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Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz Attempt review

Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
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PSYC1001-Psychology 1A - Term 1, 2021
Dashboard  My courses  PSYC1001-5213_00359  Emotion and Motivation (Weeks 5, 7)  Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz
Started on Friday, 7 May 2021, 11:09 PM
State Finished
Completed on Friday, 7 May 2021, 11:09 PM
Time taken 7 secs
Question 1
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According to Darwin, emotional expression is important because it
Select one:
communicates important information to other people.
b. causes our brain to arouse our body into action in frightening situations.
supplies an instinctive response to all situations.
d. causes blood to flow to the appropriate parts of the brain.
The correct answer is: communicates important information to other people.
Question 2
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According to drive reduction theory, an imbalance in homeostasis creates a(n) ___________ to which the brain responds by creating a psychological state
called a(n) ___________.
Select one:
drive; need
b. need; drive
instinct; motive
d. motive; instinct
The correct answer is: need; drive
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
Question 3
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After finishing a marathon, Adena grabs a water bottle and quickly drinks all of its contents in an attempt to satisfy a ___________ drive.
Select one:
b. learned
d. secondary
The correct answer is: primary
Question 4
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Based on research of the various theories of emotion, which of the following is not a reasonable assumption or finding?
Select one:
The brain cannot generate emotional experience independent of physiological arousal.
b. Cognitive interpretation of bodily responses adds to emotional experience.
The most basic emotions probably occur directly within the brain.
d. The many shades of emotions probably arise from attributions and categorisation.
The correct answer is: The brain cannot generate emotional experience independent of physiological arousal.
Question 5
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Because all of your friends are concerned about you feeling depressed lately, you decide to walk around all day with a smile on your face trying to look
happy. By the end of the day, you actually begin to feel happier. The theory of emotion that best explains this phenomenon is
Select one:
James' peripheral theory.
b. Cannon's central theory.
the arousal theory.
d. the Schachter-Singer theory.
The correct answer is: James' peripheral theory.
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
Question 6
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Because Lola's mouth is dry, her hands are sweaty and her heartbeat has increased, she experiences the emotion of ‘fear'. This is consistent with
___________ theory of emotion.
Select one:
Cannon's central
b. Schachter-Singer's
the attribution
d. James' peripheral
The correct answer is: James' peripheral
Question 7
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Before coming to his final exam, Howie drank four cans of Surge (which contains a lot of caffeine). As the final was being passed out, Howie became aware
that his hands were shaking and his heart was beating fast. According to ___________ theory, whether Howie attributed his shaking hands and beating heart
to ingesting a lot of caffeine or to being concerned about the final would affect his emotional experience.
Select one:
James' peripheral
b. Cannon's central
the Schachter-Singer
d. the Shenker-Turner
The correct answer is: the Schachter-Singer
Question 8
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Blind infants tend to show the same facial expressions as do sighted infants, but as blind infants grow older, their expressions become less animated. This
indicates that facial expressions
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
Select one:
are innate.
b. are learned.
may be innate, but are maintained by operant shaping.
d. are the result of imitation.
The correct answer is: may be innate, but are maintained by operant shaping.
Question 9
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Geoff, a basketball player for City High School, sinks 30 straight free throws during practice. However, during the critical game of the season, with the score
tied and 20 seconds left to play, Geoff misses three consecutive free throws. Geoff's behaviour can be best explained by ___________ theory.
Select one:
b. arousal
drive reduction
d. opponent-process
The correct answer is: arousal
Question 10
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If you lost all feedback from your body about its physiological and behavioural activity, which theory of emotion predicts the least amount of change in your
ability to experience emotions?
Select one:
b. Cannon's central
d. James' peripheral
The correct answer is: Cannon's central
Question 11
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Imagine you are a male three-spined stickleback (a fish). You come across a nest of unfertilised three-spined stickleback eggs and you can't help but do a
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
ag e you a e a a e t ee sp ed st c ebac (a s ). ou co e ac oss a est o u e t sed t ee sp ed st c ebac eggs a d you ca t e p but do a
particular dance and then go ahead and fertilise the eggs. Which theory of motivation accounts for your behaviour?
