Being qlive l.t 1.2 1.3 1.4 1,5 2 Animols ond plonts olive! Locol environments Animol bobies Heolthy food ond drink Check your progress B r0 12 14 Growing plonts 2.1 Plont ports 2.2 Growing seeds 2.3 Plonts ond light 2.4 Check your progress 3 6 Ourselves 3.-l We ore similor 3.2 We ore different 3.3 Our bodies 3.4 Our fontostic senses 3.5 Check your progress 16 IB 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 4 5 Mqteriols in my world 4,1 Whot is it mode of? 4.2 Using moteriols 4.3 Sorting moteriols 4.4 Check your progress 40 Pushes qnd pulls 5..l In the ployground 42 5.2 How toys work 5,3 Pushes ond pulls oround us 5.4 Chonging movement 5.5 Check your progress 6 34 36 3B 44 46 48 50 Heoring sounds 6..l Where do sounds come from? , 6.2 Our eors 6.3 Sounds move 6.4 Check your progress Reference Glossory ond index Acknowledgements 52 54 56 5B 60 62 69 i ir :' ! .: I I iJ "E I ;{ir v{F Can gou see o Iiving plont onimol non-living olive look ? Con Uou see o llvlng ? Con Uou see thlngs thot hove never been The Sun BI i.s hot but i,t Ls not otlve. It i'so ? thtng. w {q.-' "' . il ;r: "' 't^.. W{*'x,e -ey##,:q, ffie#ffi#": ,. a clipboard a digital camera Go outslde to k:';:ir ot llving thlngs. Photograph or draw those Uou f,nd. Look Jor the lorgest livlng thing Uou con see. Looh Jor the smoltest llving thlng Uou con f,nd. Try to f,nd six livlng thlngs. Tath obout the photos below with Uour Jrlends. Which photos show things that ore otlve? Whtch photos show thlngs thot ore non-[i,vi,ng? How do Uou hnow whlch thlngs ore otlve? ru#Wgmffi Wmwa W,*aretrffi H"mm,"w*geffi "#" Some thlngs ore atlve. 'n#' Some thlngs hove never been a[i,ve. I E*;ir+, *lrv* ffi 1: ".: ai: \a :.:,:. .-.. . :t;....t a- !,.-,.,.:i :.+.:j -Li ,::: .::a. ., 'i,::-;L , :. .i.. l.',t. ,.... ti I i i ltnl'".j;. :, :: Eoch llvlng thlng needs o place ond li.ves [n o [oca[ ..;',;:',;,: . : ..,:.. \:.t.: :. ; : q:# 'e& to "._,i [Lve environmeni : pet fqrm ,,*.i .ornpfil # # &.q # @- n.O -. -. ih' - I .: -=.F-*a;' ' .,-,?*.-.:,irr:if-ittr: Looh at eoch an[ma[. Looh at eoch plant. Where does [t [lve? Why does it llve there? Anlrnols con be Jound i,n noturol envlronments. They con also be Jound on o OS O t ;.,;; i. . '',., Ln o zoo ond i,n homes Wh*rm #* pi*m?m 6r*,";,"€7 Thinh obout where you witt frnd plonts growlng outslde. Go ond looh at the plonts. Where do they grow? Why do theg grow where rheg do? ill*e:-rpmrm how mong p[ants Uou ftnd tn d{ferent envlronments. ffifrn#s ##rTxffi t* s*hm*F Hove Uou seen blrds at schoot? Where do Uou see them? Con we mohe the envlronment better Jor them? How could we mqhe a Jeedlng toble? Mahe a drowing to show how Uou could hetp the blrds. ' '::lr'r" ffiffiffiW- wwf, Fa 'i# Eoch [[v[ng thing ', -B € ffiffiffi wffiffi ffi.ffiBffffi s#ffip*ffiffi & o locat envlronment. The tocol envlronment gLves them o home, Jood ond woter. li.ves [n I **ii:g *liv* re.ffi &mam*E'***a** Look of the little beor ',:";,:":, cub, tr_da.