1. Most common congenital urethral abnormalities is 1. 2. 3. 4. Meatal stenosis Hypospadias Epispadias Diverticula Ans (2) 2. Palpable plaque with curved penis pointing to the side of the plaque is a feature of 1. 2. 3. 4. Peyronies disease Condyloma acuminate Penile carcinoma Hypospadias Ans (1) 3. Identify the pathology depicted in the image given by a 1 -year-old male child. What is the preferred treatment? 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans (3) No treatment required Circumcision Surgical correction using foreskin Suprapubic catheterization 4. The most common type of hypospadias? 1. 2. 3. 4. Glandular Coronal Penile Perineal Ans (1) 5. Hypospadias treatment 1. 2. 3. 4. 6-12 months At birth 2 years 18 months Ans (1) 6. Phimosis is associated with 1. 2. 3. 4. Paraphimosis Meatal stenosis Balanoposthitis Hypospadias Ans (3) 7. In Carcinoma penis tumor staging, stage III involves 1. 2. 3. 4. The shaft of the penis Inguinal lymph node metastasis operable Inguinal lymph node metastasis inoperable Confined to prepuce Ans (2) 8. What is not true about Peyronie disease? 1. 2. 3. 4. Associated with fibrosis in the penis Associated with Dupuytren’s contracture It shows a self-limited course Medical treatment is effective Ans (4) 9. Extravasated urine following rupture of bulbar urethra collects in all the following regions except – 1. 2. 3. 4. Penis Scrotum Inguinal canal Beneath the superficial facia in the abdominal wall Ans (3) 10. A 20-year-old male has difficulty in urination and complains of the inability to have sexual intercourse, the patient describes this condition since birth, wh ich type to this condition will have the worst prognosis? 1. Glandular type 2. Coronal type 3. Penile type 4. Penoscrotal type Ans (4) 11. A sebaceous gland that secretes smegma is known as: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tyson gland Bartholin’s gland Cowper’s gland Brenner’s gland Ans (1) 12. Perineal hematoma after trauma is due to? 1. 2. 3. 4. Rupture of the membranous urethra Rupture of the bulbar urethra Pelvic organ blunt trauma Rupture of bladder Ans (2) 13. Indication of circumcision includes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hypospadias Epispadias Phimosis Balanitis Ans (3,4) 14. Smegma is secreted by: 1. 2. 3. 4. Tyson gland Brenner gland Cowper’s gland Bartholin’s gland Ans (1) 15. All are true regarding circumcision except: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hemorrhage due to bleeding from the frenular artery Increase sexual drive Avoid correction of congenital anomaly Reduces sexually transmitted infections Ans (2) 16. A most frequent cause of urethral fistula is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bursting or incision of a periurethral abscess Following urethroplasty Difficult catheterization Congenital Ans (1) 17. A 40-year-old patient of pelvic injury presents with a stricture bulbar urethra of 1.5 cm length. What would be the management? 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans (2) Urethral dilatation Excision and end to end urethroplasty Patch graft urethroplasty Urethrotomy 18. The most common cause of Condition shown (Encircled) in Photograph is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Infection Congenital Trauma Post-endoscopy Ans (3) 19. 1 cm urethral stricture, treatment: 1. 2. 3. 4. Urethral dilatation Excision and end to end urethroplasty Patch graft urethroplasty Urethrotomy Ans (4) 20. What is the treatment of invasive C A penis limited to the prepuce only without any peripheral involvement – 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans (1) Circumcision Partial splenectomy Total penectomy with penile urethrostomy Radiotherapy 21. Diagnosis is: 1. 2. 3. 4. Chancroid Carcinoma Penis Chancre Bowen disease Ans (2) 22. Following is/are the predisposing condition/s for the pathology depicted in the image given – 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans (4) Penile cutaneous horn Bowenoid popular Balanitis xerotica obliterans All the above 23. Hypopigmented lesion on penis shown in the following photograph on histopathology shows carcinoma in situ- 1. 2. 3. 4. LSA Leukoplakia Lichen planus Vitiligo Ans (2) 24. All of the following are the advantages of the specimen shown in the image below, except; 1. 2. 3. 4. Ans (3) Removal is easier Less infection rate Kept for a shorter duration Drains fluid adequately 25. A 24-year-old male patient complains of painful and involuntary erection, on examination given picture is his presentation. Which of the following statement is false regarding this patient? 1. 2. 3. 