CHAPTER 9 INPUT VAT & 10 VAT STILL DUE + MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS True or False 1 True 1. Only VAT-registered taxpayers can claim input VAT. True 2. There is no input VAT from purchases made from non-VAT-registered suppliers. True 3. The total consideration pay by purchasers to VAT taxpayers includes the selling price and the VAT. False 4. Registrable persons can claim input VAT. True 5.Those who cannot claim input VAT can deduct those input VAT as part of their cost or expenses. False 6. Input VAT can be claimed as a tax credit or a deduction at the option of the taxpayer. True 7. The term creditable input VAT means input VAT deductible from output VAT. False 8. Exempt persons who issue VAT invoices can claim input VAT. False 9. Input VAT is computed as 12/112 of the selling price of the seller. True 10. Input VAT may come from importation and domestic purchase. True 11. The purchase of exempt goods and services has no input VAT/ True 12. If the VAT is not separately billed, it shall be computed as 12/112 of the selling price in the sales document. False 13. Input taxes on purchases for personal consumption are creditable against output VAT. True 14. Only input VAT for purchase of goods or services in the course of business is creditable. True 15. Input VAT needs to be evidenced by a VAT invoice or official receipt to be creditable. True or False 2 False 1. The transitional input VAT is 2% of the vatable beginning inventory. True 2. The input VAT on importation is creditable upon release of the goods from the Customs custody. False 3. The input VAT on domestic purchase of goods is deductible upon payment. False 4. The input VAT on purchases of services is claimable in the month the services are rendered not when paid. True 5. Persons transitioning to the VAT system shall submit an inventory of goods. True 6. The input VAT on the purchase of real properties may be paid in installment. False 7.The input VAT on depreciable capital goods or properties must be amortized over a period of 60 months. False 8. The input VAT on depreciable capital goods or properties with aggregate acquisition costs exceeding P1M must be amortized over a period of 60 months. True 9. The input VAT on non-depreciable vehicles is disallowed as tax credit. False 10. The presumptive input VAT is 4% of the agricultural and marine purchases. False 11. Traders of sardines, mackerel, milk, and cooking oil can claim presumptive input VAT. False 12. The standard input VAT is 5% of sales to the government. False 13. The standard input Vat is 7% of the purchases sold to the government. True 14. There is a deductible expense when the actual input VAT exceeds the standard input VAT on government sales. True 15. There is a reduction in costs or expenses or an item of gross income when the standard input VAT exceeds the actual input VAT on government sales. True 16. The excess of the input VAT over the output VAT is referred to as input VAT carry- over. True 17. Input VAT carry-over is included as part of the creditable input VAT of the following month. True 18. The input VAT carry-over in a quarter is deductible in the following quarter. False 19. The input VAT carry-over cannot be credited over a period of 3 years. True 20. The input VAT carry-over in the second month of a quarter is creditable on the third month of that quarter. False 21. The Input VAT carry-over in the second month of a quarter is creditable on the third month of that quarter. Multiple Choice – Theory: Part 1 1. Which is creditable? D. Input VAT traceable to vatable sales 2. Which is a likely source of a creditable input VAT? C. Purchase of goods from aliens who are not engaged in business abroad 3. Partial credit for input VAT is allowed on A. Government sales 4. Full input VAT credit is allowed on D. A and B 5. No input VAT credit is allowed on C. Exempt sales 6. Which of the following input VAT can be claimed as tax refund? D. Input VAT traceable to export sales 7. The input VAT on purchases of non-VAT-registered taxpayers shall be claimable as B. Deduction against gross income for income tax purposes 8. Who can claim the VAT on importation as tax credit? C. An importer of goods for business use 9. The traditional input VAT is whichever is the B. Higher of 2% of beginning vatable inventory or the actual input VAT thereon. 