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Colin Kaepernick Protest Essay: Freedom of Speech

Avelino Meza
ENG – 101 - QAL
Professor Baptiste
24 November 2020
A Matter of Respect or Not
In “Did Colin Kaepernick Really Insult the Troops” by Robert O’Connell, Colin
Kaepernick, the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers’, knelt down during the national
anthem. The rest of the text explains why he did it and his ex-teammate’s, whose brother was in
the Marines, reaction to it. Colin wanted to do something that would draw attention to himself,
since he wanted to be heard and for people to know how he felt during these hard times.
Refusing to stand during the national anthem is an appropriate form of protest because Colin
shows he cares about the people of color being mistreated, is making a statement in a peaceful
matter, and just enforcing the first amendment which is freedom of speech.
Colin Kaepernick shows that he cares about what he is protesting about which is
according to him, the opposition of “a country that oppresses black people and people of color”.
He shows he is passionate about the problem at hand and there is nothing wrong with him
finding any way to show it. As a black man himself, this is an issue that can hit right at home and
wants to help fellow people who are going through the same. Everyone has undergone a type of
racism in their lives but it’s just harder for people of color because there are so many injustices.
This is said to be a country of freedom and peace, but is actually the complete opposite when it
comes to people who don’t look the way “they’re supposed to”
The definition of protest according to my dictionary is a statement or action expressing
disapproval of or objection to something. As long as no one is getting affected by this, there is
nothing wrong with having a peaceful protest and going against other people’s wishes. Colin
took a stand for something he did not believe was right and what better way to do it than to do it
on live television with thousands if not millions of people watching. He is American himself,
which means born in the US, and whilst he meant no disrespect to the American troops, there
was nothing wrong with calling out his own country who has oppressed black people for
decades. Colin’s ex-teammate, Alex Boone, claimed “lost their life to protect our freedom” but
whose freedom did this country really affect because the country is still as racist as its once was.
“That flag obviously gives him the right to do whatever he wants” Alex Boone said, and
he is absolutely right because Colin has the right of freedom of speech. The country has the
amendments, and they apply here as much as they would apply with anyone else because he is
just speaking his mind on a subject that he feels strongly about. It is not illegal to not stand
during the national anthem, and while other people might find it disrespectful, it is so far from it,
Colin may just feel detached from a country he once saw as his own. Colin did not blame the
military once for what is happening in our country, which is why he doesn’t see it as
disrespectful to the men and women that fought for our country. Colin blames the country itself
for the loss of liberty and justice that the military is fighting for out there.
As an immigrant myself, I may not feel very attached to the country, but I still respect the
many people that risk their lives for others. It is very hard to say what you feel in this day and
age because of the fact that everyone always has something to say about it. Topics are so
sensitive that no one can say anything without people getting hurt over the words or actions of
another. It is something that has to change and hope that it will in my lifetime.