. Text
53. What kind of data is kept in memo field?
(i) Hyperlink (ii) Software (iii) Data
(iv) Pictures
54. What kind of data are kept in memo field?
i.Name of Student ii.Students phone number iii.Students Bio data iv.Students picture
55. Which specifies the expression that checks the invalid data? [MM 2076]
Validation Text
Input Mask
Validation Rule
56. _____ is not a field property of MS-Access.
57. …………… defines a standard pattern for the appearance of all data entered in the field
iii.default value
ii.input mask
58. A field property that limits the data to be entered in a field is___________
iii. Input Mask
iv. Indexed
i. Validation Rule ii. Format
59. The maximum number of characters that can be stored in a field is determined by_
i. Field Type
iii. Field Length iv. Field width
ii. Field Size
60. Field size, format, input mask, caption and default values are: [SQE 2074K]
Key elements
Navigating modes
data types
field properties
61. The primary key contains _____ value.
No Null
Auto number
62. The _________________ key uniquely identifies each record. [SLC 2066]
63. Primary key does not accept …………… [SLC 2064] [SLC 2065] [SLC 2068] [SEE 2074] [SQE 2074K]
i) Text
ii) Number
iii) Null value iv) None of the above
64. In MS-Access data are stored in ……………… [SLC 2068]
i) Form
ii) Query
iv) All of the above
iii) Table
65. Form is designed for
i. filters data
ii. Sort data
iii. Print data
iv. Modify data
66. Which component of MS-Access is used to enter data? [SLC 2065]
i. Query
ii. Forms
iii. Report
iv. Both (i) and (ii)
67. Which component of MS-ACCESS does not allow entering data? [SLC 2064]
i. Table
ii. Query
iii. Form
iv. None of them
68. Query is used to
ii. Create table in database iii. Print databaseiv. All
i. retrieves data from database
69. …………….. query changes value in main table. [SLC 2068 S]
i) Select
ii) Update
iii) Both (i) &(ii)
iv) None of the above
70. Which is not a type of query? [SLC 2067] [SEE 2073]
i) Search ii) Select
iii) Update
iv)All of the above
71. Report can be generated by using data from …………[SLC 2068 S]
i) Table
ii) Query
iii) Forms
iv) Both (i) &(ii)
72. ……………….. object of access is used to print formatted data. [SLC 2068] [SEE 2073]
i) Query
ii) Form
iv) Table
iii) Report
73. The object of MS-Access that is used to generate hard copy of records. [SLC 2066]
i) Query
ii) Table
iii) Form
iv) Report
74. __________allows MS-Access to query and sort record faster. [SEE 2075 S2]
i. Sorting
ii. Editing
iii. Filtering
iv. Indexing
75. A collection of records for a single subject, such as all of the customer records. [PMT 2075]
i. Field
ii. Record
iii. Table
iv. Data
76. Collecting multiple related fields is called: [SLC 2067]
i) Records ii)Table
iii) Forms
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77. Record of the table is also knows as ...... [SEE 2075 S2]
(i) Tuple (ii) Field (iii) Text (iv) All
78. A field is also known as [MM 2076]
ii. column
79. Row is also called …………[SLC 2069] [SEE 2074]
i) Record
ii) Field
iii) Database
80. The columns in database tables are called: [SLC 2070] [SEE 2073]
i) Record
ii) Field
iii) Report
iv) Table
iv) Memo
Fill in the Blanks [35]
Database is an organized collection of related data in tabular form.
A collection of related data of a person or anything is known as database.
DBMS is a general program designed to manage a database.
DBMS is a complex set of software program that controls the organization, storage, management, retrieval of
data in database.
Ms-Access is a relational database management system where data is arranged in the form of tables.
Data is the raw facts to generate information.
Information is the processed value which we get after we get after processing by the computer.
SQL stands for structured query language.
A primary key cannot contain the null values.
A primary key is a fixed field which uniquely identifies every record in a table.
You cannot enter duplicate values in a primary field.
Foreign key is the linking field between two values.
A combination of two or more keys which can be used as a primary key is called a composite key.
A text data type allows the field to contain up to 255characters.
The default field size for text type is 50 characters.
Memo field can hold 65535 characters.
Maximum width of field is 64 characters.
An input mask is the format we will assign for the introduction of values into a field.
