Uploaded by Ryan Aguado Bersamin


#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City
Junior High School Department
School Year 2020 – 2021
Week 1 to Week 4
(15 July-14 August 2020)
Prepared by:
Learning Module in Health 7
This module provides the learners with an indepth discussion of Health Education and related
health practice that are aimed toward enlightening
young people about the importance of appropriate
health practices.
This module has four quarters. Each quarter is
divided in the different area.
Here’s the coverage of Health 7 for the whole
school year:
Growth and Development
• Holistic Health
• Stages of Growth and Development (Infancy to Old
• Changes in the Health Dimensions during
• Management of Health Concerns during Puberty
Health Appraisal Procedures
Development of Self-awareness and
Coping Skills
1|P age
• Nutrition During Adolescence
• Nutritional Guidelines
• Nutritional Problems of Adolescents
• Decision-Making Skills
Personal Health (Mental Health)
• Mental Health (An Introduction)
• Understanding Stress
• Common Areas of Stressor that Affects Adolescents
• Coping with Stress
• Types and Management of Common Mental
Prevention and Control of Diseases and Disorder (NonCommunicable Diseases)
• Introduction to Non-Communicable Diseases
• Impulse and Momentum Common NonCommunicable Diseases
• Prevention and Control of NCDs
• Heat Self-Monitoring Skills to Prevent NCDs
(physical activities/regular exercise, healthy eating,
not smoking, weight management, routine medical
check-up, stress management)
• Programs and Policies on Non-Communicable
Disease Prevention and Control
• Agencies Responsible for Non-Communicable
Disease Prevention and Control
2|P age
Learning Module in Health 7
15-31 July 2020 Unit I: Growth and Development
Lesson 1: Holistic Health
Lesson 2: Management of Health
Concerns during Puberty
Reference Book: Soaring with MAPEH 7, Muyot, Fritzimarie R. et
al., Bright House Publishing, 2015, pages 201-220
Living with MAPEH 7, Rosenberger, Ledda G. et al., Vibal Group,
Inc., 2017, pages 235-241
03-14 August 2020 Lesson 3: Changes in the Health
Dimensions during Adolescence
Reference Book: Soaring with MAPEH 7, Muyot, Fritzimarie R. et
al., Bright House Publishing, 2015, pages 201-220
Living with MAPEH 7, Rosenberger, Ledda G. et al., Vibal Group,
Inc., 2017, pages 242-258
Most Essential Learning Competencies: At the end of this module, each learner should be
able to:
• Explain the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/intellectual, emotional,
social, and moral-spiritual).
• Analyze the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health.
• Practices health habits to achieve holistic health.
• Recognize changes in different aspects of growth that normally happen during
adolescence years.
• Respect for cultural, individual and role differences.
• Good behavior in accomplishing assigned task.
3|P age
Week 1
What’s up Patricians!
Welcome to BPHS Junior High School Department. We are
very happy to accommodate you all in these trying times. Enjoy
your stay with us.
Attaining holistic health should be everybody’s goal. At this
point of your life you have many health concerns that need to be
addressed. You need to develop all dimensions of your health.
You also need coping skills to be able to face the challenges of
adolescent life. Correct health information, a positive attitude,
healthy practices and desirable coping skills will help you attain
and maintain holistic health.
To submit all answered activities, just take a photo of your
answers and send it to my Facebook Messenger, e-mail, and/or
personally dropped it in school by an Assigned Person Outside
Residence (APOR).
Come on guys! Let’s get things started.
4|P age
How to join the Google Classroom
1. Go to classroom.google.com and click sign in.
Sign in with your existing google account
2. On the classes page, select your assigned classroom,
click join class.
3. Enter your section code and click join:
Health Class Code:
Submission of activities will be SATURDAYS
succeeding the end of every module
Submission of accomplished worksheets and/or
modules shall be done through different means of
electronic submissions such as:
e-mails and/or
fb messenger, among others.
For those who do not have internet access,
a set-up pick-up and drop off area will be
staged in the school campus.
Physical submission shall be done by
parents/guardians ONLY.