** tg., ig:*i:* boby colf humon young e; K&&; ffi% -J'-ry How monu hmL:g anlmols can Uou see? Con Uou see the bobg elephont I r*f? Are o[[ the babies [[he thei.r porents? I) I |\-d Being c!ive A[[ onimo[s mohe bobles. The bobles grow up lnto odults. A hr"ummru mother usuolly has just one boby ot o t[me. Why? Some anlmots hove lots oJ bobles. Blrds ond robblts con have elght or nlne tVImke ffi m{,Jrsery UCILiruS at o ttme. for m hmhy mnimul Mohe o modet nursery Jo, o baby onlmol. Mohe sure you i.nclude Jood, woter ond a i,a-&, Humons ond other onlmals have babies. {,$, Young onlmots grow lnto odults. I Being oiive # -,ffir i-'i,,'t: -,!..i rr:,'-r ...:: i,'' i T :i Do Uou wont to grow up and strong? ir.,,.:'.;.:ii'i,-, Eot lots oJ heolthy i*i;r:i tlhe Jrult ond vegetobles. Also drlnh lots oJ woter. "iel+,i,,i,E t-*,fl:.1;+ heolthy fqt 'f:;i*i' .i..ilt*:;i*lt'l:i€ food sugqr solt }/" ": i!':::::::'::'1;: i i:';' l','lit...':)... | .ii... . .:,1.r1..i: ,',' t liti::l '::)1.':.:a: r hi:rrrr:: . a::';;trt Whtch lunch bag [s l:il i';l.f,::r''- t:+.::t:i:,I i,l,,; , , aa':: ...:i.-1' .l -^ pictures of Draw Uour own pLote oJ Jood Jor todog. ..2, ,.'aa=:L:;;':.::'? ): food ++ 1,. I eoten'ri todoy? Drow, or stlch on, pi.ctures of _.".,,.-,,.,t'l rl=:.=..*o=.::l*"':]iSi:' these Joods. Comp are Aour ptote wlth a plate ,J healthy Jood. Frult ond vegetobLes come Jrom p lonts. They ore Ju[[ oJ good thlngs Jor" Uour body. They do not hove too much .,)-u!.-.,-.,- Ond :i,.:i;.. TOO mUCh OJ these thlngs [s not heolthy. \ x ?tiTir*f*,t-la"F;; l,..f,#ffi $!g,l"*1 *,r u;rl' i+xr+.r.+,$. r"$j:q-"'# Joods ond drinhs ore heol"thg. # Foods ond drlnhs too much Jot, sugor qnd salt are not heotthy. **' Some *: Dri" lots oJ woter is heotthg. Mott, the ltbrorlan, Ls He hos dropped some i.n b a muddle. oo hs. Whtch books go on each shelJ? Here ore two [ocal envlronments. qr g) Whtch onlmats live r,i: sl'l B i,n eoch envlronment? meerkot frog :#-H" fiH r,-J snoke ',! 5. _.fl -fl *, scof.piOn drogonfly ffi Con Uou motch each adult onlmol wlth lts goung? u ffi Whtch oJ these Joods are heotthy Joods? I ffi*ing exiive e'* I f in i *J ffiJ"1, $,fF*ru# J ."i. ".: ,".., : : Plants hove mang ports. 2 *f: it i.:iit;1,,';ii',:,.! 11.1,,' ;r-; i 1: .t iiuikazi* rE g;;'*r:r fruit stem roots Er.* *a,{*' ?*r. tlower leof nqme Looh ot thls gorden. There ore monU dtlJerent plonts [n thls g orden. Con you see o teoJ? Can Uou see o flower? Con Uou see o stem? Can Uou see onu roots? ffi$rmnt hu,ss"*f Go outslde to looh Jor plonts. Can Uou n ii r"n ri the ports? -&ffiff.Wwmffi Wmwm &wwww Kwwwwffi n'# Plonts have roots, stems ond leoves. i,"# Sometlmes plants hove flowers or Jrult. 2 '" rr;;o',11 ,q [ri;g11;5 ffi)". 'q#Mffi' Thts Ls how a wiL[ lnto a plont. seed woter grou/ ffi @'-@ ,,.: j' o.o'' t:.t:la !,si::ryFjiiry*vi*tli!{t!#lflf ,i.a!til;f:i';f;,YtrPi!!:!trtriHt.q* The roots grow frrst. Then the stem and rR B 3t fl [e -{ vy/{ -",,..""'-"--"": i #rm*pr*m63 ;*:*r:$* Ana ond Marto ore growlng seeds. W*aea ruw#KH mmmffi* i : two clear containers , a roll of paper seeds ! ': a watering can 1 i...".'"...",. Ano glves her seeds some lffffifl*;tr". Marto Jorgets to woter her I seeos. Whot do Uou think wit[ hoppen? Grow some seeds to f,nd out. Smo[[ seeds con grow lnto btg plonts. %ffifumffi Wmwe fumrerm Kwwffiffi* ii# Seeds grow into plonts. ';# Seeds need woter to grow. 2 ffir'r:i,rirrg pi*nf* ffi Why i.s thls plont bent? It .a E lil2 ,iil i's growlng towords the A[i. wonts to two small plants a box to cover one plant o. Do plants need tight to grow? Ati covers one plant with q box. He leoves the other one the i'n ht. What do Uou thlnh witt happen? Try thls yourse$ to frnd out. Why ore these plants o[[ Jocing the some woy? Plonts need Light to grow. 2 € * ,:.i ,..i. t^ Can Uou nome the parts oJ this ptont? Use these words. 2 ffii*winq p:1c,:r"rti; " Whot do these plants need? Can Uou hel.p Amy? 'a4 e0 r. \. 