k e e w 6 e d i u g glute HOME WORKOUTS BODIESBYRACHEL.COM.AU COTTON BANDS ANKLE STRAPS BOOTY BANDS DUMBBELLS SKIPPING ROPE ANKLE WEIGHTS Before you start 1. 2. 3. 4. I RECOMMEND YOU DOWNLOAD AN INTERVAL TIMER ON YOUR PHONE FOR HIIT DAYS! I use an app called ‘SIIT’, it’s free and really easy to use! PLEASE DOWNLOAD A PHOTO COLLAGE APP to compare your start images with your final! JOIN THE ‘BODIES BY RACHEL PERSONAL TRAINING FORUM” on Facebook. We have built an amazing community with thousands of girls. The forum is a great place for discussion topics and questions. bit.ly/JOINBBRSQUAD PLEASE FOLLOW THE ‘BODIES BY RACHEL’ VIMEO ACCONT BIT.LY/ BBREXERCISEDEMOS as this is where all video demonstrations of each exercise can be found. You will easily be able to find the workouts by clicking the link below your workout. 5. WE WOULD LOVE TO FOLLOW YOUR JOURNEY so please tag us on Instagram and Facebook #bodiesbyrachel #teambbr #BBR #WTB @racheljdillon @bodiesbyrachel 6. WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT AND GUIDE YOU THROUGHOUT THIS CHALLENGE so if you have any questions you can email info@bodiesbyrachel.com.au REFERENCE TA B L E SET NUMBERS (A1, A2, A3 ETC.) These numbers and letters represent which exercises go together in any one set. For example, A1, A2 and A3 should be completed together before resting. SETS How many times you are to complete the exercises. For example, set A (A1, A2 + A3) should each be completed the specified amount of times through (e.g four) before moving onto set B (B1, B2 + B3.) REPS The amount of times you complete each specific exercise. For example, you are asked to do 15 squats and 20 Romanian deadlifts. TIME The length of time you perform as many reps of an exercise as you can. For example, 30 seconds of squats. You do as many reps of squats as possible in 30 seconds. TEMPO HASHTAG The speed of the movement. For example, 4020. The first number (as in 4020) is the amount of time you should take to perform the eccentric portion, or, the lowering of the weight or exercise. The third number (as in 4020) is the amount of time you should take to perform the concentric portion or the raising of the exercise or weight. The second number (as in 4020) is the amount of time to hold the weight/pause/ pulse at the bottom of the exercise. The fourth number (as in 4020) is the amount of time to hold the weight/pause at the top of the exercise. Each workout video is demonstrated on the BBR Vimeo Workout Library. Simply use the search bar and enter the exercise hashtag listed to view the video. You can access the videos here: http://bit.ly/BBREXERCISEDEMOS. Abbreviations BB DB KB RB Barbell Dumbbell Kettlebell Resistance Band EB Exercise Ball E/W Each Way E/L Each Leg E/A Each Arm DS Drop Set (Start with a heavy weight, do as many reps as you can. Next set, choose a lighter weight and do as many reps as you can, repeating for the specified amount of sets.) LET’S BEGIN! WELCOME TO THE BBR 6 WEEK COMPLETE GLUTE GUIDE! Growing, shaping and toning my glutes has been an important focus of mine throughout my fitness journey. I started with a flat booty and very "up and down" physique. Building my glutes changed my figure and was the key to unlocking the bikini body that I craved. Over the past years, I have trialled and tested various training methods on myself (and my clients!) to find what is truly the most effective way to develop the perfect glutes. In this guide, I have shared my favourite workouts to help you achieve just this. Our glutes are the biggest muscle in our bodies, and there is a lot more that goes into growing your glutes than simply squatting! Our glutes are made of three muscles; the maximus, medius, and minimus. In order to build well-rounded glutes, it's important that we target all three of these muscles, and that is exactly what I've included in this guide. Below you will find my favourite glute activation exercises, as well as my favourite workouts to help you sculpt your booty! Remember ladies, mind muscle connection is key when training your glutes. Make sure you perform each exercises correctly and contract your glutes with each movement. Enjoy! THE WORKOUTS IN THIS PROGRAM INCLUDE BOTH PURELY WEIGHTED SESSIONS AND HIIT. WEIGHT TRAINING IS ESSENTIAL FOR MUSCLE GROWTH, AS IT INCREASES OUR METABOLISM AND ABILITY TO BURN FAT POST WORKOUT, AS WELL AS BEING AMAZING FOR HORMONE HEALTH. I’ve included weighted HIIT, cardio and plyometric movements to ensure you tone and sculpt your entire body and stay lean, whilst obtaining growth in the glutes. This type of training protocol elevates your heart rate quickly and then keeps your heart rate up, allowing you to burn more fat in less time. HIIT increases the body’s need for oxygen during the training, creating an oxygen shortage, causing your body to ask for more during your recovery. This after burn effect is referred to as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular training does. I DO NOT GIVE WEIGHT OUTLINES IN MY PROGRAMS AND THE REASON FOR THIS IS SIMPLE; EVERYONE IS AT A DIFFERENT LEVEL IN THEIR FITNESS JOURNEY AND EVERY PERSON HAS DIFFERENT STRENGTH LEVELS. SO, THE QUESTION IS THEN, HOW DO YOU CHOOSE YOUR WEIGHT? When you choose your weight, I want you to consider two things; Is this weight challenging for the reps and exercise given? Am I still performing good quality reps using this weight? The key is to choose a weight which is challenging for you, but still allows you to perform your reps with the correct form. Never sacrifice form for weight! I would aim to slightly increase your weights each week. If you feel like you are getting stronger and the weight is no longer challenging, you then up your weight. You have to be able to push and challenge yourself. T THE HOLY GRAIL OF GLUTE ACTIVATION WOULD DEFINITELY BE THE BOOTY BAND! As many of you know, booty bands are my absolute favourite way to activate my glutes prior to a booty or leg session and they equally as fantastic for keeping tension on your glutes during the session itself. Before a leg day, I always suggest that my BBR girls ‘activate’ or fire up their glutes, the reason for this is that in order to grow your glutes, they need to be switched on. Most people cannot develop their glutes effectively because they cannot activate or ‘fire’ their glutes correctly during their training sessions. What this means, is that instead of your glutes doing the work in your lower body sessions, the other parts of your legs are compensating, leading to growth in the hamstrings and quadriceps but not the glutes. Glute activation techniques such as booty band work or ankle weight sessions help us to form a deeper mind to muscle connection between our brains and our booty. This connection allows for an increased burn and blood flow to the working muscle during our training, resulting in more effective glute sessions and increased muscle growth. The burn you feel with these bands are no joke and I can honestly say that since adding band work to my sessions regularly, my glutes have developed like never before! W H AT I S FA S T E D C A R D I O ? Fasted cardio is ‘the cardio completed when your body is no longer processing food and insulin levels are at a low, baseline level’ (legionathletics.com/ fasted-cardio/). For example, going for a walk straight after waking up without consuming any food. Research shows that by doing cardio in a fasted state upon waking, you can burn up to 20% more fat than if you had consumed a meal. By doing this, you increase the rate of both lipolysis (the breaking down of fat cells for energy) and fat oxidation (the burning of this energy by cells). Fasted cardio also helps to reduce ‘stubborn fat’ around the abdominal region by increasing the blood flow in this area. OPTIONS FOR FA S T E D C A R D I O ( L I S S ) • Stairs or stepper • Elliptical trainer • Incline treadmill walk • Walking outside • Bike Complete 40 – 60 minutes of LISS Cardio. HIIT TRAINING HIIT increases the body’s need for oxygen during training, creating an oxygen shortage, which causes your body to ask for more during your recovery. This after burn effect is referred to as Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and is the reason why intense exercise