All physical contact shall be in compliance with the
minimum health standards.
5|P age
Let’s Check What You Know!
I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer, write all answers on a separate
paper which is provided at the end of this pre-test.
1. An example of good __________ is volunteering to do things for your community
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. social health
2. Depression in older adults can be hard to detect. However, the earlier it is detected, the
easier it can be to treat. Which of the following are symptoms of depression?
A. Loss of energy
B. Decreased interest and pleasure in usual activities
C. Complaints about memory problems
D. All of the above
3. An example of good __________ is getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
A. physical health
B. lifestyle
C. mental health
D. environmental health
4. Kean is someone who is confident and exhibits a good sense of self-esteem. These
characteristics mark Kean as someone with __________.
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. occupational health
5. The term __________ means the way you recognize and deal with your feelings.
A. emotional health
B. physical health
C. mental health
D. social health
6. Interacting with people face to face, via email, Skype, texting, or Snap chat are examples
of which wellness dimension?
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. social health
7. The term __________ means keeping clean to prevent the spread of disease.
A. emotional health
B. hygiene
C. wellness
D. social health
8. This dimension is all about utilizing your strengths in order to be successful in life. For
example; Erianne realized she had exceptional cooking skills, so she decided to go to
culinary school after she graduated high school.
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. occupational health
9. The way you act, think, or feel that causes you to make one choice over another is your
A. heredity
B. environment
C. lifestyle
D. attitude
10. Jona wants to eat better and avoid eating candy. She should do which of the
A. bring a healthy snack with her
B. avoid snack bars or vending machines
C. create a written contract
D. all of the above
11. Being aware of the earth and what habits can positively or negatively affect it is?
A. Physical health
B. Environmental health
6|P age
C. Mental health
D. Social health
Ovaries produce hormones throughout the month, but once in each menstrual cycle, a
female’s ovaries produce __________.
A. a period
B. cramps or aches
C. a pregnancy
D. an egg or ovum
Occasionally, a boy’s body will release some fluid through the penis during the night
while he is asleep (known as a nocturnal emission or wet dream). The fluid that
comes out of the penis is made of __________.
A. white blood cells
B. urine
C. sperm and seminal fluid
D. adrenalin
When girls mature, they begin producing mature egg (ova) cells about once a month.
When boys mature, they begin producing sperm cells __________.
A. once a year
B. continuously
C. once a month
D. one time only
Hormones from the pituitary gland cause a boy’s testicles to produce __________.
A. sperm and hair growth
B. hair growth and voice changes
C. muscles and testosterone
D. sperm and testosterone
7|P age
#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City
Junior High School Department
SY 2020-2021
Name: ________________________________________ Grade/Sec: _______________
8|P age
Week 2
Unit I: Growth and Development
Lesson 1: Holistic Health
Growing up is exciting my dear Patricians. There are changes in your body and on
how you feel and think as well as on how you deal with others. At your age, you must have
noticed these changes.
Can you list some of these changes?
Fill the table describing the changes you are experiencing. You may use the guide
words or express your answers in your own words.
How I Look
How I feel
How I deal with
How I think
I noticed that my (part of your body) ____
I always felt _________________________
______________________________ then.
But now, I feel _______________________
I liked ______________________________
But now ____________________________
I used to think about _________________
But now ___________________________
Points to Ponder
When you were younger, you did not have to think much
about your health. Your parents, teachers, and other caring
adults looked out for your health. They made sure that you ate
the right food, had regular medical checkup and immunizations,
and other health practices.
As an adolescent, your personal health now becomes your
responsibility. Every day you make health decisions, so it is very
important that you know correct health information. It is
therefore, your responsibility to use health information wisely to
guide your day- to-day activities.
9|P age
Dimensions of Holistic Health
A. Health and Wellness
Nowadays, health focuses on wellness. It is a positive approach that
includes all the dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social and
moral-spiritual. Health is the well-being of your body, mind, and your relationship with
others. On the other hand, wellness means striving to live your life to achieve your fullest
potential, making decisions, and acting in healthy ways. This include practicing positive
health behaviors based on sound knowledge and healthy attitudes. You are likely to have a
high degree of wellness if you have a balanced life. Being healthy means having a balance of
the dimensions of health. This results in attaining holistic health.