4:ft t/'e E4*' How can she grow a flower? Whot does the ptont need? 2 i::::-:r,;..:..:.: : -. ! =,...::-r..1:-. ffi lF*^ f j I ti # e@ A n F p. p*' ; ! -*-g .E ! i I *q *@ d wp-+ "q J;= J J ;.* :l '!-::a:=:::.-'::'::'.a,' a" ,:.:r''€ ,,":."". ;. a: ,!...:i tr'-,+:: a --:r..:i "'''' | +i :a'., *i'7!i1 a,a i,.r:"'+ ,,.r. ,i > ;a ;: ': ii :: 1 .. ,, ,r: --:.--..Ni .i. 4 a /: = * a:t ia ch[[dren. We oll love Io ploy. ,. yi.t!!:t;' :, t.r t,,,', t :t r ! t,,r:..:.l i) We oll need'. t: The children are tolhing obout why theg ore..,, ,:, ::. Thot meons wous in whlch they ore [Lhe eoch other. In whot other waUS ore the chlldren slmi,lar? t i -'1..;: 1.:..; :,i :;. 4lt''+4&' =-/i <z'r= =;e-;?fu"1'A'a a mirror l* *:,,,u {:i{i:i:'",i:,j'.ia'i,\r'*ittr?:' : Looh ot Uoursef. Worh with Uour Jrlends. Look ot Uour clothes. Looh ot Uour Joces. Look ot Uour Tal.k y obout how gou are slmi.tor to our Jrlends. Mohe drawlngs to show how Uou ore slmltor. I like ploying tennis, ,4, :;"'iirr',i ili,u..,j,i::l Tol.h iI Ii# to Uour Jrlends obout thlngs Uou [Lhe. Draw the thlngs that Uou ond Uour Jrlends tlhe. Do Uou lihe s[m[[ar thlngs? E-u%fl'Hre,gre"'ff ''# We ore :": ",,f -Y'" ." * ;,";._" -:.;":l 1jj, ' *:. I ,ffi,;;;lTJfff"F'$i y:+* * &z : m.ffi %cd* #rffi #$ffimx.ffirre$ The pLcture shows leorners ot schoo[. They ore a[[ si.mi,[ar. 3,.4*fug.'#w Bc;* ?"wea.p*a,a different L i I I I The learners ore not o[[ the same. Theg are o[[ o little Toth obout why they are dtJJerent. dffi*r*e".ut. : '"-" _ ,,,;. i--;1..:l' l_,+i;i',,i,,: * Tol"h ,, .=.-;l:;;1L to gour Jrlends obout how Uou ore o[[ dfJerent. obout ha[r, sh[n, height, clothes, glosses, games Uou [i'he, thlngs Uou do not [the. Tol.h See f Uou con sort yourselves lnto groups. Looh at these chltdren. They are dtJJerent. Whtch chitd has darh ho[r? Which chlldren hove brown eges? Which chlldren are glrts? -+dr*i{,.r*g,*e*; W #;#'&,&. ?=,=:*+p',#'&"#x s,.rg;9*gr*Hi '# We can see how we ore simi.lor. ,-*' We con see how we ore d{ferent. m.m ffimn hm#Emm Looh at the moln parts oJ the h**q-+. %r5$fus*ffim body mouth shoulder fingers treG f**f Whtch other parts oJ the body con Uou nome? 3 0urselve* heod eye mouth shoulder fingers eye toes **p Bmeawpry Con Uou count Uour body ports? How mony [egs do Uou have? How manu f,ngers do Uou hove? How monu mouths do you hove? fr}mr"fm mf t$'rm &:m#y Cut out a plcture oJ o person. Lobel [t with these body parts: .ri'ri. i. ,. l:i.r, ri-i _r li r't l,.l ,tt'I '. ' Whot ore the ma[n body parts? What are the most lmportant body ports? Hffi"# &ffiffiW" W#ffiW# ww w&%r&&e @#{tudw eds i'#,' Femww ffiwmwffiffi We con see and nome the maln ports oJ the body. 3 **rs*i*e- ffi hetp us hnow whot Our around i,s senses us. The g[r[ [s bl,tndJotded. Eoch eye covered. She cannot i"s touch toste feel see smell heor tongue ,$ o=- i She ts She ploylng o game to pln the rcri[ con , and the horse. '"'"'""1 ?*u**F"e s=m** t*#fl i i i #*xffi"r# $m*:{ me*ffi: i objects i bag i a range of a cloth or paper 1.-,,., Put objects [n the bog. Ash your Jriend to Wme,a qw#Bffi the objects. Con they soy how the objects Jeet? Can they tetl others obout the objects? We use our eors to hear, our eues to see, our nose to sme[[, our shtn to touch, ond our tmr"uqur to taste. Anlmols hove senses too. Looh ot these onlmals and say how theg con do these thlngs. Why do they need senses? Whot con theg -f,nd out uslng thelr senses? Hrc Bts: aF* .;rtlr;!,:l:|l& "'# Our senses tetl us obout the world around us. 3 *ur**lv** fl \.u'. How o,re the honds the same? How ore the hands dtlJerent? '# ,r;:;1-?;:'.