will help burn more fat and calories than regular training does. RECOVERY + R E S T D AY S L E T ’ S TA L K R E CO V E R Y A N D R E S T DAY S Resistance training breaks down body tissues and muscles, causing microscopic tears. Rest days give your muscles, nerves, bones, and connective tissues time to recover and rebuild. When you implement excessive amounts of exercise without having a proper rest day and if you don’t have adequate time for recovery, you may experience decreased performance, fatigue, altered hormonal states, poor sleeping patterns and a lowered immune system. The rejuvenation process is so important. This requires adequate amounts water (2.5- 3L if you are doing my guide), proper nutrition, good quality sleep (8 hours), ample amounts of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and recovery supplements. These things allow your body to rebuild its tissues letting them grow back stronger. Your rest day and type of rest will depend on how advanced you are and your intensity of training. If you’re just now starting out in the fitness world, your rest day should probably be a real rest day in which case you do not do any activity at all. A more experienced person may choose an “active rest day”. This is where you won’t lift any weight or do anything intense such as HIIT, but you may do an activity like yoga or do some LISS cardio. Throughout this program you will see I have made Sunday your rest day. However, if something comes up and you need to rearrange your rest day, you can do so. What I always tell my clients is this training program is a guide. You need it to fit YOUR lifestyle. RECOVERY + S T R E TC H I N G L E T ’ S TA L K S T R E TC H I N G HOW OFTEN SHOULD I STRETCH? MY ANSWER IS DAILY! I know when it comes to training, a lot of us tend to neglect or not bother stretching. I know because I am just as guilty as this as you are. However, this year I’m stopping with the excuses and I am making time to stretch DAILY! Think about waking up in the morning. More than likely, one of the first things you do without even thinking about is stretch. Stretching is instinctive, meaning that your body already is leading you to do it. While this type of morning stretching is a great way to get up and going, focusing on more targeted stretching during the day will have the greatest benefit on muscles and joints. Stretching regularly will strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility. The more flexible you are, the better it is for your joints. Keeping muscles and joints in top condition helps with your day-to-day range of motion and can help guard against injury. Major muscle groups really benefit from stretching. Focus on shoulders and neck, calves and thighs, hips, and lower back. Remember to stretch evenly on both sides. Lastly, remember to breathe. Exhale while going into the stretch; hold the stretch as you inhale. Stretching should not be painful. A mild discomfort means you are getting a good stretch. If you feel pain, you should ease up or stop and consult a doctor. Just like anything there are times when stretching could be a bad thing. For example, if you have an injury it could be made worse by certain types of stretching. If you push it too far, you could injure muscles, ligaments, or nerves just by stretching. Be aware and listen to your body. HOME 6 week P R OG R A M WEEK 1 + 2 Breakdown MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY LOWER BODY WEIGHTED HIT CARDIO & STABILITY & STRENGTH LISS CARDIO LOWER BODY WEIGHTED LISS CARDIO LOWER BODY SCULPTING REST & RECOVERY M O N DAY : G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS SET A1 A2 SETS REPS/ TIME EXERCISE 3 30 seconds BANDED ABDUCTORS 3 30 seconds E/W BANDED CRAB WALKS DESCRIPTION 1. Stand in a squatting position with a band around your legs. Place it on your lower thighs, just above your knees. 2. Now, bring your knees close together without letting them touch. Then, spread your knees out as far as you can. 3. Make sure your feet do not move from their place and your torso is steady. 1. Bend down to a half squat with a band around your legs. 2. Then, walk sideways by moving one leg away. 3. Make sure your knees are bent to a half squat and your body low the entire time. LOWER BODY WEIGHTED V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 Move quickly between exercises in supersets (A1, A2 etc.) and have no longer than 90 seconds’ rest between sets. EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS, BBR COTTON BAND & BBR BOOTY BANDS SET A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 10 E/L 12 10 E/L 12 10 E/L 40 SECONDS EXERCISE DESCRIPTION DUMBBELL WALKING LUNGES 1. Hold the dumbbells by your side and maintain a straight torso. Begin the movement by stepping forward with your left foot. 2. Drop your back right knee towards the floor and keep your left knee bent. Drive yourself up and take a step forward with your right foot. 3. Your left knee will go towards the floor and you’ll bend the right knee. Continue this back and forth pattern. COTTON BAND DUMBBELL SQUATS 1.First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and hold the dumbbells at your shoulders. 3. Bend your knees forward and allow your hips to bend back as you lower into the squat position. Keep your back upright and chest out. 4. Push up through your heels while straightening your hips and knees, until you are standing in the start position. DUMBBELL SPLIT SQUATS 1.Hold the dumbbells on your shoulders. 2. Step out with your left foot and lower your back right knee towards the ground. Push up with your front left leg. 3. As you reach the lowest position, get yourself back up using your heels to the starting position. Repeat repetitions in this position before switching legs. COTTON BAND DUMBBELL HIP THRUSTS BANDED KICKBCKS COTTON BAND JUMP SQUATS 1.Sit on a padded surface with your legs out in front of you and your knees bent. Hold the dumbbells on your hips and place the cotton band around your knees. 2. Focusing the tension on the glutes, raise your hips skyward, moving the dumbbells up with you. 3. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat. 1. Stand with your back straight while putting your weight on one foot. 2. Keep your focus straight ahead and maintain your balance. Place the band just above your knees. 3. For the leg that isn’t supporting your weight, extend it backwards until it is parallel to the floor and bring it back down. 1.First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Maintain a straight torso and lower yourself into a squat. 3. As you go up, drive through your glutes to jump upwards. Stretch your legs and point your toes as you jump. 4. Keep your chin up and chest out as you jump. Repeat. T U E S DAY : H I I T C A R D I O + S T R E N G T H V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 Time: 10 minutes. Intervals: 30 seconds on/30 seconds off x 10 sets SET A1 SETS REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS ON/30 SECONDS REST 10 EXERCISE SKIPPING DESCRIPTION 1. Make sure that the length of the rope is adjusted. When you divide it by stepping on it with one foot, it should reach your armpits. 2. Bend your arms with your hands just slightly above your waist. Make sure to swing with your wrist and not your arms or shoulders. 3. Jump on the balls on your feet. Your heels shouldn’t touch the ground. S TA B I L I T Y & S T R E N G T H W O R K 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS EXERCISE DESCRIPTION VACUUMS 1. Position yourself on your hands and knees, both at shoulderwidth apart. 2. While maintaining a straight spine, suck your belly button towards your spine. 3. Continue controlled breathing in this position. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS 30 SECONDS PLANK 30 SECONDS OBLIQUE CRUNCHES (RIGHT) 30 SECONDS OBLIQUE CRUNCHES (LEFT) 1. Place your hands and feet on the floor at shoulder width apart, in a push up position. 2. Bring your left knee to your right arm. Return to starting position, then alternate legs. 3. Repeat this movement, maintaining a straight torso. 1. Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. 2. Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your feet. 3. Keep your body in a straight line by tightening your abdominal and oblique muscles. 