Uploaded by Camille Guevarra

Gout & Osteoporosis Activity Sheet

Activity for Gouty Arthritis
REFLECTION (Individual Activity)
1. A 79-year-old woman with a 10-year history of OA of the right knee complains of pain every day and
difficulty walking. She is taking multiple medications and currently she uses a walker to ambulate but
needs to stop and rest every so often because of the pain.
1.1. Describe the pharmacologic treatment and nursing measures that are indicated for this patient.
1.2. What teaching is important for the patient?
1.3. How would you modify your teaching if the patient understands little English?
1. Make a pathophysiology about Gouty Arthritis.
2. Develop an NCP on the following Problem.
2.1. Pain related to joint inflammation.
2.2. Self-care deficit
3. Drug Study
3.1. Allopurinol
3.2. Colchicine
Activity for Osteoporosis
REFLECTION (Individual Activity)
1.An older woman who lives in an assisted- living complex tells you that she had a recent DEXA scan that
revealed beginning osteoporosis. She is very upset because she has always had a “normal” scan. And though
she was not a high risk for the disease. Her mother suffered a fracture hip and died of complications in a
nursing home. The client is worried that this complication could happen to her and wants to know how she
can “slow” these diseases.
a. What further information do you need to complete his history?
b. What physical assessment should you perform?
c. What health teaching is appropriate at this time?
d. What option does she have for treatment?
Group Activity
1. Develop a pathophysiology
2. Make an NCP base on the following problem
a. Imbalance Nutrition: less than body requirements
b. Ineffective health maintenance related to lack of material resources
3. Drug Study
a. Caltrate
b. Fosamax
c. Premarin
d. Evistal