*. Ten children a[[ have ho[r. They ore s[mi.[or. They hove dfJerent colours oJ ho[r. Thelr hoir co[ours were wrltten How monu chi.ldren have red i.n hoi.r? Which colour is most common? **.,*py **H,r+a*r I 5 E fi/ i i i 5,t ,t ! 3 {"ll * r''.:e-r1 il*:,' / a chart. ffi Polnt to these ports oJ the ch[[d's bodg. W Ltno has her eues ctosed. She connot see. Can she heor? Con she taste? Con she smeIt? Con she touch? Con the cat see? Con the btrd heor? How do the senses help the cot? How do the senses he[p the btrd? % 5 UUTSEiVBS 'l 'rrrr"rr' rl i :: : ti tEi rdu*s o=e,l*'* -ry"*tl\-I 1'ffi[ de e* 'eH1Ei-q PF tr'; f { ff,{ *# ,i. ! "*,, f s. .ff, There ore lots oJ world around uou. ln the 5(L'jlOOiL moteriols plostic rock rubber metql wood fobric poper ,*,,i:i i '.:::::.:::::., gloss tt ,,i ,) ,") ,i ii ::::::::il:.1 I The chi.tdren ore loohtng o.t marerlols. Con Uou f,nd What other materlots con Uou see? i!i& S4 il . # ond ? -&fqm'*e a hl{ rxt*r'i * -rermBH mae.*sp{m,; r... clipboard a magnifying i glass i'*'"",;+,* fi r: *i Wal.h around Uour clossroom or school. Looh Jor things rnade Jrom meta[s, il#.f,]#r, q i.*a"n,s, Jobrics Ond :-,'" ; i,"" r :l;.i.. Write down whlch mqterlols 9ou see. Whot do theg look tthe? Whot do theg Jeet tthe? Looh c[osely ot some moterlals. Con Uou see smo[[ ports oJ the materlol? tri:'tro A car [s mode Jrom manu dfJerent materio[s. Metol i.s used Jor the cor body. Rubber Ls used Jor the tyres. Fabrtc i.s used Jor the seat covers. Wfuw* Wmw fumww Kwww*wffi Common moteriots are wood., gtass, plastic, poper, metal, concrete and Jabric. 4 #*gfu:rri* i:,' i.- :-':, =+ri,:j ffi Whot moterlols con gou see? Are they ? Are Are they worm or they ? to the touch? Con Uou see through them? strong soft rough flexible properties,Y smooth '**'."' mognifying gloss fibres i I Tal.h obout why each materi,ol has been chosen Jor the job. Strong, flexib[e ond soJt ore dilferent :+ :il til :.*, 4 oJ moterlols. :: $:fr; u r#'iz ;:ir",:- four or five different fabrics a magnifying glass : :r*t1i Some Jobrlcs ore soJr, some ore ":'.!' , SOmg Oye ,rrrri-r r-, t. ! el This fobric is rough. ,i , , Which Jobrtc do Uou rhinh wi[[ be the smoothest? ,. .'''...|,;. Looh at the Jobrlcs wlth o FeeI them. Put them i,n order Jrom the smoothest to the roughest. Were Uou rtght? Hove Uour Jrlends put the Jobrics i,n the same order? A Jobrlc has monu sma[[ threads calted i';i:,,,,,,.. The wou i.n these frbres ore woven together mahes the Jabric Jeel rough or smooth. *'##*fuw*; ry *e-{,,g;' =,, .,.,,, "#' D[lJerent morerla[s have dfferenr properrles. "*' Moterlols with dljjerent properrles ore used Jor d{ferenr jobs. 4;r'-a.)i..;i::*,::. W You con moteri'ats. ThLs Ls good Jor the envlronment. recycle group sort shiny tesi This plostic bottle con be recycled. lt could be mode The fobric of the into onother bottle. clothes con be used to moke new clothes. The poper con be Which of these moteriols could be used ogoin? recycled to moke new poper. ,,, \ J \ C> The chi.ldren put slmllor materlats together [n a What groups would Uou mahe? :r& &4 :& fl ''lf ie+=.e "riaf ,,*"E E .gr*,+1..* a* +#. ; a set of different t-4 iq-: i""* f-":; r-t i;, rj-i r:i"i'ri r i'i] il, materials Use o guestlon to put the moterlals lnto groups. For examp[e, Is [t metol? Pich the moterlots up ond Jeel. them. Now use the propertles oJ moterlats to :;c-]r i them Lnto groups. For exampte, Is the moterlol warm? Is i,t :;i"iini;? _:) f" Shore Uour groups wlth the c[oss. + *a ',9.