1. Lay on your side, with your left shoulder, knee and foot touching the floor. 2. Place your right hand behind your head and extend your left arm directly in front of you. 3. Engage your core, lifting your right elbow towards your right hip. Return to starting position and repeat. 1. Lay on your side, with your right shoulder, knee and foot touching the floor. 2. Place your left hand behind your head and extend your right arm directly in front of you. 3. Engage your core, lifting your left elbow towards your left hip. Return to starting position and repeat. A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 4 4 4 4 4 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS MODIFIED V SITS 1. Sit with your glutes on the floor, and palms positioned slightly behind your glutes. 2. Place your knees and feet together. Extend your legs outwards as your shift your torso backwards onto your hands. 3. Simultaneously bring both your torso and knees together to meet. Your feet should stay suspended throughout the movement. CRUNCHES 1. Lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground, with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Place your hands lightly on either side of your head. 2. Gently curl your shoulders forward and up off the floor and use your abdominals to raise your torso upwards. 3. Maintain a neutral neck by looking towards the ceiling. Return to start position and repeat. LEG RAISES 1. Lay flat on your back, with your arms and legs extended, and hands underneath your glutes. 2. With your feet placed together, engage your core to lift your legs until they are above your hips. 3. Slightly raise your lower back at the top of movement and return to start position. TOE TAPS SIT UPS 1. Lay flat on your back, with your arms extended straight by your side. Lift your knees off the ground, keeping your legs suspended so that your body is positioned at a right angle. 2. In a controlled motion, lower your left foot to the ground. 3. Return to start position and repeat with your right leg. 1. Lay with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. You can have someone hold your feet or place them under something to keep them steady if necessary. 2. Place your hands behind your head, elbows pointing out 3. Engage your abs and lift your head, neck and shoulders up towards your knees. Return to start position in a controlled motion and repeat. W E D N E S DAY : L I S S C A R D I O V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 30-45 MINUTE WALK (FASTED OPTIONAL) T H U R S DAY : L O W E R B O D Y W E I G H T E D G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 SETS 3 3 REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS EXERCISE BANDED CURTSY LUNGES BANDED FROG PUMPS DESCRIPTION 1. Stand up straight with a band around your legs, just above the knees. 2. Go down to lunge but bring your back foot all the behind and past your front leg. 3. Make sure to keep your front knee aligned to your front ankle. 1. Lay down on the floor. Put your feet together and your knees pointed outwards. 2. Push your hips up and lift them as high as they can go. 3. Support your weight with your heels and upper back. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. LOWER BODY WEIGHTED EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS, BBR BOOY BANDS & BBR COTTON BAND Move quickly between exercises in supersets (A1, A2 etc.) and have no longer than 90 seconds’ rest between sets. SET A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 10 E/L 12 10 E/L 12 10 E/L 40 SECONDS EXERCISE BANDED KICK BACKS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS BANDED DONKEY KICKS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL GLUTE BRIDGES BANDED FIRE HYDRANTS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL SQUAT HOLD TEMPO DESCRIPTION 1110 1. Stand with your back straight while putting your weight on one foot. 2. Keep your focus straight ahead and maintain your balance. Place the band just above your knees. 3. For the leg that isn’t supporting your weight, extend it backwards until it is parallel to the floor and bring it back down 2020 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand tall with a tight core and straight back. 3. Grasp the dumbbell in front of you with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 4. Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back. Keep your arms extended and the barbell close to the body. Once you feel the contraction in the back of your legs, slowly return to the starting position. 1110 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Place a band around your legs, make sure it’s secured between your knee and the floor. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards, stretching the band with it. 3. Make sure to keep your knee slightly bent as you extend it. 2120 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Lay down on the floor and place the dumbbell so that it is flat on your hips. Place your feet just outside shoulder width. 3. Extend your hips vertically through the dumbbell, taking it up as high as it can go. 4. Support the weight using your heels and upper back. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Reverse the motion and return to starting position. Repeat. 1110 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Place the band around your legs above your knees to add resistance. 3. Bring one leg up and slowly kick it sideways while the other leg is in place. Bring it back down and repeat. - 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand with your back straight and place the dumbbells on your shoulders. 3. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 4. Pause and stay in this position for as long as you can. F R I DAY : L I S S C A R D I O V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 30-45 MINUTE WALK (FASTED OPTIONAL) S AT U R DAY : L O W E R B O D Y S C U L P T I N G V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 CIRCUIT 1 EQUIPMENT: BBR ANKLE WEIGHTS You will complete all exercises on your right leg, rest, and then complete all exercises on your left leg. (4 sets of 30 seconds on each leg) 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT KICK BACKS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. 3. From here, lower and stretch your leg in a pulsing motion without bringing the leg all the way to down. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT DONKEY KICKS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. 3. Make sure to keep your knee slightly bent as you extend it. ANKLE WEIGHT FIRE HYDRANTS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Bring one leg up and slowly kick it sideways. Keep the other leg in place. Bring it back down and repeat. 3. Don’t forget to tighten your core to keep your back straight and supported. ANKLE WEIGHT UP AND OVERS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. Place that led to the side, away from your body. 3. Bring it up and over to the other side, all the way past your bent leg. ANKLE WEIGHT HIP THRUSTS 1. Lie down at the edge of a bench with only your shoulder blades supported. Keep your entire body aligned to it. 2. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the ground. 3. Then, push your hips up and drive your glutes up as high as you can. ANKLE WEIGHT FROG KICKS 1. Lie, stomach down, on a bench with only your upper body supported and your legs spread apart. 2. Without making touching the floor, bend your knees down with your hips lowered. 3. Next, push your legs back until they’re now aligned with your torso. Your knees should be pointed outwards, but your ankles should be together. 4 4 4 4 30 SECONDS E/L 30 SECONDS E/L 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS CIRCUIT 2 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 60 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 SETS 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION 1. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and your toes pointing forward. 2. Do a deep squat and go as low as you can without moving your knees past your toes. 3. Drive through your heels and return to start position. 