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Malaysian Law: Directors' Report & Approved Bodies

Laws of Malaysia
Act 777
Fourth Schedule
[Paragraph 235(2)(a)]
Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
Malaysian Institute of Accountants
Malaysian Bar
Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries
Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Sabah Law Association
Advocates Association of Sarawak
Fifth Schedule
[Section 253]
Part I
Contents of Directors’ Report
Each report to which section 252 relates, shall state the following details:
(a) the net amount of the profit or loss of the company for the financial
year after provision for income tax;
(b) the amounts and particulars of any material transfers to or from
reserves or provisions;
(c) where, during the financial year, the company has issued any shares
or debentures—
(i) the purposes of the issue, the classes of shares or debentures
(ii) the number of shares of each class and the amount of debentures
of each class; and
(iii) the terms of issue of the shares and debentures of each class;
(d) whether at the end of that financial year—
(i) there is a subsist arrangements to which the company is a party,
being arrangements with the objects of enabling directors of
the company to acquire benefits by means of the acquisition
of shares in, or debentures of, the company or any other body
corporate; or
(ii) there have, at any time in that year, subsisted such arrangements
as aforesaid to which the company was a party,
and if so, the report shall contain a statement explaining the effect of the
arrangements and giving the names of the persons who at any time in that
year were directors of the company and held, or whose nominees held, shares
or debentures acquired under the arrangements;
(e) in respect of each person who, at the end of the financial year, was
a director of the company—
(i) whether or not, according to the register kept by the company
for the purposes of section 59 relating to the obligation of a
director of a company to notify such company of his interests
in shares in, or debentures of, the company and of every other
body corporate, being the company’s subsidiary or holding
company or a subsidiary of the company’s holding company,
he was at the end of that year, interested in shares in, or
debentures of the company or any other body corporate and,
if he was so interested, the number and amount of shares
in, and debentures of, each body in which, according to that
register, he was then interested;
(ii) whether or not, according to that register, he was, at the
beginning of that year or, if he was not then a director, when
he became a director, interested in shares in, or debentures
of, the company or any other such body corporate and, if he
was so interested, the number and amount of shares in, and
debentures of, each body in which according to that register,
he was interested at the beginning of that year or, as the case
may be, when he became a director; and
(iii) the total number of shares in or debentures of the company or
any other such body corporate bought and sold by him during
that financial year;
(f) the amount, if any, which the directors recommended should be paid
by way of dividend, and any amount which have been paid or
declared by way of dividend since the end of the previous financial
year, indicating which of those amounts, if any, have been shown
in a previous report under section 252 or under any corresponding
previous written law;
Laws of Malaysia
Act 777
(g) whether the directors, before the financial statements were prepared,
took reasonable steps to ascertain what action had been taken in
relation to the writing off of bad debts and the making of provision
for doubtful debts, and satisfied themselves that all known bad debts
had been written off and that adequate provision had been made for
doubtful debts;
(h) whether at the date of the report the directors are aware of any
circumstances which would render the amount written off for bad debts
or the amount of the provision for doubtful debts inadequate to any
substantial extent and, if so, giving particulars of the circumstances;
(i) whether the directors, before the financial statements were prepared,
have taken reasonable steps to ensure that any current assets which
were unlikely to be realized in the ordinary course of business
including the value of current assets as shown in the accounting
records of the company have been written down to an amount which
the current assets might be expected so to realize;
(j) whether at the date of the report the directors are aware of any
(i) which would render the values attributed to current assets in
the accounts misleading; and
(ii) which have arisen which would render adherence to the existing
method of valuation of assets or liabilities of the company
misleading or inappropriate, and, if so, giving particulars of
the circumstances;
(k) whether there exists at the date of the report—
(i) any charge on the assets of the company which has arisen since
the end of the financial year which secures the liabilities of
any other person and, if so, giving particulars of any such
charge and, so far as practicable, of the amount secured; and
(ii) any contingent liability which has arisen since the end of the
financial year and, if so, stating the general nature of the
liability and, so far as practicable, the maximum amount, or
an estimate of the maximum amount, for which the company
could become liable in respect of the liability;
(l) whether any contingent or other liability has become enforceable, or
is likely to become enforceable, within the period of twelve months
after the end of the financial year which, in the opinion of the
directors, will or may affect the ability of the company to meet its
obligations when they fall due and, if so, giving particulars of any
such liability;
(m) whether at the date of the report the directors are aware of any
circumstances not otherwise dealt with in the report or accounts
which would render any amount stated in the accounts misleading
and, if so, giving particulars of the circumstances;
(n) whether the results of the company’s operations during the financial
year were, in the opinion of the directors, substantially affected by
any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature and,
if so, giving particulars of that item, transaction or event and the
amount or the effect of the item, transaction or event, if known or
reasonably ascertainable; and
(o) whether there has arisen in the interval between the end of the financial
year and the date of the report any item, transaction or event of a
material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors,
to affect substantially the results of the company’s operations for
the financial year in which the report is made and, if so, giving
particulars of the item, transaction or event; and
(p) any other details as determined by the Registrar.
