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The information in this book is for research and educational purposes only. The author and
owner of this book hold no responsibility, nor liability, for any such action taken from the
information provided in this guide. The author and owner of this book will not be responsible
for any medical related incident that was a result of following information in this guide.
Before beginning any exercise regimen or performance enhancement cycle, it’s strongly
advised that you consult with your doctor first. There are dangers and side effects of using
anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing compounds such as, but not limited to:
performance enhancing peptides, human growth hormone, androgenic steroids, stimulants,
fat burners, erectile dysfunction drugs, female hormones used for testicular recovery,
nootropics, anti-estrogens, fatty acid based oils, and unsafe injection practices. Neither the
author of this guide, nor owner of JohnDoeBodyBuilding.com, will hold any liability of any
outcome, positive or negative, that comes from following the information in this guide. This
book is strictly for entertainment and research purposes only!
The possession of anabolic and androgenic steroids is illegal without a prescription in most
countries. Furthermore, the possession of human growth hormone and other performance
enhancing peptides is illegal in most countries. Please check with local and state laws before
ever attempting to purchase, sell, or possess anything discussed in this guide. This guide is
strictly for entertainment and research purposes only. Neither the author of this guide, nor
the owner of JohnDoeBodyBuilding.com, will be held liable for any legal consequence or
outcome concerning information provided within this book. Again, this book is strictly for
entertainment and research purposes only!
Text copyright © 2015 John Doe Bodybuilding, Superdrive Publishing Limited
All rights reserved.
This book is licensed for your personal use only and may not be re-sold or given away.
No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher.
Published by Superdrive Publishing Limited
ISBN-13: 9780996467018
John Doe Bodybuilding
Chapter One
My Journey into Performance Enhancement............................................................1
Chapter Two
Three Basic Beginner Cycles........................................................................................4
Chapter Three
Injection Techniques......................................................................................................8
Chapter Four
Injection Complications...............................................................................................10
Chapter Five
Intermediate Cycles.....................................................................................................12
Chapter Six
Cutting Cycles and Diet...............................................................................................20
Chapter Seven
Cutting Agents..............................................................................................................24
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Insulin 101.....................................................................................................................35
Chapter Ten
Human Growth Hormone..........................................................................................37
Chapter Eleven
Advanced Building Cycles............................................................................................42
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Hormone Replacement Therapy................................................................................47
Chapter Fourteen
Low Dose Compounds that Work Well with HRT.....................................................53
Chapter Fifteen
Overcompensation Effect............................................................................................56
Chapter Sixteen
Without Health, there is No Physique.......................................................................58
John Doe Bodybuilding
I am not a doctor nor am I a scientist. I am a muscular guy who has gotten a lot of attention
and recognition for my physique. I started with very little and I always put 110% into the
gym and I worked hard to get to where I’m at. There are thousands of articles and studies
out there that talk about the same things that I talk about in this guide. The difference is I’ve
done them and I can relate. I’m not some armchair theorist who merely sites references and
studies. Everything I talk about in this book is something I’ve done. From anabolic steroids to
peptides, to HGH, insulin, and synthol, I’ve done it at some point in time. What I do not talk
about in this book are things I haven’t done. A great physique can be built with everything I
talk about here. Staying healthy and safe can be done with my advice. I don’t claim to know
everything, but I can help you build one hell of a body!!
I was a 19 year old teenager back when I took my first cycle of steroids. I had already put in
an honest few years of hard work and was dedicated to eating as much as I could in order to
grow. My motto was if I didn’t puke, I continued to eat. I wasn’t going to stop until I was a very
large guy with slabs of muscle on my frame and everyone knew who I was. Maybe you didn’t
like me, maybe you didn’t know me personally, but you were going to know who that big
motherfucker was that just walked through the door.
I was pretty naïve at the time. I assumed the bigger guys took something I wasn’t using, but
I still didn’t want to believe it. I still wanted to believe that the guy in the muscle magazine
was taking over the counter supplements and special powdered mixes he would drink in
order to achieve his impressive physique. I still wanted to believe that JUST MAYBE Arnold
Schwarzenegger was all natural and just had this crazy work ethic in the gym. But I had a gut
feeling that I could have been wrong.
As I got further along into the game of bodybuilding, I eventually realized that I couldn’t have
been any more wrong about it!! EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE…was using something!!
Don’t let people fool you, if they look beyond what is natural then chances are they’re not
natural. 90% of guys over 200 lbs that are single digit body fat and not over 6’ tall are not
natural. Many self-proclaimed natural bodybuilders are not natural. They are simply using
compounds that they know will clear their systems before any sort of drug testing. Steroids
are everywhere and more popular today than they’ve ever been!! Steroids today are stronger
than before and we have compounds now that didn’t exist before. Chemists are always one
step ahead of the game, and as long as professional sports and competitive nature exists,
performance enhancers will always be there.
Steroids are not limited to just bodybuilders. There are guys on Wall Street using them simply
for the fact they help them make more aggressive decisions with the stock market. Doctors
are using them, school teachers are using them, lawyers are using them, and practically
anybody else in any profession is using performance enhancement drugs!! Put it this way:
there are more people using steroids that don’t look the part than people who do. Steroids
are everywhere, and they will never go away.
I saved my money from mowing lawns and stocking groceries and purchased my first vial of
testosterone from a guy in my gym. He was a couple years older than I was, but he knew a
lot of prison guards who worked out at the gym I used to train at. I’m pretty sure to this day
that the bottle of gear came from a prison guard, but it really didn’t matter. All I knew was I
had gotten in good enough with him to have him trust me and hook me up. I paid $200 USD
John Doe Bodybuilding
for a single bottle of testosterone cypionate, and then I paid an additional $50 for 8 syringes.
This was over 15 years ago. Sources were not easy to find in the beginning, and the internet
bodybuilding forums were pretty much unheard of. So I had no idea of whether or not I was
getting a good deal or getting ripped off. I just forked over the hard earned cash and got the
I went home like a kid who knew Christmas morning was almost here. I looked at the bottle
for a while: just amazed that one tiny little bottle of liquid could possibly do so much for my
body. I pulled out a needle and loaded oil into it, to the “½cc” mark. I dropped one pant leg to
expose my upper glute and with shaking hands I plunged the needle all the way into my ass
cheek and injected the oil. I can remember how I started to laugh because I was so worked up
over nothing. The needle hardly hurt at all and the process really seemed as if it was no big
deal. But that was it, I was no longer natural. “I’m no longer natural, I have taken the plunge!!”
Yes, no longer natural. But let’s be honest here, was I ever really natural? What is natural
anyway? We drink fake tit milk from birth, eat processed foods all our lives, take mystery
supplements without knowing their long-term effects, pop a pill for every cough and sneeze,
and the list goes on and on. But when it comes to performance enhancement there is always
this huge stigma. As I got older I started to realize that it’s really just not a big deal unless
you make it one. Yes, steroids are illegal in most countries. Yes, in dangerously high amounts
steroids can potentially hurt you, and when abused they can shutdown natural hormone
production for good. But in all honesty, I just don’t think steroids are really that bad. I get my
blood work done religiously and my last blood draw showed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING out of
range. Issues such as out of whack cholesterol, elevated liver values, elevated red blood cell
count, and other tell-tale signs of steroid abuse are just not there.
Now with that being said, sometimes if I’m on cycle and get a blood lab done, I will have a
couple things slightly off. But even then it’s just SLIGHTLY OFF, and this is a false reading
because I’m on cycle at the time of the blood work. If I come off everything besides my
normal 200mg/wk of test, the numbers go right back to normal very quickly. I have never had
blood pressure issues in all my 15 years of running anabolic steroids, and my normal blood
pressure is excellent (100/60 normally). I have run so many cycles that I couldn’t tell you how
many, and for the past 5 years straight I’ve been on cycle about 90% of the time.
I have always used low to moderate amounts of steroids. My first cycle was nothing but a
single vial of testosterone, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way if I could change things.
I had to bust my ass just as hard on steroids (if not harder) to get anything out of them. I do
not believe in using steroids as a quick fix, nor do I believe in using them until you’ve climbed
to the top of what you could most likely achieve naturally. I’m not someone who places as
much emphasis on the age of a user as I do on development and work ethic. If a guy is 20
years old and he comes to me at a lean 200 lbs and asks me about how to run a cycle, I’ll tell
him what to use and how to use it. If a guy who is 140 lbs and has been in the gym 2 months
was to ask me, I’d tell him to leave them alone.
Some of the best bodies I’ve seen have come out of guys who knew how it was to work hard.
These may have been guys who had experience in landscaping, tree removal, mechanics,
bricklayers, construction workers, or any other kind of physical labor. These guys know how
it is to work hard, and when that transferred into work ethic in the gym, those types usually
got pretty impressive from working out. I’m not condoning a lifestyle of breaking your back
to make a few bucks, I’m just stating fact. Some kid who has been handed everything and has
never had to work hard is most likely someone who won’t go very far development wise.
John Doe Bodybuilding
I wanted to be big at any cost. I was not your typical teenager who was out partying and only
trying to get a piece of ass. I was sleeping, eating my ass off, and training hard!! Every time
I would hit a wall in the gym, I’d find a way over it. I still do to this day, and those walls are
getting much higher to climb at my level of development. You take your body with you every
place you go and a good body cannot be bought. I don’t care what resources you have or how
much money you have, you have to earn this through hard work and discipline. My advice
to you is to make the best out of whatever you have available. If all you have is a bottle of
Deca and 100 Dbol tabs, then train your ass off and get the most out of it!! I see far too many
guys racking their brains over what they want to use for their next cycle. They overcomplicate
the process and drive themselves absolutely nuts over something that is such a small part
of the equation. I would say that taking steroids probably gives you an extra 5-8% in gym
performance and development.
I get a lot of questions on whether or not I regret using steroids, and on why I decided to use
steroids. I never did this solely for female attention, and it wasn’t because I was bullied as a
child. I’ll admit that my confidence as a kid wasn’t very good, but that wasn’t my sole reason
for using steroids. Back when I took that first shot I probably couldn’t give you one legitimate
reason why I decided to use steroids. But after almost 20 years in the gym, and 15 years of
steroid use under my belt, I can give you a reason now.
I take steroids because I’m a machine. I am programmed differently than other people and
I always have been. There is a part of me that gets great satisfaction out of pushing myself
beyond what I think can be achieved. I’m the most comfortable when I’m in the trenches
going through pain. I perform my best when the odds are stacked against me, and I have to
give it every fucking thing I have to climb to the top. With greater size and strength, come
greater odds to defeat. Walking up to a bar on the floor and pulling it with 600 lbs on it gets
me a lot more excited than 300 lbs. Steroids help me journey deeper into a world I find most
comfortable to the type of person I am. I knew I’d never be a guy who walked away from
the gym, therefore having to be on testosterone replacement therapy never bothered me. I
never thought during my years of using steroids: “Oh my God, what if I have to take this stuff
forever?” I was more fearful of not having them and losing that edge in life that made me feel
so comfortable.
If you bought this book then chances are you’re planning on using steroids. I’m not here to
give you a lesson on choices and personal dilemmas. I’m just telling you what steroids have
done for me and my life. They’ve helped transform me into a fucking machine, and I wouldn’t
have it any other way, PERIOD!!
- John
John Doe Bodybuilding
My first cycle was a single bottle of testosterone done in pyramid fashion. Pyramiding a cycle
is a pretty old school way of cycling, and many advise against the pyramid cycle nowadays.
For a first cycle I think it’s a good way of running testosterone because it allows you to make
the most gains on as little as possible, and it allows the user to slowly adjust to the changes
from the compound. Long acting testosterone is the best first cycle in my opinion. It’s what
the mainframe control center of the male body consists of, and side effects are more limited
with a low to moderate dose of testosterone than many other compounds. Side effects like
aromatization and decreased sex drive just aren’t present with testosterone. Aromatization
is the increase in estrogen levels in the male body. This can occur with increased levels of
testosterone, but with a moderate dose things will be kept minimal.
I have talked about this cycle on my blog a lot and it’s the thread that gets hit on the most, by
far. The cycle is an 8 week cycle of a single 10ml vial of testosterone pyramided up and then
back down. You will inject once/wk, and I’d start with your glutes and just rotate sides each
week. You won’t need to inject into any other sites besides glutes for your first cycle, unless
you choose to.
