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ENG1D Course Outline: Short Stories, Novel, Drama, Poetry

Course Layout
 Unit 1: Short Stories
 Unit 2: Novel Study
 Unit 3: Drama
 Unit 4: Poetry
 Unit 5: Independent Novel Study Unit
Unit 1: Short Stories
What we will be reading…
 “The Lottery Ticket” by Anton Chekhov
 “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty
 “The Skating Party” by Merna Summers
What we will be studying…
 Elements of short stories
 Plot graphs
 Literary devices
 Analysis of symbols
 Thematic connections between texts
Unit 1: Assignments
 Personal Journal Response- 5% of final mark
 Perspective Writing- 7% of final mark
Unit 2: Novel Study
What we will be reading…
 “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton
What we will be studying…
 Characterization
 Symbolism
 Elements of plot
 Themes and connections to modern day society
 Essay writing stategies
Unit 2: Assignments
 Character Profile Brochure- 6% of final mark
 Literary Essay- 7% of final mark
Unit 3: Drama Study
What we will be reading…
 “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare
What we will be studying…
 Character and plot development
 Symbolism
 Dramatic elements
 Themes and connections to modern day society
Unit 3: Assignments
 Social Media Assignment- 5% of final mark
 Literary Essay- 8% of final mark
Unit 4: Poetry Study
What we will be reading…
 “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
 “If” by Rudyard Kipling
 “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou
What we will be studying…
 Elements of poetry
 Different styles of poetry writing
 How to analyze poetry
 Symbolism and Imagery
 Thematic connections to other texts, as well as,
personal and world connections
Unit 4: Assignments
 Poem Analysis- 5% of final mark
 Poetry Anthology- 7% of final mark
Unit 5: Independent Study Unit
What you will be reading…
 “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck
Unit 5: Assignments
 Novel Study Portfolio- 7% of final mark
 Novel Study Presentation- 8% of final mark
Online Discussion- 5%
 As this is an online based course, online
communication is vital for your success
 For each unit, 1 discussion question will be posted that
you will have to respond to in 1-2 short paragraphs
 Your homework along with the online discussion will
account for 5% of your final mark
Final Assessment
 Final Exam- 30%
Format of Final Exam
 Part A: Short Answer (Units 1-4)
 Part B: Passage Analysis (Poetry)
 Part C: Long Answer (Novel Study)
 Part D: Long Answer (Drama Study)
*The Independent Study Unit Novel will NOT be on the
final exam*