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LISREL Examples: Statistical Modeling Resources

LISREL Examples
LISREL can be used to fit:
measurement models,
structural equation models based on continuous or ordinal data,
multilevel models for continuous and categorical data using a number of link functions,
generalized linear models based on complex survey data.
Additional statistical analyses than can be performed include, to name a few:
exploratory factor analysis (EFA),
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA),
logistic and probit regression,
censored regression,
survival analysis.
To facilitate learning how to use LISREL or teaching with LISREL, an extensive collection of completely
worked examples are available for download. Preview the example by clicking on each of the topics
below, or download the entire example (PDF, data and syntax files) by clicking on the link in parentheses
after the topic name. To download the entire set of examples, click here.
Getting started with LISREL:
Using existing LISREL syntax files (complete example)
Using existing LISREL project files (complete example)
Using existing SIMPLIS syntax files (complete example)
Using existing SIMPLIS project files (complete example)
SEMS for complete continuous variable data:
A measurement model (complete example)
A structural equation model (complete example)
A generalized linear model (complete example)
Non-normal data (complete example)
Practical applications (complete example)
SEMS for incomplete continuous variable data:
Multiple imputation and FIML (complete example)
Assessment of invariance (complete example)
SEMS and regression models for ordinal variable data
A measurement model (complete example)
A structural equation model (complete example)
A generalized linear model (complete example)
CFA and MIMIC models (complete example)
Logistic and probit regression (complete example)
Multilevel data:
A measurement model (complete example)
A structural equation model (complete example)
A generalized linear model (complete example)
Analysis of 2-level repeated measures data (complete example)
Multilevel models for air traffic control data (complete example)
Additional models for air traffic control data (complete example)
Multivariate analysis of educational data (complete example)
Multilevel CFA models (complete example)
3-level analysis of health expenditure data (complete example)
3-level analysis of CPC survey data (complete example)
3-level saturated model for simulated data (complete example)
4-level model for assessment data (complete example)
3-level analysis of simulated data (complete example)
2-level nonlinear regression model (complete example)
Nonlinear multilevel modeling: growth curves
Monomolecular curve (complete example)
Complex survey data with continuous normally distributed variables:
A measurement model (complete example)
A structural equation model (complete example)
A generalized linear model (complete example)
A structural equation model for the 2001 monitoring the future data (complete example)
Implementation of sampling weights in a linear growth curve model (complete example)
Simulation study based on a linear growth curve model (complete example)
Latent curve analysis with main and interaction effects (complete example)
Replicate weights (complete example)
Confirmatory factor analysis model (complete example)
Confirmatory factor analysis model with latent variable relationship and latent variable
means (complete example)
Complex survey data with categorical, count, and continuous variables that
are not normally distributed:
GLIMS for count data using substance abuse data (complete example)
GLIMS for continuous responses (complete example)
GLIMS for binary responses (complete example)
GLIMS for ordinal responses using substance abuse data (complete example)
GLIMS for nominal responses using NHIS data (complete example)
Multilevel Generalized Linear Modeling:
Multilevel models for categorical and count data (complete example)
Binary model with logit link function (complete example)
Binary models with probit link function (complete example)
Bernoulli distribution with complementary log-log link function (complete example)
Models for count outcomes from the NESARC data (complete example)
Negative binomial model for the NESARC data (complete example)
Weighted 2-level models (complete example)
Models for count outcomes using ASPART data (complete example)
Binary models with logit link function:
Poisson log model with an offset variable (complete example)
Models for ordinal outcomes using NIMH data (complete example)
An ordinal regression model with random intercept (complete example)
Models for nominal outcomes using NHIS data (complete example)
Models for proportional and non-proportional odds (complete example)
Survival analysis:
Binary case: a 2-level model (complete example)
The data for an ordinal approach (complete example)
Two-level survival analysis models (complete example)
Additional PRELIS examples:
Exploratory analysis of fitness data (complete example)