B. Dimensions of Health
Physical Health
Best physical health occurs when our bodies are
functioning at their highest potential. This results from
healthy habits such as good nutrition, an active lifestyle,
regular sleep pattern, and avoiding harmful habits such as
smoking, drug use, or heavy drinking means how well your
body functions. It means you can carry out everyday tasks
without becoming too tired. It also means you have enough
energy to enjoy activities and to meet emergencies. It
means developing healthful habits and avoiding
destructive habits. The following are ways to promote
physical health:
a. Keep your body fit by exercising and participating in active games.
b. Eating a well-balanced diet.
c. Get adequate sleep and rest.
d. Drink enough water.
e. Practice cleanliness and good grooming habits.
f. Get regular medical and dental checkup and treatment.
g. Avoid harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs of abuse.
Emotional Health
Emotional health involves understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and
learning from your mistakes. It refers to how well you meet the demands of daily life and
how you adjust to new situations. It also means expressing your happiness, love, joy and
hope as well as your sadness, anger, stress and fear in healthful productive ways. You can
best practice these when you:
a. Face life’s problems squarely.
b. Handle stress and seek help, if needed.
c. Express your emotions in positive ways.
d. Deal with life’s pressures and stresses in positive ways.
e. Build strong communication network among family, friends and peers.
10 | P a g e
Mental Health
Mental health means being a lifelong learner by continuously wanting to learn new things
and improve one’s kills. A mentally healthy person is open to new ideas and experiences that
can improve personal, family, and community life. You can challenge yourself by asking
questions, being open to new ideas, learning new skill, being imaginative and doing
interesting mental activities, these help us to have a healthy and young at mind. The following
can also be done to keep a sharp mind:
a. Keep abreast of current affairs.
b. Take your school work seriously and spend time in the library.
c. Seek academic help if you need it.
d. Become a life-long learner.
Social Health
Social health refers to how well you get along with other people. This can be observed
when you as a member of the community, being well-integrated encourage personal growth.
A supportive social network also contributes to emotional health, happiness, and helps us
make healthier choices. In order to maintain a healthy social dimension, you may do the
a. Make and keep friends.
b. Play/work well with a group.
c. Give and get help from others when needed.
d. Communicate well and show respect and care for yourself and other.
Moral-Spiritual Health
Moral-spiritual health means being at peace and in harmony with yourself, others and a
higher power or bigger reality. What you feel, think and say, what you believe in or values
are shown in how you act. It refers to your personal beliefs, values, and faith.
Spiritual wholeness is also an important contributor to good health. It brings harmony,
focus, direction, and balance to our lives. These principle in which we believe drives the
essence of our being. These are some examples of said principle:
a. Telling the truth and showing respect are commonly accepted standards of
right behavior.
b. Seeking guidance from parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other
responsible adults will help you in making difficult choices.
c. Act according to a set of high ethical principles.
d. Seek guidance from parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other
responsible adults will help you in making difficult choices.
You will gain respect and trust from others if you demonstrate good character. Moralspiritual health, together with the other dimensions, will help you attain holistic health.
11 | P a g e
Environmental Health
The environmental dimension is the extent to which one cares for the earth by protecting
its resources. It is the ability to recognize personal responsibility for the quality of the air,
water and land. The ability to make a positive impact on the quality of homes, communities,
and the planet while understanding the negative effect of personal choices contributes to
environmental wellness. Environmental wellness is recognizing the unstable state of the
earth and the effects of daily habits on the physical environment. It consists of maintaining
a way of life that maximizes harmony with the earth and minimizes harm to the environment.
Tips and suggestions for optimal environmental wellness:
a. Conserve water and other resources.
b. Minimize chemical use.
c. Renew a relationship with the earth.
d. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: reduce the amount of pollution we generate; reuse
containers, bags and batteries; recycle paper, glass, aluminum, and
Name: ____________________________________ Year/Sec: __________________
Activity 1
My Five Steps
Think of five steps that you may do to achieve wellness. Consider all your health
dimensions. Write the steps in each platform.
