Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy & Buildings journal homepage: Thermographic 2D U-value map for quantifying thermal bridges in building façades Blanca Tejedor a,⇑, Eva Barreira b, Ricardo M.S.F. Almeida b,c, Miquel Casals a a Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Department of Project and Construction Engineering, Group of Construction Research and Innovation (GRIC), C/Colom, 11, Ed. TR5, 08222 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain b CONSTRUCT-LFC, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), Civil Engineering Department, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal c Department of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Campus Politécnico, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 23 January 2020 Revised 24 April 2020 Accepted 21 May 2020 Available online 10 June 2020 Keywords: Quantitative infrared thermography (IRT) U-value Thermal bridges 2D map SURFER a b s t r a c t Thermal bridges accounted for 30% of the impact on the energy performance of European residential building stock. Nevertheless, European countries and their standards do not take into account the influences of this type of anomaly. Furthermore, current methods for quantifying thermal bridges have three main drawbacks. Firstly, most of approaches consist of complex models based on fluid dynamics or finite elements as calculation procedure. Secondly, the disturbances of a thermal bridge can’t be assessed along the vertical and horizontal axis of a wall surface area, since the current methods only allow to perform local measurements. Thirdly, the stratigraphy and morphology of wall is unknown in most cases. Hence, this research proposes the implementation of a 2D U-value map to quantify the influence of thermal bridges in three heavy walls by internal quantitative infrared thermography (QIRT). The measurement campaigns were conducted on a walk-in climatic chamber to monitor and evaluate full-scale building elements. The results demonstrated that the use of 2D U-value maps could help to delimit the geometry of a thermal bridge as well as its area of greater influence, to quantify the U-value in any point of an entire wall with acceptable reliability and, to provide real information about the thermal behaviour of air voids inside opaque façades. Indeed, the U-value results measured by HFM and QIRT were similar in the inhomogeneous wall areas (from 0.08 to 8.55% of difference in most cases). In this way, the operational life of a building could be enhanced with specific refurbishment procedures. Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Buildings can contain anomalies that weaken the construction and impact on energy demand [1–6]. The impact of thermal bridges (TB) on the energy performance of European residential building stock has been estimated at 30% [7–9]. According to dynamic modelling studies, the multidimensional aspects of a TB are challenging and could represent from 5 to 39% of heat losses in highly insulated buildings [10–12]. Thermal bridges also affect external infrared thermography (IRT) evaluations, since 56% of wall surface temperature measurement errors could be linked to these heterogeneities [13]. Despite this, the influence of TB is not taken into account in all European countries and their respective regulations, since the correct calculation procedure of linear thermal transmittance is quite laborious (especially for the oldest buildings that require renovation) [4]. ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (B. Tejedor). 0378-7788/Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. In terms of methodology, several approaches can be distinguished to define the internal composition of a façade and to obtain a reference value for experimental campaigns: (i) endoscopic analysis to identify the internal structure; (ii) nominal design data provided by building material databases from standards (theoretical method); (iii) simulation from historical analysis or analogous buildings; (iv) in-situ measurements by the common standard method (heat flux meter) or quantitative thermography (QIRT) [14–19]. A more detailed explanation of each method is presented, except for the endoscopic analysis that damages the building façade. The theoretical method is characterized by three potentials: it is the simplest and most widely applied method to determine the nominal design value of a wall in various countries, physical testing is not required, and national energy efficiency regulations tend to be well –known [20,19]. Nevertheless, the standards are limited to ideal constructions (i.e. ISO 6946), since the calculation procedure does not deal with: ageing of materials, wall morphology (proportions of stone and mortar, voids etc), detailed hygrothermal 2 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 data to local context, moisture content, thermal bridges or influential factors related to workmanship [21,22,17,23]. However, all of these issues could potentially affect the U-value of a building element over time [21], especially in heterogeneous specimens (i.e. stone walls) [17,23]. In fact, the largest discrepancy between theoretical and measured U-value is given when insulation layers’ present substantial gaps with greater width as well as air cavities where the air is stagnant or moving slowly (external air ingress behind the plasterboard) [21,22]. This problem could also have implications in energy audits, building modelling and effectiveness of energy upgrade measures [23–25]. Even building material databases or simulation could present similar drawbacks, since variations of thermal conductivity values in real operating conditions may be attributed to: the density of the material [15], moisture content variations [26,27,28] and climatic variations [19]. For these reasons, building components should also be characterized using in-situ measurements techniques such as HFM or QIRT. The most widely used procedure for determining real U-value is the heat flux method (HFM) [29,30,31,18,19]. Nevertheless, several studies evidenced limitations of the HFM: local measurement [38,17,18,33]; long measuring time [18,19,31]; low reliability of the results for lightweight walls or inhomogeneous specimens [32,17,23,25,33]; damages and marks can be produced on the surface of the building element during the test [34,33]; difficulties in walls with internal heat sources such as pipes of cold/hot water flows [35,33]; metrological errors can be caused by environmental conditions, wall structure, thermal inertia of the wall, thermal bridges, moisture and partial adhesion of the sensors [36–38,32,15,39,40,17,41,23,33,19]; the use of the technique is limited to the winter season [19]; operational conditions related to the users (i.e. furniture, occupant behaviour) can affect the measurements [19]. Some of the mentioned sources of inaccuracy for the HFM have been quantified. The features of the sensors (thermocouples and heat flux meters) could lead to measurement errors from 6 to 26% [33]. In fact, 30% of the heat flux variations could be caused by the size of the heat flux plate [42] and 26% of the deviation in the overall heat transfer coefficient could be attributed to the location of the heat flux plate [43]. The less relevant technical factors of disturbance were found to be poor contact between the plate and the wall as well as non-one-dimensional flux, whose estimated errors range from 2 to 5% and 1 to 5% respectively [15]. Despite not being directly related to the sensors, the orientation of the wall could be responsible for an error of up to 37.3% [44] and data processing methods (average or dynamic analysis) could add 20% [37,45]. Some authors also demonstrated that the deviation between theoretical and measured U-values was found to be between 30 and 47% in wall areas with presence of air cavities [21,46,17,25]. Construction defects are unpredictable within the theoretical calculations [21] and the range of discrepancy depends on the standard taken as a reference and the proportion of materials (i.e. ratio stone to mortar) [17]. Concerning the IRT, numerous studies assessed existing walls with defects due to moisture, thermal bridges (TB), cracks or air leakages. Nevertheless, there are more qualitative IRT studies [17,39,47–61] than quantitative [62,10,63–68]. Qualitative IRT studies were characterized by discovering heterogeneities or damage in the layers below the plaster [48,49,52,54,55], defining geometry of the masonry [17], determining wall surface temperature profiles at different heights [25,61] or adding a filtering process to each image for the delimitation of the pathology [61]. In some cases, surface temperature factor and heterogeneity surface temperature factor were also calculated [39]. Quantitative infrared thermography (QIRT) is an alternative NDT for the in-situ measurement of thermal transmittances that solves the limitations of other mentioned methodologies (i.e. endoscopies, data analysis from simulation or building material databases, HFM) [54,69,70,32,18] and requires shorter test periods (only 30 min) for homogeneous heavy multi-leaf walls [71]. In contrast to the HFM, which considers the heat flux due to conduction, QIRT estimates the effect of radiation and convection processes in a stationary regime to assess the U-value. However, some problems arise from the IRT: the cost of the equipment is very high [72,33]; a qualified technician is required to carry out the inspection and the subsequent data analysis [72,33]; the technician needs to access to the building interiors and this can be considered invasive by the occupants [19],climatic conditions can notably influence the results, since the use of the method is limited in warm areas or summer [50,33,19]; pollution and smokes with high emissivity may impact on the results [49,33]; and misreading information can be taken by the IR camera when temperatures have very close range [73,33,19]. Hence, in terms of identification of anomalies, it does not depend only on the features and depth of the defects. Building components, in thermal or hygroscopic equilibrium, could be difficult to study with thermography. Indeed, the thermal gradient between inside and outside environments as well as the direction of thermal flux determine when a defect can be visible by a thermogram [74,58]. In recent decades, research efforts were focused on finding an automatic detection of thermal bridges via quantitative IRT [62]. In fact, research activities to refine the IRT methodologies based on analysis pixel-by-pixel are still ongoing [75]. Table 1 provides an overview of the most significant studies on this topic. The following information is given for each one: the reference (authors and year of publication); the number of samples (1 or 5 specimens generally tested in laboratory under controlled conditions or real built environment); the analyzed parameters (including the linear U-value, heat flux and incidence factor of the thermal bridge among others); the techniques that were performed (i.e. HFM –heat flux meter-, IRT –infrared thermography-, CFD –computational fluid dynamics-, SNR –signal to noise ratio- and EMD –empirical mode decomposition-); the maximum deviation between theoretical and measured U-value; and observations. A detailed analysis of Table 1 is reported below. As seen, few authors have devoted attention to quantify the contribution of TB to the deviation of in-situ U-values measured by internal quantitative infrared thermography (QIRT). The common parameters for quantifying the effect of a TB and associated dispersions of the U-value