{.' ."il*:m"f i fl:,[-] il'"r"r.fl] l*: r: i *: l r; *+ x;r*''xap.'l*"3"$. .5:e..* e} f;B ; a set of different Whot other do Uour materials moterlots have? Thtnk qbout o slmple i:r]srj thot Uou could use to f,nd out. Is it Jtextble? Is [t strong? Is it bouncu? Is it see-through? Use whot Uou f,nd out to mohe new groups. Can you thlnh oJ other tests? "la""!*L *:,tri ' $t;irl i i{.{}* jJ -:""# 'lJ,".,.*,f^,-"*;. *' Moterlals can be sorted i.nto groups bosed on thetr propertles. 4 i.;',t-:i{rt:;:;i::. i,L. rtii wf::i* W ffi Whot moterlals ore used to make these objects? Use these words. ffi Here ore some objects made Jrom d{ferent materlals. an WhU ore these objects mode Jrom these materlols? Choose one oJ these reosons. = Do gou ogree wlth the chitdren? The tyres ore mode of rubber becouse grips ..a;1i::tt! t "". :!"::,,,, i:,i),,!! tl well. trttrtttlnttli'lt11* it ,i ^.r,,r,t e*x!/l[l!tl The tyres ore mode of rubber becouse it The tyres ore mode is of rubber becouse I rubber is block. slippery. ,,^,nod ,,aytttti/,:,.!':'11'.a.o,.,.,..,,,r,,r7r,,.,,,y,g,,,;fllll',,'lti'"n!'l'|'fl"' The tyres ore mode of rubber becouse it con't hurt you. ' E How could gou sort these objects? Is there more thon one wou to sort them? #ffi 'ffi@? 4 ,',ti,,.;;1ii'., ffi f --i i fl: ffiffi *J r:Y." F ff, FI :Fl"*' # .,i tsJ -#* # ",# movrng run turn r i I F t i t I i' : I E t t. t .{ .d H ow ore these chlldren l, 5r il l ? i'# *:.1; I fi'i-! g-.; ; *..,: {1i,"i: Go to a ployground. Find dfJerent woys to move. I can s'.";uirlq. I con i"i-rilr. I con jmffiF). I can 'i:.u"i:::,. Tett gour Jrlends how Uou ore Movlng [n space con be hard. How i.s the ostronout moving? 'X *4 ',"#' -. "**.. .. ,r;* fl'ffi#"qe.r . i fod .iPS-. wffir tr r_, "B,1 s# a"r* w"ru M ffiffi There are tots oJ dfJerent wogs oJ moving. lr E I m.m h4mqry $*Wm ffirffiflk How do these toys worh? '$.ffiw*ffiw *m.Hmmw*pp push A p*q*h or o rya*8"8" con mahe things move. Which toys do gou pu[[? Whtch toUS do Uou push? ffi w 5 :"*:."1-rr ": ";frr.i i'l pull , & r'vr*w[m6 ?*:y Mohe o push or pu[[ toy [[he these. a construction an elastic : band a plastic straw or short : bamboo pole sticky tape string Ahmed hos mode this toy. It moves when Uou putl. Lt. Anito has mode thls tou. It rnoves when Uou push Toth about how Uou mahe Uour toy move. '':::':" '" Wfu.mffi kit "t::"t::":'l ffisew+ ??,#+.-efl# H**.mwffi* ;'& Pushes and putts can mo.he things move. ThLs bultdozer ls pushlng. Whot other mochlnes push or pull to mqhe things? f: --.:?s, * r'.' ==$:llj;i ii +i5 s 'W, ffim*h {;{ r:;i":ii'? maw qrer$,HH" smme*#; 1 sticky notes Looh around Uour c[ossroom. Con Uou see thi.ngs Uou con push or pu[[? L*2*7 Try to push or pu[[ them. Were U ou rig ht? LobeI the thlngs thot gou f,nd. Whg do some thlngs not move when Uou push them? ffiffiflfum* esffie# fe*arupm ffimwwwe* t*e# i'# We have to push and pult to mohe thi.ngs worh. 5 $:;i-;sl-l*:t r:nrj #i;il* ffi foster slop slower !w&r,t,;,. ffi*--* ri-*'* ,M- Adjo is belng pulted along. What is goLng to hoppen? How con Adjo turn? Es # a ball Ptog o gome with a bol.t in rhe ptouground. How con Uou mohe a bal"l. go How con Uou mohe bott go How con Uou mahe bol"l" How con Uou mohe bott ? ? 