60 SECONDS BANDED DEEP SQUATS 60 SECONDS BANDED FORWARD CRAB WALKS 1. Bend down to a half squat with a band around your legs. Make sure that your palms are facing forward 2. Without letting your hips drop, take one step forward followed by the other. 3. Make sure your body stays low to put pressure on your torso. BANDED THRUST FLYES 1. Lay down on the floor and place your feet just outside shoulder width. Place a band on your thighs, just above the knee. 2. Extend your hips vertically and lift them as high as they can go. 3. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Move your knees in and out simultaneously. BANDED SQUAT HOLD 1. Place a band around your lower thighs. Stand with your back straight and hold your hands at your chest. 2. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 3. Pause and stay in this position for as long as you can. 60 SECONDS 60 SECONDS S U N DAY : R E S T & R E CO V E R Y WEEK 3 + 4 Breakdown MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY LOWER BODY WEIGHTED HIT CARDIO & STABILITY & STRENGTH LOWER BODY SCULPTING LOWER BODY WEIGHTED LISS CARDIO LOWER BODY SCULPTING REST & RECOVERY M O N DAY : L O W E R B O D Y W E I G H T E D G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 30 Seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 Seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 SETS 3 3 3 REPS/ TIME EXERCISE 30 SECONDS BANDED SEATED ABDUCTORS 1. Sit on the end of a bench with your knees pointing outwards and toes on the floor. 2. Place a band around your thighs. Maintain a straight torso. 3. With your hands out in front of you, move your knees in and out. Repeat this motion. 30 SECONDS BANDED SEATED ABDUCTORS (LEANING FORWARD) 1. Sit on the end of a bench with your knees pointing outwards and toes on the floor. 2. Place a band around your thighs. Lean your torso forwards. 3. With your hands out in front of you, move your knees in and out. Repeat this motion. 30 SECONDS BANDED SEATED ABDUCTORS (LEANING BACK) 1. Sit on the end of a bench with your knees pointing outwards and toes on the floor. 2. Place a band around your thighs. Lean your torso backwards, with your hands behind you on the side of the bench. 3. Move your knees in and out. Repeat this motion. DESCRIPTION LOWER BODY WEIGHTED EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS, BBR COTTON BAND & BOOTY BANDS Move quickly between exercises in supersets (A1, A2 etc.) and have no longer than 90 seconds’ rest between sets. SET A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 10 E/L 12 10 E/L 12 12 40 SECONDS EXERCISE TEMPO DUMBBELL SIDE STEP UPS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL SQUATS COTTON BAND LATERAL WALKS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL GLUTE BRIDGES BANDED SQUAT PULSES BANDED JUMP SQUATS DESCRIPTION 2020 1. Hold the dumbbells by your side and step up onto a platform/bench. 2. Move your left foot off the side and lower your body into a shallow squat position on the left side. 3. Drive through your left heel and push your left foot back onto the platform/bench. Your right foot should remain planted throughout the movement. 2020 1.First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and hold the dumbbells at your shoulders. 3. Bend your knees forward and allow your hips to bend back as you lower into the squat position. Keep your back upright and chest out. 4. Push up through your heels while straightening your hips and knees, until you are standing in the start position. 1010 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2.Tie a band above your knees and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can place the band lower if you want more resistance. 3. Bend your knees and hips slightly as you take a step to the side. 4. Maintain your posture and take a few steps before moving back to the other side. 2120 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Lay down on the floor and roll the dumbbell so that it is flat on your hips. Place your feet just outside shoulder width. 3. Extend your hips vertically through the bar, taking it up as high as it can go. 4. Support the weight using your heels and upper back. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Reverse the motion and return to starting position. Repeat. 1111 1. Place a band around your lower thighs. Stand with your back straight and hold your hands at your chest. 2. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 3. Move slightly up and down in a pulsing motion, maintaining tension in your glutes. 1010 1. Maintain a straight torso and lower yourself into a squat. 2. As you go up, drive through your heels to jump upwards. Stretch your legs and point your toes as you jump. 3. Keep your chin up and chest out as you jump. Repeat. T U E S DAY : H I I T C A R D I O V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 TIME: 15 MINUTES. INTERVALS: 30 SECONDS ON/30 SECONDS OFF X 15 SETS SET SETS REPS/TIME EXERCISE A1 15 30 SECONDS ON/30 SECONDS REST SKIPPING S TA B I L I T Y & S T R E N G T H W O R K 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS EXERCISE DESCRIPTION PLANK RAISES 1. Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. Starting down on forearm so you need to raise not lower. 2. Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your feet. 3. Lower your left arm to rest on your left elbow, then repeat on your right arm. Bring your left elbow back up and again support your bodyweight on your left hand, then again on your right hand. Repeat this movement. PLANK ROCKS 1. Sit on the end of a bench with your knees pointing outwards and toes on the floor. 2. Place a band around your thighs. Lean your torso forwards. 3. With your hands out in front of you, move your knees in and out. Repeat this motion. RUSSIAN TWISTS 1. Sit on the end of a bench with your knees pointing outwards and toes on the floor. 2. Place a band around your thighs. Lean your torso backwards, with your hands behind you on the side of the bench. 3. Move your knees in and out. Repeat this motion. V SITS 1. Lay on your back and extend your arms straight behind your head. Keep your feet together and extended in front of your body. 2. Simultaneously lift your hands and feet to meet one another, using your abdominals to lift your body. 3. Return to starting position in a controlled motion. Repeat. PLANK SIDE TUCKS BICYCLES 1. Lay with your palms touching the floor at shoulder-width apart, and your feet together. 2. Keeping your feet together and hands stationary, jump your feet diagonally forwards, bringing your feet to the side of your chest. 3. Return to start position and repeat on the other side. 1. Lay flat on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head and curl your torso upwards so that your shoulders are off the floor. 2. Raise your knees until your thighs are at a right angle to the floor and your calves are parallel to the floor. This is the start position. 3. Simultaneously bring your left knee to your right elbow. Alternate and repeat in a cycling motion. A7 A8 A9 A10 4 4 4 4 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS ANKLE TAPS 1. Lay flat on your back, with your feet positioned at shoulder width apart. Hold your arms straight by your side. 2. Use your abdominals to slightly lift your torso, rotate to bring your right hand to tap your right ankle. 3. Rotate to the other side to use your left hand to tap your left ankle. Repeat. PLANK TAPS 1. Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. 2. Extend your legs straight out behind you, maintaining a straight line and tight core. 3. Reach your right arm forwards to touch the floor, then place it back to the start position. Repeat with your left arm. REVERSE CRUNCHES 1. Extend your legs fully and place your hands palms down, flat on the floor beside you. 2. Keeping your feet together, draw your knees up towards your chest, until your thighs are at 90 degrees to the floor and your calves are parallel to it. This is the start position. 3. Curl your hips up off the floor while bringing your knees further towards your chest. In a controlled motion, return to start position and repeat. LEG RAISES 1. Lay flat on your back, with your arms and legs extended, and hands underneath your glutes. 