Week 1 - 0.5cc
Week 2 - 1cc
Week 3 - 1.5cc
Week 4 - 2cc
Week 5 - 2cc
Week 6 - 1.5cc
Week 7 - 1cc
Week 8 - 0.5cc
For post cycle therapy (PCT) you will be using Clomid. Clomid is a compound that comes in
tabs or you can order a liquid version from a peptide research website. It’s easy enough to
find, just type in “liquid Clomid” or “peptides” in the search bar and you’ll find it. For the liquid
version you just measure in a syringe and squirt it into your mouth. Most Clomid is dosed at
50mg per pill, or 50mg per ml in the liquid version. You are to take 50mg/day for 20 days as
post cycle therapy, starting 2 weeks after your last shot. You want to start 2 weeks post shot
because you want to give the testosterone enough time to unwind and clear your body in
order to take full advantage of your post cycle therapy.
Clomid is a female hormone and what it does is it sends a signal to your body to produce
more testosterone naturally. Because your body has been getting synthetic testosterone
during your cycle, your testes will stop producing their own testosterone. Since you have
such an abundance of testosterone, they don’t think they need to make their own anymore.
Clomid does the opposite of this by sending a signal to produce more to counterbalance the
female hormone you’re now taking. Side effects of Clomid can include lethargy and a general
feeling of depression. Honestly the stuff makes me feel like shit. But it’s a necessary evil in
order to get your own test firing again. Just know it’s going to be short lived.
Side effects from this cycle include a huge increase in sex drive, possible acne, increased
John Doe Bodybuilding
aggression, and a huge increase in your sense of well-being. I felt like Superman on my first
cycle, and nothing could bring me down. I gained a solid 23 lbs on this cycle, but I ate like
crazy, slept a lot, and trained my ass off. Without those factors in the equation you will get
nothing!! Steroids do not make you grow; they simply put your body in the right environment
to grow if everything else is in the mix!! You still have to bust your ass with training and
nutrition, it’s not magic. You will not keep all of your gains from your cycles. I think I lost at
least 50% of my gains after coming off my first cycle.
The type of testosterone you want for this cycle is either testosterone enanthate or
testosterone cypionate. These are both long acting testosterones and I really place no
emphasis on one over the other. They are both very similar. I would stay away from the
blends for your first cycle, unless that is all that you can get your hands on. But just know that
any type of test with a shorter chain ester will need to be injected more than once a week.
My second cycle was a Dbol only cycle. I did my second cycle about 12 weeks after my first
cycle of testosterone. Again, you will hear many people advise against a Dbol only cycle.
However I’m all for a Dbol only cycle for a beginner. I gained a solid 20 lbs off Dbol only.
Plenty of old school guys ran Dbol by itself, and recovery will always be an issue whether
testosterone is in the mix or not. I’m not saying not to use testosterone with it if you have it,
but not having it wouldn’t keep me from using Dbol as a beginner.
There are several different brands of Dbol out there today, but the best one I’ve ever used
were these giant white tabs from Russia called Naposims. I’m pretty sure these are almost
non-existent now, but if you can find them then grab them!! Another kind that is good are the
pink Thai tabs. Most Dbol comes in 5mg tabs, but several labs produce 10mg, 20mg, and even
50mg tabs now. A good dose for a first time Dbol user is 25mg/day for 6 weeks. I always felt
stronger when I dosed throughout the day evenly, rather than taking it all at once. So if your
tabs are higher mg, you may want to get a pill cutter and split them up. Strength gains from
Dbol are nothing short of insane. I got extremely strong on Dbol only, and I believe at the
time I was benching 335 lbs for 10 reps. This was my second cycle and about 14-15 years ago.
Side effects of Dbol can include: increase or decrease in appetite, bloating, acne,
gynecomastia, lethargy, increased sense of well-being in some users, a decrease in others,
and possible decrease in sex drive (this is more prevalent with higher doses). But one thing’s
for sure: the stuff can make you strong. It generally took about a good 5-7 days for me to
really start feeling the strength from Dbol. You’ll know you’re on legit Dbol because the
weights just feel easier. Weights you used to tap out with can become weights that feel like
warm-up weights. But if there is one problem with Dbol it’s the fact that increases in size and
strength go away almost as fast as they came on once you stop using it.
I never had issues with gynecomastia (development of female breast tissue) in all my years
of steroids but I’m just not prone to gyno. However, you don’t want to find out the hard way
that you are prone to that, so using some Nolvadex wouldn’t be a bad idea (or at least having
it on hand just in case). Again, Nolvadex comes in tabs and also as a liquid research product.
It’s almost always dosed at 20mg a tab or per ml in a liquid version. 20mg/day of Nolvadex
should be more than enough if you’re using 50mg/day or less of Dbol. 10mg/day should be
enough to suffice for most users.
For your post cycle recovery you will be using Clomid and Nolvadex together. The Nolvadex
keeps estrogen from binding to receptors, which has a greater possibility of occurring as
John Doe Bodybuilding
testosterone levels drop. Many users do not experience estrogen buildup until recovery, so
taking the Nolvadex for the next month after discontinuing this cycle is a good idea. Again,
10-20mg/day should suffice during recovery. Unlike your testosterone cycle, this recovery will
start right away after the cycle is over with, since Dbol is out of your system much faster than
a long acting testosterone. I’d go 20 days on the Clomid (starting the day after you stop taking
your Dbol) and 30 days on the Nolvadex.
RIGHT AWAY, AND THEN ORDER SOME LETROZOLE. Letrozole is about the strongest thing out
there to try to actually reverse new fibrous gyno, but I don’t think with most dosages I suggest
it would be an issue for anyone who wasn’t severely prone to gyno. If you need something
more aggressive to suppress the tissue formation, then go with letrozole at 2.5mg/day until
lump subsides. Again, you can order liquid letrozole (Femara) from research chemical sites
online, if you have no other source and need it fast.
Trenbolone Acetate/Testosterone Propionate
After my Dbol only cycle I moved away from New York. For the next few years I was back to
training natural, and couldn’t find a source for steroids to save my life. You have to keep in
mind that this was before the days of internet sources and easy access. I had a friend who
moved about 4 hours away from me, and I drove 4 hours each way to go get my next cycle.
This cycle would consist of trenbolone acetate and testosterone propionate, and would prove
to be a great cycle to get shredded on without breaking the bank. I had 2 bottles of each, and
the cycle lasted 10 weeks.
Like a dumbass, I didn’t inject frequently enough. I only injected twice a week and I got acne
that was so terrible I had to go to a dermatologist and get three different medications to
clear up my back. My back is still scarred like crazy from not knowing what I was doing at the
time. If you’re using this cycle, you need to inject at least Mon/Wed/Fri!! Most guys go every
other day with these compounds, but I learned to get away with Mon/Wed/Fri without the
side effect of acne. The acne is caused from hormone levels jumping all over the map, and
you may also find your acne getting worse when you’re coming off cycle than when you’re on
it. Now 2 bottles of each will only get you about 6-7 weeks, because you will be using 3cc’s/
wk of each. Therefore, I would get 3 vials of each and run it out for 9-10 weeks. You can still
get away with a 6 week cycle of this and get great results but I just don’t see the point in only
using compounds for 6 weeks and discontinuing right when things start looking good.
Weeks 1-10: 300mg/wk prop, 300mg/wk tren (injected Mon/Wed/Fri), and load both
compounds in the same syringe, it’s fine. I would start going into another site besides your
glutes since you’re injecting more frequently. I would do this: Mon - left glute, Wed - right
glute, Fri - left shoulder (deltoid), next Mon - right shoulder (deltoid), then repeat.
This cycle will provide the user with some good, clean gains, or good definition and muscle
retention, if you’re dieting. I used this cycle to cut up myself, and I looked pretty damn good
when it was done with (minus my acne from being a moron). During this time I also hooked
up with an extremely hot stripper which ended up being a benchmark in my status of banging
super hot chicks!!
I’m going to first talk about the side effects of trenbolone. Tren can be nasty: I’m not going to
lie. For the money I don’t believe there is a better compound than what trenbolone can do
for you. You’ll get rock hard muscles and extremely good strength. But you may not be very
pleasant to be around. Tren can make you meaner than a snake. You just don’t put up with
John Doe Bodybuilding
any bullshit on tren. It’s a constant feeling of tension and aggression that at first can be kind
of cool, but eventually gets old. Tren is not something I’d recommend using more than once a
year. With tren you just know you’re on something, it’s very powerful.
Another side effect from tren is getting night sweats. You may wake up with your sheets
soaked in sweat, or even have to shower halfway through the night and change your sheets.
I always got insomnia on it too; sleep frequently went from 7-8 hours a night down to 3-4
hours a night. This wasn’t every night, but it was a lot of them!! Tren also seemed to always
make me look older and tired in the face. Sometimes it would affect my prostate also. I would
frequently feel as if I had to piss, and then stand over the toilet and just have trouble going.
My sex drive on tren was through the roof. I’m not talking about just wanting to have sex with
a girl: I’m talking about wanting to punish her with your dick!! But I definitely would not use
tren without testosterone in the mix. This is not one you want to fly solo on. It’s harsh enough
while using testosterone alongside it, without test it would be a nightmare!! Trenbolone is just
something you’ll have to try. You may not get side effects as bad as another user would. As
harsh as tren can be, I probably wouldn’t prepare for a bodybuilding competition without it,
because I know what it does for my muscles.
Another side effect you may find when using tren is it can hamper your cardio. You may feel
short winded easier when you’re on tren. I never really experienced this one though. Tren
can also give the user a constant cough known as “tren cough”. It’s nothing unusual for many
users, although this was another side effect I just never got (at least I don’t remember).
There is another type of tren called “tren enanthate”. This is just a different ester attached
to the compound and it allows the user to go with only 2 injections per week instead of 3.
You may also hear of a compound called “Parabolan” which some guys will try telling you is
superior to tren. Don’t be fooled, it’s nothing more than an extremely expensive version of
trenbolone. It’s almost no different, and won’t get you shit that tren can’t do for you. Don’t
waste your money on Parabolan, trust me.
The side effects from test prop will be pretty much the same as your long chain tests.
Increased sex drive, possible acne, but water retention will be almost non-existent on 300mg/
wk of test prop. The combination of test prop and tren is potent, and the cycle is simple. As
for dosages, I’d stick to no more than 300mg/wk of tren. I have been as high as 600mg/wk on
it, and the benefits didn’t outweigh the side effects. I got almost nothing more on 600mg/wk
of tren than what I got on 300mg/wk of it.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Let’s first begin by talking about injections. For starters, you want to definitely use a new
needle for every injection. It’s not worth risking an infection because you failed to get enough
needles or were too cheap to spend the money on enough of them. Now, how do you acquire
syringes? You could try a local pharmacy, but state laws differ in each state. In some areas
you can buy them, and in others you cannot. Some pharmacies have what is called “at the
pharmacist’s discretion”, where they are considered over the counter. But if the pharmacist
thinks you’re some juice-head, he can deny you the right to buy them. My advice is to not go
in there in a tank top looking the part. If you cannot buy them in the pharmacy then you can
order them online.
The ideal size syringe barrel you want is 3cc’s (or 3ml, a cc is the same as a ml), and ideal
needle size is a 23 gauge, 1 inch. So if you’re trying to walk into the pharmacy to buy them
you want to say, “Yes, I need some 23 gauge, 1 inch syringes that are 3ml’s”. Now a 25 gauge
needle will also work, and is slightly smaller. The advantage of this is a smaller needle means
less scar tissue. The disadvantage is it takes forever to load the oil into this, and it will take
longer to inject due to pushing the oil through a smaller needle. Now here is what I do: I
use an 18 gauge needle to draw up the oil, then I unscrew the needle tip and switch to a 23
gauge, 1 inch tip. The oil pretty much falls into the barrel when using an 18 gauge needle, and
the tips are universal so unscrewing one and screwing on another is no big deal.
So you have your syringes and you’re ready to inject. It’s a good idea to wipe off the top of
the vial each time with an alcohol wipe, and then clean the area you will be injecting with
an alcohol wipe. Tip your vial upside down and insert the syringe. Make sure the plunger is
all the way forward. Next, start pulling the plunger back and fill the oil to the desired mark.