Select one:
Arousal theory
b. Behavioural doctrine
Drive reduction theory
d. Instinct doctrine
The correct answer is: Instinct doctrine
Question 12
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Isabella was injured when her automatic pencil sharpener malfunctioned and a pencil pierced her skull and destroyed her thalamus. Now Isabella can no
longer experience emotion. This situation supports ___________ theory of emotion.
Select one:
James' peripheral
b. the Darwin-Buss
the Schachter-Singer
d. Cannon's central
The correct answer is: Cannon's central
Question 13
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Janise smiled in real pleasure when her baby reached for her. This is an example of
Select one:
a Duchenne smile.
b. social referencing.
d. the facial feedback hypothesis.
The correct answer is: a Duchenne smile.
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
Question 14
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Jeremy works very hard at school and almost always gets As. According to drive reduction theory, Jeremy's motivation for studying hard is most likely due
to a
Select one:
primary reinforcer.
b. reward.
primary drive.
d. secondary drive.
The correct answer is: secondary drive.
Question 15
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Josh starts smoking to experience the pleasurable feelings associated with nicotine. This behaviour is best explained by the ___________ theory of
motivation. Eventually, however, Josh becomes physically addicted to nicotine and now he needs the drug to reduce the cravings he feels. Josh's behaviour is
now best explained by ___________ theory.
Select one:
incentive; drive reduction
b. drive reduction; arousal
arousal; drive reduction
d. drive reduction; incentive
The correct answer is: incentive; drive reduction
Question 16
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Juan is a CEO of Hoola-Hoops, Inc. He sees his employees as lazy, untrustworthy creatures with no interest in their work. Thus, he offers a highly
structured, heavily supervised work environment. Juan assumes that his employees are primarily motivated by ___________ rewards.
Select one:
b. intrinsic
d. personal
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
The correct answer is: extrinsic
Question 17
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Kent and Gabriel both ask Danielle out on a date. Kent is very attractive and a lot of fun to be with, but he is also unemployed. Gabriel is older than Kent,
has a secure job and owns his own home; however, Gabriel is quite unattractive and not very much fun. Danielle chooses to go out with Gabriel instead of
Kent. The ___________ theory of motivation would best predict Danielle's choice.
Select one:
drive reduction
b. arousal
d. humanistic
The correct answer is: evolutionary
Question 18
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My friend is a fan of Maslow's and Rogers' perspectives on psychology. My friend is probably interested in the ___________ perspective.
Select one:
b. humanistic
d. evolutionary
The correct answer is: humanistic
Question 19
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Preference ratings from several thousand people in more than three dozen cultures reveal that females generally prefer mate characteristics associated with
higher levels of social status and financial resources, and males generally prefer mate characteristics associated with
Select one:
liveliness and creativity.
b. intelligence and social status.
d. physical attractiveness and good health.
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
The correct answer is: physical attractiveness and good health.
Question 20
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Psychologists use the concept of motivation as a(n) ___________ variable to find the unity beneath the apparent diversity of many human behaviours.
Select one:
b. moderating
d. explanatory
The correct answer is: intervening
Question 21
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Richard Solomon's opponent-process theory may best explain the motivation of which of the following behaviours?
Select one:
Deciding how to choose between two jobs that have both positive and negative outcomes
b. Sacrificing physiological and safety needs for a moral reason
Evaluating if going on a blind date will affect a person's well-being
d. Becoming addicted to thrill-seeking activities such as skydiving
The correct answer is: Becoming addicted to thrill-seeking activities such as skydiving
Question 22
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Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
Samuel is well fed and owns his own home. According to Maslow, this information suggests that Samuel's current motivation should be focused primarily
Select one:
trying to completely fulfil his potential - to ‘be all he can be'.
b. achieving a sense of personal accomplishment.
constructing stable relationships with other people.
d. reading books of great literature and listening to good music.
The correct answer is: constructing stable relationships with other people.
Question 23
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Six months ago Zach made his first bungee jump. Before he jumped, he was intensely terrified. But when he completed the jump he felt relieved. After
many jumps Zach feels only a mild amount of fear when he prepares to jump and feels intense elation both during and after the jump. This phenomenon can
best be explained by the ___________ theory.
