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Niyi Adekunle: Friendship & Fighting Prayer Transcript

DVD With Niyi Adekunle
Saturday 15 May 2021
Friendship Prayer. 6
Yesterday we discussed Abraham and his relationship with God, from Genesis 18: 17 - 28 we saw
how God told Abraham about His plan to destroy a city and how Abraham through his friendship
with God interceded for the city. In this account we see Friendship Prayer being demonstrated.
Abraham was able to talk to God about the situation; he asked God on their behalf to spare the land.
Friendship prayer helps build intimacy with God and gives us access to God’s heart.
The Bible says in the book of Psalm 25: 14 (NLT)
14 The LORD is a friend to those who fear him. He teaches them his covenant.
God established a friendship with mankind based on covenant, people like Moses, Abraham, and Job
feared God and as a result, He revealed His secrets to them. In the Yoruba language, we call God
“Kabiyesi” meaning the one that cannot be questioned. But in friendship prayer, Abraham was
questioning God about His plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in a way most people would think
was impossible for a man to do. He asked God questions and God answered him, clarifying His
position to Abraham a man! In other bible accounts, we see people like Moses, Job, Mary and a host
of others asking God questions and God answering them. Why? Because He knows the heart of
these “His friends”; He knew they were not asking questions out of a heart of dishonour but from a
heart that genuinely wanted to understand Him more. Some might think that friendship prayers
make us take God for granted, that is not true at all, rather it helps us understand and revere Him
I pray in the name of Jesus, that we will consciously desire and develop new levels of intimacy with
God where we can open our hearts to Him and grow till the point where He can begin to show us His
God bless you. Enjoy your day!
DVD With Niyi Adekunle
Thursday 20 May 2021
A beautiful Thursday to you in the name of Jesus. We thank God for today; we are still talking about
fighting prayer.
The concept of fighting prayer resonates with a lot of people especially the ones that live in Africa
because we believe that there are lots of witches and wizard and the devil is doing much more evil in
Africa…so people want to do the fighting prayer and break from the power of the enemy. But that
we engage in spiritual warfare does not mean we are doing it right. The bible talks about the fact
that we can pray the wrong way. The bible says, “peter walked all night but caught nothing.”
So it is possible we are doing things but having nothing to show about it. That we see sometimes
people we call prayer warriors are weary, tired and frustrated fighters because they are going about
this the wrong way. The bible says in Hosiah 4: 6, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
We must understand that it takes much more than being armed to win. You could have the arms and
still lose the battle.
Psalm 78: 9, says, “The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day
of battle.”
Yes, they were armed; they had the weapons…probably they were all trained but they still ran away
on the day of battle, so it is not enough to be armed or to pray, we must have the wisdom; the
insight, we must know exactly how to put this thing together, so to be effective in fighting prayer,
we need the wisdom of God.
The bible says in Proverbs 20: 18 (NLT),
18 Plans succeed through good counsel; don’t go to war without wise advice.
What’s the bible saying? You want to get into spiritual warfare, get some wisdom; some wise
advice…don’t just run in there; get insight. Yesterday we read where Paul was telling Timothy to use
the prophecy to war; go to war with what God had said. That is what fighting prayer or spiritual
warfare becomes potent. It is not just enough to pray and do whatever we want to do; it is to do it
the right way.
I pray in the name of Jesus; we will not be among the league of weary warriors and frustrated
fighters in the name of Jesus; that we will enter our spiritual warfare knowing that in Christ we have
His wisdom, and we will each time in the name of Jesus.
God bless you. Enjoy the rest of your day!
DVD With Niyi Adekunle
Wednesday 19 May 2021
A beautiful Wednesday to you in the name of Jesus; we thank God for His grace.
We are still talking about Fighting Prayer and as we said earlier, Fighting Prayers just the kind of
prayer that allows us to contend and conquer the power of the enemy; to exercise our authority in
Christ over the powers of hell. The devil will do everything he can do to ensure we do not live in the
fullness of what Christ has done for us. What God has done is that through the word of God; it is
God’s treasure chess…so the word of God is everything that pertains to life and Godliness and
everything we need to live a good life here and to make the demands of God’s so we can be with
Him forever has been provided for us in the word of God. But the devil will not sit down and watch
us enjoy our right to redemption. He will do everything to stop us and that is why the bible says in
Luke 16…it says. “from the days of prophets to the days of John, the kingdom of God is…and every
man presses into it.”
We must press into these realities because they are ours. And it is through fighting prayers that we
press. Why? We exact our authority knowing that the things that God has said concerning us are
ours now.