You can pull it back further to create a stronger vacuum and load your syringe faster, then
just push the oil back up to the desired mark. Next, you want to try and get any air bubbles
out of the syringe so it’s just oil in the barrel and not air. You simply wait a second for the
air bubbles to go back through the oil to the top and push the air out slowly by pushing the
plunger forward a little. It’s also a good idea to flick the barrel a few times in order to export
any air bubbles. Now it’s time to inject.
The best place to go for a beginner is your glute (butt cheek). You want to inject in the outer
part of your glute and more towards the top of the glute. It’s a large area and it’s difficult
to screw this up. But mainly you want to stay away from the inner part near your tailbone
because you have a sciatic nerve that runs down there. The first time I injected myself I
almost started laughing, because what you think is going to hurt like hell, isn’t shit. Push the
needle in all the way, don’t half ass it (no pun intended).
Next, you will want to aspirate the needle. “Aspirating the needle” means you pull back on the
plunger slightly to make sure no blood comes up into barrel. If there is blood, then you are in
a vein, and you don’t want to inject into a vein. Simply pull it out and go into another site or
move over an inch from where you went before. When you use steroids long enough this is
bound to happen. Sometimes you will pull your syringe out after injecting and a small stream
of blood will shoot out and scare the shit out of you. Do not be alarmed, this just means you
went through a vein but didn’t inject into one and the bleeding stops after a couple seconds.
So you’ve stuck yourself and you’ve pulled back to aspirate your needle, no blood, all is clear.
Slowly push your plunger forward and inject the oil. Injecting too quickly can often cause
John Doe Bodybuilding
more post injection soreness so try to slow it down just a tad. Pull your needle out and wipe
the area for any possible bleeding from the shot, then massage the site for a couple minutes
to help disperse the oil. Again, this will also help lessen any potential soreness from the shot.
You will be sore from the shot for a few days, it’s perfectly natural. Once you get used to
the shots, it gets a lot better. I would try to only hit a site once/wk if you can help it, and this
means often rotating injection sites or sides. If you injected your right glute this week, go
ahead and inject your left glute next week. If you’re injecting something twice a week, then
go with your right cheek on Monday, and left cheek on Thursday. Once you get into a steroid
stack or start using compounds that require more frequent injections, then you will need to
use other sites. Steroids require intramuscular injections, and these injections are not only
limited to your glutes. There are several muscular sites on the body that can be used. Now
with that being said, some muscles can hurt more than others, and some muscles are near
more veins.
Other sites I have injected include deltoids, lats, pecs, quads, biceps, triceps, calves, and I
did traps once. Now, here is my take on other sites: I will never fucking inject a calf or a trap
again, those sites crippled me with post injection pain!!! Pecs I’ll do if I have to, and arms
would require a smaller needle than a 23 gauge. Deltoids are good, but they can knot up with
scar tissue easier and it doesn’t look good when your delts become a giant ball of scar tissue
and not muscle. But this takes many shots and years to start happening so right now it’s not a
big deal.
My delts would be the next choice after glutes. Pec shots are a little rough because it takes
more pressure than you think to bust through the pec muscle. You have to stab the shit out
of it!! But don’t worry about your heart, a 1” or even 1.5” syringe won’t go nearly deep enough
to get near your heart or lungs, and even then you’d hit a sheath you probably couldn’t
penetrate through. Quad shots I don’t favor much either. I learned this from competing in
bodybuilding. The shots in my quads blurred the separation in my legs a bit from swelling,
and limping around isn’t much fun anyway. Honestly, my main sites at this point are glutes
and lats.
Lat shots aren’t as bad as you may think. It’s a huge muscle and there is plenty of room to
go up and down it. Gear that hurts other places isn’t as bad in the lats, especially if you inject
them and then go train your back. I have found this to help disperse the oil and get blood
moving in the area, and keep post injection pain to a minimum. My main area is about 3”
below my armpit, and although you’d think there are a lot of veins in the area, I have NEVER
hit a vein in my lats, and I’ve shot my lats probably hundreds of times by now.
A beginner would not need to be concerned about having more than a couple different
injection areas. As I said, focus on glutes and possibly deltoids at first. It takes a while for scar
tissue to form, and just remember: it builds quicker when you continuously hit the same area
over and over.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Sooner or later you will run into problems when taking steroids, if you use them enough.
There is a difference between post injection pain and an infection, and knowing the
difference can mean the difference between healing yourself quickly, or having to go to the
emergency room because you’re at the point you need your leg amputated (yes, this can
Infections are usually caused by dirty gear or gear that wasn’t put together properly. In most
cases it’s because some dumb fuck got the ratio of benzyl alcohol to benzyl benzoate wrong,
or he tried to put too much hormone into the concentration. I will tell you this much: the
cheapest price isn’t usually the best gear!! You get what you pay for!! I hear all of these guys
rant and rave over different labs and comment on their extremely low prices. And then a few
weeks later, one guy tells people he has a basketball sized knot coming out of his ass!! This is
all too common nowadays with underground labs popping up left and right.
But let’s just say you do get an infection. An infection will be hot to the touch and the area
will be swollen and inflamed. If this is the case then USUALLY it goes away on its own within
a week. But it’s better to be proactive than reactive in this event, so what you’ll need to do is
get some form of antibiotic such as doxycycline, tetracycline, amoxicillin, or penicillin. Now
obviously going to a family care physician is the best choice, but some people don’t have the
insurance or financial means to do so. In this case there are internet sites you can buy these
antibiotics from, and some are even found at local pet stores. I have used tetracycline from
the fish aquarium store on more than one occasion to clear my infections. It never hurt me a
bit and it cleared up the infection fast.
I cannot comment on other forms of antibiotics, but for tetracycline my recommendation is
1,000mg/day for the first few days. If the infection does not subside, bump up the dosage to
1,500mg/day. If it doesn’t subside within 2 days, at that point then you need to go to a doctor.
DO NOT IGNORE A BAD INFECTION! Infections of any sort can turn to gangrene and at that
point you may be looking at having a chunk of your ass surgically removed, or an amputated
limb. This isn’t worth trying to get muscles, so be smart about it!!!
In my 15 years of using steroids I’ve had probably less than 5 infections. And guess what?
4 out of the 5 infections probably came from the same source!! But I’ve never had an issue
when I’ve used quality compounds from reputable places.
I have been to the emergency room a total of one time in 15 years of anabolic usage. I
cannot tell you exactly what happened here or why it happened. All I know is I injected some
Sustanon and shortly after injecting the bottoms of my feet began hurting so bad that I
could hardly walk. I was crawling around my apartment on my hands and knees. The next
day the pain in my feet got slightly better, but my neck started to get stiffer and stiffer as the
day went on. By the time I drove home from work, my neck was so stiff I couldn’t turn my
head enough to look into my rear view mirror when driving. I had my father drive me to the
emergency room, and they couldn’t figure it out. They asked me about anabolic steroids and
I told them I have never used them, for fear insurance wouldn’t cover the problem. I went
home that night and took some ibuprofen and put some icy hot gel on my neck and went
to bed. I woke up and felt fine. I couldn’t tell you what the hell happened, but the vial was
thrown in the garbage and discontinued immediately.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Hitting a Vein
So I’m sure one of your questions is: “What would happen if I did hit a vein?” Well, this is most
likely what would happen with an oil based steroid. You may feel dizzy or light headed and
have to sit down. Your chest may feel tight, and you may start coughing uncontrollably for a
few minutes. In 95% of cases it will stop after a few minutes and you’ll feel fine again. It’s not
going to kill you if it’s just anabolics. Now, hit a vein with something like Synthol, and it may be
nighty night time, based on the chemical makeup of Synthol. Which for the record, Synthol is
a stupid thing to use, and yes I have used it. But we’ll get to that later.
Coughing and Tasting Compounds
There are certain steroids that will just make you cough when you inject them. Trenbolone
can do this to a lot of guys, and Winstrol has done it to me before as well. Sometimes you can
taste the stuff after you inject it, it’s pretty normal with certain compounds for this to happen.
It does not mean anything is wrong or you injected wrong, it’s just what happens when it goes
into your body. It’s not uncommon, so don’t be alarmed if it happens to you. As I said, usually
tren and Winny can cause this.
Poor Injection Techniques
Poor injection techniques can also be a cause for concern. Usually it’s just an increase in post
injection pain, but if you live in a dirty place full of bacteria, that can definitely be the case as
well. Injecting too quickly can cause more pain, and obviously injecting bacteria can cause
infection. If your bottle of steroids fell into the dog cage and you caught your dog carrying
around your vial in his mouth, don’t just grab the vial and draw up some oil to inject with.
If you’re locked up in prison, I probably wouldn’t go sticking a needle in the vial after your
significant other suit-cased it up their ass through security. You get the idea, right? Good!!
Testosterone Flu
Sometimes you can experience flu-like symptoms when you first start cycling testosterone.
This is not uncommon, and these symptoms will usually subside after a few days into the
cycle. Symptoms of “test flu” include headache, achiness, extreme lethargy, and loss of
appetite. Do not be alarmed if you get test flu. It has been my experience that it normally
goes away pretty quickly, and the more you become used to the added hormone in your
system, the less likely this will happen.
John Doe Bodybuilding
EQ/Test Kicker
About 4-5 years into my steroid cycling I met up with a guy who turned me on to Equipoise.
Equipoise or “EQ” would turn out to be one of my favorite compounds. EQ is probably one of
the most versatile steroids there is, and it proves great for mass building or cutting. Another
benefit of EQ is how affordable it is. I have found it to be a better compound for holding gains
after discontinuing the cycle than a lot of other compounds.
I tried to grab 2 bottles and the guy who hooked me up told me: “I don’t even want to give it
to you unless you run 3 vials of it.” So I got 3 bottles of EQ and I ran it as he told me to use it. I
front-loaded the first 2 weeks at 800mg/wk and then dropped to 400mg/wk for the remainder
of the cycle. He told me that front-loading it would help it “bang harder” when it got in me. I
felt as if it took a good few weeks for it to kick in, but when it did I got crazy vascularity and
good strength. I think all in all, it was about a 12 week cycle. I split the injections up to 3 times/
wk, and I suggest you do the same with EQ. I ran testosterone alongside it at 500mg/wk of
test enanthate.
Week 1-2: 800mg/wk EQ, split into Mon/Wed/Fri shots of about 260mg/shot (1.3cc’s/shot
since EQ is typically 200mg/ml), you will then drop to 400mg/wk for the next 10 weeks
(roughly 0.7ml/shot 3x/wk). These shots may not come out to EXACTLY 800mg/wk or
400mg/wk due to 3 shots/wk divided up, but it’s close enough and just run the vials out
until you’re done.
Weeks 3-12: 400 - 500mg/wk test enanthate or cyp injected once/wk at 2cc’s or 2.5cc’s/
shot (depending on whether your test is 200mg/ml or 250mg/ml).
Post Cycle Therapy
On this cycle, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to up your Clomid dose a bit. I’d go 100mg/day on days
1-10, then drop to 50mg/day on days 11-20. I’d also include Nolvadex in your recovery, and
go with 10mg every day for a month straight, but started right after your last injection before
your Clomid therapy begins. If any sort of water issues are a concern then you could also use
Nolvadex during the cycle at 10 mg/day. EQ typically doesn’t hold much water, but you may
notice a little from taking that test to 500mg/wk.
Side effects of EQ can include oily skin, increased aggression, and possible hair-loss. I have
found EQ to also give me a mild case of paranoia if I go over 400mg’s/wk, but it’s nothing
crazy that I can’t handle. EQ has about half the rate of water gain than testosterone, so any
sort of water issues most likely will be due to testosterone over the EQ.
Testosterone/Test Suspension Cycle
Testosterone suspension is basically testosterone with no ester attached to it. It gets in
your system fast, and gives excellent strength gains for a workout. While shots can typically
be more painful, the boost testosterone suspension can give a workout is incredible!! The
downside of this is you need to inject frequently since there is no carrier to the hormone
and it’s in and out of you quick. Now, most guys suggest injecting this one every day or even
John Doe Bodybuilding
twice/day, but I never used it this way. From my experience with suspension, as long as I was
running a long chain test behind it, I could just use it on training days and I’d inject it an hour
before the workout. For best results, test suspension should be run for at least 6 weeks.
