4/26/2021 Exceptions In this paper I am going to describe what an exception is in relation to Java, describe the differences between checked and unchecked exceptions, explain the importance of handling checked exceptions, and explain how to handle exceptions in Java programs. An exception in Java is something triggered by your application which interferes with the normal operation of the program. If I had to compare it to something personally relatable it would be a weapon malfunction, of which like exceptions there are many potential causes, for example failure to eject or double feeds. Some examples of things that cause exceptions in Java could be invalid data entered by users, corrupt or missing files, loss of network connection. To differentiate between checked and unchecked exceptions let’s start with a summarization of what they are. Checked exceptions are something that will prevent the program from starting in the first place. The compiler will notice this exception on runtime and unless handled will cause an error. An example of checked exceptions that could be encountered would be from corrupted/missing files. An unchecked exception is an exception that occurs while the program is in operation, and thus is a result of an error that is not “checked” by the compiler prior to the program launching. An example of an unchecked exception would be that of invalid data entered by the user, loss of internet connection, or failed attempt to access a damaged or missing file. It is important that checked exceptions are handled so that the program will function. If they are not the program will fail to compile completely. This prevents further debugging of the program as well as completely prevents users from accessing the program. My plans for handling exceptions in my own java programs focus primarily on validation on input as well as try catch statements when it comes to accessing files or different classes/ parts of the program. I will try to anticipate potential exceptions using the throw keyword to address them ahead of time for checked exceptions. Sources: Oracle: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/definition.html#:~:text=Definit ion%3A%20An%20exception%20is%20an,off%20to%20the%20runtime%20system.&text=This %20block%20of%20code%20is%20called%20an%20exception%20handler. GeeksforGeeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/checked-vs-unchecked-exceptions-in-java/ https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/throw-throws-java/ BeginnersBook: https://beginnersbook.com/2013/04/java-checked-unchecked-exceptions-with-examples/