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Memoirs of a yellow dog summary

Memoirs of a Yellow Dog is a short story written by American short story writer O’Henry
in 1906. This story highlights the emptiness of feelings, loveless marriage, and
meaninglessness of life. It sheds light on the American middle-class people in particular
highlighting New York.
It is a memoir of a yellow dog. He recounts his life experiences in which he discussed a
fat lady and his husband who are his owners. He noticed the indifferent behavior of the
fat lady and despised her.
On the other hand, he loves his master. Moreover, he tries to make him realize the
meaninglessness of his life. In the end, both of them leave the fat lady
The story opens up with the description of a dog. He says the only thing that is known to
him is that he is born a yellow pup. Besides, he also mentions that his pedigree, date,
locality, and weight is unknown.
Then, he recollects his past and tells how a fat lady bought him from an old woman
carrying him in a basket at Broadway. He mentions from then on, he had become a pet
and that old lady treats him like a child.
He says that she calls him “Oh, oo’s um oodlum, doodlum, woodlum, toodlum, bitsywitsy skoodlums?”
Afterward, he pictures himself saying how his appearance has changed. He adds that
now he looks more like an “Angora cat” and “box of lemons” than a yellow pup.
Moreover, he mocks his mistress naïve act that how she tried to enter him in a
bloodhound prize. However, she was stopped by two police officers for doing so.
Subsequently, he represents the flat of his owners that it is an ordinary house of New
York. Mistress rented it unfurnished and then decorated it with some 1903 antiques and
regular things. Moving on to Mistress’s husband he describes how indifferent she is
towards him. She made him make him wash the dishes and listen to her small talks.
Also, it is his duty to take me out for a walk every evening.
Similarly, he recounts the daily activity of his mistress. He describes how the whole
house is messed up i-e, unwashed dishes. However, she spends her time in gossips,
overeating, and peeking out of windows to watch the neighborhood.
He says this how he leads his life by watching the fat lady all day long killing her time.
Also, by having some pipe dreams of being outside, chasing cars, and barking at old
ladies along with other black mittens.
Similarly, he draws a line of resemblance between him and the lady’s husband. He
expresses that both of them seem alike when they go outside and everyone notices
that. They wandered and reached the area of poor people. There they climb on the piles
of December’s snow.
Then, one evening he tells his sufferings to the lady’s husband in a bitter manner when
they are promenading. He inquires why he looks so harsh and upset if he has not to
tolerate the kisses of the fat lady. He doesn’t have to lap her lap and listens to her
musical comedy. He remarks to him that he should be thankful for not being a dog.
After this, the lady’s husband speaks up and asks the reason for whatever dog uttered
before. Also, he says that the dog seems like he could speak. The dog criticizes him for
not understanding his language.
Also, he adds that human being lacks the understanding of animal language as they
have different comprehension strategy
He starts describing a lady living across the fat lady’s flat. That lady has a black-and-tan
terrier who is strung every evening by her husband for a walk. He describes how her
husband always looks happy when he returns. In order to find out things the yellow pup
struck his nose with black- and tan terrier in the hall.
The yellow pup inquires of the black-and-tan the reason of cheerfulness of his master.
On which he replies that he uses nature’s own remedy. Also, he is careless. He tells
him how he has lost two inches of his tail trying to sidestep the swinging doors.
One evening about six o’clock the fat lady orders his husband to get busy and take
Lovey for a walk. At this point, the yellow pup who is the narrator of the story reveals his
name given to him by his mistress. On the other hand, black-and-tan is called
Then, he describes how he along with his master was sitting around the table. He
moves his tail while waiting for the waiter. He says that he enjoyed that free food like
her mistress who enjoys it the same way at home. However, the master was getting
drunk. After that, the dog persuades him to go to the saloon.
At that time, the master played with him after unleashing him. Moreover, he took his
collar and threw it in the street and tried to set him free.
The master suggests the dog leave and enjoys being outside. His mistress is not going
to adore him anymore. However, the dog refused to leave and rolled up himself around
the old man’s legs.
Moreover, the dog asks him why he doesn’t leave? The mistress is abusive to both of
them. She mistreats him by ordering him to wash dishes and households. On the other
hand, she bothers the dog with a pink bow that she ties on his tail.
In the end, the master realizes how he is wasting his life in a loveless marriage in a
boring apartment. He decided to leave his wife along with the dog and move to
the “Rocky Mountains”.
Similarly, he changed the dog name from “Lovey” to “Pete”. He thinks that Lovey is an
undignified name while Pete sounds good and common. The master’s this act made the
dog cheerful.
Throughout the story, one can see a gap of feelings and respect between the couple.
Their married life is void of companionship. They don’t have any feelings for one
another. Moreover, the fat lady doesn’t care about her husband.
Instead of doing housework, she kills her time in gossip and overeating. However, when
her husband arrived she started ordering him different works to do.
On the other hand, the husband also looks gloomy and upset every time. In order to get
rid of this, he always drinks. In the end, he realizes his unbalanced marital life and ends
up leaving it.
O’Henry tactfully depicts the meaninglessness of American people in the 19th century. It
is evident from the fat lady’s behavior how she lacks purpose in her life. Rather, she kills
her time in gossiping, overeating, and peeking out of windows. Instead of doing
something useful she does useless things and wastes her time.
Similarly, their marital life is without love and care which are the vital things. They lack
companionship and become apathetic towards each other.
In the same manner, the fat lady’s husband also lacks goals in his life. He used to drink
to get away from his saddened life.
Fat lady’s husband at first tries to endure. He tries not to misbehave with his wife and
follows her order. However, in the end, he realizes his unbalanced marital life and ends
up leaving it.
In this way, he realizes the lacking things in his life that are love, care, and respect. By
leaving, he showed that he made some purpose in his life.
The yellow pup in the story represents love and care. The way he feels sorry for the
husband of the mistress. In the end, when he tries to set him free the dog suggests him
to set himself free of shackles as well.
He tells him that his mistress doesn’t love him and cares about him. Instead of wasting
his life in such an invaluable place he should leave it and realize his worth.
In the story, one can see the dog caring about his master. On the other hand, his
master also seems empathetic towards him when he tries to set him free.
In the story, readers can find how freedom is enchained. The fat lady bought the yellow
pup and pet him. Though, he gets irritated by her naïve behavior and feels
Also, it is exhibited through the couple characters how they are shackled in a loveless
marriage. Their marital life is devoid of care and love and in this way they are shackled.
Their desires and hopes are enchained.
However, in the end, the husband realizes this and he leaves his married life. In this, he
represents real freedom.