2. With your feet placed together, engage your core to lift your legs until they are above your hips. 3. Slightly raise your lower back at the top of movement and return to start position. W E D N E S DAY : L O W E R B O D Y S C U L P T I N G V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 CIRCUIT 1 EQUIPMENT: BBR ANKLE WEIGHTS You will complete all exercises on your right leg, rest, and then complete all exercises on your left leg. (4 sets of 30 seconds on each leg). 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION 4 30 SECONDS ANKLE WEIGHT SQUAT KICKS 1. Stand up straight with your torso upright. 2. Go down to a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor and back straight. 3. As soon as you reach the bottom, kick out while standing up. Alternate between your left and right leg. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT REVERSE LUNGE HOPS 1. Start by getting into a lunging position with your knees forming a right angle. 2. Using your heels and your glutes, push yourself up with your front leg until your body is upright. 3. Without missing a beat, go straight into a one-legged hop and back down to a lunge. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT UP AND OVERS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. Place that leg to the side, away from your body. 3. Bring it up and over to the other side, all the way past your bent leg. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT SINGLE LEG HIP THRUSTS 1. Lie down at the edge of a bench with only your shoulder blades supported. Keep your entire body aligned to it. 2. Bend your knees to form a right angle with your feet flat on the ground. Bring one leg up and place the ankle over your lap. 3. Then, push your hips up and drive your glutes up as high as you can. 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT SINGLE LEG GLUTE LIFT LEG RAISE 1. Lie down on the floor with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent. 2. Lift one leg off the floor. Keep that leg stretched out and pointed forward. 3. Drive your glutes up as high as they can go. Push your hips out and raise the leg as high as you can. Bring it back down just before touching the floor. ANKLE WEIGHT FROG KICKS 1. Lie, stomach down, on a bench with only your upper body supported and your legs spread apart. 2. Without making touching the floor, bend your knees down with your hips lowered. 3. Next, push your legs back until they’re now aligned with your torso. Your knees should be pointed outwards, but your ankles should be together. 4 4 30 SECONDS CIRCUIT 2 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 60 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 SETS REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION 4 60 SECONDS BANDED HEEL CLICKS 1. Place the band around your legs just above the knee. Go down to a squat but keep your straight. 2. Using your heels, jump up and bring both your heels together mid-air. 3. Make sure to keep your torso upright during the jump. 4 60 SECONDS E/L BANDED LAYING LATERAL RAISES 1. Lay down on your side with your entire body completely facing sideways. Place the band near your knees or around your ankles. 2. Bring the top leg up and raise it as far as you can. 3. Focus your attention straight ahead and make sure to use your core to keep your back straight. BANDED JUMPING LUNGES 1. Stand up straight with a band around your legs, just above the knees. Maintain a tight core at all times. 2. Step forward with your right leg and bring your weight down. Make sure your knees form a right angle as they bend. 3. From here, use your heels to jump up while simultaneously switching legs. As you land, go straight into a lunging position. 4 4 60 SECONDS 60 SECONDS E/L BANDED SINGLE LEG GLUTE RAISES 1. Lay down on the floor and place your right foot just outside shoulder width. Position your left foot close to your left glute with a band around your lower thighs. 2. Extend your hips vertically, driving your right leg as high as possible. 3. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Reverse the motion and return to starting position. Repeat. T H U R S DAY : L O W E R B O D Y W E I G H T E D G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A2 SETS 3 3 3 REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS EXERCISE DESCRIPTION BANDED SUMO SQUAT PULSES 1. Place a band around your lower thighs. Position your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Have your toes pointing out away from your body. 2. Slowly lower yourself by bending your knees into a squat position, while keeping a straight posture with your head up. 3. Continue down until your thighs are parallel with the ground and pulse up and down in a controlled motion. BANDED SUPERMANS 1. Place a band around your wrists and lower thighs. Lay face down on a mat, with your arms fully extended above your head and your legs fully extended behind you. 2. Lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor by arching your back. Only the tops of your quads and your lower abdomen should be in contact with the floor. 3. Hold for a count of 2 while squeezing your abdominals. Return to start position. BANDED THRUST FLYES 1. Lay down on the floor and place your feet just outside shoulder width. Place a band on your thighs, just above the knee. 2. Extend your hips vertically and lift them as high as they can go. 3. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Move your knees in and out simultaneously. LOWER BODY WEIGHTED EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS & BBR COTTON BAND Move quickly between exercises in supersets (A1, A2 etc.) and have no longer than 90 seconds’ rest between sets. SET A1 SETS 4 REPS/ TIME 10 E/L EXERCISE DUMBBELL SINGLE LEG GLUTE BRIDGES TEMPO DESCRIPTION 1110 1. Lay down on the floor and hold a dumbbell flat on your hip. Place your left foot close to your glute and extend your right leg. 2. Extend your hips vertically, driving your right leg as high as possible. 3. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Reverse the motion and return to starting position. Repeat A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 4 4 4 4 4 12 10 E/L 12 12 40 SECONDS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS DUMBBELL SIDE STEP UPS COTTON BAND ABDUCTORS DUMBBELL BURPEES COTTON BAND DUMBBELL SQUAT HOLD 2020 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand tall with a tight core and straight back. 3. Grasp the dumbbell in front of you with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 4. Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back. Keep your arms extended and the barbell close to the body. Once you feel the contraction in the back of your legs, slowly return to the starting position. 2020 1. Hold the dumbbells by your side and step up onto a platform/bench. 2. Move your left foot off the side and lower your body into a shallow squat position on the left side. 3. Drive through your left heel and push your left foot back onto the platform/bench. Your right foot should remain planted throughout the movement. 1010 1. Stand in a squatting position with the cotton band around your legs. Place it on your lower thighs, just above your knees. 2. Now, bring your knees close together without letting them touch. Then, spread your knees out as far as you can. 3. Make sure your feet do not move from their place and your torso is steady. - 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells by your sides. In one smooth motion, squat down and place the dumbbells down on the floor in front of your feet. 2. Lean forward, so your weight is on your hands, at the same time jumping your legs out behind you until they are fully extended. 3. Jump your feet forward to just behind your hands. Use an explosive motion to push through your heels and return to the start position. - 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand with your back straight and place the dumbbell across your shoulders and grasp at shoulder width apart. 3. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 4. Pause and stay in this position for as long as you can. F R I DAY : L I S S C A R D I O V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 30-45 MINUTE WALK (FASTED OPTIONAL) S AT U R DAY : L O W E R B O D Y S C U L P T I N G V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 CIRCUIT 1 EQUIPMENT: BOOTY BANDS & BBR ANKLE WEIGHTS **Keep your ankle weights on the entire time for circuit 1** You will complete all exercises on your right leg, rest, and then complete all exercises on your left leg. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 12 E/L 12 E/L 12 E/L 12 E/L EXERCISE DESCRIPTION BANDED DONKEY KICKS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Place a band around your legs, make sure it’s secured between your knee and the floor. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards, stretching the band with it. 3. Make sure to keep your knee slightly bent as you extend it. ANKLE WEIGHT DONKEY KICK PULSES 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. With a slight bend in your knee, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. 3. From here, lower and stretch your leg in a pulsing motion without bringing the leg all the way to down. BANDED KICK BACKS ANKLE WEIGHT KICKBACK PULSES 1. Stand with your back straight while putting your weight on one foot. 2. Keep your focus straight ahead and maintain your balance. Place the band just above your knees. 3. For the leg that isn’t supporting your weight, extend it backwards until it is parallel to the floor and bring it back down. 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and stretch it out completely. Make sure your knee is straight. 3. Move this leg up higher than your back and bring it all the way back down to the floor. Repeat this, but make sure you just lightly tap your feet as it hits the floor. 12 E/L BANDED FIRE HYDRANTS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Place the band around your legs above your knees to add resistance. 3. Bring one leg up and slowly kick it sideways while the other leg is in place. Bring it back down and repeat. 12 E/L ANKLE WEIGHT FIRE HYDRANTS PULSES 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Bring one leg up and slowly kick it sideways and keep the other leg in place. 3. From here, move your leg up and down a few inches. Do this until the end of your set. CIRCUIT 2 EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS 60 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 SETS 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 60 SECONDS 60 SECONDS 60 SECONDS 60 SECONDS EXERCISE DESCRIPTION DUMBBELL SQUAT HEEL/ JUMP COMBO 1. Hold the dumbbells at your shoulders, with feet shoulder width apart, and lower yourself into a squat. 2. As you reach the bottom of your squat, roll forward onto toes. 3. Allow yourself back onto your heels, and drive through your glutes to jump directly upwards. Ensure your chest remains proud throughout all movements. DUMBBELL SQUAT PULSES 1. Stand with your back straight and rest the dumbbells on your shoulders. 2. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 3. Move up and down slightly in a pulsing motion, maintaining tension in your glutes. POP SQUATS 1. Stand straight with your feet together and hands by your side. 2. Jump your feet to outside shoulder-width and lower yourself into a squat. Raise your hands to your chest as you squat. 3. Land with your feet together and arms by your side. Lower yourself into a squat in this position and repeat. FROG KICKS 1. Lay face down on a bench, with your hands gripping the underside of the bench for stability. 2. Press the soles of your feet together, with your knees wide apart. 3. Begin with your feet close to your glutes, and extend your feet upwards and outwards, contracting your glutes. Return to start position and repeat. S U N DAY : R E S T & R E CO V E R Y WEEK 5 + 6 Breakdown MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY LOWER BODY WEIGHTED HIT CARDIO & STABILITY & STRENGTH LOWER BODY SCULPTING LOWER BODY WEIGHTED HIIT CARDIO LOWER BODY SCULPTING REST & RECOVERY M O N DAY : L O W E R B O D Y W E I G H T E D G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 30 Seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 Seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A2 SETS REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION 3 30 SECONDS BANDED THRUST FLYES 1. . Lay down on the floor and place your feet just outside shoulder width. Place a band on your thighs, just above the knee. 2. Extend your hips vertically and lift them as high as they can go. 3. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Move your knees in and out simultaneously. 3 30 SECONDS BANDED SQUATS 1. Place a band around your lower thighs. 2. Maintain a straight torso and lower yourself into squat position. 3. When you reach a 90-degree angle, drive through your glutes to return to start position. BANDED WALKING LUNGES 1. Place the band just above your knees. Begin the movement by stepping forward with your left foot. 2. Drop your back right knee towards the floor and keep your left knee bent. Drive yourself up and take a step forward with your right foot. 3. Your left knee will go towards the floor and you’ll bend the right knee. Continue this back and forth pattern. 3 30 SECONDS LOWER BODY WEIGHTED EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS & BBR COTTON BAND Move quickly between exercises in supersets (A1, A2 etc.) and have no longer than 90 seconds’ rest between sets. SET A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 12 12 10 E/L 12 12 40 SECONDS EXERCISE DUMBBELL SUMO SQUATS COTTON BAND SQUAT PULSES DUMBBELL SWAY SQUATS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL GOOD MORNINGS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL HIP THRUSTS COTTON BAND FROG JUMPS TEMPO DESCRIPTION 2020 1. Go into a sumo stance while holding a dumbbell in front of you with your arms stretched down. 2. Lower yourself to a squatting position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. 3. Keeping your back straight and head up, push through your heels to go back to the starting position. 1111 1. Place the cotton band around your lower thighs. Stand with your back straight and hold your hands at your chest. 2. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 3. Move slightly up and down in a pulsing motion, maintaining tension in your glutes. 2020 1. Place your feet outside shoulder width and focus your weight entirely on your heels. 2. Maintaining a straight back and proud chest, move your left knee beyond your left foot, shifting your bodyweight to your left glute. 3. Move back to a central position and repeat on the right side. 2020 1.First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Position your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart and hold the dumbbells in front of you. 3. Keep your legs straight and bend forward at the hips. Continue bending forward until you feel a mild stretch in your hamstrings. 4. Return to the starting position by straightening from the hips. Repeat. 2120 1. Sit on a padded surface with your legs out in front of you and your knees bent. Hold the dumbbells on your hips and place the cotton band around your knees. 2. Focusing the tension in the glutes, raise your hips skyward, moving the dumbbells up with you. 3. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat. - 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand straight and bring your feet just outside shoulder width, with your toes pointing outwards. 3. Squat down by bending at the knees and driving your hips back. The tips of your fingers should touch the ground as you lower yourself. 4. Drive through your heels and leap forwards and repeat the above. T U E S DAY : H I I T C A R D I O V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR SKIPPING ROPE Time: 20 minutes. Intervals: 30 seconds on/30 seconds off x 20 sets SET SETS REPS/TIME EXERCISE A1 15 30 SECONDS ON/30 SECONDS REST SKIPPING S TA B I L I T Y & S T R E N G T H W O R K 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS EXERCISE VACUUMS DESCRIPTION 1. Position yourself on your hands and knees, both at shoulderwidth apart. 2. While maintaining a straight spine, suck your belly button towards your spine. 3. Continue controlled breathing in this position. MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS 1. Place your hands and feet on the floor at shoulder width apart, in a push up position. 