The good part about suspension is if you inject 100mg’s you can bet your system is getting all
100mg’s, since there is no ester or conversion process with it. The bad side is water retention
and estrogen related side effects such as gyno can be much more likely. You want to use
something a little more powerful than Nolvadex with this one. I would use Arimidex with
it, and I’d go 1mg/day of Arimidex just to be on the safe side. Suspension comes in a water
based version as well as oil based. I would get oil based if at all possible because shots seem
to hurt less with it. If you have water based, then I’d suggest cutting it with oil, such as B-12.
The syringe will look a little strange with the water and oil separation, but it’s perfectly fine to
inject with this.
As stated above, you’re going to want to run a long acting test behind this. 500mg/wk of
testosterone cypionate or enanthate would be a good choice. I would run this cycle for 10
weeks while using the test suspension for the first 6 weeks during the cycle. Test suspension
is a common compound used by MMA fighters for the rapid onset of aggression and
intensity, and you should notice a damn good kick in your workouts with it as well. I would
not use suspension if you’re cutting up, it’s better for rapid mass/strength cycles.
Side effects of testosterone suspension include: huge increase in aggression, oily skin, acne,
major water retention, and possible gynecomastia. You DEFINITELY want to include Arimidex
with this one. Nolvadex isn’t strong enough here, go with A-dex.
Weeks 1-6: 100mg test suspension an hour pre-workout on training days.
Weeks 1-10: 500mg/wk testosterone cypionate or test enanthate
Post Cycle Therapy
100mg/day of Clomid days 1-10 (started 2 weeks post last test shot), ½mg Arimidex per day
for 4 weeks, started day after last shot and continued 2 weeks into Clomid therapy. If you
choose to, you can continue on with Arimidex at ½mg/day throughout all of Clomid usage
(you can do this with any cycle). While certainly not necessary, this would be a fail-safe
method of preventing any possible estrogen rebound that could occur following the 2 weeks
into Clomid use. While not being necessary for some, others may find this beneficial.
Deca Durabolin/Dbol/Test Cycle
Unlike a lot of users who use Deca early on, I didn’t try Deca for a long time. Then about 5 or
6 years into my cycling I decided to give it a shot (no pun intended). Deca would prove to be a
compound that I reacted to extremely well. The nitrogen retention and pump my muscles got
from Deca was incredible. It also seemed to be a compound that I got improved results with
the longer I was on it.
You see, many steroids start to fizzle out after about 5 or 6 weeks of being on them, but Deca
was always one that just banged harder and harder for me until the end of the cycle. It does
take a little while to get into the system, so this is one I’d suggest going at least 12 weeks on,
and 15 weeks is probably even better. I was using this cycle sometime around 2004 when I
was trying to just gain rapid size and didn’t care much about fat gain. No, I didn’t have visible
abs during this time, but I was very large and as strong as an ox. I ran 35mg/day of Dbol for 6
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weeks, 500mg/wk of test cypionate for 12 weeks, and Deca for 12 weeks respectively.
Most guys will tell you to run your test at least 1 week past the end of your Deca, but I never
had any issues stopping both at the same time. Much of the time I only had so many vials on
hand, and trying to run certain compounds at different lengths just seemed to complicate
things more. Now, I don’t remember a solid gain of 20 lbs on this, but also keep in mind that
at this point I had some cycles under my belt, and those days of 20 lb gains were coming to
an end. For someone less experienced, AN EASY 20 lbs off this cycle is attainable, maybe even
25-30 lbs if you’re eating enough.
Weeks 1-6: 25-35mg’s/day Dbol
Weeks 1-12: 300mg/wk Deca, 500mg/wk test
On using Deca I have never found much benefit to going over 300mg’s/wk. I got everything
I needed out of 300mg’s/wk and always have. I’m old school all the way, and I usually live by
the rule of under a gram/wk of total steroids (that’s under 1000mg/wk total). I don’t venture
outside of that range much at all, and I’m a pretty damn large individual. Deca needs to be
injected at least once/wk. Twice/wk injections may be necessary if dosing higher.
Post Cycle Therapy
Continue on with ½mg per day of Arimidex for 1 month post last injection. Begin Clomid at 2
weeks post last injection so esters are cleared before beginning Clomid. Take your Clomid at
100mg/day for days 1-10, then 50mg/day days 11-20.
Side effects of Deca: the most common side effect is “Deca dick”. This is obviously where
your penis has difficulty getting erect or staying erect. Now, I have experienced this a couple
times and this is what I found with it: if I kept my Deca at 300mg/wk or less it usually never
happened. Also, if my test was at least close to the same dose of Deca, it usually never
happened. If I took that Deca to 400mg’s/wk or beyond, it would happen to me. The good
news is: if this happens to you it’s usually not until a ways into your cycle. It’s probably not
something you’ll have happen until you get about 6-7 weeks in, and at least then it’s shorter
Another side effect more common with Deca than some other steroids can be elevated blood
pressure. If you’re on BP meds, I’d steer clear of using Deca altogether, and even if you don’t
have a history of elevated blood pressure, definitely keep an eye on it during your cycle.
You should do this with any cycle, but definitely with Deca. Other side effects can include
elevated cholesterol, hair-loss, oily skin, gynecomastia, and obviously, natural testosterone
Deca Durabolin is a progesterone based compound. For this reason you would want to use
Arimidex during cycles over Nolvadex. Arimidex is a far better choice with a progesterone
over Nolvadex, and ½mg per day should suffice during this cycle. If any symptoms of gyno
appear, discontinue the cycle and bump your Arimidex to 1mg/day until symptoms subside.
Use this rule with any cycle if you get symptoms of gyno. Early symptoms of gyno will be
sensitive or itchy nipples, or a small lump under the nipple. Sometimes you can also notice
a slight discharge from your nipples if you pinch them. I have had this happen before, and
despite having, this I never had any pain or lumps near my nipples. I kept on with the cycle,
and kept up with my Arimidex, and nothing else ever happened. It only happened one time.
John Doe Bodybuilding
While almost any results as far as gaining body fat or water retention are MOSTLY diet
related, this is a cycle I probably would not use if the goal was to get into single digit body
fat for a competition. But much of this also depends on your genetic makeup. A naturally
very lean guy (ectomorph) can get away with using this stuff and look phenomenal!! But a
naturally bigger guy with more body fat (endomorph) would not want to use this to try to
win a bodybuilding contest. You could run it up until a few weeks out from a competition,
and 30 years ago it would have been a competitive cycle. But nowadays there are different
compounds that would promote a leaner and harder look when you’re gunning for single
digit body fat.
Dbol/Tren/Test: Super Mass Builder
I was around 24 years old when I did this cycle, and it packed on a ton of strength and mass.
I believe I ended up around 245 lbs after this one, and I started around 225 lbs. I’m sure this
isn’t the most pleasant cycle on the liver, but it’s not as if I never recovered from it. I had
enough Dbol to run 6 weeks worth, enough tren to run 6 weeks worth, and enough test
enanthate to run 500mg/wk for 12 weeks. So what I did was I split the Dbol and tren up, using
35mg/day of Dbol the first 6 weeks, and then switching to 300mg/wk of tren the next 6 weeks.
Obviously testosterone was run the entire 12 week duration of the cycle.
My strength was through the roof on this cycle, and for the cost it proved to be a great cycle
for growing. I had no anti-estrogen during this cycle, but if I could go back in time, then I
would have used it to keep water weight down. Like I said before, I’m not gyno prone, but I
pack on water weight like anyone else. The water started falling off some when I switched
over to the tren, but I could have looked a lot better had I had Arimidex in the mix. So I would
be using ½mg every day of A-Dex if you can.
Weeks 1-6: 30-40mg/day Dbol (split throughout day), 500mg/wk test cyp or test enanthate
(shot at 250mg, 2 times/wk)
Weeks 7-12: 100mg 3 times/wk tren, 500mg/wk test (shot 250mg 2 times/wk)
Post Cycle Therapy
Again, I’d go 100mg/day Clomid days 1-10, then 50mg/day Clomid on days 11-20. I would use
½mg every day of Arimidex for 4-6 weeks post cycle, and start it the day after your last shot.
Again, it’s probably better if you can use Arimidex throughout the entire cycle, you’ll just look
much better. Taking ancillary agents is highly underrated during cycle, and I have noticed
I look much, much better if I have them in the entire cycle. Again, I understand cost can be
an issue with some of this. Is it the end of the world if you don’t use it the entire cycle? It’s
probably not. I have done tons of cycles without Nolvadex or Arimidex and I was fine. But
this is going to be person specific, and until you know your own body and how it reacts to
steroids, I’d assume it’s better to be safe and use them. If anything it’s better to be safe than
sorry sometimes, and you never know if you’re gyno prone or prone to a progesterone based
drug until it actually happens.
Spring Break “Pussy Slayer” Cycle (Anavar/Winny)
I got this one from a good friend of mine who used to make these “win/var” capsules.
Everyone loved the fucking things, and they were dosed JUST RIGHT. They consisted of 30mg
of Anavar and 30mg of Winstrol and the synergy was incredible from those two right there.
This cycle was mild and hella effective!! All I needed was an injectable test to use with it and
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I was good to go. For the guys who don’t mind injecting, I would go with test prop at 300mg/
wk. For the guys who hate shots, go with low dose testosterone enanthate once/wk at 200mg.
We just want enough test to stay on the up and up here. This is a very effective 8 week cycle
guaranteed to make the panties drop, if your diet is on track of course.
Week 1-8: 30mg/day Winny tabs, 30mg/day Anavar, 200mg/wk test enanthate (or 300mg/
wk prop). Wait 14 days post cycle to begin recovery if using test enanthate or cypionate
(long chain test) and wait 10 days post cycle if using test prop. For recovery you will use:
Clomid at 50mg/day for 20 days, ½mg per day of Arimidex alongside it.
Anavar breakdown:
Anavar is probably the most mild steroid there is next to Primobolan. Anavar will not hurt
you; you seriously have to abuse this stuff to get side effects from it. Any dosage of 100mg/
day or less is probably not going to do jack shit other than slightly elevate liver enzymes,
which quickly return to normal after you stop cycling. Anavar should be run at least 30mg/
day to see any benefit from it, but can be taken as high as 100mg/day to see more dramatic
results. The two side effects I noticed with taking Anavar was that it often killed my appetite
(which wasn’t a bad thing for cutting up) and it sometimes made my stomach upset, but
nothing I couldn’t deal with. Other than that it’s great. I never got any bad skin from it, no
insomnia, and no depression. It’s also a very easy steroid to recover from. You typically don’t
get the “crash” when you discontinue Anavar as you do with testosterone.
Winny breakdown:
Every place you look now these guys are talking about using 50mg/day of Winny everyday.
While that is the most common dosage, I’m here to tell you it can be used at 20-30mg
everyday and still with great results. The biggest thing about Winny is its diuretic effect.
This is something that is going to dry you out and it could potentially cause injury or joint
pain if you’re training too heavy on it. In the above cycle the dosage is JUST RIGHT when run
alongside the Anavar. It’s conservative enough to be mild, but the synergistic effect alongside
Anavar is incredible. More experienced individuals who want a stronger effect can double the
dosages and run it 60mg/60mg with Anavar and Winny, but it’s not necessary. For the guy
with just a few hundred bucks who wants a great cycle, I strongly suggest the spring break
“Pussy Slayer Cycle”.
Could I use this cycle with no test? Yes you could. At only 8 weeks and as mild of dosages as
we are using here, you will not be shut down that bad if using 30mg/30mg. Also, let’s face
it: test itself will still shut down natural production anyway. If you don’t want to use needles
yet, then I would run this solo, but don’t go any longer than 8 weeks and keep the tabs at
I put Primobolan in the intermediate cycle category, because Primo is a different animal
than other types of steroids. Primo is more of a recompositioning drug than a fast mass
builder, but everything gained from Primo is quality. It’s one of those compounds that you
could run for a few months and discontinue and have a permanently changed look. But this
isn’t something you’re going to gain a bunch of mass on, and as a newer user I don’t think
I’d dabble with Primo just yet. For one, it costs too much for any gains you’re going to get.
Secondly, if you’re still trying to put on size then I’d use something a little more potent. But if
you’re happy with the size you have and want to refine it, then Primo can be a great drug to
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When combined with Anavar and a low dose of Deca, this cycle just kicks ass!! I got some
damn good results on this cycle right here and it’s one of my favorites to this day. The low
dose Deca is just enough to provide joint healing properties and increased nitrogen retention.
The Anavar provides more bang to the Primo to help you get absolutely diced!! I found that
I could even be a little loose on the diet and still get harder and more defined on this one.