The default value property is used to define a default value that is automatically entered in field when you add a
new record, at o time of data entry.
Filtering allows you to retrieve specific information from a table in Microsoft Access 2003.
A column in a table is called field and row in a table is called record.
The smallest unit of data organization is called a field.
Auto number field type automatically enters number in a field which increase by one for every new record.
We can change data type of field in table design view.
Validation rule is used to make sure that the data entered in a field is within the criteria set by the user.
A table contains records and field.
Query help us to retrieve and view only those records from the database tables that meet a specific condition
or criteria set by us.
A query is a database object that creates a datasheet of selected fields and records from one or more tables.
A query extracts and arranges information from a table in a manner that you specify.
Action query is used to change record in a table at a single operation.
Delete query is used to delete records from the table.
Query that makes changes in table is called update query
A form is a database object used primarily to display records on screen, to make it easier to enter new records and
to make changes to the existing records.
The report design View window is the place where you design reports from a scratch or add your own touches to
reports you create with the report wizard.
Report enables you to format your data in an attracting and informative layout for printing.
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True / False [100]
A database can be managed manually. True
DBMS is application software. True
Microsoft Access is a Relational Database Management System. True
A database file of MS-Access can have only one table. False
The extension of MS-Access database file is MDB. True
DBMS is word processing software. False
Default data type of MS-Access is a number. False
MS-ACCESS is spread-sheet software. [SLC 2065 S] False
MS-Access is not a spreadsheet software. [SLC 2071 S] True
The extension of database file created by MS-Access is .BDF. [SLC 2066 S] False
MS-Access is not spreadsheet software. [SLC 2067 S] True
A database can contain multiple tables. [SLC 2069 S]True
MS-Access is DBMS software. [SLC 2072] True
A field name refers to the category of information about a subject. True
Field names are used to define properties for a database. False
A field name can be upto 255 characters long. [SQE 2075K] False
You cannot delete a field in a database once they have been defined. False
Removing a primary key does not delete a field. True
The data in primary key field need to be unique and not null. [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2072] True
The primary key is an optional field in MS-Access table. True
The primary key in a table is a field that contains information unique to the records. True
The primary key field of a table allows the duplication of data. False
Primary key field may contain the same value in two records. False
Primary key does not accept null value. [SLC 2066 S] True
The primary key field can also be left empty. [SLC 2067 S] True
Primary key field can accept duplicate values . [SEE 2075 U] False
Primary key accepts null value. [SEE 2074 U] [SLC 2071 S] False
Many related fields makeup a record and many records makeup table. True
A query is used to select fields and records from one or more tables. [SLC 2065 S] True
Queries are used to display records onscreen to make them easier to enter new records and to make change in existing
records. False
A select query retrieve data from one or more tables using criteria you specify. True
An action query makes changes in a table. [SLC 2071] [SEE 2074 U] True
A query is used to select fields and records from only one table. [SLC 2072] False
Update Query does not change the data of table. [SLC 2070 S] False
A query is used to select fields and records from many tables. [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2067 S] True
A query is database object that creates a datasheet of selected fields and records from one or more tables. True
A query cannot be the source for a form. False
Query can be used to apply mathematical calculations in the table.