were based on at least the following three parameters (regardless of the technique applied): (i) heat flux; (ii) linear thermal transmittance; (iii) incidence factor of the TB. The last parameter is defined as the ratio between the heat flux obtained under the effect of the TB and the theoretical heat flux resulting from normal operating conditions through a onedimensional building envelope (without TB) [62]. Nevertheless, when QIRT was implemented to assess the U-value, all authors used the average temperature of a line element to quantify the effect of the TB during data post-processing of the thermograms [10,64–66,68]. In other words, the measured thermal transmittance was associated with the wall surface temperature of each pixel that comprised the imaginary line defined by the authors. Therefore, the 2D effect of the TB was not considered. Another aspect to pointed out is that most of studies validated the IRT results by simulation, focusing on: fluid dynamics (CFD), finite elements (FE) and continuous time stochastic modelling among others. According to [25], an estimation of the heat losses in heterogeneous walls needs the use of complex 3D computations. However, models can’t be normally adopted by not specialized researchers such as energy auditors, since algorithm implementation and high computation time are required [76,77,17,25]. The calculation procedure is based on detailed and accurate input data on stratigraphy, thickness, order of assembly of the building 3 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 Table 1 Literature review on the quantification of thermal bridges and their impact on the determination of in-situ measured U-value by QIRT. Reference N# samples Parameters to be analysed Techniques Max. Deviation [62] Laboratory: window [10] 1 real building 1 dynamic wall BES dynamic calculations Linear U-value [63] Prototype 3 TBs Linear U-value Heat flux (RQ for pixels on IR line) Incidence factor of TB [64] 3 samples TBs 2 samples no TBs Laboratory: 2 samples for 3v Simulation: 6 samples for 5v Energy saving factor Incidence factor of TB Heat flux Linear U-value Impact of the wind Heat flux (RQ for pixels on IR line) Linear U-value [66] Laboratory 3 TBs Incidence factor of TB Linear U-value QIRT (hot side of the wall) Hot box for the validation (ISO 8990) 52% [67] Laboratory 5 samples Multiple TBs Internal QIRT (hot side of the wall) Hot box (ISO 8990 & ISO 12567– 1) Finite elements (FE) Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 9% QIRT 8.5% FE 13% CFD [68] 2 buildings Thermal bridges under different pre-processing tools Accuracy of defect detection Computational complexity 20–57% [64] Linear U-value Heat flux (RQ for pixels on IR line) Incidence factor of TB Heat flux (RQ for pixels on IR line) Linear U-value (wall & window) HFM point by point Active QIRT 2D model by FLUENT – Finite elements (THERM, KOBRA, GAMBIT and FLUENT among others) System identification methods by MATLAB QIRT HFM Finite Elements (THERM) – Combination HFM – External QIRT Hot box for the validation (ISO 8990) External QIRT Hot box for the validation (ISO 8990) Simulation Sparse principal component Thermography (SPCT) Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) material layer and thermal properties of each layer (i.e. conductivity, density, thermal mass, vapour pressure resistance and emissivity). Indeed, some of data are related to conservative conditions of the wall [17]. Furthermore, simulation models are often developed without considering meteorological observations and the risk of surface condensation among others aspects [78,79,75]. Rye and Scott [80] were quite critical and suggested that inaccurate estimation of thermal properties of heavyweight construction resulting from modelling could be up to 77%. Regardless the calculation procedure for the thermal transmittance, Table 1 shows a high discrepancy between theoretical and measured U-values. In fact, the studies from Ireland and Italy revealed that the maximum deviation ranges from 12% to 73% for the quantitative IRT [63–68]. It should be noted that [62] only provided the deviation for the incidence factor of the thermal bridge (5%) and [68] presented the percentage of accuracy for defect detection and non- quantification of linear thermal transmittance. Within this context, and according to the literature, the way of enhancing the accuracy of experimental tests conducted in samples with greater heterogeneity was: (i) to know detailed geometrical characterization of the mock-up (dimensions, thicknesses, 73% 12% 36% Observations Use of a climatic chamber to ensure steady-state conditions Use of TWALL by a single pixel Measurement technique for IRT analysis: line meter 3 possibilities to obtain linear U-values (stationary & transient regimes) Electric circuit model for the 3 layers of the equivalent wall Continuous time stochastic modelling (CSTM) Use of TWALL by a single pixel Measurement technique for IRT analysis: line meter Comparison numerical data vs. experimental data Graph T vs. length specimen Use of TWALL by a single pixel Measurement technique for IRT analysis: line meter Laboratory: 3 wind velocities (0.1 m/s, 1.5 m/s, 4 m/s) for analyzing the influence of wind speed Simulation: 6 models for 5 wind velocities to determine the role of thermal conductivity Use of TWALL by a single pixel Measurement technique for IRT analysis: line meter Graph T vs cm Use of TWALL by a single pixel Technique of measurement for IRT analysis: line meterstribution of probability for T in thermal bridge Indoor IRT is more suitable for thermal bridges Uncertainty calculated by error propagation rule Measurement technique for IRT analysis: line meter Use of TWALL by a single pixel Calibration: use of fractions of convective transfer coefficients Reference value: hot box measurement