10. Which is included in the basis of the traditional input VAT? C. Vatable goods only purchased from VAT or non-VAT suppliers 11. Which is included in the VAT basis of the 2% transitional input VAT? D. A and C 12. Which of the following properties may be included in the basis of the 2% transitional input VAT? C. Land or building classified as inventory held for sale 13. Which of the following input VAT may be amortized? D. Input VAT on the purchase of depreciable property 14. The amortization of input VAT on certain properties is allowed when the aggregate acquisition costs A. exceeds P1M. 15. The input VAT on purchases of real properties may be claimed in installment if A. the VAT seller is subject to VAT on the installment payments. Multiple Choice – Theory: Part 2 1. The amortization period for depreciable capital goods or properties shall be B. whichever is shorter between the actual useful life in months or 60 months. 2. Statement 1: The input VAT on non-depreciable vehicles shall be claimed to the month purchased. Statement 2: The input VAT on construction in progress shall be claimed in the month billing is paid. Which is correct? B. Statement 2 3. The final withheld final VAT is B. 5% of the sales made to government. 4. Which of the following cannot claim presumptive input VAT? B. Manufacturer of grease oil 5. The presumptive input VAT is D. 4% of primary agricultural input. 6. The standard input VAT is equivalent to A. 7% of the sales made to government. 7. The withheld final percentage tax is B. 3% of the sales made to government. 8. If the standard input VAT exceeds the actual input VAT traceable to A. an item of gross income subject to income tax. 9. Statement 1: VAT-registered persons do not pay VAT on zero-rated sales. Statement 2: VAT-registered persons always pay VAT on government sales. Which statement is correct? C. Both statement 10. Statement 1: The excess of the output VAT over creditable input VAT is paid to the government. Statement 2: The excess of creditable input VAT over output VAT is claimed as a tax credit or tax refund. Which statement is incorrect? B. Statement 2 11. The excess of creditable input VAT over output VAT is C. Input VAT carry-over 12. Which of the following Input VAT carry-over is creditable against output VAT of the quarterly VAT return? C. Those arising from the prior quarter 13. Which of the following is creditable against the input VAT of the quarterly VAT return? D. All of these MC Problem Part 1 1. Andrew, a VAT-taxpayer, imported a golden necklace as a gift to his girlfriend. The foreign seller billed a total price of 200,000. Andrew further paid 40,000 in other landed costs excluding VAT. Andrew can claim an input VAT of - 2. P0 A VAT-taxpayer purchase services from a non-VAT-registered person in which he paid a total of P56,000 on the purchase. The claimable input VAT shall be – P0 3. A VAT-Taxpayer imported vatable goods from a non-resident person who is not engaged in trade or business. The goods which were intended to be re-sold in the Philippines has a landed cost of 150,000. What is the claimable input VAT – P18,000 4. A non-VAT registered person purchased goods invoiced at P112,000 from a VAT – registered person. The claimable input VAT shall be – P0 5. A VAT taxpayer incurred the following during the month: Consultancy fees P 700,000 Salaries expense 400,000 Supplies expense 300,000 – P162,000 6. A Vat-registered purchaser received the following billing from a VAT-registered seller: Selling price 200,000 Output VAT 20,000 Invoice price 220,000 - P23,571 7. A VAT-taxpayer made the following purchases during the year: Purchases of goods, exclusive of VAT P50,000 Purchase of goods, inclusive of VAT 44,800 Purchase of services, exempt from VAT 10,000 Purchase of services, inclusive of VAT 23,520 Total 128,320 – P13,320 8. Mr. Alarcon is a percentage taxpayer. He bought goods billed at an invoice price of 20,160 form a VAT – registered taxpayer. Mr. Alarcon sold the goods in the same month at a price of 42,000. How much input VAT is claimable by Mr. Alarcon – P0 9. A taxpayer who became subject to VAT on the third quarter of 2020 had the following input VAT: August 2020 32,000 September 2020 40,000 October 2020 18,000 What is the claimable input VAT for the third quarter of 2020? – P72,000 10. Mr. Dontetsk, a VAT – taxpayer, purchased the following from a VAT- taxpayer: VATexempt goods 20,000 Vatable goods 40,000 Total invoice price 60,000 – P4,286 11. Ms. Kibungan, a VAT – taxpayer, made the following purchases (net of VAT) of vatable goods during the month: Purchase from non- VAT taxpayers 50,000 Purchases from VAT taxpayers 250,000 Total 300,000 – P30,000 12. A VAT-taxpayer received and paid the following billings for vatable goods purchased: Purchase from non-VAT taxpayers P 50,000 - 13. P26,786 A VAT taxpayer had the following transactions during a first calendar quarter of 2020: a. Purchases of goods in January but were paid in February- 50,000 - 14. Purchase of services rendered in January but was