12 | P a g e
Lesson 2: Health Concerns During Puberty
It’s helpful to understand common concerns and issues related to physical
development. Being familiar with them will help prepare you to be more comfortable
discussing questions and concerns together.
Teen Health Word Hunt
Look for the most common concerns teens have, encircle the word.
[ ] LICE
[ ] ACNE
13 | P a g e
Health Concerns During Puberty
A. Poor Eating Habits
We all know the importance of developing healthy eating habits, and according to a
new study, the earlier we develop those healthy habits, the better. Poor eating habits
developed during our teenage years are likely to continue into adulthood, and those poor
eating habits can increase cancer risk.
The study followed a pool of adolescents between the ages of 12-16 for 10 years,
examining eating, activity and weight-related variables. Researchers found that many of the
teens’ behaviors, including poor diets, unhealthy weight control practices and binge eating,
followed them into adulthood, signaling the need to identify at-risk teenagers and educate
them on healthy eating practices before it’s too late.
Eat breakfast. Studies show that people who eat breakfast do better in
school, tend to eat less throughout the day, and are less likely to be
Eat whole grains (like whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal), which
provide fiber to help you feel full.
Choose a variety of protein foods, like lean meat and poultry, seafood,
beans, soy products, and nuts.
Eat at least five servings a day of fruits and veggies.
Drink fat-free, low-fat milk, or water instead of sugary drinks.
B. Lack of Sleep and Rest
While sleeping, the body gets a chance to rest. Although most body
activities slow down while sleeping, some remain active. The pituitary gland
releases more hormones, like growth hormones, when one is asleep. Body cells
grow and repair themselves more rapidly during sleep. Lack of sleep during the adolescent
years interferes with these processes and might interfere also with proper growth and
Teenagers need nine to ten hours sleep each night to feel well and rested. So you should
refrain from staying late at night playing computer games, watching television or just staying
awake doing something. Insufficient sleep has negative effects on your growth and
14 | P a g e
C. Lack of Physical Activity
Physical activity is good for teenagers'
health—now and for their future health. To
understand the risks posed by a lack of
physical activity, there is a need to understand how
physical activity actually benefits teenagers.
The benefits of physical activity in teenagers
include promoting healthy growth and development and
developing good health and fitness. Teenagers who are
physically inactive and lead sedentary lifestyles do not
experience the benefits of physical activity. Lack of physical activity can impair the healthy
growth and development of teenagers and negatively impact on their health and fitness.
Physical inactivity in adolescence can also cause numerous and long-term negative
consequences by placing teenagers at risk of poor physical, social, intellectual, emotional and
mental health outcomes in adulthood.
D. Postural Problems
You will notice a great variation
in the size and shape of adolescents of
the same. This variation can be a
source of concern among teenagers who compare
themselves with others. During the growth spurt,
teenagers begin to grow at rapid rate. Teenagers
who grow taller than their classmates may feel
conscious about their height. Some teenagers may
begin to slouch because they are not used to their
new height. Others may slouch on their chairs as
they study.
Some girls who develop their breast earlier may also feel conscious and tend to slouch.
They may develop poor posture if they continue to do this. Remember, good posture helps
maintain body alignment. It also helps the bones and muscles to continue to grow properly
during adolescence.
E. Body Odor
During the early teen years, the sweat glands become more active. When
teenagers play actively or engage in sports or other physical activities, they tend
to perspire profusely. If they do not know how to manage this problem, it may
cause unpleasant body odor. How does this happen?
Sweat glands are numerous under the arms and any bacteria under the arms may act
on perspiration and cause an unpleasant body odor. If you do not practice proper hygiene,
then you might have body odor. Take a bath or shower daily. Soap and water will remove
bacteria and excess oil on the skin. Apply deodorant or antiperspirant daily. Be sure to bring
extra clothes and change when needed. These may prevent unpleasant body odor.