900 dfJerent woy? ? ond pu[[s con mahe things go Jaster or slower. Pushes ond pulls con mohe things go o d{ferent way. Pushes ond pulls con molq.e things stop. Pushes € Is she pulling or pushtng? :,1' i;r-:?:::.3.:::. ,1 How i.s the boy movlng? How ore these people movlng? Can Uou-f,nd, swlnglng, pushing and pul.l.tng? =4# Vishni and Chipo ore riding bicyctes. *4 How con Chlpo go Joster? tu How cqn Vlshnl stow down? # How con they turn? 5 Fi,,*si-r-*r,; *rr*{ p*i;* W i r " I Prn_i** {:P,' fl,ffr ,rj&*jrl i: Jmi ru#--**{ ii**J"} j /E i::i ,$ru ldidtil r:1 $i trI " f= # f'+If q:i '".,,' 1.i,-, ',,.$ ii i:l* f,*t 'fl,&fip.t ""ffi":im'*.:*,r sound thlngs mahe o :.irlr,:r:r"i. are lots oJ sounds here. voice . ! Ftt $,s*'*.€"l+* source listen w: tl !!tqwwtr!p4|!+,u;:trxw! H*W, A thtng thot mohes o sound i,s calted o sound How monu sound sources con Uou frnd? Your'"+r..:rr.t i's i 6 Fler;rirl6 I,j{.1,- l i":iiii o sound source. :S ffi t-t [{- tr. pe $#L* r"l*j:* Fodi [s using hls eors Whot can he hear? to i,isi.*r-i to sounds. Whot wi[[ Uou heor gou do th[s? TrU r'J it. Close Uour eyes to help Uou llsten. Where do the sounds come Jrom? TrU llstenlng o;galn. Do you hear anythln g dtJJerent? %ffiflfuwffi WffiK# furyruyw Kwwwwffi iS, Peopte, animals and other things mohe sounds. ,9d. A thing thot mahes o sound is called a sound source. 6 i{ +:* rt r-:*: r,,l:r j l'r*i r_,, m.m ffiusr ffiffiflffi Hearing i's one senses. "J uour We hear sounds with our ears. ffitupffim *m Hwmw*wm quiet loud soft Whot ore these people do tng ? What do theg hove on thelr eors. \, \\ \^ \\\L v ffi 6 hl*mru;:g s**rrj* &-*u# mrc# **{f $ffiq-{n:#m Ume Ls coverlng her eors. Llsten to o sound. Now cover Uour eors wlth Uour honds. What con gou heor thls You hove stopped some oJ the sound golng lnto Uour eors. Dolng this con stop t*m# sounds damoging Uour eors. Tomu is to q,xl*fl sounds. Llsten to o sound. Now put Uour honds up to Uour eors. Does i,t chonge what Uou hear? Dolng this helps gou to heor s*$t sounds. 4eWW- - .s ffi ffi%ffiffi w#'ffi .i ry iaa4"qr"ffi &mmwwe* '& We hear sound when it goes lnto our eors. 6 i-{**ri*g s****ls Con qnu one heor the mon? Why not? )- *'L /tP .]..:.]:il;::1]:-!..i]i*:.I .- a.$ ,fl 6 :: i!':..:. -ti.:;i:,;i:::iri:- : ::::::r: ::-:.1+."!.rrr:: ff *4r*',rra €.**f r3{.-:; ,i={}'.,,}fc#* qpe*a e"Fs,#X.:$"'p*emw# ; percussion instruments a large space #*? Who can heor the sound [oudty? Who con heor the sound guletly? Trg thls with gulet ond loud sounds. Which con go Jurther? We con use o megaphone to mohe our volces sound louder and go Jurther. s # &.$ &ft/ :.i, '# ,$U*** #dffF:Ls, " T.He.? flmg,x_ **pmff a Sound gets guleter as [t moves owoU Jrom the source. 6 i4+.:*r';r-rg g**n#* ffi, Whtch oJ these mohe sounds Uou con hear? 6l-iemring sounds ffi whot mlght hoppen to this gLr[s eors? ffi 4 \. e #' Ben con't heor the muslc. Whot con he do? ,6.HeclrinO sourros tr I PB.i l-pffi"P,#lr i!?ffi{!@@l@r{,!E*# J - -""4 - F*- "per0@'*e *,1 J **-# J ::;;:'::';;;: " ,$ -*l -/ ' Thts sectlon oJ the Leorner's Book covers some oJ the new scientf.c engulru shtlts Jor this stage. You shoutd reJer to these shllts whenever Vou need them. F-9.{}',# *r*'F, :, hlr-t Y,; *z# q3E#'A f:ff*mr*6x, frrc g*e*ffid#*# *'i i:i t.;;tl-lr't*,il1r;ll"-t Amlno ond Nlta have planted dllferent seeds. .!,!) ,rlii ,il.. Which Ui plont will grow the fostest? ., ,,, i ,'' think they will oll grow I j"i'ti*N,r. ;;t!;;;;t:;;t-j'ir -.."r.',/f.*i}? r,,viiI i'l'-:I":lf:3#5'-'E Nilo soUs whot she thlnks w[[[ hoppen. T ;::itri; r..:tl-:; d;Uui'+: r,'zrl;.]