paid in February P80,000 - 6,000 What is the creditable input VAT in February 2020? – P9,600 15. What is the creditable input VAT for the 1st quarter of 2020? – P45,600 16. Mr. and Mrs. Sikorsky compiled the following input VAT during a month: – P0; P20,000 17. A VAT taxpayer had the following input VAT during the year: Input VAT on exempt sales P204,000 – P324,000 MC Problem Part 2 1. Dino Rado, opted to be registered as a VAT taxpayer effective the third quarter of 2020. He had the following analysis of beginning inventory for the month of July 2020: Purchases from non – VAT suppliers 210,000 – P4,600 2. A taxpayer who is transitioning to the VAT system had the following inventories upon exceeding the VAT threshold: Inventory of unprocessed agricultural food products 30,000 – P7,600 3. Miss Beauty Fooled became the subject to VAT effective the month of September. She had the following beginning inventory in September: Purchases from non-VAT suppliers 30,000 Purchases from VAT suppliers, exclusive of VAT 220,000 – P26,400 4. The vatable sales of an agricultural supplier exceeded the VAT threshold. Prior to his VAT – registration, an inventory of his goods was prepared below: Fertilizers 400,000 – P1,928.57 5. A realty development company is commencing business. Because of the large scale of its projected operations, it decided to register as a VAT taxpayer. It had the following inventories of properties before commencement of operations: Raw land contributed by shareholders 11,200,000 – P224,000 6. A VAT registered taxpayer purchased equipment which is expected to last 10 years in January 2020. The purchase price was 1,000,000, exclusive of 120,000 VAT. – P120,000; P0 7. In January 2020, a VAT taxpayer made the following purchases: Goods, exclusive of VAT P800,000 – P180,000 8. Popogiron Corporation purchased a commercial lot with an old warehouse in April 2020. The lot and the building were separately priced by the seller as follows: Lot 1,000,000 – P192,000 9. Master Pogi, a VAT -registered real property dealer, purchased a residential property as his residence in February 2020. The purchase price was to be paid in 36 monthly installments of 60,000 plus 7,200 VAT.– P0; P0 10. A VAT-registered individual purchased the following from various suppliers in November 2020: Machineries 800,000 - P96,000 11. In the preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT in the December quarterly VAT return – P3,200 12. A VAT-registered corporation reports on a fiscal year. It made the following purchases of depreciable capital goods in the quarter ending August 31, 2020 from VAT suppliers – P2,650 13. In the preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT in July 2020 – P2,650 14. In the preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT for the quarter ending August 2020? – P79,950 15. A VAT-registered individual purchased the following capital goods – P3,000 16. In the preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT in August 2020? – P5,750 17. Still on the same problem, September 2020 – P14,500 18. A VAT-taxpayer purchased a commercial lot payable in 10 monthly installments – P24,000; P48,000 19. Thor Corporation is reporting on a calendar year. Thor Corporation purchased the following capital goods in the second quarter of 2020 – P2,400 20. In the preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT for May 2020 – P122,400 21. In the preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT for the quarter ended June 30, 2020 – P151,200 22. Lupao Corporation purchased equipment at a cost of 2,000,000 in October of 2017 exclusive of a 240,000 input VAT. Lupao Corporation sold the equipment in May 2020. The equipment was depreciated over a period of 8 years. What is the claimable input VAT in May 2020? – P116,000 23. In the immediately preceding problem, what is the claimable input VAT in the second calendar – P120,000 24. VPI Corporation contracted GLI Construction to build its building at a contract price of 100,000,000, exclusive of VAT. – March 1,344,000 – P120,000; P102,000 25. In the immediately preceding problem, what is the creditable input VAT in the first quarter – P366,000 MC Problems Part 3 1. Sardinia, a sardines canning company, had the following purchases as inputs for its manufacturing operations during the month: Tin cans, exclusive of VAT 80,000 – P6,000 2. What is the total creditable input VAT of Sardinia for the month – P18,000 3. A wholesale trader of canned sardines purchased 504,000 worth of sardines inclusive of VAT from a sardine-canning company. What is the allowable presumptive input VAT? – P0 4. Sugarland Corporation is a processor of refined sugar. It purchased