Select one:
drive reduction
b. arousal
d. opponent-process
The correct answer is: opponent-process
Question 24
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The addition to James' peripheral theory that the Schachter-Singer theory provides is
Select one:
very minor - they are essentially the same theory.
b. the interpretation of the bodily responses.
the social-referencing phenomenon.
d. the adrenal medulla as the initiator of emotional experience.
The correct answer is: the interpretation of the bodily responses.
Question 25
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Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
The fact that people all over the world seem to associate a smile with positive emotions provides support for the ___________ aspects of the expression of
emotion. On the other hand, the diversity of types of smiles supports the ___________ aspects of the expression of emotion.
Select one:
social; innate
b. innate; social
learned; innate
d. learned; social
The correct answer is: innate; social
Question 26
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The fact that seeing a pizza commercial on television may make you hungry, even though you didn't feel hungry a few minutes ago, seems to indicate that
hunger is
Select one:
not stimulated by stress.
b. a secondary drive.
partially learned.
d. completely biologically controlled.
The correct answer is: partially learned.
Question 27
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Which of the following is not a characteristic of motivation?
Select one:
b. Initiation
d. Persistence
The correct answer is: Ability
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
Question 28
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Which of the following is the best example of behaviour that is motivated by cognitive factors?
Select one:
Kathy starts smoking cigarettes because all of her friends have started doing so.
b. Cara drinks a large glass of water after a netball game.
Norm punches a wall after his girlfriend breaks up with him.
d. Yoon drops out of school because she has doubts about her academic ability.
The correct answer is: Yoon drops out of school because she has doubts about her academic ability.
Question 29
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Which of the following is the primary pattern of sexual response?
Select one:
Orgasm, plateau, resolution and excitement
b. Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution
Resolution, plateau, orgasm and excitement
d. Excitement, orgasm, plateau and resolution
The correct answer is: Excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution
Question 30
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Which of the following statements best supports facial expressions of emotion as being innate?
Select one:
Infants soon begin to imitate the facial expressions of those around them.
b. The pattern of facial movements we call a ‘smile' is universally related to positive emotions.
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
When playing some games of chance, many people master the skill of hiding their emotions from the other players.
d. Sticking your tongue out at someone means surprise in China and resentment in North America.
The correct answer is: The pattern of facial movements we call a ‘smile' is universally related to positive emotions.
Question 31
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Which situation is most consistent with the facial feedback hypothesis?
Select one:
A boy smiles at a funeral and is punished by his mother.
b. A mother smiles at her children to make them feel happy.
An actor smiles on stage in order to become happy.
d. A student smiles at a joke told by his professor.
The correct answer is: An actor smiles on stage in order to become happy.
Question 32
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William and Virginia are discussing the sexual response cycle. William says, ‘It really isn't fair that women can have orgasm after orgasm after orgasm after
orgasm! We men have our orgasm and then have to wait around a while before we can have another one.' Virginia says, ‘That is just the way things are women don't have as long a ___________ as men do.'
Select one:
plateau phase
b. feedback loop
refractory period
d. resolution phase
The correct answer is: refractory period
Question 33
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You are watching Sex Talk Live on TV when Sue, the host, begins talking to a caller about sex hormones. Though men and women have all the same sex
hormones, Sue explains, on average, men have relatively more ___________ and women have relatively more ___________.
Select one:
Emotion and Motivation Revision Quiz: Attempt review
progestational hormones; androgens
b. androgens; progestational hormones;
progestational hormones; oestrogens
d. oestrogens; androgens
The correct answer is: androgens; progestational hormones;
Question 34
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You have written a paper on the topic of motivation for your psychology class. You decide to entitle the paper, ‘Motivation' and want to add a tag line to give
more emphasis to the title. From the choices below, you decide the most fitting is, ‘Motivation:
Select one:
Reasons behind people's thoughts and actions'.
b. Thought processes that people engage in'.
Actions that people are capable of performing'.
d. The brain's role in emotion'.
The correct answer is: Reasons behind people's thoughts and actions'.