Uploaded by Frank Chujor

Project Management: Definitions, Skills, and Pitfalls

• Part 1
• Academic runthough (Definitions/explanations)
• Part 2
• Project mangement Pitfalls
• Part 3
• Hands On Skills Accessment and corrections.
What is a Project
• Traditional Definition: It's a temporary endeavor
undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.
• A project is temporary in that it has a defined beginning
and end in time, and therefore defined scope and
• Project in Agile terms: The "project" definition is somewhat fuzzy in
the Agile world, because work is a collection of features/epics that are
aligned to a value stream. (Debated over the years)
• DOD: Definition of Done. (Development/Testing/Deployment/user
feedback/revenue gain)
What is project mangement
• Project management, is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project
activities to meet the project requirements.
• Break down of Knowledge (Methodologies Waterfall/Agile (Scrum))
Scrum activites (Sprint planning / Daily scrum / Sprint review / Sprint retrospective)
• Break down of Skills (interpersonal Skills,(Temperament/Keep your emotions and ego at the door/
Understanding being a servant leader/ seeing things from the client perspective. you cannot hate blood and become a
medical doctor
• Risk Management skills, Negotiation Skills. (risks come from everywhere/ Experience is knowing areas
where risks can emanate from/cater for unforseen circumstances
• Team management Skills, (understand the work ethic and temperament of every memeber on your
team/Understand common sense/ Staffs are not robots/ be realistic/)
• problem Solving skills
• BreakDown of tools (Teams, Stickly notes, notepad, microsoft project, Asana, trello etc
• 90% of a project managers role is communication.
• For a successful project execution, effective communication to all stakeholders is essential.
Many projects fail because of a lack of communication or an ineffective one
• These are the three communication areas in project management:
• Internal information exchange (decision-making process, conduction of meetings, daily
scrums etc.)
• Information management (relevant project information is communicated to all project
stakeholders, changes to the project are communicated etc.)
• Project marketing (project presentation and display to employees, customers, sponsors etc.)
• Does communication facilitate the achievement of goals and objectives? Who is the target
audience of the communication and information transfer? Which communication channels
should be used?
Project Management PITFALLS
Scope Creep:
Lack of Communication
Unrealistic goals / Deadlines
Inadequate Skills
Inadequate Risk Management
Lack of Accountability