Uploaded by Sam Moray


Sports, especially individual sports, tend to be fair. At the end of the day, it comes down to raw skill when
preforming solo. There’s no way to directly enhance your skill with money. Sure, you can spend money on
trainers or buy the newest gear, but anyone can practice, and cosmetics rarely enhance your athletic ability.
But what if you could buy things that would drastically increase your performance, with no work on your
part? Imagine shoes that made the runner twice as fast, or special sticky gloves that made balls easier to
catch? These games would no longer be fair. Those who shelled out the most money on these
enhancements would preform the best; no matter how much the average joe trained and perfected his skill,
he would still fall short.
While this thankfully isn’t the case with sports, it has plagued video games, specifically the free-to-play
model. Developers, eager to make a quick buck, essentially sell players power which, as defined in, "The
Success of Free to Play Games and Possibilities of Audio Monetization," makes it pay-to-win (Hahl, 2). These
games typically make a decent amount of money in the short-term but plummet once players come to
realize the greediness of this design. Although this way of designing games requires less work and creativity,
free-to-play games that are designed to serve the player and not exploit them will generate more revenue
over a much longer period of time. As Kalle Hahl states, “The most played and successful non-mobile F2P
games are not pay to win games” (Hahl, 2). This is because players who feel they’ve been given a fair shake
are more likely to pay, more players who didn’t pay originally will become paying players, and the game’s
community will grow all by itself without constantly buying expensive ads.
What do I mean by games that serve the player? The major flaw with a lot of free-to-play titles is they don’t
design considering concepts like fun, engagement, and wonder, and instead simply build their games
around how to get people to pay the most amount of money possible for a lack-luster experience. For those
who don’t know, free-to-play video games aren’t entirely free, the developers must make money after all.
The difference is these games don’t require the player to pay at any time. There are optional purchases,
often cosmetics, harder-to-obtain items, etc. But if a player wants to enjoy the entirety of the game, they
don’t have to spend a cent, at least, in theory. As Oscar Clark expresses in his book, “Games as a Service,”
games should be fair and enjoyable to all players, regardless of how much they pay, and any purchasable
content should enrich their experience, not be required for it (Clark, 6).
Making fair games seems like an obvious understanding, so how big is this problem really? According to
"Free-to-play games: Professionals’ perspectives," video game developers see the format as ethical and full
of potential but have concerns towards the companies that choose to use it more deviously. Granted, this
was from a very small sample of 14 designers all with backgrounds in video game design ranging from
mobile to AAA. They were also asked how players viewed the model. They unanimously agreed that most
players complain about free-to-play games (Alha, 3-6). However, they found these complaints to mostly be
targeted to games that implement this system poorly. These designers acknowledge that players who
support the model are out there; their voices are simply quieter. Games like League of Legends and Team
Fortress 2 (these often seen as the best example of free-to-play games) wouldn’t be as successful as they
are without these players. The main concern from the designers is not the poor implementation of
free-to-play itself in games, but instead the impact that these unfair, poorly made games leave. If these
games continue to be made, the reputation of the model will grow worse and worse. Rules may have to be
put in place to prevent developers from doing these malicious practices, potentially hindering companies
trying to do free-to-play right.
There are other potential hurdles when designing free-to-play games. One of the most challenging of these
is finding the delicate balance between a game that is fun on its own while still giving players incentives to
buy additional content/features. Often times, designers simply add pay-walls or restrictions to essentially
try and force players to pay in order. While this is the easier design route to take, it often results in player
backlash as it doesn’t sit well to feel forced to pay for something advertised as free. The opposite route
often taken is to avoid this pitfall. Instead of relying on paywalls, some developers design free-to-play
games that are enjoyable to play and treat the player fair. However, sometimes the purchasable content of
these games seems like a shortcut, making the most enjoyable and interested playthrough one where you
don’t pay. This means far less players will pay money on in-game purchases because not paying actually
creates a more engaging experience. Because these games generate far less revenue, the previous model is
much more common.
Many pay-to-win games cater to a very small group of people, often referred to as “whales.” These are the
people who are willing to drop hundreds, if not thousands of dollars into a game. Because of this, the games
become built almost exclusively with these players in mind, making an enjoyable experience for the average
player impossible. This results with new players leaving quicker as they come to realize they can’t really
enjoy or “play” the game without paying absurd amounts of money. Designers recognize this and work to
correct it, as games, especially multiplayer games, rely heavily on players as content. Without them, no one
wants to play, because no one wants to play a game intended for large groups all by themselves. However,
developers often just increase the amount of advertising for their game instead of addressing the
underlying problem; players who don’t drop hundreds of dollars can’t have an enjoyable experience and
play the game as the designers intended it to be played. This process repeats with no end as developers
reach farther and farther for new players to balance out the majority of players that leave. Its
The second big problem with this mindset is the separation it creates between paying players and
non-paying players. I can somewhat understand the intention behind this; I imagine developers separate
their community to create a feeling of importance or sometimes empowerment for the paying players. This
is great if you are already paying money for your game, but for those who play free, see this velvet rope VIP
section-esque kind of divide is often off putting. In the study, “Cash trade in free-to-play online games,"
Holin Lin and Chuen-Tsai Sun concluded that, “…when free game avatars wear the necessary equipment to
beat monsters or solve quests, they are easily identified as having made the requisite purchases—that is,
game inequalities are made clearly visible” (Lin, 15). This inequality is often unavoidable in these games, but
that doesn’t mean designers need to highlight those inequalities. The best way to encourage free players to
pay money in your game is to have them play alongside the paying players. After all, it’s much easier to see
the benefits of shelling out a few dollars when you’re digitally right next to someone who already has.
Video games are fun. That’s why I play them. That’s probably the reason most people play them. That’s
what makes them enjoyable. Free-to-play has the potential to bring this fun to a lot more people; people
who have a few dollars they want to spend on video games instead of the standard $60. People who don’t
have any expendable cash. People who want to drop hundreds on a game they enjoy. This can all be
possible, but only if the industry recognizes that this is what games are about, not a bottom line, not
maximizing profits or cutting corners. And I know what you’re thinking and it’s true; games need to make
money in order to be successful long-term. But when you make a game that’s enjoyable, fair, and inviting of
all players, the money will come. Free-to-play needs to stop turning to pay-to-win models and aspire to
what gamers and developers alike see as it’s potential. That potential being an enjoyable interactive
experience, no matter if you don’t pay a cent or if you pay $500. When you can satisfy both of these kind of
players, and everyone in-between, you won’t only find financial success, but you’ll be pushing the industry