-t; t* t*,:: Amlna ond Ni[a declde to looh at how to[[ the plonts ore every dog. I 1." a aa:;: '2".. :i':: )1 ]t i ::1 .,..!i-;i: .! -:'s Theg use bri.chs to ftnd out how to[[ the ptants hove grown. :jl':; ;::1,:ri:-: On the last day Amina and Nil.a compore the three brich towers. They te[[ the class whot they hove Jound out. "'t:t'-r! Amlna ond Ntta hove Jound out rhot plont A grew rhe Jastesr. They hqve otso Jound our thor some plonts grow Jaster thon others. Plont A grew the fostest, I wqs not right. Some plonts grow foster thon others. ':+it+;'*:',3lllq: ffi FiFtfi l#r JJ JJ :!::!:,::,;,,.,,:.;=,;,,tt":"' ": i.,ii; 1,1 i,..,i somethlng that ls living 6 o llvlng thlng that con move oround ond eots other livlng thlngs 6 the whole part oJ o person or 'L"{ 5"i W POg e out the young oJ on oni,mol i1 i. ' use o guestlon to frnd f5i:i 1.,i i.,i. c if rfro. JJ J=,JS#= i"']'i:iii:r t$: 21 10 onlmot 28 cotj the young oJ o cow or elephont compore looh ot how thlngs ore slml[ar ond how they ore dfJerent 10 q o mlxture oJ woter, sond and cement thot goes hard [[ke a rock 35 dfJerent something thot [s not the same 26 envlronment the ploce [n whlch living thlngs tlve Jabric o soJt, flexible moterlol used to mohe clothes ond other thlngs concrete Jarm 8 34 o ptoce where anlmols or crops ore produced 8 Jor Jood Jast/eri est toklng a short tlme to get to onother Jot oilg or greosu moterLot Jeet use the sense oJ touch to ploce 4q 13 frnd out obout something 31 f,bres smo[[ threod-tlhe ports 37 flexib[e when something con bend eoslty 36 Jood whot onlmols eat 12 gloss o materlat thot gou con see through 35 to put thlngs wlth each other 38 grow get bigger 18 heo[thy a livlng thing thot hos o[[ i,t needs ond Ls not slck or domaged g roup heor Uou heor sounds uslng Uour eors 30 human men, women ond chlldren ore humons 11 ju*p move so thot Uou ore not touchtng the ground 43 tig ht something thot comes Jrom the Sun to tlsten to sounds 20 53 Iisten Uou use gour eors tiving livlng thlngs grow, need Jood, moke woste, use olr ond hove Uoung "6 looh (ot) use Uour eues to flnd out about something 7 [oud a descrlptlon oJ a sound 55 mognfytng shaped gloss thot mohes objects looh bigger 37 we use moterlats tihe gloss, wood, ptastic and Jabrtc to mohe monu thlngs that we use evergday 34 rnetoI o moteriol thot is oJten strong and shing 34 move/lnglment chonge posltlon 42 nome soy whot somethlng ts colled 17 non-livlng not otlve Poper Pet o moterlal thot Uou use to wrlte on on onlmol thot Uou heep [n the home plant o llving thing thot con mohe lts own Jood plasti'c a tgpe oJ motertot thot may be cotoured gloss moteria[s 6 35 8 6 34 putt trg to move somethlng towords push try to move somethlng owoy Jrom Uou Uou 44 44 fruit propert[es the words we use to a moterlol 36 guestlon 21 you osh o questlon to flnd somethlng out o sound thot onty mohes o ltttle nolse 55 recgc[e when o moterlol is used agoi.n 38 rock hard port oJ the Eorth 34 ffi %Hd i::.:.:]:.] :i]:]::.]i::li|] roug h bumpy, not flat 37 rubber o moterial that con bend eoslly ond heeps water out 34 run to move Uour Jeet quichly, Joster thon walhtng 43 salt o whlte powder thot we add to Jood to chonge the taste 13 see to looh ot things with our 30 seed the port oJ o plont Jrom whlch o new plont eges con grow 18 the thtngs onlmots use to frnd out obout the world oround them 30 shtny loohs bright when ttght shlnes on 3q stg ht Uou use Uour eyes slmitor being the some Ln some wous 24 tohlng o long tlme to get