sh Th is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m Ch 6 1. Which system of the brain has evolved the most in humans a. Striatal system b. Limbic system c. Neocortex 2. The neural basis of wanting & liking involves a. Distinct molecular pathways (including dopamine & opioid) 3. According to LeDoux et al., the amygdala is responsible for assigning emotional significance to events, and sometimes called the brains ‘central emotional computer’ 4. oxytocin is still sometimes called the “love hormone” in the popular press. T/F oxytocin has been experimentally shown to promote love to all people equally, even if they are not a part of the in-group a. False 5. Neuroimaging studies of cognitive reappraisal highlight the importance of the prefrontal cortex during emotion regulation 6. The periaqueductal gray (PAG) appears to be involved in which one of the following processes related to emotion? a. It attenuates the pain response b. It is activated by signs of distress & negative emotion c. It engages caregiving tendencies 7. T/F: Each aspect of peripheral physiology is associated with a particular emotion a. False 8. T/F: Each action unit on the face is associated with a particular emotion a. False 9. T/F: Each brain region is associated with a particular emotion a. False Ch 7 1. T/F: Experts agree that appraisal plays NO role in the cultural variation in what elicits emotion 2. As featured in the appraisal decision tree (from Lazarus), a primary appraisal is automatic, like a reflex, & does not require language, while a secondary appraisal is directed at specific objects or people, can be described in words 3. Reporting on everyday emotional experiences soon after they occur is an example of a method used to study appraisals called a. Diary studies 4. From an appraisal theory standpoint important component to reflection & sharing our emotions is a. Language 5. Core affect is usually discussed in relation to social constructivism. From an appraisal theory standpoint, it is most likely a part of which emotional process a. Primary appraisal 6. If shown pleasant images of delicious foods (+) or unpleasant images of disgusting mutilated faces (-) on average which is more likely to elicit a stronger physiological response? This study source was downloaded by 100000828194211 from on 06-28-2021 11:22:34 GMT -05:00 sh Th is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m a. Face (-) 7. Alexithymia is a. A condition marked by stunted verbal expression of emotion Ch 8 1. All of the following is believed to be important to early life emotional development a. Prenatal environment (ex: a stressed expectant mom) b. Parental caregiving c. Genetic differences 2. The functionalist theory of emotion development suggests that emotional development takes places as children establish new goal states & new ways of evaluating emotional events, & as their relationships with others change over time 3. regarding development of emotion a. Emotional expression & recognition increase in complexity with age 4. A strategy an infant can use to regulate their emotional experience is a. Attentional control, which enables disengagement from emotionally arousing situations 5. Temperament, an aspect of personality, is a. Important for the study of emotion regulation b. Presumed to have a neurobiological basis & is seen early in development c. Relatively stable & predictive of later outcomes 6. When does effortful control of emotion regulation emerge in development ? a. Between 3 and 5 years Ch 9 1. It has been shown experimentally that people will unconsciously imitate smiles presented in photos in a very fast manner. This behavior is an example of ? a. Mimicry 2. Behaviors considered to be toxic in romantic relationships a. Criticism b. Defensiveness c. Stonewalling d. Contempt 3. Emotions in social relationships are considered the building blocks of social exchange for the following reasons a. Emotional responses in the autonomic nervous system enable behaviors like building social connection, in addition to fighting / fleeing b. Emotions are triggered by appraisals that relate to social goals c. Emotions guide social & moral judgments 4. Gratitude in the context of friendships a. Is considered the glue of cooperative social living among non-kin b. Motivates altruistic & affectionate behavior c. Is a determinant of prosocial behavior 5. Emotional intelligence involves the following skills a. Ability to accurately perceive others’ emotions & to understand one’s own emotions This study source was downloaded by 100000828194211 from on 06-28-2021 11:22:34 GMT -05:00 sh Th is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m b. Ability to use current feelings in making decisions & manage one’s emotion ( emotion regulation) 6. Infrahumanization is the tendency for an in-group member to attribute animal - like qualities to out-group members Ch 10 1. In the affect-as-information approach to how emotion influences cognition, emotions are thought of as a. Heuristics 2. Attention to emotion a. Can be unconscious & involuntary b. Is narrowed in anxiety disorders, such that we preferentially focus on what we are anxious about 3. Your current emotional state has the ability to affect your judgment of a. Current events or objects b. Future events or objects 4. Emotions can affect memory such that a. Accuracy of remembering is increased for events that are emotionally salient b. Current emotions can bias what is recalled from the past 5. A function of positive emotions may be to a. Increase cooperation b. Express affection c. Broaden resources 6. Damage to the orbitofrontal cortex can a. Alter a person’s emotions b. Hinder a person’s ability to live a moral life c. Cause a person to act irrationally This study source was downloaded by 100000828194211 from on 06-28-2021 11:22:34 GMT -05:00 sh Th is ar stu ed d vi y re aC s o ou urc rs e eH w er as o. co m Lecture 7 ● Primary appraisals ask ○ Does it affect my goals ? ● Secondary appraisals asks ○ How is it related to my moral values, identity, ideals? ○ How should I respond? ○ What caused it? ○ What are the long-term consequences? ● Pride ○ Event is highly relevant to your goals ○ Outcome is very consistien with goals ○ You are responsible for the outcome ○ You had some control ○ You can easily adjust to the consequences ○ Outcome exceeds your internal standards Lecture 9 ● According to the perception - action model of empathy ○ We use the same brain systems to perceive emotions as we do to express it ○ Empathy probably works similarly to inferring action & intention by observing actions ○ Empathy is NOT felt equally by all ○ Empathy can be reflected in the face ○ Empathy enables cooperation & helping behavior ● You want to cheer up person who just broke up. Which falls under a method of social regulation of emotion ? ○ Offering to pic up food for her, snce you know her ex is going to be at the place ■ Situation selection ○ Hanging out & binge-watching with her ■ Attentional deployment ○ Reminding her how annoying he was ■ Cognitive change ○ Forbid her from texting him ■ Response modulation This study source was downloaded by 100000828194211 from on 06-28-2021 11:22:34 GMT -05:00 Powered by TCPDF (