Primo is a very good steroid to use when dieting, and one of its traits is how muscle sparing it
is. Drop the calories low while on Primo, and you may hold more muscle than using another
compound. This cycle is certainly not cheap, but it’s effective and you’ll keep a lot from it. I
myself like to pyramid Primo for cost’s sake.
Week 1-12: 200mg test enanthate
Week 1-4: 400mg/wk Primo, 200mg/wk Deca, 40-60mg/day Anavar
Week 5-8: 600mg/wk Primo, 200mg/wk Deca, 40-60mg/day Anavar
Week 9-12: 700mg/wk Primo, 200mg/wk Deca, 40-60mg/day Anavar
Injection schedule:
Take 200mg per shot of Primo twice per week the first 4 weeks, hit Deca once/wk, and test
once/wk. I would do a Mon/Wed/Fri injection schedule and do Primo on Monday and Friday,
and do the test combined with Deca every Wednesday. That’s right: load the test and Deca in
the same needle and poke on Wednesday. That is how I’d do it anyway. Now, the Anavar is
mild enough to be run the entire 12 weeks, but realistically I usually only do it for 8 weeks due
to cost. This cycle right here can get expensive, but you get what you pay for right?
When you get to weeks 5-8 you can still do the Primo twice/wk, but you’ll be loading a 3cc
needle up all the way and doing two shots per week (i.e. every 3-4 days). Now, you may be
able to get away with this and you may not. Primo can sometimes hurt a little bit, and 3cc’s at
a time may be too much in one shot. It really depends on the brand and what you can handle.
If it becomes too painful, then I’d break the injection schedule down more, and start dividing
up equally and doing 3 times/wk shots.
When you get to the last 4 weeks you will need to do every other day shots. 200mg every
other day will put you right at 700mg/wk on Primo. Some guys do Primo every single day at
100mg/shot, and there is no problem with that either, if you don’t mind being a walking pin
cushion for this duration of your cycle.
Primo is good once you get to 400mg/wk. It proves to be much weaker on anything less, but
I have run it lower when combined with equal dosages of Masteron. Again, two of the right
compounds stacked together can sometimes provide better synergistic results than one of
them run solo SOMETIMES.
Post Cycle Therapy
Wait 2 weeks post last shot, then begin Clomid therapy at 100mg/day on days 1-10, then
50mg/day on days 11-20. It would also be a wise idea to use HCG starting directly after the
cycle. I like to start HCG a little early to get it in my system. I would go 2,500iu/wk HCG split up
into 2 shots of 1,250mg spread evenly during the week. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
is a luteinizing hormone that is naturally produced in the pituitary gland of males and
females. This hormone is naturally shut down when testosterone or a testosterone derivative
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is introduced into the body. Luteinizing hormones are what signal the gonads to produce
their own testosterone. When natural production stops, essentially this is what causes your
nuts to shrink. HCG usage can help prevent this or “blow them back up” but most importantly,
it returns you to normal faster by including it in your post cycle therapy.
You could also add Arimidex to the cycle recovery, but it probably wouldn’t be necessary
because Primobolan doesn’t cause aromatization, and your Deca and test were pretty low
anyway. But as a failsafe you could use ½mg Arimidex every other day for a few weeks post
A lot of post cycle therapy is so individual specific that you have to figure out what works for
you. You’re going to read about different ways of doing post cycle therapy everywhere you
look. But as far as I’m concerned, a lot of guys are going way too overboard with post cycle
therapy now, and they’re running things they don’t need and throwing their estrogen and
estradiol levels way too far the other direction. Sometimes they are causing more damage
trying to be proactive than they would be using nothing. So I just wanted to explain that to
you, you’ll see different post cycle therapy protocols in this book, but really you need to find
what you do well with. Use my layouts as templates, but if you need to tweak a little bit, then
by all means go ahead.
Sustanon/Tren/Anadrol Mass Stack
This stack right here is going to throw on some major mass. This isn’t the most moderate
cycle by nature, but it’s going to be super effective. While I personally don’t use trenbolone or
Anadrol anymore, I did a few years back and let me tell you, the results are quick!! This cycle
needs an aromatase inhibitor throughout since aromatization is very possible.
Week 1-10: 750mg/wk Sustanon, 300mg/wk tren, 100mg/day Anadrol FIRST 3 WEEKS
Injection schedule:
The injection schedule for this one is simple; just load 1cc of Sustanon with 1cc of tren in the
same syringe and hit Mon/Wed/Fri. That puts you right at 750mg/wk Sustanon and 300mg/
wk tren. Definitely don’t use the Anadrol longer than the first 3 weeks, it can be very harsh on
your liver!!
As for your aromatase inhibitor, you will be using 1mg/day of Arimidex the first 4 weeks. After
you drop the Anadrol you could step down to ½mg per day Arimidex for the remainder of the
cycle. You could also use Aromasin instead of Arimidex if you wanted to. With Aromasin you
want to run 20mg/day the first 4 weeks, and then you could drop to 10mg/day throughout
the remainder of the cycle. I use one or the other, depending on what I can get. Aromasin vs.
Arimidex is pretty much like test cyp vs. test enanthate to me, I could take one or the other.
Post Cycle Therapy
Follow the same protocol as other cycles in this section.
Winstrol/Deca/Test Stack
Winstrol is a good complement to Deca because it helps keep any water issues down that you
may acquire from Deca use. With a clean diet, water should be minimal on almost any cycle,
but you can hold a little more with certain compounds. Whether you’re building, cutting,
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or doing a lean mass cycle, you can’t go wrong with this combo right here. Winny can also
commonly cause joint pain while on it, and the Deca helps combat this. The two complement
one another very well here. I talk about Winstrol more in cutting cycles, but for the cycle
mentioned here I will lay out the basics of Winny. Winstrol comes most commonly as tabs or
a water based injectable. There are oil based Winstrol preparations out there and I’d highly
suggest them. I personally do not like water based Winny because the solution gets stuck
easier in muscle tissue and can cause infections. I’d go tabs or oil based, or bust.
Remember, Deca can be shot once/wk. We will shoot test 2 times/wk for this cycle, to get to
Weeks 1-15: 500mg/wk test (shot twice/wk at 250mg), 300mg/wk Deca (shot once/
wk), and 40-50mg/day Winstrol (taken every day). You will only be running the Winstrol
the first 8 weeks and then dropping it. If you choose to, you can throw it in for the last
8 weeks instead. ½mg of Arimidex or Aromasin 3 times/wk should be enough just as a
precautionary measure for any possible aromatization from the test and Deca.
Post Cycle Therapy
Wait 2 weeks post last shot of test/Deca to start Clomid at 100mg/day the first 10 days, then
dropping to 50mg/day the next 10 days. Continue on with Arimidex from the end of the
cycle to the end of Clomid therapy. HCG would be a good addition as well to keep your nuts
full or swell them back up when cycle is complete. You can use it during the cycle at 250iu 2
times/wk throughout, or if you do not use it during the cycle, then use 2500iu/wk the 2 weeks
following your last test/Deca shot (split into 2 separate 1250iu dosages per week, i.e. Mon/
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Before I get into some cutting cycles, let me just explain something real quick. Steroids do
not make you cut, it’s almost all diet!! There are certain steroids that promote different
properties, but without a good diet you’re pissing in the wind. You’ll never get shredded if you
cannot develop the discipline to go days at a time without eating junk. I wouldn’t even waste
my money if you can’t commit to the diet.
Now, let’s take a look at all of these bodybuilders from the “golden era of bodybuilding”.
These guys didn’t have half of the drugs available now, and yet they looked incredible!! Yes,
these guys were cutting on test, Dbol, and Deca. A few had access to Primobolan and Anavar,
but that was pretty much it. I’d say most guys were using Deca and Dbol, and if they were
lucky they had testosterone, but it really depended on which doctor you went to back then.
There were two main docs who prescribed this stuff out in California, and a couple of the
luckier guys were bringing in steroids from out of country that many others couldn’t get
(specifically one from France and another from Austria). But the point is that dosages weren’t
nearly as high, diets were tighter, and work ethic was never lacking. That is what built those
bodies back then, not the different drugs.
Steroids during a diet do nothing but preserve muscle while in caloric deficit. Yes, there are a
few steroids that can promote a harder look than what you could achieve naturally, but the
major difference between a steroid user and a natural trainer is the level of muscle retention
during dieting. This is perfectly evident by comparing a natural competitor with an enhanced
competitor. There really isn’t a big difference in the level of body fat between the two, but
there is when it comes to the level of development there is. The steroid user is far more likely
to retain more muscle during a diet phase. By the way, the fact they have the same body fat
level is perfect evidence that steroids do not outwork a shitty diet. I did a competition back in
2005 where I was using approximately 2,500-3,000mg per week of steroids. I placed in the top
5, but not nearly as well as I had thought I was going to. Fast forward to 2009, I looked better
than I ever have in my life (to this day) and I was using 900mg/wk total!!
***Post Cycle Therapy protocol for cutting cycles listed below: wait 10 days after your
last shot and use 50mg/day of Clomid for 20 days, along with ½mg per day of Arimidex
alongside Clomid and extended 1 week out past Clomid.
***Post Cycle Therapy protocol here applies to all short cycles below in this chapter
These cycles I’ve laid out are some basic cutting cycles that can yield almost anyone some
pretty damn impressive results for not a ton of money. For more on cutting cycles, read
ahead to competition cycles!!
My Best Cutting Cycle Ever!! (Prop/Tren/Winstrol)
This is hands down the best I have ever looked. I started my cycle at 230 lbs, and I had
dropped down to 207 lbs on weigh-in day. But the thing about the diet was I stayed close
to 230 lbs for a long time while getting leaner and leaner. I was a very large 207 lbs when it
was said and done. The cycle was the most basic thing ever, and effective as hell!! Now, you
probably won’t believe me when I tell you this, but I didn’t start using this cycle until 8 weeks
away from the competition. I dieted for 14 weeks, and the first 6 weeks I was using nothing!!
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At the 8 week out mark, I used 300mg/wk of tren, 300mg/wk of oil based Winstrol, and
300mg/wk of testosterone propionate. Now, one thing that I think made a huge difference
was the fact I was using a liquid exemestane the entire time I was running the cycle. I was
probably overboard on this, but I was using 20mg/day of exemestane each day.
Between that and the Winstrol I was dry as hell looking. Honestly I was ready for the stage at
2 weeks out. The combination of these three compounds gave me a nasty shredded and hard
look!! Even though I was running low dosages of each, it was the synergistic combination of
these compounds that gave me such great results. I placed second in that show, and to this
day I feel as if I was robbed. The guy who won had peanuts for biceps and terrible shape.
But this is all a subjective game when it comes to judging, and definitely one of politics too.
Anyway I looked amazing off those three things and if I ever get on the stage again, I’d run the
same damn cycle all over again!!
OK, so let me break down one of the components of my cutting cycle I’ve talked about. Let’s
talk about Winstrol, or “Winny” as it’s commonly called. I like Winstrol, but it has to be either
oil based or oral Winny. I am not a fan of water based Winstrol, and I’d dare to say this
compound is the culprit of about 75% of infections that come from steroid shots. If water
based is all you can get, my advice is to measure in the syringe and drink it. It’s OK to drink
since it’s a 17-alkyloid, but it would be harsh on the liver this way. A 17-alkyloid compound
means that the drug can be processed through ingestion. Winstrol needs to be taken at least
every other day, or at a minimum Mon/Wed/Fri. Some guys use it every day, I never did. I
always went every other day with it, because sticking yourself each day is a pain in the ass.
When you’re training on Winstrol, it’s a good idea to lighten the workload. Winstrol can cause
joint pain, and it’s much worse if you’re training too heavy. You shouldn’t need to train as
heavy anyway if you’re cutting, so be smart about it and lighten the load. Winstrol is a “risk
vs. reward” steroid. If you’re training wisely and getting adequate rest, it’s a great thing!! But if
you train too heavy, it can cause injuries and joint pain that could ruin a competition prep, or
even worse, a joint or tendon.
Side effects of Winny:
Accelerated hair-loss (if you’re prone to it)
Joint pain
Liver damage
Diuretic effect with increased urination
Mood swings
Winstrol can make you mean and I’m always as mean as a snake when I’m using it. But I’m an
asshole anyway so it’s fine.