2. The report shall state, in respect of the directors or past directors of the
company, the amount of—
(a) fees and other benefits distinguished separately, paid to or receivable by
them from the company or its subsidiary companies as remuneration
for their services to the company or its subsidiary companies, inclusive
of all fees, percentages, bonuses, commissions, compensation for
loss of office, any contribution in respect of them under any pension
or retirement benefit scheme and inclusive of commission paid or
payable for subscribing or agreeing to subscribe or procuring or
agreeing to procure subscriptions for any shares in or debentures
of the company or of its holding company or any subsidiary of the
Provided that where a director or any firm of which the director
is a member, acts for the company in a professional capacity, the
amount paid to the director or to his firm for services rendered
to the company in that capacity shall not be included in all fees,
percentages, bonuses, commissions, compensation for loss of office,
any contribution in respect of them under any pension or retirement
benefit scheme and inclusive of commission paid or payable for
subscribing or agreeing to subscribe or procuring or agreeing to
procure subscriptions for any shares in or debentures of the company
or of its holding company or any subsidiary of the company but
shall be shown separately whether by way of note or otherwise;
(b) by way of a note or otherwise, the estimated money value of any
other benefits received or receivable by them otherwise than in cash
from the company or from any of its subsidiary companies;
Laws of Malaysia
Act 777
(c) the total of the amount paid to or receivable by any third party in
respect of the services provided to the company or any of its subsidiary
companies by any director or past director of the company;
(d) the total amount, if any, of any indemnity given to or insurance
effected for, any director, officer or auditor of the company.
3. The directors of a company shall state in the report whether he has, since
the end of the previous financial year, received or become entitled to receive a
benefit, other than a benefit included in the aggregate amount of remuneration
received or due and receivable by the directors shown in the accounts or the
fixed salary of a full-time employee of the company, by reason of a contract
made by the company or a related corporation with the director or with a firm
of which he is a member, or with a company in which he has a substantial
financial interest, and, if so, the general nature of the benefit.
4. Where at the end of a financial year a company is the subsidiary of another
corporation, the directors of the company shall state in, or by way of note as
a statement annexed to, the company’s accounts the name of the corporation
regarded by the directors as being the company’s ultimate holding company
and if known to them, the country in which it is incorporated.
5. Where any option has been granted during the period covered by the profit
and loss account to take up unissued shares of a company, the directors’ report
shall state—
(a) the number and class of shares in respect of which the option has
been granted;
(b) the date of expiration of the option;
(c) the basis upon which the option may be exercised; and
(d) whether the person to whom the option has been granted has any right
to participate by virtue of the option in any share issue of any other
The directors’ report shall specify—
(a) particulars of shares issued during the period to which the report relates
by virtue of the exercise of options to take up unissued shares of
the company, whether granted before or during that period; and
(b) the number and class of unissued shares of the company under option
as at the end of that period, the price, or method of fixing the price,
of issue of those shares, the date of expiration of the option and
the rights, if any, of the persons to whom the options have been
granted to participate by virtue of the options in any share issue of
any other company.
7. The director’s report shall specify clearly either in the profit and loss
account of the holding company or consolidated profit and loss account of
the holding company and of its subsidiary companies the name, place of
incorporation, principal activities, and percentage of issued share capital
held by the holding company in each subsidiary to which that profit and loss
account or other document relates.
8. If the auditor’s report on the accounts of a subsidiary company is qualified
in any way, the consolidated balance sheet of the holding company, as the
case may be, shall contain particulars of the manner in which the report is
qualified in so far as the matter which is the subject of the qualification is
not covered by the holding company’s own accounts and is material from the
point of view of its members.
9. The auditor’s report shall be shown under separate headings in the balance
sheet of every subsidiary company the extent of its holding of shares in the
holding company and in other related corporations.
10. The total amount paid to or receivable by the auditors as remuneration for
their services as auditors, inclusive of all fees, percentages or other payments
or consideration given by or from the company or by or from any subsidiary
of the company.
Part II
Contents of business review
1. Each report prepared under section 252 may include a business review.
2. The business review may, to the extent necessary for an understanding of
the development, performance or position of the company’s business, contain—
(a) a fair review of the company’s business;
(b) a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the company;
(c) a balanced and comprehensive analysis of—
(i) the development and performance of the company’s business
during the financial year;
(ii) the position of the company’s business at the end of that year,
consistent with the size and complexity of the business; and
(iii) the key performance indicators of the company;
(d) information about—
(i) environmental matters, including the impact of the company’s
business on the environment;
(ii) the company’s employees; and
(iii) social and community issues,