a total of 500,000 sugar cane for processing. It purchased other supplies at a cost of 80,000, exclusive of VAT. What is the allowable presumptive input VAT? – P20,000 5. A sugar refiner processes raw sugar of clients into refined sugar for a fee. During the period it processed 10,200,000 worth of raw sugar into refined sugar and charged a processing fee of 1,000,000. What is the allowable presumptive input VAT for the sugar refiner? – P0 6. Mr. Mantica is a VAT registered manufacturer of cooking oil. During a month, it made the following purchases: Raw coconut (to be processed into copra) 300,000 – P30,000 7. Nizzin manufacturers packed noodles from wheat flour. It purchased the following from VAT suppliers during a production month: Wheat flour 200,000 What is the presumptive input VAT? – P800 8. Assuming the vatable purchases in the preceding problem were exclusive of VAT, what is the total creditable input VAT? – P34,400 9. Misamis Company sold to the government goods it purchased for 400,000 for 550,000 Compute the standard input VAT.– P38,500 10. In the immediately preceding problem, what is to be included in the calculation – P9,500 loss or expense 11. Abenson Builders won a government contract to build a bridge at a contract price of 80,000,000. During a month, it had the following expenditures in connection with the contract: Construction supplies 2,500,000 – P300,000 12. In the immediately preceding problem, what is the final withholding VAT – P200,000 13. Still on the same problem, what is the standard input VAT – P280,000 14. Still on the same problem, what is the treatment – P20 000 expense 15. Mayon Corporation had the following summary of output and input VAT for the 1st quarter and second quarter of 2020: Output VAT 200,000 What is the creditable input VAT carryover to be credited in May? – P60,000 16. What is the creditable input VAT in April – P360,000 17. What is the input VAT carry-over to be credited in June – P40,000 18. A VAT taxpayer had the following data in a quarter: Input VAT carry-over, prior quarter – P60,000 19. Him Corporation had the following details of output VAT and input VAT in a month: Output VAT 340,000 – P30,000 CHAPTER 10 VAT STILL DUE True or False FALSE 1. Traders who import wheat shall pay advanced VAT. FALSE 2. The importation of sugar cane is subject to advanced input VAT. TRUE 3. A manufacturer of refined sugar shall pay advanced VAT before pulling out the refined sugar at the point of production. TRUE 4. Millers who Imports wheat shall pay advanced VAT. TRUE 5. The owner of naturally grown timber shall pay advanced VAT prior to its transport to buyers FALSE 6. Traders of refined sugar and flour shall pay advanced VAT. TRUE 7. Millers of refined sugar and flour shall pay advanced VAT. TRUE 8. A non-VAT registered person who transport naturally grown timber sale shall pay advanced percentage tax In lieu of the VAT. TRUE 9. Unclaimed advanced VAT may be claimed as tax credit FALSE 10. Unutilized advanced VAT may be claimed as tax refund. FALSE 11. Unutilized advanced VAT may only be claimed as tax credit certificate. TRUE 12. Unutilized input VAT can be refunded upon termination of the business of the taxpayer. TRUE 13. A VAT overpayment may be carried over in the succeeding periods. FALSE 14. Advanced VAT is an input VAT FALSE 15. The quarterly VAT due of the taxpayer is paid within 20 days following the end of the quarter, MULTIPLE CHOICE I. Which is not subject to payment of advanced Input VAT? a. Milk b. Refined sugar C. Flour d. Timber 2. Which is a correct statement regarding the advanced input VAT? a. The advanced input VAT is synonymous to the VAT on importation b. The advanced Input VAT is the final VAT due from the seller. c. The advanced input vat is a down payment of the vat on the ultimate sale of refined sugar, flour or timber. d. The advanced input vat in lieu of the actual input vat traceable to the sales of refined sugar, flour or timber Which of the following tax credit can be claimed through a tax credit 3. certificate c. Input VAT on sales to the government (or D???) Which of the following is not subject to the requirement to pay advanced 4. VAT a. Wheat traders b. Millers of flour c. Sugar refineries which process sugar for their own accounts d. Owners of harvested timber 5. Which of the following can be claimed as VAT refund? a. Input VAT on export sales b. Advanced Input VAT c. Input VAT on sales to the government d. A and B 6. Which is not a tax credit against net VAT payable? a. Advanced VAT c. Standard input VAT b. Monthly VAT payments d. Final withheld VAT 7. Which Industry is not subject to VAT? a. Mining c. Banking L Construction d. Air transport 