Another cycle I did once was Winny with Deca and a little test. I didn’t want to run anything
crazy, but I wanted to get leaner with a low dose cycle. So I used 200mg/wk of Deca, 50mg/
day 3x/wk of Winny, and 200mg/wk of test cypionate. This cycle was after I got on hormone
replacement therapy and I was always using 200mg/wk of test cypionate anyway. So all I
really needed was a bottle of Deca and some Winny tabs (I used tabs for this one). I found the
Winstrol complemented Deca very well, and joint pain wasn’t an issue since the Deca has joint
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lubricating properties. I ran this for 10 weeks and I looked pretty good. I wasn’t competition
looking or anything, but I wasn’t eating as tight as when I’m show prepping either.
Masteron is another good compound for cutting up with. Masteron is a DHT derivative so
accelerated hair-loss can definitely be an issue if you’re prone to it. I was shedding pretty
badly about 4-5 weeks into it, but it stopped after I quit using it. It’s a good idea to use some
finasteride if you’re worried about hair-loss, or avoid using this one if you’re that worried
about it. Masteron is commonly dosed at 100mg/ml, so you would need a few vials of it.
Most sources will say at least 500mg/wk on this compound, but I always got good results on
The thing with Masteron is it does very little if you’re not already extremely lean. This
compound does nothing more than provide a hardening effect to the muscles when you’re
already lean. It’s not something you would take to try to get bigger and stronger. Now,
another plus side to this drug is it’s not that harsh on your system. While it’s typically only
run the last 6-8 weeks before a contest, I have used it longer than that alongside my test
replacement dosage of 200mg/wk. You could go 200-300mg/wk for a period of 12-15 weeks
if you were trying to get a little edge alongside TRT, and I have done this before with good
results. But I usually stay very lean all year and if I wasn’t lean then I wouldn’t do it. If there is
any other positive with Masteron, it acts as an anti-estrogen in itself. Anti-estrogens aren’t as
necessary (or maybe not necessary at all) if you’re using Masteron.
This can be a compound that can be a little painful to inject sometimes, so my advice is to
try a 100mg/shot first and see how you handle it before trying to take more in one shot.
Masteron stacks very well with almost anything, but keep in mind it’s a DHT derivative, so
if using it with another DHT drug you’d want to keep one of them on the lower side. For
example, let’s say you were running Primobolan or Winstrol. You would want to keep those
either lower and Masteron higher, or Masteron lower and one of those higher. We will talk
about Primobolan more in intermediate cycles.
Masteron/Test Prop Run
8 week cycle consisting of 300mg/wk Masteron (shot Mon/Wed/Fri) and 300mg/wk test prop
(load into same syringe as Masteron and Mon/Wed/Fri as well)
Masteron/Test Prop/Anavar Cycle
8 week cycle consisting of 300mg/wk test prop, 300mg-500mg/wk Masteron, and 50-100mg/
wk Anavar (again, go Mon/Wed/Fri at 100mg each, loaded into same syringe), and take Anavar
daily, and split your dosage up throughout the day (i.e. breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
Masteron/Test Prop/Winstrol
8 week cycle consisting of 300mg/wk of Masteron, 300mg/wk of test prop, 300mg/wk of
Winstrol. Now, if you can get oil based Winstrol you shouldn’t have an issue shooting 100mg
at a time. If it’s water based, I would personally drink it, but that is just me. It’s OK to swallow
water based Winny, it won’t hurt you. Like I said, I don’t do water based Winstrol, and if I
couldn’t get oil, then I’d get tabs.
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Any of those three Masteron cycles I’ve laid out would be a great 8 week run to get in great
condition. Even if you’re not competing, those cycles would benefit you greatly if you can get
lean enough on your own first.
Tren/Test Prop/Halotestin/Anavar
This is a simple cycle that consists of just tren, Anavar, and test prop until the last 3 weeks.
The last 3 weeks you will be adding in Halotestin tabs at 30mg/day. Halo is a hardening
steroid that is extremely liver toxic and harsh on the body, which is why we are only running
it for 3 weeks. I wouldn’t use more than 30mg/day for 3 weeks. Halo is mostly used during
competition prep, and only for 3-4 weeks max. It’s a very popular drug in the powerlifting
community because it promotes crazy strength without weight gain, so powerlifters who are
trying to stay in a certain weight class while getting stronger like to use this one. Taking halo
while dieting makes for a very hard look, similar to Masteron but cheaper since it’s only run a
few weeks.
Weeks 1-8: 300mg/wk tren, 300mg/wk test prop, 50mg/day Anavar (load 100mg tren and
100mg test prop in same needle, and go Mon/Wed/Fri)
Weeks 6,7, & 8: 30mg/day of halo (taken at 10mg 3 times/day)
***You can take ½mg every other day Arimidex throughout the cycle if you want,
although I’ve personally run cycles such as this several times without using it.
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Clenbuterol is a very strong thermogenic used to shed body fat by acting on the beta-2
receptors and increasing heart rate and releasing heat. Clen will slightly raise your core
temperature and elevate the heart rate, more so the first few hours after ingestion than
anything. Clenbuterol is dosed in micrograms and it’s common to use anything from 50mcg/
day to 200mcg/day. I usually never went above 100mcg/day with it. There comes a point
when things can become overkill and the risks don’t outweigh the benefits. As effective as
clen can be, it’s not something I would recommend using for very long periods of time and I
would suggest other means of fat loss before turning to clen. I’ve just seen too many people
get bone dry and shredded without it.
It’s often claimed that Clen has mild anabolic properties, but I do not believe that. In my
opinion it is strictly a thermogenic. There is nothing about clen that promotes growth, but
fat loss effects can be more pronounced when using it in combination with anabolic steroids
since the nature of many steroids will enhance metabolic function. Clen is sold in pills and
also liquid concentrations that are sold as a “research product”. These research chemicals are
sold online legally but “not for human consumption”. I always preferred the liquid versions
better and found them to get in my system faster. Like I said, keep it around 100mcg and you
should be fine.
Clen is also not effective after 2 weeks on it. The receptors stop responding to clen very
quickly and it’s suggested to use it in a 2 weeks on/2 weeks off fashion. Now, there is a lot
of talk about taking Benadryl after the initial 2 weeks to down-regulate the receptors and
allow you to stay on clen straight through. I’ve done this before myself, and it just wasn’t
very effective for me. You can also go 2 days on/2 days off with it and run it like that straight
through. Very effective ways to use it also includes 2 days on clen, 2 days off, and use
ephedrine instead on your 2 days off. Likewise, you can go 2 weeks on/2 weeks off, and use
ephedrine on your 2 weeks off. Or even more effective, go with the “ACE” stack in your off
time (aspirin, caffeine, ephedrine).
One way to use clenbuterol that I’ve found extremely effective in the past was to use it right
before going to bed. Now, I’m not talking about using it an hour before bed, or even 20
minutes before bed; I’m talking right before your head hits the pillow you pop some clen.
This will ensure that your body is working overtime in your sleep and in a fasted state, which
yields excellent results very quickly. I did this when prepping for my last competition and I got
extremely lean.
I should probably mention that this isn’t healthy. There is nothing healthy about fucking
around with your body’s natural sleep state, but sometimes we bend the rules for short
periods of time when we are trying to kick everyone’s ass onstage. This shouldn’t be regular
practice, but if you have something you want to get shredded for in a short amount of time,
then I’m not going to tell you not to do it. All I’m saying is it’s not healthy, but neither is being
a fat fucker either. Whether you die from clen or a Big Mac with cheese, I guess everyone has
to go at some point right?
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Originally marketed as a bronchodilator, ephedrine acts in a similar nature to clenbuterol.
Although the effects aren’t quite as extreme as clen, it’s a very effective fat loss agent. Now,
we’ve heard a lot of horror stories about ephedrine within the past 10 years or so. Just know
that a lot of these horror stories came from people taking way too much, taking it as a rave
party drug while drinking and doing recreational drugs with it, or just out of shape fat fucks
who were probably ready to check out of life anyway.
I believe in dosages of 50mg/day or less, ephedrine is a relatively safe compound to use
on occasion. Again, I wouldn’t live on it, but I don’t see any harm with using this a couple
times per year if your heart is healthy. If you have any pre-existing heart conditions, I do not
suggest you use any thermogenics that act on increasing heart rate, breathing rate, or body
temperature. There are other fat loss products that work on other mechanisms of shuttling
fat, and I would suggest you look into those instead of thermogenics/stimulants.
Back in the day everyone wanted the ephedrine that was in the weight loss products. I found
out by being a cheap fucker that the ephedrine hydrochloride worked even better. I was
buying small bottles of ephedrine HCL from a local gas station for under $10 a bottle, while
everyone else was shelling out $50 a pop on sports supplements. Then I found sites online
that sold it even cheaper but that eventually got shut down as well. However, there are still
SOME online nutrition stores that sell fat loss products that contain ephedrine. A good one
to use is called “Tri-Matrix” and they are green capsules I believe. It’s a tri-stack of ephedrine,
green tea, and possibly Yohimbine, but don’t quote me on that. It’s been awhile since I’ve
used it, but I have used it several times while competition dieting with much success. “Black
Mamba” is another good one. It’s a little stronger but it works wonders!! Again, do an online
search for these if you fail to come up with any ephedrine hydrochloride or just straight
Ephedrine is a product that I would use only when dieting for durations of no more than
10-12 weeks. But typically I don’t begin any thermogenics until I’m a very good ways into a
diet anyway, because they do have catabolic properties to them. I try to hold onto as much
muscle as possible until I get right down to the wire. The fat burners don’t come in until I’m
trying to shed away that last little bit or look “dry”.
ACE Stack
The “ACE stack” stands for aspirin, caffeine, and ephedrine. These three things are taken
together because they are synergistic in nature and provide some great fat loss effects. You
take aspirin each day combined with some sort of caffeine, and then the ephedrine HCL,
or ephedrine that is sold in the form of a sports supplement. I used to use 500mg of Bayer
Back & Body Pain Reliever for aspirin and I took one per day. For my caffeine, I would buy
packets of green tea (real green tea!!). I would take 4-5 bags of green tea and throw them in
a 2 quart container of cold water and ice. Each day I would drink the 2 quarts of water/green
tea mixture before 12 noon. For the ephedrine I used 50mg/day of ephedrine HCL. I lost a
lot of body fat doing this. Nowadays, there are supplements that are sold with a synergistic
combination of a “proprietary blend” already in them. But the ACE stack may be more
affordable and just as effective if you can get your hands on ephedrine.
T-3 (Cytomel)
Cytomel, more commonly known as T-3, is a thyroid hormone that is taken to increase
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metabolic rate. It’s most commonly dosed at 50mcg-200mcg per day and shouldn’t be used
for periods exceeding 6 week durations. Now, here is my stand on T-3: I do not like it unless
I was running higher amounts of human growth hormone (HGH). Growth hormone can
slow the thyroid down over time, so bodybuilders will take some thyroid hormone to keep
everything in check, especially when using higher amounts of HGH (4-6 iu’s/day or more).
Side effects of taking Cytomel may include:
High blood pressure
Rapid heart rate
Appetite suppression
Cytomel sort of falls into the same category as insulin does: short durations of usage are
best. You don’t want to take anything long enough that it can cause side effects or prolonged
effects that become irreversible. I have only taken this during periods where I was dieting for
a competition, but my personal experiences with it led me to the realization that it RIPPED
I am not a fan of Cytomel at all unless using small amounts when blasting HGH. I personally
would stick to 50mcg/day with this stuff in any event!! When I took it to 150+mcg/day it
stripped muscle off me even though I was using a host of anabolic steroids. Hell, I think it
took muscle from me even at 100mcg/day. Now with that being said, the experience on it
during HGH usage was better. It allowed me to go a little higher with my HGH and not feel
the extreme lethargy that can come on when taking higher amounts of HGH. A lot of people
swear by using this thyroid hormone when dieting and it’s commonly used with clenbuterol,
but I’m sure many of the results are really person specific. My advice is to avoid this one
unless you’re using HGH.