Dry your feet thoroughly after washing. Young people with foot odor should use cotton socks
to absorb moisture and avoid wearing shoes without socks. Another tip is to use deodorant
or antiperspirant on the bottom of dry feet.
15 | P a g e
Week 3
Name: ____________________________________ Year/Sec: __________________
Activity 2
Take Actions for Your Health
What health dimension/s will be enhanced if you do the following activities below?
Write the letter of each activity on the appropriate circle. Be able to explain your answer.
A. Read books
B. Surf the internet
C. Go dancing with friends
D. Respect the right of others
E. Say sorry when you have done wrong
F. Tell the truth
G. Play different sports
H. Attend social gatherings
I. Show your feelings in a positive way
J. Consulting parents about your problems
16 | P a g e
Week 4
Lesson 3: Changes in the Health Dimensions during
This is something to ponder on Patricians!
You may be experiencing significant
changes in yourself because you are now in
another stage of life—adolescence! This occurs
between puberty and adulthood. Puberty is the
time when you start to become sexually mature.
It usually happens at the age of 10 or 11 for girls
and 12 or 13 for boys. However, this is not true
for everybody. Some adolescents experience
puberty either ahead or later than others. Some
have their growth spurt earlier and some later.
Still others may experience having pimples while
others may not. The age when you experience puberty is influenced by heredity, nutrition,
exercise, and other environmental factors. You undergo significant changes in the health
A. Physical Health Changes
These are some of the general changes that happen to adolescent boys
and girls during puberty:
There is a rapid increase in height and weight. Boys experience
this usually two years later than girls. The head, hands and feet
grow faster first, then the arms and legs, and then the chest and
shoulders. This is why the body of an adolescent seems to be out of
Changes in circulatory and respiratory systems—The heart and
lungs grow bigger and work better, so the adolescent becomes
stronger and can work longer, although the increase is more in boys
than in girls.
Body composition—Muscles develop rapidly, although boys’
muscles grow faster than girls. Body fat increases, although the
increase in girls’ body fat is more than the boys.
Other changes:
o There is a sudden increase in hormone production.
o Bones become harder.
o Sweat and oil glands become more active.
17 | P a g e
Primary sex characteristics are changes directly related to
sexual reproduction. The reproductive organs of both boys and
girls grow and develop. The boys experience their first release of
seminal fluid or ejaculation from the penis called spermarche.
The girls experience menarche or the first release of blood and
fluids from the vagina, later called menstruation.
Secondary sex characteristics are changes not directly related
to sexual reproduction.
The voice becomes deeper.
The Adam’s apple becomes
The shoulders become wider
than the hips.
Hair grows on the face, body
and pubic area.
The skin on the upper arms
and thighs becomes rough.
Breasts develop.
The hips become wider than
the shoulders.
Hair grows on the underarm
and pubic area.
B. Mental Health Changes
Adolescent thinking is on a higher level than that of children. Children
are only able to think logically about the concrete, the here and now.
Adolescents move beyond these limits and can think in terms of what might be
true, rather than just what they see is true. They are able to deal with abstractions, test
hypotheses and see infinite possibilities. Adolescents experience rapid mental development.
There are changes in the structure of the brain. These make it work more efficiently.
• The development of their intellectual ability makes adolescents less accepting of
what others say. They learn to question what others say. They try to get to the
bottom of things—trying to find out what to believe in and what to doubt.
• The adolescents make better decisions because they can evaluate risks and rewards
better. They can sense the is advantages and dangers as well as the advantages and
rewards that might happen because of their actions. They can already think well
before acting as well as know the importance of planning ahead. These
characteristics help adolescents make better decisions. However, adolescents take
more risks than adults because they enjoy the rewards that result from their actions.
• On the other hand, adolescents have a tendency to become bored with routine
activities; they need to be challenged.
18 | P a g e
B. Emotional Health Changes
Adolescence is a time of
emotional stress in the house as
adolescents become increasingly
independent and their desires often
clash with their parents' requests.