Let’s see what Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 1: 18 (GNB)
18 Timothy, my child, I entrust to you this command, which as per the words of prophecy spoken in
the past about you. Use those words as weapons to fight well,
What was Paul saying here? He said, “Timothy my servant, there is a lot of work that has been given
to you by prophecies; the things God has planned for your life. Even though it is God’s plan, and they
are yours by prophecy, the devil will not watch…use these words as a weapon to fight well.” Another
version says, “the good fight.”
So, through prayers, we take the word of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus and we begin to enforce
the liberty God has given us in Christ. We need sound health, take it to God through fighting prayer.
If the enemy is challenging your health, use it to enforce your soundness of health, your prosperity,
your peace, progress and everything that God has said concerning you in Christ.
It is through Fighting Prayer you know the devil is contending but you know what your God has
said…take this word as Paul has said as weapons and you are using them in these prayers to fight.
And guess what? We are not fighting in this prayer to win; we are fighting because we have won.
I trust God that as we begin to practise these fighting prayers, we will begin to see a greater level of
victory manifest in your life.
DVD With Niyi Adekunle
Tuesday 18 May 2021
A lovely Tuesday to you in the name of Jesus. We thank God for today and we are talking about
“Fighting Prayer.”
Somebody will say, “what in the world is fighting prayer.” Don’t mind the name…I just called it
Fighting Prayer…Like I said yesterday, we are contending with the power of hell. Friendship prayer is
the prayer that helps us build intimacy and communion with God, and fighting prayer is the fact that
we know that we have an enemy out there, an enemy of the cross, of God, of Christians and
mankind. He is the devil and the only way we can have victory over him is to contend with him and
exercise our authority in Christ.
Now that process of exercising our authority in Christ over the power of hell and the power of
darkness is what we call “fighting prayer;” some people call it “spiritual warfare” but for this, we are
calling it “fighting prayer.” And we must understand that even though we are in Christ and He has
given us the victory through what He for us on the cross, we still contend with the power. Some
believers believe there is no devil and there is the other set that believes that the devil is very real
and all that. The truth is, the devil is a defeated foe but if we are ignorant of our authority and what
Christ has done for us, the devil will take us for a ride. So, we must continually grow in our authority
and exercise that over the power of hell. And it is through this fighting prayer that we can do this.
In the book of Ephesians 6: 12 (NLT), Paul says this,
12 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities
of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and evil spirits in the heavenly places.
What is the apostle Paul saying here? He is saying that we are not fighting against human beings but
guess what? We are in fighting; we are in a fight with the forces of darkness and Paul listed them out
there. It is through the force of this fighting prayer that we call God into our battle; get His
partnership, His help that He releases the assistance of His angel so we can work in the victory that
God has already won for us at the cross.
Fighting prayer helps us understand the weapon of warfare; helps us understand our position in
Christ; helps us understand how to use these weapons to have our victory over the enemy. By God’s
grace and mercy, all through this week, we will be talking about this. I trust God that as you learn; as
you understand and practise, you will come into a new level of authority, power and victory over the
forces of darkness in Jesus’ name.
God bless you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
DVD with Niyi Adekunle
Sunday 16 May 2021
Lovely Sunday to you in the name of Jesus. We thank God for today and we are still talking about
Friendship Prayer.
Friendship Prayer is amazing and powerful. I found out that it is one of the best ways to build
oneness and intimacy with God. And if there is anything that God wants us to do is coming to that
place of oneness. In John 17, He prayed for us to be one; just as we are in oneness and unity with
one another, that we are also in oneness with Him as our Father.
There is a song I love; it is a hymn/prayer. It says, “what a friend we have in Jesus. All our sin and
grief to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. All what needless pain we bear all
because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”
When it comes to Friendship Prayer, God wants us to bring everything to Him in prayer; there is
nothing small or big. Bring everything to Him. Paul was writing in Philippians 4, he said, “be anxious
about nothing but in everything make your request known unto God. He wants to know everything
about you, whether it is a headache, health needs, financial need, education, job, business or
concern about tomorrow. Whatever it is; there is nothing you cannot discuss with Him in prayer.
This is what Friendship Prayer is all about. We have seen it in the life of Abraham, Job and Moses.
Now let’s look at the life of Jesus.
Let’s read in the book of Luke 6: 12 (NLT)
12 One day soon afterwards Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.
What kind of prayer was Jesus praying all through the night? He just needed to choose 12 disciples
out of His many disciples. But to do that, He talked to God all through the night and the question
was what was He talking about? I like to believe through the word it was called meditation. I believe
He was asking God about each of them…” OH Lord, this one called Simon Peter, what will he be
like…choose this one…no he is a trouble maker; this is what he will do…choose Judas Iscariot…no
why should I choose Him; if you don’t choose Him your purpose we not be carried out” And all
through the night they must have been back and forth with God showing Him things.
