FIN – 401 Topic 01 Non-performing loans (NPL) of banking sector in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study between SCBs and PCBs Introduction:(Purpose of the study) (Maximum 150) Literature review: Step1: Industry analysis (Overview of Bangladeshi Financial sector: particularly banking sector and more specifically commercial banking sector). It’s a gradual layer building process backed by scholar opinion and your analysis. Keywords:[ Financial Sector in BD, Banking Sector, Private commercials banks (PCBs) and State commercials banks (SCBs) snapshots which including (Number of SCBs and PCBs, Weight (%) out of all types of banks, ROA, Loan to Deposit ratio situation (Here, consider year 2016 for these data collection) ] (Minimum 400 words) Step2: Theoretical and informative analysis about your topic. Keywords:[What is NPL,Cause and effect of NPL,Scholar views,Why NPL is a big concern nowadays for banking sector in BD? Analyses relative issues (Minimum 600 words) Financial Analysis:Year to consider (2012 to 2016) (link for report) Step 01: Trend analysis Comparative position of NPLs by all type of banks ( 5.3 (b) and 5.6 pg34 & 35) NPL / Total Loan ratio (NPL Ratio) by all type of bankstrend analysis (5.3, pg 32) Profitability ratios by all type of banks (Table T5.8, pg 37) Present other relevant data then investigate and explain (Minimum 300 words) Step o2: Comparative Analysis (All SCBs Vs PCBs) Comparative position of NPLs by all SCBs and PCBs(Table 5.3 (b) and 5.6 pg34 & 35) NPL / Total Loan ratio (NPL Ratio)by allSCBs and PCBs (table 5.3, pg 35) Profitability ratiosbyall SCBs and PCBs(5.8, pg 37) [ Is there any correlation between Nonperforming loans and bank profitability?Explain your argument ] Bad debt Table 5.6 pg 36 (under liquidity heading ) Present other relevant data then investigate and explain (causes and effect of NPL with evident) (Minimum 700 words) Recommendation: Give your prescription according to your findings. (Minimum 200 words) (Bullet points with short explanation is preferred) Link: Bangladesh bank website (Particularly Chapter 5 from annual report) Google Scholar IDLC World Bank The global Economy Topic 02 Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking in Bangladesh: A Comparative study Industry analysis Keywords: [ Financial Sector in BD, Banking Sector, Private commercials banks (PCBs) and State commercials banks (SCBs) snapshots which including (Number of SCBs and PCBs, Weight (%) out of all types of banks, Philosophy of Islamic banking, Principle of Islamic banking, Difference between Islamic and nonIslamic banking system, Performance analysis of one Islamic and one conventional bank of Bangladesh.(1000 words minimum) Objective: Performance evaluation in terms of liquidity and profitability of Islamic and non-Islamic (conventional) banks in Bangladesh for the period of 2012 to 2016. Sample selection and justifications and performance criteria: (Select five Islamic and five non-Islamic (conventional) banks, based on total asset size in the year of 2016.) Investigating year is 2007 to 2016 for each bank. Performance criteria Profitability: ROA (return on deposit), ROD (return on deposit) Liquidity: Loan to deposit ratio, Loan to total asset Analysis: Recommendations: (minimum 200 words) Requirements that Must Follow: 1. Must have a nice printed cover page which must include (Group members Id , Name, Faculty name, Assignment no, date of submission, course name, id etc. ) 2. Must include Table of Content with proper heading & page number. 3. Copy paste or any kind of cheating will be penalized strictly. 4. Last date of soft copy (both power-point slide and report) submission at 19th March, Monday through email to (No submission of soft copy will be accepted after 11.59 pm of 19th March.) However, you can submit before the due date. 5. Last date of report (hard copy) submission at submission at 20th March, Tuesday( before1.30 pm). 6. Instructions for report: - Reference is must and APA format referencing will be followed. - Page limit: Not more than 25 pages (excluding reference list, table of content, executive summary and Appendix) - Font; Times New Roman, Font size; 12, In between line space; 1.5, 7. If any group member not contributing please mention his/her name as ‘’no contribution’ and inform me while submitting or before in a written format with detail. 8. Presentation time and date will be declared later on.