Adolescents are inclined to take
risks, whereas their parents are
interested in their safety. They tend
to act impulsively, without thinking
about the consequences, and they
make decisions based on what feels
good at the moment. Even when
parents try to explain their own decisions based on their life experience and knowledge,
adolescents often react emotionally without even listening to the reasons. Therefore, behavior
issues and rebellion is common. However, although it's unwelcome, their defiance is
necessary in order for the adolescent's unique identity to emerge. Patricians, these are
additional emotional changes that may happen to you during this period.
Adolescents are more responsive to rewards and stress.
Adolescents are more emotional and this makes them open to being hurt
or in danger.
Adolescent boys are also sexually active; therefore, they are prone to
participate in risky behavior. Due to the sudden increase in the
manufacture of hormones, adolescent boys become more aggressive.
Adolescent girls become self-conscious because of the changes that are
happening to them. These also give them a feeling of insecurity.
Early maturing boys are usually taller and stronger; they have a good
body image, so they are more confident, secure and independent.
D. Social Health Changes
Building new connections and establishing identities outside of the context
of the family is a normal part of healthy development. Interacting with people
outside of the family circle can teach adolescents how to maintain healthy
relationships in different contexts and identify roles they can play in the broader community.
Still, it is important to remember that adolescents will need support as they experience these
new roles. Engaging in role-playing and rehearsing strategies modeled by peer and adult
mentors may help adolescents practice cooperation, communication, problem-solving, and
decision-making skills, as well as tactics to resist peer pressure. Examples of social health
changes during puberty are the following:
Adolescents are very self- conscious. They consider approval of friends and
other adolescents or peers as very important.
19 | P a g e
Adolescents enjoy being with friends, so they stay longer with them after
school. They enjoy choosing clothes to wear; they also crave privacy. These
sometimes cause conflicts between adolescents and their parents.
Young adolescents choose friends who share the same interest with them.
Adolescents who grow up with family members showing love, guidance and
support for each other are less likely to get involved with bad company and
engage in fights, vandalism, smoking, drinking, or drug sessions.
E. Moral-Spiritual Health Changes
Adolescents begin analyzing themselves during this stage. They try to find
out who they really are and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. As a result,
they understand themselves better and learn to accept and like themselves,
including their weaknesses. They learn that house rules imposed by their parents are there
to promote order and harmony at home. However, they are not absolute and some are
negotiable as they mature. They begin to distinguish between rules that are negotiable and
those that are non-negotiable. Non-negotiable rules, like smoking, are imposed because they
are for their own good. During adolescence, boys and girls realize what they could become in
the future. This helps them analyze what they are doing and how it could affect their future.
This can be scary for some adolescents. It might create conflict between how they look at
themselves now and what they want to become.
Hey Patricians, if you want to learn more about
puberty, just visit these YouTube videos:
20 | P a g e
Healthy Habits to Achieve Holistic Health
There are several things that contribute to the success of maintaining a
holistic health. These include media usage, exercise, sleep hygiene, and
nutrition. These are important and contribute to emotional and mental wellbeing.
Media Usage
Media usage is a big issue for teens like you. It is vital to place consistent
limits on the time spent using media and the types of media you use, does
matter. It can be easy for media to interfere with your sleeping habits, physical
activity levels and other behaviors that are essential to your good health. There
are some things you can do including designating media-free times. Examples
would be excluding media from the dinner table, from car rides as well as
making bedrooms media-free zones.
Regular exercise is positive for so many reasons. It makes falling asleep
easier and sets you up to sleep more deeply. Encourage yourself to be
physically active at least 3 times a week. Physical activity should be a good
mixture of aerobic and muscle/bone-strengthening exercises.
Sleep and Rest
Teens typically need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night, but it is common
for you to get 7 hours or less each night. Keeping track of sleep patterns and
schedules can help you identify if your needs more sleep. Consistency is key
in making sure that your teen gets enough rest. Maintain a regular sleep
schedule every day of the week, including weekends. This means going to bed
at the same time and waking up at the same time.
There are some things that you can do to be consistent.
• Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature and ensure that it is
quiet and dark.
• Keep screens out of the bedroom as it can interrupt sleep brainwaves.
