2021-05-24 2400908 2400908 - Reaffirm approval authentication against LDAP instead of GRC system Version Language Priority Release Status Component 5 English Recommendations / Additional Info Released for Customer GRC-SAC-WF ( Workflow ) Type Master Language Category Released On SAP Note English Consulting 15.12.2016 Please find the original document at https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/ 2400908 Symptom Authentication for reaffirm approval is done against GRC foundation system and not against LDAP system maintained in user data source or user authentication source configuration (IMG). You would like to perform this authentication against LDAP and not GRC SU01 data as there may be cases where approvers might not know their GRC system password (For example, Organizations where SSO is used to logon to all the systems including GRC system). Steps to reproduce: 1. In MSMP Workflow, Stage Configuration the Role reaffirm is enabled for Approve/Reject. 2. Approver logs into work inbox to approve/reject request. 3. For the reaffirm, a logon screen is prompted. Other Terms Reaffirm, Access Request, GRC Workflow Reason and Prerequisites As per standard design of the application, the authentication for reaffirm approval is done against GRC system only. A source code enhancement will be required to achieve this functionality. Solution This functionality can be achieved by performing a ABAP source code enhancement without modifying the standard code. Please note that this must be done by expert ABAP developers only! Create an overwrite-exit for standard method CL_GRAC_USER_PWD_UTIL -> USER_PASSWORD_AUTHENTICATION. In the enhancement code for the overwrite-exit : - Use function module LDAP_SYSTEMBIND to create a connection to the LDAP server. - If the connection is successful, use function module LDAP_SIMPLEBIND to authenticate against LDAP server. Please note that this function module accepts the full DN(distinguished name) as an input. The DN can be obtained by concatenating the sn or sAMAccountName with LDAP user path. LDAP_SIMPLEBIND can also accept user id as userid@hostname instead of passing the DN. - In case the authentication is successful (sy-subrc = 0), set the parameter ev_return_code = 0. In case the authentication fails, set the parameter ev_return_code = 4. Please refer to function module documentation for all of the function modules mentioned above to get more © 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 1 of 2 2021-05-24 2400908 details about importing and exporting parameters. Other Components Component Description GRC-SAC-ARQ Access Request This document refers to SAP Note/KBA 2176945 Title What system does the Role Reaffirm Approval authenticate against in AC 10? This document is referenced by SAP Note/KBA 2485296 Title Password required while approving request Terms of use | Copyright | Trademark | Legal Disclosure | Privacy © 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 2 of 2