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Hybrid Solar & Wind Power Thesis Proposal: Grid Interconnection

Thesis Proposal
Title of Research: Hybrid Solar and Wind Power Generation with Grid
Interconnection System for Improving Power quality .
1)To reduce the reactive power delivered by PV source .
2) To make sinusoidal voltage, current and load voltage from non sinusoidal source voltage
,current and load vlotage with the use of controller.
3) To improve power quality of grid .
4) To optimize hybrid system and relocation based on load requirement, to reduced overall cost.
Abstract: Demand of electricity is growing very rapidly for industrialization &
urbanization of Bangladesh. Renewable energy sources being available
abundantly in nature can be considered as a better option over conventional energy
sources.Various new control strategies are used for improving power qualityand
reliability obtained from renewable energy sources.Power electronics technology
works drastic role in small generation and for integrating non conventional energy
sources to grid. Recently solar, wind power generation has attracted special
interest; the rapid growth of wind power worldwide has resulted in increasing
media attention and public awareness of wind generation technology. The
conventional energy sources are being depleted day by day and the cost of required
fuel is increasing rapidly Solar and wind energy are available in large amount and
can be considered as reliable source of power generation. Hybrid solar and wind
energy systems can be used for rural electrification and modernization of remote
area. In this paper,simulation model of hybrid solar and windpower system is
connected to grid . For this analysis is carried out on simulated model to determine
sag, swell, sourcevoltage, source current, percentage of total harmonic distortion
(THD). The simulation model of single phase is developed. Eight level inverter is
used for converting dc power generated from solar into ac. The advantage of using
Eight inverter is used to improve the overall power quality of the system. The
proposed system is simulated through Math's Laboratory simulation package and
also design of Eight level inverter studied.
1)Mr. Akshay Zade, Dr. Asha Gaikwad, "Design and simulationanalysis of seven
level Cascaded grid connected inverter for PV system" Novateur publications
International journal of innovationsin engineering research and technology
[IJIERT] ISSN: 2394-3696volume 2, issue lO, oct.-2015.
2) Pragya Nemaa, R.K. Nemab, Saroj Rangnekar, "A current andfuture state of art
development of hybrid energy system using wind
and PV-solar: A review". Elsevier, Science direct, Renewable andSustainable
Energy Reviews 13 (2009) 2096- 2103.
3) Wind energy power system by Thomon aukerman by wiley and son.publications.
Thesis Supervisor Name :
Engr. S. M. Anowarul Haque
B.Sc in Engineering (EEE)
Assistant Professor & Head of Department(EEE)
Group Member Name :
1) Shaharia Gazi.
Roll :742
2)Md Billal Hossain.
3)Md Khalidur Rahman.
Thesis Supervisor
Head of The EEE Department