8. Which is not a VAT compliance requirement? a. VAT Invoicing b. Transactional Recording c. Filing monthly summary list d. None of these 9. The summary list is required for a. Large tax payers c Non .VAT taxpayers b. Non large taxpayers d. All VAT taxpayers 10. What is the effectivity of the request for cancellation of VAT registration? a. On the day of the request is approved b. On the day following the date the request was approved c. On the month following the month the cancellation was approved d. On the quarter following the quarter when the cancellation was approved Multiple choice- Problems PART 1 1. Sabina Flour Milling (SFM) Corporation imports and mills wheat. B. 288,000 2. Sugar Nanny Corporation (SNC) buys sugar cane from farmers and processes D. 336,000 3. In the immediately preceding problem, what is the total credit 4. A VAT Taxpayer had the following data on its VAT obligation on the last quarter of the year: 5. C. 456,000 or ( B. ???) B. 40,000 Mr. Esperon, a VAT taxpayer, recorded the following during the month. A. 84,000 6. Ms. Chelsea had the following transactions in June 2019 7. The following gross receipts and input VAT relate to a non profit and non stock B. 8. 116,000 or B??? A seller of goods reported the following in the month: C. 9. D. 18,000 24,000 The net income of AKLAN Trading Company during the quarter is as follows. C. 30,600 10. ABC Construction Company started work on a 5,6000,000 fixed price construction contract. 11. C. 213,600 A VAT registered seller of goods had the following sales and purchases exclusive of VAT: D. 26,400 12. Mrs.Baniaga, A fruit and vegetable dealer, had the following sales and purchases. A. 0 13. A VAT registered traded reported the following during the month A. 24,000 14. A domestic seller and exporter had the following summary of trading activities in the quarter: C. 60,000 MC- Problem Part 2 1.A realty dealer disposed two residential units during the month. Unit 141-B 2,500,000 Unit 142-C Total sales, Exclusive of VAT Total input Vat During the month Compute the VAT payable. 210,000 C. 297,500 2. A vat registered restaurant had the following transaction during the month: Receipt from foods served 600,000 Receipts from soft drink 200,000 Purchase of rice,meat and vegetable 200,000 Purchase of vegetable 100,000 Purchase of soft drink 120,000 Purchase of food condiments 80,000 Assuming all amounts are exclusive of VAT, compute the vat Payable D. 3. 72,000 A Vat-registered tax practitioner who uses the cash basis of accounting disclosed the ff results of operation (exclusive of Vat) d. 654,000 4. A manufacturing subcontractor generated the ff receipt from various clients. Compute the VAT payable D. 5. 0 DZQC, a radio broadcasting company with 8M annual receipt, generated a total revenue of 1M out f which of 800,000 was collected. A. O 6. A Vat- taxpayer had the following data during the month. Regular sale 3M export sale 1.5 M input vat o reg sale 240k input vat on export sale 100k. compute the VAT payable B. B. B.100,000 7. An insurer had the ff receipt and input Vat data during the month. Compute the VAT payable. D. 8. 195,000 A lessor of commercial spaces had the ff receipts and input VAT data for the month. Compute for VATPayable B. 270,000 9. a domestic airliner had the following transaction during the month B. 192,000 10. A seller of goods had the ff. sale C. 48,800 Chapter !0- MC Probs Part 3 1. Denzi company bought a building - 2. B. 64, 000 A VAT- registered bus company has the following receipts on January 2020: What is the VAT Payable for January - 3. B. 27, 400 A domestic sea carrier has the following receipts and attributable input VAT for the month: What is the VAT payable: - 4. C 24, 000 A VAT registered television company with annual receipts of P8M reported P 1M total revenue What is the VAT payable: -C. 68, 5715 5. A bookstore had the following summary of transaction during the month: What is VAT payable? -C. 78, 120 6. Danes Bakeshop had the following details of operations during the month: Compute the VAT payable. -D. 180, 000 7. Sweet Papa Corporation is a VAT- registered sugar refiner. What is the VAT payable? -D. 32, 000 8. Baguio General Hospital has the following receipts and input VAT: Compute the VAT payable. -B. 360, 000 9. A VAT –registered professional review school has the following receipts during the month: Compute the VAT payable. -C. 92, 000 10. Cordon College had the following receipts and input VAT payments: Compute the VAT payable. -A. 0 11. Polaris Company, a VAT seller, has the following sales and purchases Compute the VAT payable. -A. 71, 000 12. A VAT taxpayer made the following sales: Compute the VAT payable: -C. 56, 500