Remember we said yesterday in Psalm 24: 14, “God’s secret with those who fear Him.” Through that
prayer all through the night, He was showing Jesus’ things as friends do and They discussed it all
through the night. There is nothing you cannot discuss with God your father and your friend.
Let’s take advantage of God’s invitation of friendship; let’s discuss everything and let watch out how
everything will be changed and transformed by our loving father and friend through the power of
Friendship Prayer.
God bless you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
DVD With Niyi Adekunle
Monday 1st March 2021
A lovely day to you in the name of Jesus. We thank God for bringing us into the month of March, the
third month of the year. We thank God for His help, it's important we don't take these things for
God has kept us and we are grateful to Him. I declare this will be a month of marching forward for
you in the name of Jesus. In every area of your life, you will see progress, you'll see advancement,
you'll see promotions in the name of Jesus; it will be a month of consolidation, it will be a month of
elevation for you in the name of Jesus.
Throughout this month, we'll be talking about “Building your Testimony”. What do we mean building
your testimony?
Every life was designed by God to be a testimony and every single day of your life is an opportunity
to work with Him to build the reality of that testimony into time. God has already settled it in
eternity, but we have to work with Him to build that into reality in our time. Throughout this week,
we'll be talking about the fact that every life is a testimony. EVERY LIFE IS A TESTIMONY, no matter
who you are, no matter what you've been through.
A testimony is something that gives proof or evidence to support a position and, in this context,
when we say a person is a testimony, we mean a person who has seen the goodness and faithfulness
of God and their life. When somebody's life is an evidence of the reality of the power of God, a
reality of the covenant, when the person is victorious, when the person is more than a conqueror
then we say that person is a testimony.
If we remember the story of Jesus, in Luke 2:28-33 (NIV), it says.
28 Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: 29 “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you may now dismiss[a] your servant in peace. 30 For my eyes have seen your salvation, 31 which
you have prepared in the sight of all nations: 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of
your people Israel.” 33 The child’s father and mother marvelled at what was said about him. Jesus’s
parents were amazed at was being said.
This man Simon was a worshipper of God; he had been in the temple for years, on seeing this baby
Jesus, he began to declare things to show that this is not an ordinary child; this is a special child, this
child is a testimony. The story of Moses is also similar.
In Hebrew 11:23 (NLT).
23 It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that
God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command.
Can you imagine these little children who had not really started living out their lives were seen as
testimonies? Simon saw Jesus and saw a testimony; the parents of Moses saw him and saw a
If children can be testimonies, even without doing anything, how much more adults who have
already started living out their days actively?
There is more than enough biblical evidence to proof that we are all designed and created in this
world to be testimonies no matter the current situation.
trust God that before we get through this series month, you will see that God has made you a
testimony and may you reflect that reality in your life in Jesus name.
God bless you.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
DVD with Niyi Adekunle
Sunday 28th February
A beautiful Sunday to you in the name of Jesus. Today is the last day of the month of February. We
thank God for His help; we thank God for His grace that has kept us this far and we thank Him so
much for His love.
And all this month we’ve been talking about love and as we end this today, we’re discussing the
power of love over fear. Love is Fearless!
1 John 4:18 (NKJV)
“There is no fear in love but perfect love cast out fear because fear involves torment but he who
fears has not been made perfect in love”
1 John4:18 (MSG)
“There is no room in love for fear, well informed love banishes fear; since fear is crippling, a fearful
life is the one that is not yet fully formed in love”
In the world we live in today where there’s so much uncertainties, wars, rumors of war, economic
fears and all the other things that breeds anxiety and fear, the bible says perfected love casts out
fear. Love that is mature and well developed banishes fear from our heart. When you truly love God
and love people you can be sure that no matter what come your way, love would always conquer
and when you live that way it’s such an amazing feeling of freedom, it’s such a feeling of power and
Walking in well-developed love means you have yielded yourself to the Person of love which is God
Himself and by doing that, you are yielding fully to the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians
3 “…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, there’s liberty…” The Spirit of the Lord is the
Spirit of Love and where you fully submit to the Spirit of love, you cannot stay not under the hold of
fear, you cannot be under the crippling control of fear because you live your life knowing that you’ve
yielded completely to love.
So my prayer for you is that as we go on this year, as we go on into a new month tomorrow, that the
love of God will banish every form of fear from your heart in the name of Jesus. I pray that you’ll
move on, you’ll march on the month of March fearlessly, victoriously and conquering in the name of
Jesus. In the places that fear has held you back, I break that hold today in the name of Jesus. You will
experience the Person of love and the Spirit of love in a new way, you will walk in love and have
greater capacity to love in the name of Jesus. May you be more confident of who you are, confident
of God’s love for you, and may you be an agent of love everywhere you go in the name of Jesus.
God bless you, enjoy the rest of your day.