Queries are used to display records onscreen to make them easier to enter new records and to make change in
existing records. False
A query is a collection of related data stored in an organized manner. False
A query can be created without tables. False
Query allows viewing the desired records only. False
Select query is used to retrieve and display records from the selected table. [SEE 2075] True
Database has been being used knowingly or unknowingly in our daily life. True
The maximum field size of text field is 255 characters. [SEE 2075 U] True
Pictures and graphics cannot be stored in the table in MS Access 2007. False
A form is an object of MS-Access used for entering data. [SLC 2071] True
A form allows displaying one complete information at once. True
We can make the form as the source of table. False
Form allows you to select specific data from one or more tables. False
Form is a graphical interface through which data can be printed or displayed is specified format. False
Report is used to enter the data into the table in MS-Access 2007. False
A report can be used to modify data of a table. False
Report is used to prepare database for final printing. True
A report can be used to delete record from a table. False
Report is a database object used to print final report. [SEE 2073 U] True
Index makes sort process fast. [SLC 2070 S]True
Index increases the speed of the query and sort operations. [SLC 2067 S] [SLC 2071 S] True
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59. Index decreases the speed of the query and sort operations. [SLC 2065 S] [SLC 2072] False
60. Indexing is the process of arranging the records in ascending or descending order. [SEE 2075] False
61. Arranging all the records in a table either ascending or descending order is known as filtering. [SEE 2073 U] False
62. Indexed field property speeds up searching and sorting of records based on a field. True
63. A row in a table is known as record. [SLC 2069 S]True
64. Collecting multiple related fields is called report.[ SQE 2075K] [False]
65. A row in a table is called field and it contains a specific piece of informarion within a record. False
66. Column is also called field [SEE 2075 U]. True
67. Lookup Wizard is a tool that automates many database tasks. True
68. Money is a data type used in MS-Access. [SEE 2073 U] False
69. Table is not the data type of MS-Access. [SLC 2071 S] True
70. Default field size of text type of data is 65535 characters. False
71. Date/Time type of data requires 8 bytes of memory. True
72. The size of currency data type is 10 Bytes. [SEE 2075] False
73. FORMAT property allows us to delete data from database. False
74. Subtype of number data type is integer. True
75. Deleting a field does not delete data in the field. False
76. Validation rule is used to specify whether a value is required in a field. True
77. Validation rule specifies the expression that checks the invalid data. True[ SQE 2075K]
78. Validation rule will limit data entry. [SEE 2075] True
79. You cannot insert any field after entering data in the table. False
80. Logical field has the size 2. False
81. The information can be used as data for the further processing. True
82. The Auto Number data type generates random number automatically whenever a new record is added to a table. False
83. We cannot change data type of a field. False
84. Memo field is used to store long information beyond of the text. True
85. Yes/No Logical field stores one bit of data. True
86. OLE is the data type of MS Access. [SQE 2075K] True
87. Logical value can also be stored in database. True
88. A field can‘t be declared with data type. True
89. Hyperlink field type in used to store photographs. False
90. Data validation enables you to limit the values that can be accepted into a field. True
91. A default value is one that is not displayed automatically for the field into a field. False
92. The data filter selects the required records and displays the result. True
93. Memo data type cannot be indexed. [SLC 2066 S] True
94. The default size of text data type is 50. [SLC 2066 S] True
95. Text is and object of MS-Access. [SEE 2075 U] False
96. Default text field size is of 255 characters. [SLC 2069 S] False
97. Data like sound and pictures are held by memo data type. [SLC 2069 S] False
98. Auto number data type is used to store data supplied by us. [SLC 2070 S] False
99. Auto Number Data consumed 2 bytes of memory space. [SEE 2075 U] False
100. Maximum data size of an auto number is 4 bytes. [SEE 2073 U] True
101. Formatted document is also called report. [SLC 2070 S] True
102. Graphics can also be stored in MS-Access database. [SLC 2071] [SEE 2074 U]True
