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Cinema vs Home Movie Watching: Advantages & Disadvantages

As the technologies are getting better and better movie
experience has become a part of it. Cinemas try to provide
everything for a customer to be comfortable. But on the other
hand there are still people who wants to watch movies at
home. In my opinion, both options seem to have some
advantages and disadvantages.
First, watching a movie at a cinema is not as comfortable
as at home. Cinemas nowadays provide VIP ones which even
include a big sofa where you can sleep. But on the other hand
you cannot taste awesome foods if you are going to watch at
home when in cinemas we can get a lot of delicious snacks and
If I have to compare the expenses, of course watching at
home will cost you less than that of a cinema. And for the
experience as I said above cinemas will surely win since they
have surrounding sound systems and even 3D now!
What about the ages? Elders might not love the movie
experience at a cinema because of the loud noises and they
can’t turn the volume down! I will not recommend for kids
under the age of 8 to go to a cinema, the flashy images and
loud music can hurt them. So it will be better for those people
to watch at home.
These are all my opinions for the advantages and
disadvantages for watching a movie at a cinema and at home.
For me I love to watch movies at home since it is peaceful and
you don’t have to worry a lot. Also I love to eat dinner and
watch movies at the same time so watching at home is a better
option for me.