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Reflective Teaching Practice Report: Agricultural Science

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Reflective Practice in teaching is a way of looking at day-to-day teaching experience with an
open mind (CETDAR,2009). In other words, reflective practice is a process of selfobservation and self-evaluation.
The teacher can identify ways to improve the quality of his or her teaching through reflective
How I felt during my teaching and learning lesson.
One of the most important lessons that I learned was the importance of feedback. During my
student teaching practice, I find ways to improve my teaching skills. I was not afraid to ask
my cooperating teacher for advice. When observing me in action, he or she will notice things
that I hadn’t noticed before. Maybe I look at the floor too often, or stand in one place the
entire time. My cooperating teacher can point out these things to me, so I can make the
necessary changes to improve.
More than just asking for feedback, I need to have a good attitude about the information that I
receive. What will I do with this information? I found that when I was teachable and willing
to hear criticism, I saw greater improvements in my teaching and increases in my confidence.
Student teaching was a great experience. It had its ups and downs, but I became a better
teacher by working to make the most of my experience and looking for opportunities to learn.
Below is a reflective story of a lesson a thought in the cause of my internship
Topic: Rusting
Relevant Previous Knowledge: pupils have been introduced to corrosion
Advance Preparation: I read relevant books and prepare teaching and learning materials for
the successful delivery of my lesson.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to;
1. Define Rusting.
2. Give at list four effect of rusting on metals.
3. Explain at least four methods for preventing rusting.
I introduced the lesson by reviewing the relevant previous knowledge of the pupils.
This was done through question and answer method. I ask?
What is corrosion?
Pupils being conversant with the question, responded just as I wanted. I then emphasised the
points from their response to come out with the topic for the day “Rusting"
Step 1
To begin with the development of the concept, I use a TLM to guide the pupils to come out
with the definition of rusting.
Pupils contributed, understand the concept and were able to come out with the definition of
rusting in their own words. I raised upon their definition and gave them an appropriate
definition of rusting.
Step 2
I guided the pupils through discussion to come out with the effects of rusting on metals.
Pupils understood and were able to mention some effect of rusting on metals.
Step 3
With the aid of TLM I engaged the pupils through brainstorming in order for them to come
out with some methods of preventing rusting.
Pupils brainstormed and were able to come out with the methods of preventing rusting.
An application question was asked to test the understanding level of the pupils in what I
thought them.
I ask “you have visited your uncle and realised that all his farm tools are turning brownish.
what you do to help your uncle prevent his farm tools from that brownish colour"?
The pupils responded appropriately and show their understanding of what I thought.
I summarised the lesson by emphasising on the prominent points and evaluate the lesson by
giving them class exercise.
1. Define rusting.
2. Mention four effects of rusting on metals.
I had a challenge when I was illustrating how rusting can be prevented by using cathode
protection. Pupils could not understand it upon using a well drown diagram to illustrating
cathode protection to explain to them.
Innovative Solution
In order for the whole class to get the understanding and benefits, I organise for a projector
from a friend the following week to cast a video for them to see how cathode protection is
being done.
What I will do differently when I begin my professional career
When I begin my professional career as a 21st century and a technological era teacher, I will
use audio – Visual gadget e.g. projectors, television and others that will catch the attention of
the students. This will help them to recall easily. Other methods such as forming small
groups, and involving students in practical work which will also make them to remember and
In conclusion, I say that the internship program is an experience every student teacher should
be given the opportunity to have. My stay in Ampabame R/C J.H.S made me experience what
life after school in the teaching profession will be.