Use of a multiscale data analysis method Solar diurnal cycle as an external stimulus Both buildings were affected by the 2009 earthquakes percentages of stone and mortar [77,25]; (ii) to know specific thermos-physical properties [76,77,25]; (iii) to define the moisture content of the mock-up [81,25]; (iv) to conduct a specific set-up of the test [82,25]; (v) to extend the metering section [83,25]; (vi) to increase the number of measurement points [81,25]; (vii) to increase the temperature gradient between the hot and cold chambers [77,25]. In the case of the quantitative IRT for a real built environment, the best way of obtaining accurate outcomes could be to increase both metering section and measurement points. For this reason, a 2D U-value map could be interesting to be developed. Considering the above aspects, the aim of the current research was to implement a thermographic 2D U-value map to quantify the thermal bridges of opaque façades, allowing clear identification of the most significant points of damage. Firstly, the background of the most relevant techniques for determining in-situ U-values was examined, and the calculation procedures and recommendations were highlighted. Secondly, to analyze the feasibility of the 2D U-value maps, three heavy walls were tested in a climatic chamber by quantitative internal thermography and the heat flux meter method. Subsequently, the results of all the techniques and their dispersion were compared. 4 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 2. Methodology This study proposes to compute a 2D U-value map for quantifying thermal bridges of entire façades by means of quantitative internal thermography. To achieve this objective, the research methodology was divided into two steps: (i) measurements setup; (ii) data treatment. In the first step, a climatic chamber was used to impose a temperature gradient between the two sides of three case studies (heavy walls) and the procedures required to assess the U-value by HFM and QIRT were implemented. In the second step, the data collected were analyzed with two goals. Initially, the U-value of undisturbed zones was calculated using QIRT and the results were compared with the HFM (standardized method). Afterwards, the 2D U-value map with SURFER software was computed. A detailed explanation of both steps is presented in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Subsequently, the measuring equipment and the case studies are briefly described in Sections 2.3 and 2.4. 2.1. Measurement set-up The measurements were carried out in a walk-in climatic chamber (FITOCLIMA 1000, EDTU) in the Laboratory of Building Physics, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). The chamber allows to assess full-scale components (1.90 1.90 m2) under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity (Fig. 1). It consists of two fans, three resistances, one compressor, several sensors and a display to configure the equipment. Besides this, the climatic chamber presents an attachment of another chamber (2.00 1.0 0 m2) where the technician can access through a door (2.00 0. 80 m2). For this reason, the technician can perform internal quantitative IRT tests. The technical features of the climatic chamber are shown in Table 2 (Section 2.3). Before implementing the experimental techniques, the theoretical method was applied to estimate the nominal design value of the specimens, according to the country’s technical building code and the European Standards UNE-EN ISO 6946:2012 [84] and UNE EN-ISO 10456:2012 [85]. In this way, it was possible to have a reference value. The theoretical U-value Ut [W/(m2K)] can be expressed by Eq. (1). Ut ¼ RSi þ Pn 1 Dxi i¼1 ki þ RSe ð1Þ where Rsi and Rse denotes the theoretical thermal resistances of the outer and inner surfaces [(m2K)/W]; Dxi is the thickness of the layer in metres; and ki is the thermal conductivity of the layer [W/(mK)]. Subsequently, the U-value of the specimens was determined by HFM using the procedure indicated in ISO 9869-1:2014 [86]. As seen in Eq. (2), this standardized non-destructive test (NDT) consists of determining the thermal transmittance UHFM [W/m2K] as the quotient between the specific heat flux by conduction across the wall qcond [W/m2] measured using a transducer and the temperature gradient (TIN -TOUT) [K] measured by thermocouples [86]. Pn ðq Þ U HFM ¼ Pn i¼1 condi ð T T IN OUT i iÞ i¼1 ð2Þ In recent years, some researchers established a set of recommendations about execution criteria of HFM. These are briefly described below: (i) the transducer should be located at 1.5 m above the floor [87] and at least 1.3 m from heating systems (fan coils or radiators) [35]; (ii) thermocouples for assessing air temperature should be installed at 0.30–0.40 m (horizontally) from the façade [88]; (iii) HFM tests should be repeated in different positions of the specimen [15]; (iv) the temperature gradient should range between 10 and 15 °C [54,31]), but over 19 °C could be required for walls with low U-values [41]; (v) the data acquisition interval needs to be long enough (considering a test duration between a minimum of 72 h and a maximum of 1 week), to ensure reliable outcomes [54,15,19]. Taking into account the above aspects, the boundary conditions were configured to ensure an indoor controlled space for the application of the HFM and the quantitative IRT. Each test specimen was placed in the structure of the metering box. The inner air temperature (TIN) and relative humidity (RH) were set to be 35 °C and 50% respectively. To avoid possible disturbances due to temperature peaks, air currents throughout the vertical surface of the specimen and reflections, the internal walls of the climatic chamber were entirely covered with a black cardboard. The outer air temperature and the relative humidity were by default 18–20 °C and 40% respectively. For all case studies, the walls were pre-conditioned in the climatic chamber for 72 h to ensure a stable temperature gradient and homogeneity of the heat flux. A qualitative IRT survey was also performed following the procedures indicated in ISO 6781:2015 [89] and UNE EN 13187:1998 [90], to define the position of the sensors in order to avoid any possible unknown heterogeneity in the specimens. The sensor layout included two heat flux meters installed inside the climatic chamber at 1.5 m above the floor (Fig. 2). The duration of the HFM tests was 72 h with a data acquisition interval of 10 min. Fig. 1. Image of the climatic chamber. 