HGH/Testosterone/Insulin/T-3 Run
Weeks 1-4: 2-3iu/day HGH, 500mg/wk test, 10iu fast acting insulin (done post-workout on
training days, before breakfast on non-training days)
Weeks 5-8: 4-5iu/day HGH (split into 2 shots, 1 post-workout and 1 before bed), 500mg/
wk test, 20iu/day insulin (10iu before breakfast, 10iu post-workout, or 10iu before dinner
on non-training days), 50mcg daily T-3, taken before breakfast
Weeks 9-12: 4iu/day of HGH (split into 2 shots, 1 post-workout and 1 before bed), 750mg/
wk test, no insulin, no T-3
Weeks 13-16: 6-8iu/day HGH (split into 2 shots, 1 post-workout and 1 before bed),
1,000mg/wk test, 75mcg daily T-3, 20iu/day insulin (dosed at 10iu before breakfast, 10iu
Weeks 17-20: 4iu/day HGH (split into 2 shots, 1 post-workout and 1 before bed), 500mg/
wk test, no T-3, no insulin
***Experienced insulin users - For a more anabolic effect you can run your insulin at
10iu pre-workout instead of post-workout, then take HGH after you train. Be sure to
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consume insulin 1 hour pre-workout followed immediately by 100 grams of carbs from
simple sugars and 40-60 grams of protein powder, then during your training sip on
something like Gatorade between sets.
***Non-experienced insulin users - Take insulin post-workout, followed by adequate
simple sugar intake and protein immediately after, then take HGH 1 hour after insulin
shot to take advantage of peak insulin levels with HGH conversion to IGF-1 production.
Through a scientific explanation that is far too complicated for me to explain here, T-4 is
basically useless on its own. T-4 works by activating the thyroid gland to actually produce the
T-3. Taking T-3 bypasses the production phase of T-4 into T-3 by actually taking the hormone
needed for increased metabolism in itself. I stupidly ran T-4 once before on its own, thinking
that: “Well maybe I need more T-4 rather than T-3 and I would get better results!!” I failed to
educate myself enough on thyroid hormones, and the results were worthless. It proved to be
nothing but a waste of money and I would not suggest using T-4. Just take small amounts of
T-3 and you will be far better off. Again, I’m a fan of neither one except when using with HGH.
As stated above, your results and metabolic function will be far superior when combining T-3
with HGH dosages upwards of 4iu plus per day. But we don’t want to stay on this stuff forever
which is why I advocate running it in phases.
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CJC-1295, CJC-1293, GHRP’s
CJC-1295 and CJC-1293 are what are referred to as growth hormone releasing hormones.
What that means is they are peptides that stimulate our own pituitary gland in the brain to
release an abundance of our own growth hormone. I personally like this concept for one
major reason: there aren’t some of the same side effects as taking human growth hormone
(HGH). The issue with HGH is it binds to any and every receptor available, and affects
every living tissue in the human body. The CJC’s solely go to the muscle cells because the
production of HGH was stemmed from brain stimulation, not synthetic introduction.
Now, a few things you need to know about the CJC family: the biggest difference in the
peptides is going to be the rate of release after injection. CJC-1295 comes “without DAC” or
“with DAC”. The modified GRF-129 (CJC-1295 without DAC) has a half-life of about 30 minutes
post injection. The CJC-1295 with DAC has a half-life of approximately 8 days. Now, besides
for frequency of injections, what does this really mean? Well, that all depends on who you
Some guys would rather run the CJC without DAC because they want a quicker synthesizing of
the product since HGH works in our body by frequent pulses. Others prefer the convenience
of only injecting once/wk and prefer the CJC-1295 with DAC.
Now, where do I stand on this? I have only taken the CJC without DAC because it causes a
higher release of natural HGH when it stimulates the pituitary gland. After this high release,
the HGH clears out from your system. This more closely mimics the way our bodies release
our own HGH. Most guys are pairing these products up with GHRP’s (growth hormone
releasing peptides) and are using GHRP-6, GHRP-2, or ipamorelin. Think of CJC as your
machine gun, and GHRP as your grenade launcher. The addition of the GHRP’s causes more
pulses of HGH and allows for faster results.
Now, I’m not saying the CJC-1295 with DAC won’t work. The convenience of only injecting
once per week would be nice, and certainly there would still be pulses stimulated from the
addition of GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 on a daily basis, but what I’d be worried about here is what is
termed as “GH bleed”. GH bleed is when there are high levels of growth hormone releasing
hormone in our body, but low levels of actual HGH release. This does not mimic the way the
body naturally produces HGH. So my stance on this is basically such: if I were to do a lower
amount of CJC-1295 for a maintenance dose then I myself would go with 1,000mcg/wk and
use the CJC-1295 with DAC and hit it once-twice/wk. I would hit all 1,000mcg in one shot, using
an insulin syringe. However, if I was using a standard amount of 2,000-3,000 mcg/wk then I
would definitely go with CJC-1295 without DAC.
Now, what is CJC-1293? I’m going to make this really easy for you guys. CJC-1293 is the same
thing as CJC-1295 without DAC. To avoid confusion these labs started terming the CJC-1295
without DAC, CJC-1293. So just know that if you’re using the 1293 then you have the same
peptide as the 1295 without DAC. Remember: without DAC is what we want to use when
using 2,000 mcg/wk and beyond. You can inject it intramuscularly or subcutaneously (pinch of
stomach fat), but I always went subcutaneously with it. Now, I injected it once per day at 300
mcg every day for about 10 weeks. Actually, I’d go 300 mcg/day the first 6 days, and then 200
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mcg the 7th day, then start over with a new vial. I’m not going to inject myself 3-4 times/day
with it, on top of using GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 multiple times per day as well.
After doing much research, I decided to add a supplement to the CJC-1295 without DAC called
“Huperzine-A”. Basically, the addition of Huperzine-A was thought to block the somatostatin
production which competes with HGH release in your brain. This was phrased as “walking
around with an I.V. bag of HGH strapped to you all day”. I don’t know about that claim, but I
do know that the addition of this supplement made the effects much stronger with the CJC.
Personally speaking, I felt the best way to go was more CJC-1295 with Huperzine-A (can be
purchased at supplement stores or online) and to drop the GHRP’s. Actually I did just that.
I sent my buddy the rest of the GHRP-2 I had and just stuck with the CJC and Huperzine
supplement. I honestly felt like GHRP made me waterlogged as hell and did nothing but
make me hungry. I looked much, much sharper with just the CJC-1295 and Huperzine-A. For
the best results and cost effectiveness, in the future I would use a higher amount of CJC with
Huperzine-A, and ditch the GHRP’s. The Huperzine dose I was using was 200mcg/day and
common dosage protocol calls for 200-300mcg/day.
I have yet to use sermorelin or hexarelin. The peptide world is taking the bodybuilding market
by storm lately, and it’s difficult to keep up with everything that is hitting the market. I’m
sharing everything I’ve personally used with you guys, but I don’t want to talk about anything I
have no personal experience with.
But the common denominator in all of this is these peptides are all growth hormone
releasing hormones or growth hormone releasing peptides. This means that they all pretty
much work on the same mechanism with very little differences. Now, at what point does the
market go from EFFECTIVENESS to simply EFFECTIVE MARKETING? This would be my biggest
argument in the world of peptides. I have yet to see anyone who looks noticeably distinct
from using ipamorelin over GHRP, or Hexarilin instead of CJC-1295. So am I familiar with
SOME PEPTIDES? Yes I am. Do I dabble in them as much as other people? Not really.
Why would I want to use CJC instead of HGH?
The biggest reason someone would opt for CJC over HGH is legitimacy. With HGH it’s hard
to know what you’re really getting nowadays, so many guys would rather just go the peptide
route instead. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt CJC-1295 works well, and it can be
manufactured at a cheaper cost than HGH. How do I know it works? Well, aside from actually
seeing the results in my appearance (not so much strength gains, but a sharper and denser
look) I have a friend who took the exact same thing. Now, remember me telling you earlier
that HGH can make you sick feeling? Well, my friend is extremely sensitive to increases with
HGH or switching brands. He switched to CJC-1295 from HGH and low and behold he had the
same effects from it!! So yes, a fake product would not cause the same effects.
Another reason someone would want to go the CJC route over HGH is a more natural look.
Yes, you’d get enhanced results, but you probably wouldn’t look like some mutant with a high
dosage of CJC versus a high dosage of HGH.
Yet another reason to go the CJC route is it’s much more effective, much faster. Where HGH
takes several months to see anything from, CJC takes a few weeks at its worst. It’s much
quicker, and this can also make it financially easier as well. I could run CJC-1295 for a decent
10-12 week block and then be done with it for a while. With HGH I need to commit for several
months on end. Basically 4-5 kits of HGH or bust, and 4-5 kits of REAL, QUALITY HGH and I’m
John Doe Bodybuilding
set back at least $1200-$1500. That is a lot of gear, groceries, and CJC-1295!!
But just like HGH, there are fake peptides as well. If a price seems too good to be true, it
usually is. I recently saw a site that had “Buy One Get One Free” on CJC-1295 and the cost was
somewhere around $12.95. I wouldn’t even waste my time with this kind of place. Remember,
the cheapest guy is never the best!!
GHRP Dosage
If you choose to run GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 on their own, or with CJC, then it’s best to do 2-3
injections per day of 100-200mcg per shot. Most guys use 200-300mcg/day total, and this is
definitely enough to stimulate appetite!!
The biggest difference in these two peptides is strength results, water weight, and appetite
stimulation. Now, if you’re looking to increase appetite, then GHRP-6 is the better route to
go. However, there is some fat storing properties associated with it. GHRP-2 won’t increase
appetite as much, and won’t store as much fat, but is most likely the weaker of the 2 GHRP’s.
Taking GHRP’s on their own are claimed to have the same anti-aging properties as taking
HGH, but I’d take that with a grain of salt. The addition of CJC-1295 or 1293 would definitely
make the role of anti-aging much more effective. One thing to note with GHRP-6 is the slight
chance of excessive fat storage associated with its use. The best way to avoid this is to wait
30-45 minutes after taking it to eat. You want the peptide to be processed by the time you sit
down for a meal. This should combat this effect.
GHRP for Tissue Regeneration and Healing
One of the biggest benefits of GHRP-2 or GHRP-6 is collagen production and injury healing.
If you are facing shoulder issues, impingements, or any other joint/tendon/ligament issues,
then GHRP-6 or GHRP-2 may not be a bad idea to try!!
Ipamorelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide. Dosing is typically 300-600mcg/day and
it can be either dosed throughout the day for more natural HGH pulses, or once/day before
bedtime for anti-aging and rejuvenation.
There is another way guys are running this peptide and it’s called “boom dosing”. Boom
dosing is hitting a peptide in a larger amount at one time, while frequently running another
peptide at smaller dosages throughout the day. For example, you could hit 500mcg of
ipamorelin at one time before bed, and 100mcg of CJC-1293 three times daily to promote
multiple HGH pulses, while the giant dose of ipamorelin before bed pretty much dumps all
of the available HGH in the pituitary at one time. Growth hormone releasing hormones are
commonly run with growth hormone releasing peptides. So the GHRP’s are usually run with
this peptide.
The downside of GHRP’s for some people is they promote hunger. Ipamorelin does not have
the hunger effects that GHRP’s do, nor does CJC-1293 or CJC-1295. Ipamorelin (as well as
sermorelin from what I understand) is a much “cleaner” peptide to run. This is much better
if your goal was to build quality muscle mass without any fat gain, or to throw alongside a
cutting cycle.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Another advantage ipamorelin has is it doesn’t raise cortisol levels. Cortisol is the catabolic
byproduct of stress and muscle exertion, and while some peptides that jack up cortisol levels
will work for a little while, there comes a point where they’re just not beneficial anymore.
Since I’ve been running ipamorelin, there are a few things I’ve noticed. For starters, my sleep
drastically improved and I sleep deeper and more soundly throughout the night. Second off,
my skin seems to look better and I do seem to look a little younger than I usually do. I don’t
look as stressed out and as tired as I normally do. For the record, I’m doing it at 300mcg/day
before bed, and I’m stacking it with CJC-1295 without DAC. I take the CJC-1295 three times
throughout the day. I use it before breakfast, 30 min before lunch, and at night with my
ipamorelin dose (yes, I load them in the same insulin syringe).
Measuring and Dosing Peptides
OK, so you’ve decided that you want to try peptides out. You’ve done your research and
you’ve ordered them through an online “research peptide site”. You get the vials in the mail,
you’re looking at them, and you’re wondering to yourself: “How the fuck do I mix it?” Easy
enough, allow me to explain.