to onother p[oce 4q ] :::rr..i:i:i_::iaril1::a:l:arla: .'i.:':]:1]:.:::nj:::lil,.i::] senses s [owl erl est sme[[ Uou use your nose smooth flot, not bumpg soJt (mqteriol) gentle Lt to see thlngs to sme[[ thlngs to touch, not hord 31 30 37 36 soJt (sound) a qulet sound 55 sort put things lnto groups 3q sound somethlng you heor 52 source where somethlng comes Jrom or where it is mode 52 stop not moving onymore 4q strong powerJul, not eosi[y brohen 36 sug or' o sweet white powder that we odd to Jood ond drinhs 13 SWINO taste test tongue to move bochwords ond Jorwards, os on o swlng 43 you toste your Jood using Uour rongue do something to see whot happens 30 3q the part oJ Uour mouth thot hetps to Jeet and toste Jood 31 touch c sense Uou use to 30 turn chonge dlrectlon 43 voice whot Uou use to tath o llquld thot Uou drlnh (the sea ond rlvers 52 ore mod e oJ woter) 1q woter wood Jeel, thlngs o moterlol thot comes Jrom the trunh oJ o tree uCIung 34 o baby plant or onlmol thot hos only been o[ive o short tlme 11 The outhors ond publisher ore groteful for the permissions gronied to reproduce copyright moteriols. While every effort hos been mode, it hos not olwoys been possible to identify the sources of oll the moteriols used,or to troce oll the copyright holders.lf ony omissions ore brought to our notice, we will be hoppy to include the oppropriote ocknowledgements on reprinting. The publisher is grotefulto ihe experienced teochers Monsooro Shooib Shoh, Lohore Grommor School,55 Moin, Gulberg, Lohore ond Lynne Ronsford for their coreful reviewing of the content. p. 7/ Cederlund Tholin/ Shutterstock; p. TcAptTone/ Shutterstock; p. 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The course offers ptenty of teoching ideos to give ftexibitity, otlowing teochers to setect octivities most oppropriote to their clossroom ond pupits. An enquirybosed styl.e of teoching ond teorning is stimuloted, with the Scientific Enquiry objectives integroted throughout to encouroge [eorning of these skitts otongside the scientific con-epts. The longuoge levei is coref utty pitched to be occessibte to EAL/ESL leorners, with concepts ittustroted through diogroms to oltow visuoI understonding ond leorning. Comhridge Primory Science This Leorner's Book for Stoge 1 covers oLt the objectives required by the curricuium fromework in on engoging ond visuot[y stimutoting monner. The Leorner's Book contoins: usefuI ittustrotions thot exptoin concepts to hetp visuo[ leorners ond those with lower Iiterocy octivities to devetop Scientific Enquiry skitts ond support leorning through discovery key vocobutory pointed out os 'Words to leorn'throughout key Leorning points given os 'Whot you hove Other components of Combridge Primory Science ISB N : 978-1 -107 -611 42-9 Activity Book'l Teocher's Resource For our 1 1: ISBN: 978-1'107-61146-7 futl ronge of Combridge Primory titles, inctuding Mothemotics, Engtish ond GtoboI Engtish, visit I@ l;i:tritrr Leornt'summories ot the end of eoch unit, 'Check your progress' questions thot offer opportunity for o ssessment. Completely Cambridge ffi:,ffi wrw Cambridge tesoutces ror Cambridge quaitfications Combridge University Press works with Combridge InternotionoI Exominotions ond experienied outhors, to produce high-quotity endorsed textbooks ond softwore thot support Combridge Teochers ond encouroge Combridge Leorners. rsBN 978-1 -1 07 -61 138-2 ilil llit illillllll lllll lll llll 9 tt7811oztt61 1382rr>