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Task Management
P r o fe s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t
About Task Management
What's it all about?
People who are productive on Earth
don't have to be superheroes. They
work the same hours as you, but often
have a lot more free time. How does
this happen?
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Best questions from the group
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Are you overwhelmed by all the work you
have? Do you find yourself missing
deadlines? Or are you just forgetful and
people chase you to get the work done?
There are quite a few different ways to
manage tasks. Some were designed to aid
software developers, while others can be
used for all purposes. Even those for
developers can be used in everyday life.
They are also the most efficient, as they
were created by people who need to stay
organized and work efficiently.
Why it matters
Chart Title
Knowing how to manage your tasks and
those of others is key to completing your
projects on time. Task management can
be described as having a list of tasks.
However, you will soon discover that
lists alone are not sufficient to manage
project workloads.
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To o l s f o r Ta s k m a n a g e m e n t
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Task management is the process of
identifying, monitoring and progressing
the tasks that need to be done each day.
Task management is a method of
organizing workflow efficiently in project
management. It is task-oriented, detailed,
and part of larger project scheduling.
These are the three main tasks in my
workflow, as well as the workflows of
millions more.
• Kanban
• Agile
• Get Things Done
Management Systems
To o l s f o r Ta s k m a n a g e m e n t
If the tasks are manageable and can be
completed in less than two minutes, then
you should do them immediately. If the
tasks take longer, it's time to prioritize
them and plan. This method will allow you
to gradually eliminate even the most
difficult projects and get you on your way
to achieving your goals.
To-do lists can be a great way to manage
work overload. If you don't use them well,
you will appear disorganized and
unreliable to those around you.
Management Systems
To o l s f o r Ta s k m a n a g e m e n t
Organise Yourself
You'll be more organized and reliable if
you use them well. With the assurance
that nothing is forgotten, you'll feel less
stressed. You'll feel less stressed if you
prioritize intelligently. This will allow you
to focus your energy and time on highvalue activities which will make you more
productive and valuable to your team.
It sounds easy enough to keep a wellorganized and thought-out checklist. It can
be quite surprising to see how many
people don't use them, or even use them
Management Systems
To o l s f o r Ta s k m a n a g e m e n t
Efficient and Productive
It's when people begin to use them
efficiently and sensibly that they often
make their first productivity
breakthroughs and start to make a career
of it.
If you only respond to the loudest person
at work, you can't be efficient. It is not
possible to be efficient by simply
answering every email in your inbox. Data
from the Pew Research Centre shows that
70% of Facebook users spend their time
on the app each day.
To o l s f o r Ta s k m a n a g e m e n t
Efficient and Productive
Common Task Management Tools
• To-Do Lists
• Online Task Lists
• Kanban Boards Online
Task management is a complex discipline
that requires a lot of attention, flexibility,
and the right tools.
The World Is Busy