2. Bring your left knee to your right arm. Return to starting position, then alternate legs. 3. Repeat this movement, maintaining a straight torso. PLANK 1. Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. 2. Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your feet. 3. Keep your body in a straight line by tightening your abdominal and oblique muscles. 30 SECONDS OBLIQUE CRUNCHES (RIGHT) 1. Lay on your side, with your left shoulder, knee and foot touching the floor. 2. Place your right hand behind your head and extend your left arm directly in front of you. 3. Engage your core, lifting your right elbow towards your right hip. Return to starting position and repeat. 30 SECONDS OBLIQUE CRUNCHES (LEFT) 1. Lay on your side, with your right shoulder, knee and foot touching the floor. 2. Place your left hand behind your head and extend your right arm directly in front of you. 3. Engage your core, lifting your left elbow towards your left hip. Return to starting position and repeat. MODIFIED V SITS 1. Sit with your glutes on the floor, and palms positioned slightly behind your glutes. 2. Place your knees and feet together. Extend your legs outwards as your shift your torso backwards onto your hands. 3. Simultaneously bring both your torso and knees together to meet. Your feet should stay suspended throughout the movement. 30 SECONDS A7 A8 A9 A10 4 4 4 4 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS 30 SECONDS LEG RAISES 1. Lay flat on your back, with your arms and legs extended, and hands underneath your glutes. 2. With your feet placed together, engage your core to lift your legs until they are above your hips. 3. Slightly raise your lower back at the top of movement and return to start position. PLANK RAISES 1. Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at 90 degrees. 2. Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your feet. 3. Lower your left arm to rest on your left elbow, then repeat on your right arm. Bring your left elbow back up and again support your bodyweight on your left hand, then again on your right hand. Repeat this movement. REVERSE CRUNCHES 1. Extend your legs fully and place your hands palms down, flat on the floor beside you. 2. Keeping your feet together, draw your knees up towards your chest, until your thighs are at 90 degrees to the floor and your calves are parallel to it. This is the start position. 3. Curl your hips up off the floor while bringing your knees further towards your chest. In a controlled motion, return to start position and repeat. RUSSIAN TWISTS 1. Sit with your legs crossed, torso upright and hold your hands at your chest. 2. Raise your ankles off the floor slightly and slightly bend your knees up towards you. 3. In a smooth motion, turn your torso to the left and lower your hands to the floor. Return to start position and repeat on the other side. W E D N E S DAY : L O W E R B O D Y S C U L P T I N G V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 CIRCUIT 1 EQUIPMENT: BBR ANKLE WEIGHTS You will complete all exercises on your right leg, rest, and then complete all exercises on your left leg. (4 sets of 40 seconds on each leg) 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION ANKLE WEIGHT EXTENDED TOE TAPS 1. Lie down on your stomach with your toes pointed down. Start with your legs together. 2. Next, move one leg up and sideways. Tap it on the floor then bring it back to the centre. 3. Make sure your legs are spread apart and avoid lifting so high that your spine curves. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT LATERAL KICKS 1. Get down on your hands and feet. Focus your attention on maintaining balance. 2. Left one leg up and to do a sideways kick. Make sure this leg is straight the entire time. 3. Careful not to snap your legs too fast to avoid getting hurt. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT FIRE HYDRANTS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Bring one leg up and slowly kick it sideways. Keep the other leg in place. Bring it back down and repeat. 3. Don’t forget to tighten your core to keep your back straight and supported. 4 30 SECONDS E/L ANKLE WEIGHT DONKEY KICKS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. 3. Make sure to keep your knee slightly bent as you extend it. 4 30 SECONDS ANKLE WEIGHT DOUBLE GLUTE LIFTS 1. Lie down on your stomach with your toes pointed down. 2. Then, slowly lift your lower legs up by your hips. 3. Make sure your legs are spread apart and avoid lifting so high that your spine curves. ANKLE WEIGHT FROG KICKS 1. Lie, stomach down, on a bench with only your upper body supported and your legs spread apart. 2. Without making touching the floor, bend your knees down with your hips lowered. 3. Next, push your legs back until they’re now aligned with your torso. Your knees should be pointed outwards, but your ankles should be together. 4 30 SECONDS E/L 4 30 SECONDS CIRCUIT 2 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 60 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 SETS 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION 60 SECONDS BANDED SQUAT SIDE STEPS 1. Stand with your feet at shoulder distance apart and a band around your lower thighs. 2. Bend at your hips to lean your torso slightly forwards. Step your left foot to the left and lower yourself into a squat. 3. Return to start position and squat. Alternate legs and repeat. 60 SECONDS BANDED HIP THRUSTS 1. Lie down at the edge of a bench with only your shoulder blades supported. Place your focus on your core. 2. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the ground. 3. Then, push your hips up and drive your glutes up as high as you can. Control your breathing during this exercise. 60 SECONDS BANDED HIP THRUST PULSES 1. Lie down at the edge of a bench with only your shoulder blades supported. Bend your knees with your midriff parallel to the floor. 2. Then, push your hips up and drive your glutes up as high as you can. Control your breathing during this exercise. 3. Pulse your hips up and down by around an inch before lowering it completely. BANDED SQUAT HOLD 1. Place a band around your lower thighs. Stand with your back straight and hold your hands at your chest. 2. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 3. Pause and stay in this position for as long as you can. 60 SECONDS T H U R S DAY : L O W E R B O D Y W E I G H T E D G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR BOOTY BANDS 30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A2 SETS REPS/ TIME 30 SECONDS 3 30 SECONDS 3 30 SECONDS 3 EXERCISE BANDED ABDUCTORS DESCRIPTION 1. Stand in a squatting position with a band around your legs. Place it on your lower thighs, just above your knees. 2. Now, bring your knees close together without letting them touch. Then, spread your knees out as far as you can. 3. Make sure your feet do not move from their place and your torso is steady. BANDED ALTERNATING LUNGES 1. Stand up straight with a band around your legs, just above the knees. Maintain a tight core at all times. 2. Step forward with your right leg and bring your weight down. Make sure your knees form a right angle as they bend. 3. Continue lowering your body until your left knee is nearly touching the floor. Return to starting position and switch with the other leg. BANDED DEEP SQUATS 1. Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart and your toes pointing forward. 2. Do a deep squat and go as low as you can without moving your knees past your toes. 3. Drive through your heels and return to start position. LOWER BODY WEIGHTED EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS, BBR COTTON BAND & BOOTY BANDS Move quickly between exercises in supersets (A1, A2 etc.) and have no longer than 90 seconds’ rest between sets. SET A1 SETS 4 REPS/ TIME DS 15, 12, 10 EXERCISE COTTON BAND DUMBBELL HIP THRUSTS TEMPO 2120 DESCRIPTION 1. Sit on a padded surface with your legs out in front of you and your knees bent. Hold the dumbbells on your hips and place the cotton band around your knees. 2. Focusing the tension in the glutes, raise your hips skyward, moving the dumbbells up with you. 3. