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Herculaneum Conservation: Bibliography of Resources

Biggi, C., D’Andrea, A. and Pesaresi, P., ‘Herculaneum: Joining Forces to Secure Heritage Benefits for the
Ancient and the Modern Towns’ in Heritage in Context - Conservation and Site Management within Natural,
Urban and Social Frameworks, ed. by Bachmann, M. et al, 2014.
Biggi, C., Capasso, B. and Del Duca, F., ‘The Herculaneum Centre: The Reciprocal Benefits Gained from Building
Capacities for Cultural Heritage Among Institutions and Communities’, in Shared Knowledge, Shared Power:
Engaging Local and Indigenous Heritage, ed. by Apaydin, V. (New York City: Springer, 2017), pp. 87–105.
Borin, E., ‘How the Financial Crisis Affected Models of Public-Private Partnership in the Cultural Sector:
Empirical Evidence from France, Germany and Italy’, AIMAC Conference (Aix-en-Provence, 2015)
<http://aimac2015-aix-marseille.univ-amu.fr/themes/aimac/papers/PS2_track6/256.pdf> [accessed 20
January 2021].
Brizzi, M., D’Andrea A., Sepio, D., De Silva, M. and Court, S., ‘Planning A Conservation Project: The Information
System of the Insula Orientalis I at Herculaneum', CIPA 2005 XX International Symposium (26 September – 01
October) (Torino, 2005) <https://www.cipaheritagedocumentation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Brizzie.a.-Planning-a-conservation-project_the-information-system-of-the-Insula-Orientalis-at-Herculaneum.pdf>
[accessed 21 January 2021].
Court, S., (2014) ‘Let’s Hear It for Herculaneum! Interpretation as a Tool for Increasing Community
Participation’, Journal of The Association for Heritage Interpretation, 19(2), pp. 10-12. [accessed 20 January
Court, S., D’Andrea, A., Del Duca, F., Pesaresi, P., and Thompson, J., ‘Managing Herculaneum in Context:
Measuring Benefits for People and Places’, in Feasible Management of Archaeological Heritage Sites Open to
Tourism, ed. by Douglas C. Comer and Annemarie Willems (New York City: Springer, 2019), pp. 21–33
Court, S., Thompson, J., and Wallace-Hadrill, A., ‘The Herculaneum Conservation Project: Activities in 2012–13
(Comune Di Ercolano, Provincia Di Napoli, Regione Campania)’, Papers of the British School at Rome, 81 (2013),
355–58 <https://doi.org/10.1017/S0068246213000160>
Dubini, P., Leone, L., and Forti, L., ‘Role Distribution in Public-Private Partnerships: The Case of Heritage
Management in Italy’, International Studies of Management & Organization, 42 (2012), 57–75
Ferri, P., and Zan, L., ‘Partnerships for Heritage Conservation: Evidence from the Archeological Site of
Herculaneum’, Journal of Management & Governance, 21.1 (2017), 1–25 <https://doi.org/10.1007/s10997015-9332-2>
MacDonald, S., ‘Leveraging heritage: Public-private, and third-sector partnerships for the conservation of the
historic urban environment’, ICOMOS 17th General Assembly (Paris, 2011), pp. 893–904 [accessed 9 March
Macdonald, S., and Cheong, C. The Role of Public-Private Partnerships and the Third Sector in Conserving
Heritage Buildings, Sites, and Historic Urban Areas, (Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute, 2015),
<http://hdl.handle.net/10020/gci_pubs/public_private_partnerships> [accessed 3 March 2021]
Mollo, L., and P. Pesaresi, ‘Restoring Archaeological Structures Using Regional Traditional Building Techniques’
in Regional Architecture in the Mediterranean Area, ed. by Bucci, A. and Mollo, L., (Copenhagen: Alinea, 2010),
pp. 405–15.
Muhammad, Z., Kwang, S. K., Kim, F. J., and Sabri, S., ‘An Overview of Critical Success Factors of Publicprivate
Partnership in the Delivery of Urban Infrastructure and Services’, PLANNING MALAYSIA JOURNAL, 14 (2016)
Osei-Kyei, R., and Chan, A. P. C. ‘Review of Studies on the Critical Success Factors for Public–Private
Partnership (PPP) Projects from 1990 to 2013’, International Journal of Project Management, 33.6 (2015),
1335–46 <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2015.02.008>
Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A. P. C., Javed, A.A., and Ameyaw, E. E., ‘Critical Success Criteria for Public-Private
Partnership Projects: International Experts’ Opinion’, International Journal of Strategic Property Management,
21.1 (2017), 87–100 <https://doi.org/10.3846/1648715X.2016.1246388>
Pesaresi, P., ‘The Herculaneum Conservation Project’s Programmed Maintenance Cycles for the Archaeological
Site of Herculaneum’, Built Heritage 2013 Monitoring Conservation and Management (Milan, 18-20
November) (Milano: Politecnico di Milano, 2013) [accessed 20 January 2021]
Rockart, J. F., ‘The Changing Role of the Information Systems Executive: A Critical Success Factors Perspective’,
in Center for Information Systems Research, Sloan School of Management, MIT, Working Paper Number 85,
Thompson, J., ‘Conservation and Management Challenges in a Public/Private Partnership for a Large
Archaeological Site (Herculaneum, Italy)’, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, 8.4 (2006),
Thompson, J., ‘Engagement In Public-Private Partnerships For Cultural Heritage: The Case Of Herculaneum,
Italy', Proceedings of the International Forum on Privatisation and Cultural Heritage (Catania, 13-15
September) (Rome: ICCROM, 2007), 120-134.
Wallace-Hadrill, A., ‘The Herculaneum Conservation Project: An Introduction’, Vesuviana: Archeologie a
Confronto, 2009, 203–7.