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Five Ways to Make your Teeth Shimmer This Winter

Five Ways to
Make your
This Winter
The overall look of your face gets changed because
of sparkling white teeth. In the process of chewing
food and talking to others you get a lot of help from
your teeth. For making your teeth look sparkling
white, there are several treatments and expensive
procedures available in the market. Here are the five
ways to make your teeth shimmer this winter.
1. Before indulging with others go for brushing
and flossing –
There will be no stains on your teeth if you will not
allow the plaque to stay on these and for this you
need to brush and floss regularly. There will be less
chances of gum diseases and tooth decay if prior to
drinking and eating you do all this.
2. After eating, rinse your mouth with water –
After drinking or eating something, you have to wait
for half an hour. This is because just after consuming
these things there will be a lot of sensitivity in the
enamel for about half an hour. Then for diluting the
substances that are pigmented and acidic, and
making the teeth strong you need to rinse your
mouth with the water containing fluoride.
3. Eat vegetables and cheese –
For recovery and strength of the enamel, a lot of
calcium is present in the cheese. There are some
other ways of plaque removal like if you will eat
crunchy veggies like carrots, broccoli and celery
then these will help you in doing that.
4. Chew sugarless gum –
For blocking acids and fighting dry mouth, chew
sugarless gum. The plaque can be reduced and
tooth decay can be prevented by chewing it.
5. Use toothpaste meant for whitening –
From the surface of the tooth stains can be scrubbed
away if you will do brushing with a toothpaste meant
for whitening.
The best dental hospital in Chennai provides
almost all kinds of dental treatments. So, in case of
any dental problem visiting there will be a good idea.