103. Maximum field size of memo field is 256 characters. [SLC 2071] False
57 | P a g e
Match the following – MS Access [30]
1. [SLC 2065 S]
b) Data update
c) Field
d) Report
3. [SLC 2066 S]
a) OLE
b) Primary key
c) Form
d) Report
(d) analyze and present data in a
printed format
(b) Query
(c) a piece of information related to
someone or something
(a) Database management software
(-) collection of related fields
(d) Formatted output
(c) Interface
(-) 64,000 characters
(b) Unique Field
(a) Picture
2. [SLC 2066]
a) Default value
(c) 255 Characters
b) Fox Pro
c) Text
(d) Column Name
(b) DBMS
d) Field
(a)Field Properties
(-) Search fast
4. [SLC 2067]
a) OLE
b) Data entry
c) Indexing
d) Formatted printout
5. [SLC 2067 S]
a) MS-Access
(d) DATA entry and editing interface
b) Query
(-) Electronic Spreadsheet software
b) Report
(d) Data type
(b) Tool to retrieve data from one or
more than one tables
(a) Data base management software
c) Validation
d) Hyper
(-) Error messages
d) Form
6. [SLC 2068]
a) Indexing
(a) Picture
(-) Table
(c)Fast searching
(c) Limits the value
(b) Final output
(c) Collection of related fields
7. [SLC 2068 S]
a) Indexing data
b) Long Text
c) Fox Pro
d) Query
9. [SLC 2069 S]
a) Report
b) Currency
c) Long Text
d) Field
11. [SLC 2070 S]
a) Dbase
b) Primary key
c) Photo
d) Long text
13. [SLC 2072]
a) OLE
b) Validation Rule
c) Form
d) Indexing
15. [SEE 2074]
a) Data
b) Form
c) Report
d) Table
(d) Retrieves data conditionally
(c) DBMS
(b) Memo field
(a) Searching fast
(-) Report
(b) Data type
(d) Column
(a) Database object
(-) Record
(c) Memo
(b)Uniquely defined
()Hyper links
(c) Data Entry
(-) Stores data
(b) Limits the value
(a) Data type
(d) Easy to search
(b) Input, view, edit data
(c) Formated output
(a) Collection of raw facts
(-) Question to the database
(d) Stores data in database
(a) Search fast
8. [SLC 2069]
a) OLE
b) Hyperlink
c) Report
d) Form
(d) Data Entry
(c) Formatted Hardcopy
(a) 1 GB
(-) Up to 255 characters
(b) Up to 2048 characters
10. [SLC 2070]
a) Indexing Data
b) Form
c) Field
d) OLE object
12. [SLC 2071]
a) Indexing data
b) Report
c) Yes/No
d) Select query
(d) Size upto 1 GB
(c) Column of datasheet
(-) Row on a datasheet
(a) Searching Fast
(b) Graphical interface for
data entry
(b)Final output
(d)View data
(a)Searching fast
(c)Data type
14. [SLC 2065] [SEE 2073]
a) Query
(d) Printed format
b) Form
(c) Stores data
c) Table
d) Report
b) Allows view, edit, input data
(a) Extracts selected record for view
(-) DBMS
16. [SEE 2075 U]
a) Caption
b) OLE
c) Data Redundancy
d) Yes/No
(d) Logical data type
(-) Error Message
(b) Picture
(a) Label for field
(c) Duplication of data
58 | P a g e
Data redundancy
Validation Text
Input Mask
Validation Rule
(b)Error message
(c)Pattern of data in a field
(d)Limits the value
(a)Data duplication
(d)2048 characters
(a)up to 255 Characters
(b)8 Bytes
(c)0-65535 Characters
Data Integrity
b) Automatic
(c)No. of character can be
(d)Contains distinct value
a. Indexing data
b. Long text
c. FoxPro
d. Label for a field
a. Data type
b. Format
c. Form
d. One-to-one
a) Index
(a)Searching fast
(b)Memo field
(b)Field property
(c)Database Object
(a)Validation Rule
b) Data
c) Record
d) Primary key
(b)Default value
(b)repetition of data
a) Sort
(d) mass change
b) Single
c) FoxPro
(c)8 bytes
(a)Arranging data
g) Currency
(a)Long integer
d) Update
25. [SEE 2075]
a) Yes / No
b) Long integer
(b)sub type of number
h) Text
(b)1 bit
c) OLE
d) Report
c) Picture
a) 1 bit
8 bytes
Field size
b) 4 bytes
d) MS Access object
26. [SEE 2075 S2]
a) Table
b) Primary Key
c) Form
d) Report
27. [SEE 2074 U]
a) Form
b) Column on datasheet
b) Field
c) Data type
b) Query
a) Graphical interface for
data entry
d) Query
28. [SEE 2073 U] [SEE 2071 S]
a) Ms-Access
d) Form
d) Retrieves data
29. [MM 2076]
a) Hyperlink
b) Fox Pro
c) Memo
d) Caption
d) Label for a field
a) Data type
c) Long text
30. [SQE 2075K]
a) Query
b) Report
c) One to One
d) Delete Query
b) Form
c) Design View
d) Field Properties
32. [PMT 2075]
a) Data type
b) Format
c) Form
[SQE 2074K]
Show final output
Data Entry
Change the table
d) Validation Rule
(a)easy to search
a) Report
d) One to one
d) Printed format
c) Allows viewing editing and
inputting data
b) uniquely defined
a) stores data
Extracts selected record for
d) data entry and editing
- electronic spreadsheet
b) tool to retrieve data from
one or more tables.
a) database management
c) collection of related fields
b) View data
c) Relationship
d) Action query
a) Extract selected data
Database software
b) Field property
d) Relationship
Referential integrity
c) Database object
a) Memo
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