• Have a consistent bedtime routine where you can have time to wind
down by doing fewer stimulating activities such as reading or listening
to calm music.
• Avoid going to bed on an empty stomach, but also don’t go to bed on an
overly full stomach.
Nutrition is very important for everyone, especially for developing teens like
you. Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning and packing a lunch, is a good
idea. A balanced diet of natural foods with plenty of water is best. Having small
snacks throughout the day will help regulate blood sugar levels.
21 | P a g e
There are some foods/drinks to avoid:
• Caffeine, which includes soda pop, coffee, tea, energy drinks or
chocolate. These should absolutely be avoided in the late afternoon and
• Try to limit foods like cookies, candy, frozen desserts, chips, and fries,
which often have a lot of sugar, unhealthy fat, and salt.
• For a quick snack, try recharging with a pear, apple, or banana; a
small bag of baby carrots; or hummus with sliced veggies.
• Don’t add sugar to your food and drinks.
• Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and avoid sugary drinks, energy drinks,
sweet tea, and some juices have added sugars, a source of extra
22 | P a g e
Name: ____________________________________ Year/Sec: __________________
Activity 3
Puberty Acrostic Poem
Create an acrostic poem following these easy steps:
1. Decide what to write about.
2. Brainstorm words or phrases that describes your idea.
3. Place your brainstormed words or phrases on the lines that begin with the same
4. fill the rest of the lines to create a poem.
23 | P a g e
Let’s Check What You Know!
I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer, write all answers on a separate
paper which is provided at the end of this post-test.
1. An example of good __________ is volunteering to do things for your community
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. social health
2. Depression in older adults can be hard to detect. However, the earlier it is detected, the
easier it can be to treat. Which of the following are symptoms of depression?
A. Loss of energy
B. Decreased interest and pleasure in usual activities
C. Complaints about memory problems
D. All of the above
3. An example of good __________ is getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
A. physical health
B. lifestyle
C. mental health
D. environmental health
4. Kean is someone who is confident and exhibits a good sense of self-esteem. These
characteristics mark Kean as someone with __________.
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. occupational health
5. The term __________ means the way you recognize and deal with your feelings.
A. emotional health
B. physical health
C. mental health
D. social health
6. Interacting with people face to face, via email, Skype, texting, or Snap chat are examples
of which wellness dimension?
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. social health
7. The term __________ means keeping clean to prevent the spread of disease.
A. emotional health
B. hygiene
C. wellness
D. social health
8. This dimension is all about utilizing your strengths in order to be successful in life. For
example; Erianne realized she had exceptional cooking skills, so she decided to go to
culinary school after she graduated high school.
A. physical health
B. emotional health
C. mental health
D. occupational health
9. The way you act, think, or feel that causes you to make one choice over another is your
A. heredity
B. environment
C. lifestyle
D. attitude
10. Jona wants to eat better and avoid eating candy. She should do which of the
A. bring a healthy snack with her
B. avoid snack bars or vending machines
C. create a written contract
D. all of the above
11. Being aware of the earth and what habits can positively or negatively affect it is?
A. Physical health
B. Environmental health
C. Mental health
D. Social health
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12. Ovaries produce hormones throughout the month, but once in each menstrual cycle, a
female’s ovaries produce __________.
A. a period
B. cramps or aches
C. a pregnancy
D. an egg or ovum
13. Occasionally, a boy’s body will release some fluid through the penis during the night
while he is asleep (known as a nocturnal emission or wet dream). The fluid that
comes out of the penis is made of __________.
A. white blood cells
B. urine
C. sperm and seminal fluid
D. adrenalin
14. When girls mature, they begin producing mature egg (ova) cells about once a month.
When boys mature, they begin producing sperm cells __________.
A. once a year
B. continuously
C. once a month
D. one time only
15. Hormones from the pituitary gland cause a boy’s testicles to produce __________.
A. sperm and hair growth
B. hair growth and voice changes
C. muscles and testosterone
D. sperm and testosterone
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#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City
Junior High School Department
SY 2020-2021
Name: ________________________________________ Grade/Sec: _______________
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