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Knee Pain Home Treatment & Yoga Exercises

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Treatment & Yoga
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To avoid knee pain, home remedies and physical exercises such as running, yoga,
and Pranayama are always better than surgery, but these measures give proper
benefits only if done in time. Here yoga can be a low-impact physical exercise, it
can help you reduce chronic pain while improving mobility, flexibility, strength,
and overall quality of life of your precious knees.
Yoga exercises can be effective for knee pain, but it is also important to choose
the right yoga poses for this. Wrong yoga poses can also increase pain. In such a
situation, here we are telling some yoga for knee pain which can strengthen your
knees and help in keeping them strong. Although some poses of yoga for
beginners may seem daunting.
days and can happen to any
person of any age. If it is
not taken care of at the
right time, then knee pain
can also be due to arthritis.
How to Practice Yoga For Knee Pain
Here are 5 Yoga For Knee Pain reduction that can
strengthen and flex your knees and help you get positive
1. Tadasana / Mountain pose
Tadasana is beneficial in strengthening our legs, knees and
ankles. It provides mobility to the knee nerves, waist, thigh
joint, and buttocks by generating stretch.
How to do:
· First of all, stand on the mat and straighten the back.
· Now intertwine the fingers of both your hands and stretch both hands above
the head.
· After this, slowly stand on the strength of the claws and pull as much as you
· Do it this way again and again.
· Stayed in this position for some time.
2. Virasana / Hero’s Pose
Virasana strengthens the knees and helps in activating the
clogged shoulders. It removes tension from the shoulders
and provides balance to the body.
How to do:
• Sit in the position of Vajrasana by laying a posture on
flat ground.
• That is, sit down with your knees bent.
Now spread both the legs a little and keep the hips on the ground and
keep them straight.
• Now keep both hands straight on the knees.
• Keep the shoulders relaxed and sit straight.
• Keep your head. neck, and back straight and look in front.
3. Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana is an effective posture that strengthens the shoulders and
back. It helps to keep the spine flexible. Improves physical posture and
reduces knee pain.
How to do:
• To do Bhujang posture, first lie down on your stomach.
Then spread both the wings by lengthening them well.
And keeping the chin, palms of the hands, elbows adjacent to the ribs on
both sides, put them on the ground.
• Now closing the eyes, while filling the breath inside the body, slowly raise
the chin, after that lift the neck up towards the sky.
• Then slowly raise your chest. And after that slowly lift the part of your
stomach up.
• Stay in this cobra pose for 30 seconds to minutes.
4. Garudasana / Eagle Pose
Garudasana creates tension in the nerves of the shoulders
and knees. It strengthens the wrists, arms and legs, and
eliminates physical inertia. This asana is also helpful in
preventing osteoporosis.
How to do:
First of all, to do this asana, balance the body by
raising the left foot by keeping the feet on the ground.
When the body becomes balanced, wrap the left leg
on the right leg like a snake.
• Now join both the hands together and close the eyes by placing the
wrists of the hands-on the front part of the nose.
• Breathing normally in this posture.
• Stay in this posture for as long as you can easily.
5. Makarasana/ Crocodile Pose
Doing Makrasana strengthens the muscles of the feet,
which provides relief from knee pain. It is not necessary to
have an empty stomach to perform this asana.
Makarasana can be done for two to five minutes.
How to do:
• Lie down on your stomach, keeping in mind that the
chin, chest, abdomen, knee cap keep touching the
• Keep the distance between the feet equal to that of
your yoga mat.
• Now lift your head and place both hands on the cheek.
• Slowly bring both the legs from the bottom up towards your hips and then
slowly bring them down.
• Similarly, practice this asana about ten times or your capacity accordingly.
6. Yoga Pranayama For Knee Pain
Pranayama is an integral part of yoga. With Pranayama, energy can be
controlled and a healthy body can be achieved. Some yoga is mentioned as a
means of achieving a higher state of awareness through a pranayama practice.
Practicing Pranayama daily helps in a steady mind and strong willpower.
Pranayama the breathing exercises in yoga, such as Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom,
and Bhastrika Pranayama Excellent for weight loss and helps in relieving
Arthritis symptoms.
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