5 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 Table 2 Main technical specifications of the equipment. Equipment Output Measuring range Resolution Accuracy Climatic Chamber – Heat flux sensor TPD TND-TH QCOND 0.1 0.1 – ±0.5 °C ±2% ±5% Infrared camera NEC TH9100MR TWALL TREF 320 240 pixels ±2 °C or ± 2% reading Integrated T & RH sensors HOBO UX100 Emissometer D&S, Model AE1 TIN TOUT Temperature: 50 °C to 180 °C Humidity: 10 < RH < 98% Maximum temperature: 90 °C Temperature correction: + 0.10%/K Thermal conductivity: 0.25 W/(mK) Internal electrical resistance: 445–450 Ohm Constant of calibration: 17 Temperature: 20 °C to + 100 °C FOV: 21.7 16.4°; IFOV: 1.2 mrad Spectral Range: 8–14 lm Thermal sensitivity: 0.04 °C at 30 °C Sensor: FPA, uncooled microbolometer Temperature: 20 °C to 70 °C Humidity: 1 < RH < 95% – 0.024 °C 0.05% – ±0.21 °C ±2.5% ±0.01 eWALL of 5.67 108 [W/m2K4]; air thermal conductivity (kair) measured in [W/m K]; wall height (L) seen from inside the building in [m]; and dimensionless parameters Rayleigh (Ra) and Prandtl (Pr) numbers (assuming Pr = 0.73 for dry air under atmospheric pressure and TIN = 20–25 °C). For Eq. (4), the total number of thermograms (n) are considered. The equipment for the QIRT included an IR camera, temperature sensors with data loggers and a crinkled sheet of aluminum foil. Figs. 3 and 4 show a schematic representation of the experimental set-up and a real image of the execution of the method respectively. All the equipment was placed at 1.5 m above the floor and the distance between the IR camera and the target was established at 1 m. In addition, the angle of tilt of the IR camera was 5° from the horizontal to avoid reflections. The walls were monitored for 4 h with a data acquisition interval of 1 min. Only the last 2 h were used to determine the U-value, to ensure the stability of the system and avoid the effects of opening and/or closing the climatic chamber to position the equipment. Once the measurements had been Fig. 2. Sensors layout for the execution of the HFM method inside the climatic chamber. Regarding the quantitative IRT, the method proposed by [18] was applied to determine the influence of thermal bridges on the accuracy of in-situ measurements of thermal transmittance UQIRT [W/m2K]. The recommendations in [91] and [71] were also considered, in terms of: (i) operating conditions; (ii) thermophysical properties (i.e. kappa value); (iii) time series analysis for data post-processing. The instantaneous and average measured Uvalues [W/m2K] were determined according to Eqs. (3) and (4) respectively. 8 > > < > > : 0:825þh 1 ^ 0:387AR a6 9 1þ 0:492 16 Pr ð Þ L U QIRT i ¼ 92 > > = i278 > > ; kair h i ^ rA ^ T REF 4 T WALL 4 ½T IN T WALL þ eWALL A ðT IN T OUT Þ ð3Þ U QIRT av g Pn Pn W ðq þ qc i Þ U QIRT i ¼ Pn i¼1 r i ¼ i¼1 ^ K n ð T T Þ IN OUT m2 A i i i¼1 ð4Þ The parameters presented in Eq. (3) are: inner and outer air temperatures (TIN and TOUT) in [K]; wall surface temperature (TWALL) in [K]; reflected ambient temperature (TREF) in [K]; wall surface emissivity (eWALL); Stefan–Boltzmann’s constant (r) with a value Fig. 3. Position of the measuring equipment in relation to the wall (lateral side of the climatic chamber). 6 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 Fig. 4. Execution of the quantitative internal IRT inside the climatic chamber. carried out, the dimensionless approach (based on the Nusselt number for vertical surfaces in laminar flux regime) was used to estimate the in-situ measured U-value (Eqs. (3) and (4)). 2.2. Data-treatment The first step of the data treatment was the calculation of the Uvalue of the undisturbed zones based on the results attained by HFM and QIRT, following the procedures in Sections 2.1. Afterwards, to create the 2D U-value map with SURFER [Golden [92], the thermal images of the QIRT tests were subdivided using an n-elements (i j) mesh. In these case studies, 1600 elements were considered, each one with 8 6 pixels, to maintain the initial width/height ratio of the thermal image. The U-value of each element of the mesh was then computed using the formulation presented in Eqs. (3) and (4), considering TWALL as the average temperature of the element. The resulting n U-values were then plotted in a 2D colour map. A computer program was developed to automatize this procedure. Fig. 5 shows a schematic representation of this methodology. Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the development of the 2D U-value map. 7 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 2.3. Measuring equipment The main technical specifications of the equipment used for HFM and QIRT are shown in Table 2. For the HFM, two transducers (TPD TND-TH PU3.2) and two temperature and relative humidity sensors (HOBO Temp/RH data logger UX100) were used, as presented in Fig. 2 (Section 2.1). Quantitative infrared data (instantaneous TWALL and TREF values) were acquired with a resolution of 320 240 pixels by means of an IR camera (NEC TH9100MR). The wall surface emissivity (eWALL) was found to be 0.93 for all walls, according to the readings obtained with an emissometer (D&S Model AE1). The hygrothermal variables of the inner and outer environments were monitored by means of the same integrated sensors of HFM (HOBO Temp/RH data logger UX100). 