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat. A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 4 4 4 4 4 12 10 E/L 12 12 40 SECONDS COTTON BAND SQUAT PULSES BANDED KICK BACKS COTTON BAND FROG JUMPS COTTON BAND DUMBBELL SQUATS COTTON BAND GLUTE BRIDGES 1111 1. Place the cotton band around your lower thighs. Stand with your back straight and hold your hands at your chest. 2. Lower yourself into squat position until your thighs are parallel with the ground. 3. Move slightly up and down in a pulsing motion, maintaining tension in your glutes. 1110 1. Stand with your back straight while putting your weight on one foot. 2. Keep your focus straight ahead and maintain your balance. Place the band just above your knees. 3. For the leg that isn’t supporting your weight, extend it backwards until it is parallel to the floor and bring it back down. 1010 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand straight and bring your feet just outside shoulder width, with your toes pointing outwards. 3. Squat down by bending at the knees and driving your hips back. The tips of your fingers should touch the ground as you lower yourself. 4. Drive through your heels and leap forwards and repeat the above. 3020 1.First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and hold the dumbbells at your shoulders. 3. Bend your knees forward and allow your hips to bend back as you lower into the squat position. Keep your back upright and chest out. 4. Push up through your heels while straightening your hips and knees, until you are standing in the start position. 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Lay down on the floor and place your feet just outside shoulder width. 3. Extend your hips vertically and lift them as high as they can go. 4. Support your bodyweight using your heels and upper back. Squeeze your glutes once you reach the top. Reverse the motion and return to starting position. Repeat. F R I DAY : H I I T C A R D I O G L U T E AC T I VAT I O N V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 EQUIPMENT: BBR SKIPPING ROPE & BBR COTTON BAND 45 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS 6 6 6 6 6 6 REPS/ TIME 45 SECONDS 45 SECONDS 45 SECONDS 45 SECONDS 45 SECONDS 45 SECONDS EXERCISE DESCRIPTION HALF BURPEES 1. Position your feet outside shoulder width apart, with your toes and knees pointing outwards. Lean your torso forwards and place your elbows inside your knees. 2. In a smooth motion, place both palms on the ground, and extend your legs straight behind you into a push up position. 3. Jump your legs and arms back to start position. Repeat. PUSH UPS 1. Begin with both hands placed on the ground at shoulderwidth apart. 2. Place your feet straight behind you while you tighten your abs and engage your hips. Your hips should not dip or elevate too high during the movement. 3. Slowly lower yourself towards the floor. Once your upper arms are parallel with the floor, pause, and return to the starting position. SKIPPING 1. Make sure that the length of the rope is adjusted. When you divide it by stepping on it with one foot, it should reach your armpits. 2. Bend your arms with your hands just slightly above your waist. Make sure to swing with your wrist and not your arms or shoulders. 3. Jump on the balls on your feet. Your heels shouldn’t touch the ground. BOX JUMPS 1. Stand behind a box, with your back straight and knees slightly bent. Position your hands at your chest. 2. Bend your knees to lower yourself, and drive through your heels to jump forwards onto the box. Lower your arms to your sides as you jump. 3. Carefully land on the box and jump backwards to starting position. Repeat. BENCH HOPS 1. Place your hands on the edges of a stable box or bench. Bend at the waist and keep a slight bend in your knees. 2. Explosively jump over the bench, launching your body to the opposite side of the bench. Land on both feet and keep your core tight. 3. As your feet touch the floor, jump again to start position in a controlled motion. COTTON BAND FROG JUMPS 1. First start with placing the cotton band above your knees. 2. Stand straight and bring your feet just outside shoulder width, with your toes pointing outwards. 3. Squat down by bending at the knees and driving your hips back. The tips of your fingers should touch the ground as you lower yourself. 4. Drive through your heels and leap forwards and repeat the above. S AT U R DAY : L O W E R B O D Y S C U L P T I N G V I M E O E X E R C I S E D E M O N S T R AT I O N S : h t t p s : / / v i m e o . c o m / a l b u m / 5 2 2 0 2 0 7 CIRCUIT 1 EQUIPMENT: BBR ANKLE WEIGHTS You will complete all exercises on your right leg, rest, and then complete all exercises on your left leg. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 SETS 4 4 4 4 4 4 REPS/ TIME EXERCISE DESCRIPTION ANKLE WEIGHT UP AND OVERS 1. Get down on your hands and knees. Keep your shoulders and hips parallel to your arms and knees. 2. Then, lift one leg off the floor and extend it backwards. Place that led to the side, away from your body. 3. Bring it up and over to the other side, all the way past your bent leg. 12 E/L ANKLE WEIGHT SQUAT KICKS 1. Stand up straight with your torso upright. 2. Go down to a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor and back straight. 3. As soon as you reach the bottom, kick out while standing up. Alternate between your left and right leg. 12 E/L ANKLE WEIGHT LAYING LATERAL RAISES 1. Lay down on your side with your entire body completely facing sideways. 2. Bring the top leg up and perform a kick sideways. Since you’re positioned sideways, this will look like a vertical kick. 3. Focus your attention straight ahead and make sure to use your core to keep your back straight. ANKLE WEIGHT LATERAL KICKS 1. Get down on your hands and feet. Focus your attention on maintaining balance. 2. Lift one leg up and to do a sideways kick. Make sure this leg is straight the entire time. 3. Careful not to snap your legs too fast to avoid getting hurt. ANKLE WEIGHT REVERSE LUNGE HOPS 1. Start by getting into a lunging position with your knees forming a right angle. 2. Using your heels and your glutes, pull yourself up with your front leg until your body is upright. 3. Without missing a beat, go straight into a one-legged hop and back down to a lunge. ANKLE WEIGHT FROG KICKS 1. Lie, stomach down, on a bench with only your upper body supported and your legs spread apart. 2. Without making touching the floor, bend your knees down with your hips lowered. 3. Next, push your legs back until they’re now aligned with your torso. Your knees should be pointed outwards, but your ankles should be together. 12 E/L 12 E/L 12 E/L 12 E/L CIRCUIT 2 EQUIPMENT: SET OF DUMBBELLS 60 seconds on, 10 seconds transition time to move between exercises. 60 seconds rest after each set. SET B1 B2 B3 B4 REPS/ TIME EXERCISE 4 60 SECONDS DUMBBELL ALTERNATING CURTSY LUNGES 1. Hold the dumbbells by your side. Take one step to the side with your right leg. 2. Bend your right knee and take another step out with your left leg. Maintain your balance and shift your bodyweight onto your right side. 3. Step back and bring your right leg behind your left, shifting your bodyweight. Alternate and repeat. 4 60 SECONDS JUMP SQUATS 1. Maintain a straight torso and lower yourself into squat position. 2. When you reach a 90-degree angle, drive through your glutes to jump upwards. 3. Keep your chin up and chest out as you jump. Repeat. DUMBBELL SWAY SQUATS 1. Place your feet wide apart and focus your weight entirely on your heels. Hold the dumbbells at your shoulders. 2. Maintaining a straight back and proud chest, move your left knee beyond your left foot, shifting your bodyweight to your left glute. 3. Move back to a central position and repeat on the right side. DUMBBELL WALKING LUNGES 1. Hold the dumbbells by your side and maintain a straight torso. Begin the movement by stepping forward with your left foot. 2. Drop your back right knee towards the floor and keep your left knee bent. Drive yourself up and take a step forward with your right foot. 3. Your left knee will go towards the floor and you’ll bend the right knee. Continue this back and forth pattern. SETS 4 4 60 SECONDS 60 SECONDS DESCRIPTION S U N DAY : R E S T & R E CO V E R Y