CENTEXNNIUM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2021 1. Organizational Mission, Objectives, and Strategy Our organization's primary focus or strategy is to provide software that can help small upstart businesses or company, and solely provide them with cost-effective advertisement. Next, our mission that we are aiming for is to allow enterprises is to alleviate their relationship between middle-men high prices on advertising and organizations. For the newest generation, we had created the most innovative design and customizable advertisement software. With this unique and creative advertisement tool, we can manage to engage the customer interest and expand your organization's branding with your clientele. However, to further address our software's slow, arduous sales, we are upgrading the procurement of our software through online sales. Our product is sold physically as a disc; now, our software will be sold directly and downloaded online. In addition, we are in the process of upgrading our sales tracking software that is concurrent with our online sales. 2. Informational Inventory Our organization will provide a digital inventory of our online ordering system, also known as an inventory management system. Digitization is one of our primary assets within our organization; the old disc software and negotiating with other store entities are over. Today, with the help of the internet, our product sales are directly between our company and our initial customers. The data entities' objectives are simple, and the data relationships will compost customer information, contact, address, and payment method. With these data inventories, we must track and manage the sales activities flow and the resources/information across the organization. 3. Mission and Objective of Information System The mission and objective of the information system are simple, the management of the data processing from the data entities that can analyze data. So, we can cross-reference the project schedule before the product launch within the next four months. We must achieve the deliverable date within the planning date that the analysis and design are within the (SDLC) methodology development. Our organization will also focus on how they processed their data and streamlined ours to become a competitive organization within the methodology. Our system will be a concurrent system that must track the digital transaction, telephone orders, data catalog/customer data, and real-time information recording with our customer-online facing ordering/customer services. 4. Constraint on Information System Development Many factors can limit information system development; first is the human errors; system developers such as project management team members are prone to make mistakes. Next is the environmental factors it falls on the categories of natural disasters, and lastly, the federal bureaucracy when laws and regulation could hinder project with inter-organizational regulations. Moreover, time and budget are the few of the hurdles we must also overcome. But, then, there are also constraints with physical tools such as computers and servers. 1 5. Overall Systems Needs and Long-Range Information System Strategies Our organization must have comprehensive planning that covers human resources, physical resources, financial resources, and information resources with these projects. Our organization's bringing of these resources must be acquired by developing, deploying, and managing each help plan. The payoff of our system sales management upgrade is a meaningful project, though we are scaling down warehouse operation data management and completely removed our mail order tracking system. Competitiveness is one of our strategies, and we need to survive in the future, and information technology with information systems is a homogenized strategy with our business dynamics. So though the usual long-range planning must consider two years, this will cover the strategic issues, but if the problems are not resolved within that time limit, it is not a strategic plan; we might consider it a tactical plan. 6. The Short-Term Plan Our short-term plan is to maintain our old and current sale system or manage purchasing distribution and warehousing activities correlated with the long-range plan. Though imminently dwindling the operation, tech support operation is a continuous action with the transition with our Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Software will still fulfill the physical sales of our software discs. 7. Conclusion Our organization is currently involved with Business-to-Business (B2B) deals with other stores with the sales of our current inventoried products. Our project managers are now giving our stakeholders an up-to-date proposal on a budget, schedule, and profitable gain if the project is green-lighted. 2