2.4. Case studies Three heavyweight walls were prepared for this research (Fig. 6), since they are common construction solutions in southern European countries. W1 was a single-leaf wall in which the possible effect of air voids and gaps in the internal structure of the brick required evaluation. W2 was a heavyweight multi-leaf wall comprised of small defects (0.06 0.06 m2) of varying depths (0.025 m, 0.050 m and 0.065 m). W3 was also a heavyweight multi-leaf wall, but with a large internal horizontal thermal bridge (0.88 0.20 m2). The details of each specimen are given below, with information on the complete configuration and the technical features (Table 3) as well as a schematic representation (Fig. 7). Notably, the characterization of this kind of walls can be quite challenging due to their heterogeneous nature, roughness of the block surface and the wet construction type [83]. 3. Discussion of results All the 2D U-value maps (Figs. 9–11) were developed by SURFER [Golden [92] through a TWALL processed image (1600 elements that contain 8 6 pixels). To interpret them, an interval scale of 0.2 W/ m2 K was used and the same palette colour as the original thermogram. The Rainbow High Contrast Palette allows detection of slight temperature changes even in low-contrast conditions (the red colour referred to warmer areas and the blue colour corresponded to colder areas with greater disturbance of the reference value). Hence, this could help to better understand the distribution of the U-value. The comparative analysis of techniques for determining thermal transmittance is presented in Table 4, highlighting: (i) the Fig. 6. Single-leaf wall (W1) and heavy multi-leaf walls (W2 and W3). Table 3 Configuration and technical features of the façades (from outside to inside). N# Material layer Dxi [m] ki W1 1 Lightweight concrete 0.25 W2 (without TB) 1 2 3 4 5 Lightweight concrete Lightweight mortar Projected thermal plaster Bonding mortar with fiberglass Mineral mortar 0.25 0.01 0.065 0.005 0.01 W2 (with TB) 1 2 3 4 5 Lightweight concrete Lightweight mortar Projected thermal plaster Bonding mortar with fiberglass Mineral mortar W3 (without TB) 1 2 3 4 W3 (with TB) 1 2 3 4 Rt I [(m2K)/W] L [m] Ut [W/(m2K)] – 1.36 1.9 0.654 – 0.61 0.042 0.45 0.61 1.36 – – – – 1.9 0.32 0.25 0.01 0.04/0.015/0 0.005 0.01 – 0.61 0.042 0.45 0.61 1.36 – – – – 1.9 (a) 0.396 (b) 0.518 (c) 0.635 Lightweight concrete Lightweight mortar Insulation EPS Plasterboard 0.25 0.01 0.06 0.005 – 0.61 0.037 0.21 1.36 – – – 1.9 0.313 Lightweight concrete Lightweight mortar Insulation EPS Plasterboard 0.25 0.01 – 0.005 – 0.61 – 0.21 1.36 – – – 1.9 0.637 [W/(mK)] Dxi: thickness of the layer; kl: thermal conductivity of the layer; Rt i: theoretical thermal resistance of the layer; L: height of the wall; Ut: theoretical thermal transmittance of the building façade. 8 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the case studies. Fig. 8. Influence of the internal thermal bridge. theoretical U-value; (ii) the U-value measured by HFM; (iii) the U-value measured by QIRT in the same area of the HFM; (iv) the 2D U-value map results. The following parameters were calculated: the average, minimum and maximum values of thermal transmittance [W/m2K)]; the standard deviation (SD) [W/m2K)] and the coefficient of variation (CV) [%] of the measurements. When the area was not large enough to implement the HFM, only the theoretical U-value and 2D map results were provided. Table 4 shows that the existence of air voids and gaps in the internal structure of the brick with lightweight concrete (Fig. 8) could have affected the thermal performance of the building components. Generally speaking, and in terms of reliability, the outcomes were comparable with previous studies. Focusing the attention in the HFM, some authors stated that the deviation between theoretical and measured U-values ranged between 30 and 47% in wall areas with presence of air cavities [21,46,17,25]. B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 In this research, the discrepancy was from 7.29 to 26.84% for the undisturbed wall areas. As regards quantitative IRT, the literature showed that the maximum percentage of deviation was estimated to be 12–73% for walls with thermal bridges [63–68]. In the case of the thermographic 2D U-value map, the deviation was found to be between 7.83 and 27.80% for moderate inhomogeneous walls. In both experimental techniques, the deviation between the theoretical and the measured U-values was > 50 when the specimens did not have EPS insulation or projected thermal plaster. However, the U-value results measured by HFM and QIRT were similar (from 0.08 to 8.55% of difference in most cases). Hence, it could be concluded that the nominal design value is not suitable for materials with several heterogeneities and the characterization of the specimen should only be based on in-situ measurements. Fig. 9 presents the 2D U-value map of W1. As can be observed, the distribution of the U-value went from the centre of the brick to 9 the sides like an expansive heat wave that ranged from 0.9 to 2 W/ (m2K). The U-values measured by HFM and QIIRT were found to be 1.308 and 1.307 W/m2K. Despite being really equal, the internal thermography results had a lower degree of dispersion than those obtained by the HFM. Specifically, the coefficients of variation of the QIRT and 2D U-value map were 6.47% and 10.48% respectively, compared to the 37.43% of the HFM (Table 4). Hence, this aspect demonstrated that the 2D U-value map is especially useful in specimens with greater heterogeneity. As regards the internal TB and the junctions among bricks using lightweight mortar, these parts contributed significantly to increase the dispersion of the heat flux across the material (U2D map = 2.5–3 W/m2K). Fig. 10 corresponds to W2. The small defects described in Section 2 were clearly detected through the 2D U-Value map. When defects are of small dimensions and depths, it can be assumed that their influence from the delimitation of the holes to the rest of the Fig. 9. 