4. Ibis condition is due to venous congestion Corpus spongiosum and glans penis is not involved The most common cause of this condition is an antipsychotic medication Intracavernosal injection of phenylephrine is the first -line therapy Ans (4) Menu PG NEET for medical students PG NEET PG NEET MCQS ,PG NEET Surgery MCQs Lesson 37 – NEET PG Surgery MCQs 37 – Urinary Bladder Testis Seminal Vesicle and Prostrate – 37 Lesson 37 – NEET PG Surgery MCQs 37 – Urinary Bladder Testis Seminal Vesicle and Prostrate – 37 July 26, 2020 viji srini 0 Comments NEET PG Surgery MCQs 37 – Urinary Bladder Testis Seminal Vesicle and Prostrate – 37 1. Urine in extraperitoneal rupture of bladder extends to5. Groin 6. Prevesical space 7. Peritoneum 8. Below pelvic diaphragm Ans (2) 2. All are true due to the conditions shown in the figure except: 5. Pain at end of micturition referred to the tip of the penis 6. Holmium laser 7. Litholapaxy 8. Painless intermittent hematuria Ans (4) 3. Which variety of hypospadias does not need treatment? 5. Glandular 6. Coronal 7. Penile 8. Penoscrotal Ans (1) 4. Features of carcinoma penis are all except 5. Circumcision soon after birth provides total immunity 6. Metastatic to inguinal nodes 7. Surgery treatment of choice 8. Transitional cell carcinoma Ans (4) 5. The most important prognostic factor in the case of Penile carcinoma is 5. <2 cm 6. LN metastasis 7. Involved connective tissue 8. Metastasis Ans (2) 6. Identify the abnormality shown (arrow) in the photograph 5. Epispadias 6. Hypospadias 7. Phimosis 8. Circumcision Ans (2) 7. Not a good prognostic factor in carcinoma penis 5. Size less than 2 cm 6. No regional lymph node metastasis 7. No invasion of subepithelial connective tissue 8. No metastases Ans (1) 8. Which of the following is the most common urethral injury? 5. Rupture of the bulbar urethra 6. Rupture of the penile urethra 7. Rupture of the prostatic urethra 8. Rupture of the membranous urethra Ans (1) 9. The commonest site of hypospadias is 5. Just proximal to glans 6. In the mid of the penis 7. Scrotum 8. Perineum Ans (1) 10. A 5-year-old pulls penis skin while urinating. Upon examination there is erythema and edema over the prepuce. Diagnosis 5. Hypospadias 6. Urethral stone 7. Posterior urethral valve 8. Phimosis Ans (4) 11. The most common cause of urethral obstruction in male children 5. Posterior urethral valve 6. Meatal stenosis 7. Urinary tract infection 8. Urethral duplication Ans (1) 12. Fallman’s balanitis is caused by 5. Trichomonas 6. Candida 7. Ducati 8. None Ans (4) 13. The treatment of balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) is 5. Chemotherapy 6. Circumcision 7. Radiotherapy 8. Partial amputation of the penis Ans (2) 14. Pain in region of the penis in acute urethritis is typically experienced 5. Before micturition 6. After micturition 7. During micturition 8. Irrespective micturition Ans (3) 15. The complication of the urethral stricture is 5. Retention of urine 6. Urethral diverticulum 7. Periurethral abscess 8. All of the above Ans (4) 16. Identify the pathology depicted in the given image 5. Hypospadias 6. Epispadias 7. Phimosis 8. Penile ulcer Ans (1) 17. Identify the abnormality shown (arrow) in the photograph: 5. Epispadias 6. Hypospadias 7. Phimosis 8. Circumcision Ans (3) 18. Injury to the penis which of the following prevents extravasation of blood 5. Bucks fascia 6. Fascia of camper 7. Fascia transversalis Ans (1) 19. The condition has seen (arrow) in the photograph is associated with 5. Hypospadias 6. Epispadias 7. Exstrophy 8. Peyronie’s disease Ans (4) 20. Chordee is associated with 5. Epispadias 6. Hypospadias 7. Phimosis 8. Posterior urethral valve Ans (2) 21. Palatable fibrous plaque on dorsal penile shaft indicates 5. Paget’s disease 6. Potter’s syndrome 7. Prehn’s sign 8. Peyronie’s disease Ans (4) 22. After fracture of the penis (injury to the tunica albuginea) with intact Buck’s fascia, the hematoma will involve 5. The penis and scrotum 6. The perineum in characteristic ‘butterfly’ shape 7. The penis, scrotum, perineum and lower part of the anterior abdominal wall 8. The shaft of the penis only Ans (4) 23. The most common cause of urinary ascites 5. Post urethral valve 6. B/L PUJ obstruction 7. Meatal stenosis 8. Infantile PKD Ans (1) 24. Which of the following is used in circumcision? 5. 1% lignocaine without adrenaline 6. 2% lignocaine with adrenaline 7. 1% lignocaine with adrenaline 8. 2% lignocaine without adrenaline Ans (1) 25. Circumcision cannot be used in the management of 5. Phimosis 6. Severe balanitis xerotica 7. Paraphimosis 8. Penile cancer Ans (4) Take the quiz to complete the lesson. 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