Data manipulation and bivariate plots (complete example)
Normalizing variables (complete example)
Two stage least squares (complete example)
Exploratory factor analysis (complete example)
Bootstrap samples
Monte Carlo studies
Multiple imputation (complete example)
Exploratory analysis of political data (complete example)
Compute matrix polyserial and polychoric correlations (complete example)
Estimated regressions (complete example)
Tetrachoric correlations with asymptotic variance estimated from grouped data (complete
Estimating asymptotic variances and covariances (complete example)
Test of univariate and multivariate normality (complete example)
Threshold estimates (complete example)
Bootstrap estimates: example 1 (complete example)
Monte Carlo: generating normal variables (complete example)
Monte Carlo: generating non-normal variables (complete example)
Multiple imputation with PRELIS (complete example)
Additional SIMPLIS examples:
Regression of GNP (complete example)
Bivariate regression (complete example)
Path diagram: Union sentiment of textile workers (complete example)
Measurement models: Ability and aspiration (complete example)
Confirmatory Factor Analysis with nine psychological variables (complete example)
Path analysis with latent variables: stability of alienation (complete example)
Path analysis with latent variables: performance and satisfaction (complete example)
Non-recursive system: peer influences on ambition (complete example)
Analysis of ordinal variables: panel model for political efficacy (complete example)
Multi-group analysis: equality of factor structures (complete example)
Multi-group analysis: parental socioeconomic characteristics (complete example)
Multi-group analysis: equal regressions (complete example)
Estimation of means of latent variables: mean difference in verbal ability (complete example)
Estimation of means of latent variables: nine psychological variables with factor means (complete
Regression models with latent variables: regression of Verbal7 on Verbal5 (complete example)
Regression models with latent variables: Head Start summer program (complete example)
Ordinal variables without missing values (complete example)
Multi sample analyses using path diagrams (complete example)
Path diagrams (complete example)
LISREL output (complete example)
Additional LISREL Examples:
Annotated example of LISREL input and output (complete example)
Analysis based on covariance matrices (complete example)
Analysis of reader reliability in essay scoring (complete example)
Congeneric measure: multi factor model (complete example)
Estimating the disattenuated correlation (complete example)
Confirmatory factor analysis (complete example)
Path analysis (complete example)
Measurement error in regression (complete example)
Measurement error in regression (complete example)
MIMIC models (complete example)
Path analysis with latent variables (complete example)
Path analysis with latent variables: example 2 (complete example)
LISREL Submodel 3
A model for tests that differ in length only (complete example)
Two-wave models (complete example)
Variance and covariance components (complete example)
Second order factor analysis (complete example)
Analysis of ordinal variables (complete example)
Simplex models (complete example)
Analysis based on covariance matrices: Example 1 (complete example)
Analysis based on covariance matrices: Example 2 (complete example)
Analysis based on covariance matrices: Example 3 (complete example)
Subjective and objective social class (complete example)
Mean structures: Example 1 (complete example)
Mean structures: Example 2 (complete example)
Incomplete data (complete example)
Growth curves (complete example)
Latent variable scores (complete example)
Latent variable scores and calculating residuals (complete example)
Latent curve model for continuous variables with missing values (complete example)
CFA for continuous variables without missing values (complete example)
Analysis with missing data (complete example)
Additional examples from the New Statistical Features guide:
Exploratory factor analysis (complete example)
Fit statistics (complete example)
Kenny-Judd simulation (complete example)
Problems with analysis of correlation matrices (complete example)
Klein’s model of the US economy (complete example)
Tintner’s meat market model (complete example)
Regression (complete example)
Why are t-values equal? (complete example)
Examples from Chapter 2 of Multivariate Analysis with LISREL
Examples in this section are based on the text Multivariate Analysis with LISREL, Jöreskog, Olsson &
Wallentin, 2016.
Linear regression: fitness data (complete example)
Linear regression: income data (complete example)
Linear regression and instrumental variables (complete example)
Univariate regression: hypotheses testing (complete example)
Conditional regression: math on reading data (complete example)
Conditional regression: birthweight data (complete example)
Multivariate regression: test scores (complete example)
Multivariate regression: hypotheses testing (complete example)