2D U-value map for W1. Fig. 10. 2D U-value map W2. 10 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 Fig. 11. 2D U-value map W3. Table 4 Comparative analysis of techniques for determining thermal transmittance. Parameters Ut [W/(m2K)] W1 W2 W3 Without TB With TB Without TB TB (a) z = 0.025 m TB (b) z = 0.050 m TB (c) z = 0.065 m Without TB With TB 0.654 – 0.320 0.396 0.518 0.635 0.313 0.637 Statistical Parameters for each NDT (HFM, IRT, 2D MAP) UHFM_avg [W/(m2K)] 1.308 – UHFM_min [W/(m2K)] 0.777 – 2 UHFM_max [W/(m K)] 2.639 – SD UHFM [W/(m2K)] 0.683 – CV UHFM [%] 37.43 – UIRT_avg [W/(m2K)] 1.307 – UIRT_min [W/(m2K)] 1.023 – UIRT_max [W/(m2K)] 1.610 – 2 SD UIRT [W/(m K)] 0.084 – CV UIRT [%] 6.47 – U2DMAP_avg [W/(m2K)] 1.250 1.962 U2DMAP_min [W/(m2K)] 1.002 1.501 U2DMAP_max [W/(m2K)] 1.499 3.381 SD U2DMAP [W/(m2K)] 0.131 0.375 CV U2DMAP [%] 10.48 19.11 0.297 0.212 0.417 0.058 19.43 0.306 0.240 0.387 0.029 9.70 0.280 0.168 0.400 0.051 18.26 – – – – – – – – – – 0.427 0.400 0.896 0.122 22.30 – – – – – – – – – – 0.562 0.400 1.192 0.150 26.66 – – – – – – – – – – 2.570 1.002 4.976 1.111 43.19 0.397 0.292 0.647 0.086 21.66 0.370 0.258 0.484 0.070 18.78 0.400 0.335 0.500 0.045 11.28 1.102 0.893 1.626 0.188 17.06 1.294 0.807 1.695 0.316 24.42 1.229 0.505 2.201 0.486 39.52 Deviation between theoretical and measured U-values DUHFM/Ut [%] >50 – DUIRT/Ut [%] >50 – DU2DMAP/Ut [%] >50 – 7.29 4.43 12.59 – – 7.83 – – 8.49 – – >50 26.84 18.21 27.80 >50 >50 >50 Deviation among NDT DUIRT/UHFM [%] DU2DMAP/UHFM [%] DU2DMAP/UIRT [%] 3.09 5.72 8.55 – – – – – – – – – 6.80 0.76 8.11 17.42 11.52 5.02 0.08 4.43 4.36 – – – wall area are more isolated. In this case study, delimitations with a depth between 0.025 m and 0.005 m did not derive to a significant alteration in terms of thermal behaviour, since U2D map = 0.2 to 0.4 W/m2K from the top to the middle of the 2D map. The theoretical U-value and the measured U-values (HFM and QIRT) were inside the above range for the undisturbed wall area (Ut = 0.320 W/m2K; UHFM avg = 0.297 W/m2K; UQIRT avg = 0.306W/m2K). Concerning the internal area of the second TB (b), the fluctuations in thermal transmittance went from the borderlines to the centre of the anomaly (1–1.2 W/m2K). Indeed, and according to Table 4, the minimum U2D map was the same for both depths, at 0.400 W/m2K. However, the maximum values were quite different (0.896 W/m2K vs. 1.192 W/m2K). In terms of deviations between the theoretical U-value and the average readings of the 2D U-value map, the TB with z = 0.025 m presented a deviation of 7.83% and the TB with z = 0.050 m had a value of 8.49%. For depths of 0.065 m, the impact of the anomaly could be estimated at least 8 times higher than the reference value (Ut = 0.320 W/m2K vs. U2D map, = 2. 570 W/m2K), reaching a peak of 4.976 W/m2K. This also implied a higher degree of dispersion of the measurements for the areas around and inside the defect, since the coefficients of variation were 18.26% and 43.19% respectively. The third case study was distinguished from the others by a horizontal internal thermal bridge that was specifically executed B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 for the research. As shown in Fig. 11, the 2D U-value map provided information on the evolution of the thermal property as the effect of the TB increased. In fact, a minimum of five regions could be highlighted: 0.3–0.5 W/m2K corresponding to the undisturbed area located on top of the thermogram; 0.7–0.9 W/m2K from the area without any influence of the TB to the area where the TB began; 0.9–1.3 W/m2K for the junctions among bricks using lightweight mortar; 1.3–1.5 W/m2K for the top area of the TB; 1.5– 2.3 W/m2K with intervals of 0.2 W/m2K referring to the area with greater disturbance of the measured U-value. Notably, the attachment of the last material layer (EPS) was not totally airtight, since the insulation was assembled after building the internal horizontal thermal bridge. Hence, the wall could have had air infiltrations from inside the climatic chamber in different directions or air voids between the insulation and the structure. The results of the 2D map were corroborated by a comparative analysis of Table 4 and Lucchi’s study [25]. Lucchi et al. [25] defined a procedure to assess inhomogeneous walls by means of hot box apparatus and supported by qualitative IRT surveys and dynamic simulations. They demonstrated that the deviation for monolithic stone walls with air cavities (area influenced by thermal bridging) was 33–36% and 23–26% for the same wall with injected aerogel (‘‘moderate inhomogeneous” areas with a good thermal stability). As regards the U-values in the area of the thermal bridge without and with the application of aerogel in stationary regime, the measurements of the HFM were 1.26 W/m2K and 0.43 W/m2K respectively. In the homogeneous thermal area, the readings were 1.06–1.10 W/m2K without aerogel and 0.32– 0.35 W/m2K with aerogel. Values of the same order were obtained in the current research for W3. The thermal transmittances with and without TB were found to be really similar among HFM and quantitative IRT techniques. On the top of the specimen, the average U-Value for the 2D map was equal to 0.400 W/m2K while the HFM and QIRT in the same area of execution provided a value of 0.397 and 0.370 W/m2K respectively. As seen, the deviation among NDT ranged from 0.76 to 8.11% for the area without TB. In the area with disturbance, the