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Fijian Food Poem: Love Food, Hate Waste, Save Money

Theme: Love Food, Hate Waste, Save Money
My Fiji, My Fijian Food, My Destiny.
Avacado dangling like raindrops
Heart shaped dalo leaves flourishing
Tubua thriving like green gold
Pumpkins rolling like gold nuggets
Rows and rows of baigan
Bele in lush abundance.
Yet they wait in utter silence
For we turn to noodles, biscuits
in fact to a tribe of foreign processed 'plastic' food
For we want to be the palangi
Eating what the high tide brings
Swallowing like a whale without even thinking.
Avacado drops and rots
Dalo leaves crumble with hatred
Tubua infested with locust of bugs
Pumpkins inwardly shrink and shatter
Purple baigans perish in silence
Bele wilts in the sun
As the lali is beaten.
I see my islander
Strolling barefoot,
Counting his coins
for a can of coconut milk
while groves of coconut palms
keep smiling, for we are Fiji.
By Nathan Savu
Year 1204