Approaches to Narrative in Action Adventure Films Narrative or Story The narrative of an action adventure film often follows a particular pattern or structure. Tzvetan Todorov is a Franco-Bulgarian philosopher. Todorov suggests that many narratives, regardless of their genre, could be broken into specific stages for analysis. Todorov’s Narrative Stages Equilibrium The setting is established, key character(s) are introduced and the storyline is setup Disruption Oppositional character(s) appear and the story takes a particular direction Recognition of Disruption The lives of characters and events are interwoven. Tension builds throughout this section, which is often the longest. Attempt to Repair Disruption The highest point in the tension – climax of the film Reinstatement of Equilibrium Matters are sorted out, problems are solved and questions are answered Narrative Structure Try to write the narrative structure of your action adventure film. Identify examples of action sequences and/or locations which occur along the way. Film: Equilibrium Disruption Recognition of Disruption Attempt to Repair Disruption Reinstatement of Equilibrium