outcomes were as follows. The average U-value of the 2D map was found to be 1.229 W/m2K, showing a contour line from 0.9 to 1.3 W/m2K; UHFM = 1.102 W/m2K and UQIRT = 1.294 W/m2K. Hence, the deviation among NDT oscillated between 5.02 and 17.42%. As regards the dispersion of the readings, the coefficients of variation were also affected by the TB, giving higher percentages for the internal thermography than the HFM. For example, the CV for the 2D U-value map with and without anomaly was 11.28 and 39.52% respectively, while the HFM presented 18.78 and 24.42% but worked with a minor study area. In addition, the minimum and maximum values for each technique were approximately four times higher when the readings were undertaken in the air cavity. Taking into account these aspects, it could be assumed that the measurements clearly depended on the air cavity (volume of moving fluid), instead of the workmanship (correct execution of the assembly). 4. Conclusions The main contribution of this research is the quantification of thermal bridges by a thermographic 2D U-value map for façades in operative conditions, without requiring additional equipment or simulation techniques (such as FLUENT, THERM and MATLAB). The review of the scientific literature highlighted several problems related to theoretical and experimental techniques to determine the thermal transmittance of building elements with anomalies, especially thermal bridges or air cavities. The results of this research demonstrated the 2D U-value map could help to 11 solve some of these issues, as shown below. However, the proposal is a preliminary study that needs further research. In the last decade, some authors pointed out that complex models are not adopted by energy auditors [76,77,17,25]. The 2D Uvalue map could reduce the complexity of the calculation procedure as well as time of data post-processing, since it allows to carry out an automated analysis pixel-by-pixel. The influence of thermal bridges is not considered in all European countries and their respective regulations [4]. In fact, some drawbacks are constantly repeated over time: the standards are limited to ideal constructions [21,22,17,23], the stratigraphy and morphology of wall is unknown in most cases of the real built environment [25] and construction project documents for existing buildings are not available (especially the oldest buildings) [18]. The 2D U-value map could help to provide real information about the thermal behaviour of the air inside opaque façades as well as variations in the thermophysical property along the vertical and horizontal axis of the wall surface. This means that an entire inhomogeneous wall could be assessed without requiring to install a large number of sensors to measure wall surface temperatures and heat flux at different points of the building element. Until now, the metering section of heterogeneous specimens contained between 21 and 35 sensors [93,25]. Consequently, the cost of the equipment could be notably reduced. The results of the current research are in line with previous quantitative IRT studies from Ireland and Italy which revealed that the maximum deviation between theoretical and measured U-value ranges from 12% to 73% [63–68]. Construction defects are unpredictable [21]as well as the range of discrepancy mainly depends on the standard taken as a reference and the proportion of materials (i.e. ratio stone to mortar) [17]. Indeed, low reliability of the HFM results was also found for lightweight walls or inhomogeneous specimens [32,17,23,25,33]. Some authors suggested a total of six ways to enhance the accuracy of experimental tests conducted in samples with greater heterogeneity [82,76,77,25]. In the case of quantitative IRT, the best option of achieving accurate outcomes could be to extend the metering section and to increase the number of measurement points. Hence, the 2D U-value map allows to perform both aspects at the same time, facilitating: (i) the delimitation of the most significant areas of the thermal bridge, to identify the geometry of the thermal bridge as well as its area of impact in 2D; (ii) the quantification of the measured thermal transmittance at any point of the wall surface. Particularly, the 2D Uvalue map is especially useful in specimens with greater heterogeneity, with small defects and internal air voids. Until now, the presence of substantial gaps and air cavities behind the plasterboard caused the largest deviation between theoretical and measured U-value [21,46]. In terms of applicability, the quantification of thermal bridges by a 2D U-value map could provide enough information to enhance the operational life of the structure with economical refurbishment procedures. Future steps in the research should include the application of the presented transmittance thermographic mapping to detect and quantify dampness in a whole building façade. It could also be recommendable to assess the influence of different climates. According to Genova et al. [23], tests executed in the summer are less reliable than those conducted in winter for the Mediterranean climate. Hence, it could be interesting to compare the proposed procedure in existing buildings of north-east Spain (Mediterranean Climate) and northern Portugal (an Atlantic climate with high humidity and more probability of intensive rain and wind). 12 B. Tejedor et al. / Energy & Buildings 224 (2020) 110176 CRediT authorship contribution statement Blanca Tejedor: Methodology, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Eva Barreira: Conceptualization, Resources, Visualization. Ricardo M.S.F. Almeida: Conceptualization, Software, Formal analysis. Miquel Casals: Supervision, Writing - review & editing. Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. 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