The beauty of most growth hormone releasing peptides and hormones is most of them
come in 2,000mcg vials. They are dosed in “mcg’s” so basically 2,000mcg x 1ml of added
bacteriostatic water would mean that every 10 mark on a 1ml insulin pin would equal
200mcg’s. The easiest way is to use a 1ml insulin syringe (same measurement as 1cc) and
drop exactly 1ml of bacteriostatic water into your growth hormone releasing peptides (or
GHRH). Let the water go into the vial slow, the powder in the vials is very sensitive. Allow it
to dissolve for a few minutes. Now, on a 1ml insulin pin there are numbers. They start at 10
then go to 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100. So if I were to fill to the 10, that would be
200 mcg of peptide. 200 x 10 is 2000 right? So filling to the “10” is 200 mcg, and if you were to
dose at 100 mcg 3 times daily, then you’re only filling to the 5 mark for each dose. But there
is no 5 mark, so you’re going to fill halfway to the 10 mark. On a 1ml insulin syringe, each click
is 2 units. There are clicks between the numbers, and they go by 2’s. It’s not going to look as if
there’s much in the syringe at all. Just keep it simple, fill it halfway to the “10” mark and inject
to the schedule that suits your needs.
IGF-1 is the hormone that is the byproduct of HGH conversion produced in the liver. Guys
taking HGH often think that HGH is responsible for their results, when in reality it’s the IGF-1
conversion that is producing the results. IGF-1 promotes many muscle building properties
which include increased nitrogen retention and increased protein synthesis. It’s also very
similar in structure to insulin, and between the nutrient shuttling and nitrogen retention, IGF1 LR3 can give you one hell of a pump in the gym!!!
You do risk going a little hypoglycemic with IGF-1 LR3 and I have found that I usually had to
have a few more cheat meals when I was using it. Same thing goes for HGH, it’s harder to
diet as strict with these, but the rate of nutrient uptake becomes so fast that metabolism
and thermogenesis are usually increased despite eating a little dirtier. How do you think
bodybuilders are getting so much bigger today? They are using products that allow them to
eat thousands more calories per day and burn fat at the same rate as if they were dieting!!!
Just don’t be one of those guys who uses it as an excuse to eat whatever he wants. You’ll
never look your best doing that, but it’s my opinion that yes, you do need to loosen the diet
just a hair when you’re running IGF-1 LR3 or HGH.
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Why would you want to use IGF-1 LR3 instead of HGH? Well, for starters it’s faster acting. You
could run IGF-1 LR3 in 4-6 week blasts and see a lot of results, whereas HGH takes months.
But you need to know your IGF-1 LR3 is real. Let me tell you: there are plenty of fake vials of
IGF-1 LR3 floating around. I would research different sources and see what others have to say
about them before ordering it. Some guys say that real IGF-1 LR3 is impossible to find, but I
disagree. The cost of production for this peptide is far cheaper than HGH and I know it must
do something because my pump is insane when I’m on it, and I do get hypoglycemic effects.
Unless it’s some sort of insulin powder, I’m going to place my bet that it has some legitimacy
to it.
Another thing to ponder on is this: usually when a source has legitimate products they don’t
just sell one product that is fake. Why would they carry everything else that can suppress
gyno, cause erections, make you tan, cure acne, induce sleep and hunger, but then sell fake
IGF-1? I just don’t buy half the shit these guys say. I think their diet is what is holding them
back, not the products. There are two different types of IGF-1. There is regular IGF-1, which
has a half-life of about 15-20 minutes after injection, and then you have IGF-1 LR3. The “LR-3”
is a chemically modified version of IGF-1 that extends the half-life to about 20 hours. This is
the IGF-1 you want to use!!
Measuring And Dosing IGF-1 LR3
IGF-1 LR3 typically comes in 1,000mcg vials. Therefore if you add 1cc of bacteriostatic water to
that vial, every “10” on your 1ml insulin syringe is 100mcg. I have found that 50mcg each day
is a good dosage of IGF-1 LR3, without too many side effects. The one thing we don’t want is
that god awful HGH gut. Therefore, if you keep it at 50mcg post-workout and limit cycles of
IGF-1 LR3 to 4-6 weeks, followed by 4-6 weeks off, you’ll be in the clear.
There are a lot of mixed reviews on whether or not to shoot into the muscles or shoot it
subcutaneously, but I would shoot it intramuscularly myself. I don’t know the exact science
behind all of it, but I’ve read enough to know that there are some site enhancement claims
while using IGF-1 LR3 (although I’m not sure if there’s any definite consensus on these
claims). You can either shoot it subcutaneously or intramuscularly. If you’re going to shoot it
intramuscularly, then the best thing to do is to shoot it bilaterally after a workout. So let’s say
you train biceps that day: you would put 25mcg into each bicep post-workout. It’s perfectly
fine to keep in a gym bag as it won’t go bad just being left out for an hour or two.
A lot of guys claim it’s better to mix IGF-1 LR3 with acetic acid. I’m here to tell you right now
that bacteriostatic water is perfectly fine, and furthermore I’ve had IGF-1 LR3 mixed with
acetic acid fuck my arms up before. I’ve had shots leave knots on me and almost morph the
shape of my bicep temporarily. It actually took a few weeks to go back to normal looking. I do
not have this issue with bacteriostatic water. By the way, you can order bacteriostatic water
online for a few dollars.
It’s going to look as if there’s very little in your syringe after you draw it up. 25mcg’s in a 1ml
insulin pin is nothing, couple tiny clicks and that’s all. You may choose to get the 0.33ml
pins so measuring is a tad easier. Because the insulin pin is smaller, it’s easier to see a more
accurate measurement without the presence of as much air. The difficult part about only
measuring out that much in a 1ml pin is if there is any small amount of air at the top (which
there usually is), it’s extremely hard to tell whether it’s 25mcg’s, or 30 mcg’s, or only 10 mcg’s.
What some people do is backload the pins with bacteriostatic water as well, just to have more
substance to inject in there. Backloading means to pull the plunger out of the insulin pin and
fill the insulin pin with some extra bacteriostatic water from the back of the pin.
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Reconstitution and Shelf Life
It’s safe to say that IGF-1 LR3 has a shelf life of about 1 month after it’s mixed. Therefore,
if you were to do 50mcg per day, then 1 vial would last you 20 days. HOWEVER, if you just
use it on training days, then a vial of it should get you right around 1 month. Typical prices
for a vial range between $60-$130, depending on where you go. I wouldn’t worry so much
about whether the cycle is a perfect 30 days, or only 27 days, or if you run out at 28 days, or
whatever. Just hit a vial of it and then take a month - six weeks off and repeat if you wish. You
will see some sources that sell IGF-1 LR3 kits for about the same cost as HGH kits, and they
come in 10 separate vials like HGH does. I’m sure these sources of IGF-1 LR3 are more potent,
but I wouldn’t just chalk up research chemical sites who sell it as all fake. I know what it does
for me when I’m on it and it’s no placebo effect.
MGF (Mechanic Growth Factor)
I ran this product years and years ago, and to be honest I didn’t get a fucking thing out of it. I
think word has gotten around that this stuff is pretty bunk because when it first hit the scene
it was about as much $$ as IGF-1, and now it’s cheaper than dirt. It’s supposedly a peptide
that is geared more toward site growth and repair, but I didn’t get a damn thing out of it and
I wouldn’t waste my money on it. I’d be buying more IGF-1 LR3 before I ever attempted to use
this shit again. Nobody is using this anymore; it’s pretty much unheard of now.
The science behind this is it’s basically a spliced version of IGF-1, reacting at the muscle cell
sites longer than IGF-1, through a chemically altered process called “pegylation”. The halflife of this shit is literally minutes without pegylation, and I’d dare to say that most forms of
MGF sold as pegylated is a blatant lie. The problem with MGF (even if it’s legit PEG) is that if
it does sit in the muscle cells for an extended period of time, the very thing that is supposed
to grow new cells and repair damaged cells, actually damages the cells!! There are enzymes
in the body that attack the very cells you’re trying to build since a chemically altered, foreign
substance is basically stuck in them.
I have seen this first hand. My friend had a great pair of biceps, some of the best I’ve ever
seen. He started using this shit and it morphed one of his biceps to almost a point. It became
beyond a peak and clearly looked damaged. This is a peptide I would stay away from. The
science behind it is just not all there, and results are pretty much based on pure speculation.
Save your money for something better than MGF.
Now here is a funny product right here. PGCL is a drug that was intended to induce labor in
cattle. Bodybuilders began taking this product for enhanced fat loss effects and supposed
“site specific growth”. The claims were incredible on what PGCL could do for someone within
a couple short weeks. Some guys were claiming to have dropped 10-15 lbs in only a couple
short weeks while “adding size” to their arms, chest, legs, and pretty much wherever they shot
it. I personally think the claim of losing that much weight that quickly and increasing arms up
to an inch or two at the same time is a bit ridiculous.
Well, about six or seven years ago my stupid ass tried this product. Here is what it did for
me: after I injected it I shit about seven times within the next couple hours. I had explosive
diarrhea and terrible stomach pains. For Christ’s sake, I thought I was going into labor myself
like one of the cattle!! I got hotter than hell and sick feeling for the next couple hours. I didn’t
notice anything great about this stuff, I didn’t lose that much body fat, and anything I did lose
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was shit out of me!! I probably would have had the same effects taking ex-lax for a hell of a lot
cheaper!! This stuff is pretty dangerous and considered one of the most hardcore chemicals
you could put into your body. Stay far away from PGCL, it isn’t worth it!!! That’s as far into that
one as I’m going.
I’ve never tried it and never will try it. DNP is self-administered poison that will raise your
body temperature and induce thermogenesis. I like to feel good and be healthy, so poisoning
myself to lose body fat is pretty much out of the question. It’s also not healthy to lose weight
that quickly and it’s catabolic in nature. I’ve seen more people look like total shit from running
DNP than not using anything at all. If you ask me, DNP is for lazy asses who cannot dedicate
enough to dieting to get in top shape. All you need to know is this stuff is poison and it can kill
you. Stay far away!! That’s my two cents on DNP.
Peptides on their own are not as strong as steroids are, but they don’t have the same
negative effects either. Peptides won’t knock your natural production of anything down, and
there aren’t recovery issues as there are with anabolic steroids. For someone who is trying to
gain an edge but doesn’t want the recovery issues of steroid off-cycling, peptides may be the
way to go.
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OK, I want to talk about insulin here. I’m going to talk about how to use it properly, the
different types, and what to expect from it. But first and foremost I’m going to talk about
safety. Insulin is nothing to fuck around with. If you’re fairly new to the world of performance
enhancement and/or nutrition and training, don’t even consider doing something like insulin!!
Insulin can kill you quick. I’m talking about a dirt nap within a couple hours if you’re not
careful. HOWEVER, there are really only a couple ways you can fuck it up.
The biggest way to fuck up insulin is incorrect measurement. If I tell you to take 5 units of
insulin and you load up 5cc’s as you would a steroid shot, or even load up 5 units as you
would a HGH shot, you are probably going to die. 5 units of insulin means 5 tiny little lines or
“clicks” on an insulin syringe. It will look like hardly anything in the needle, this is powerful shit
and it doesn’t take much at all to do its job.
The second biggest way to fuck up insulin is to not eat properly after administering it. As a
general rule, for every 1 unit of insulin you inject, you need to take 10 grams of carbohydrates
with it. This needs to be done within 15 minutes of injecting insulin. Depending on what type
of insulin you use, you will want another meal within 60-90 minutes after that, and that will
be a solid meal including fats, proteins, and carbs. After getting familiar with insulin and how
your body reacts to it, you may find you can change the ratio to 7 grams carbs/unit of insulin,
or may need to raise it slightly, but for a first time insulin user, 10 grams/unit minimum, and
err on the side of overkill at first!!!
OK, now let’s get into the different types of insulin and what to expect. The first time I used
insulin was 13 years ago, I’m kind of experienced here, so listen up dammit!! The first type
of insulin, and the one most commonly used is Humulin-R. Humulin-R can be purchased
from a pharmacy without a prescription for around $20-30 a vial. That’s right, anyone off
the street can walk into a Walmart pharmacy and buy Humulin-R. This is an insulin with a 30
minute-1 hour onset, a 2-5 hour peak, and a 5-8 hour duration. This makes it a little more
unpredictable than a faster insulin because there is a much larger gap as to when it can peak.
You could eat a meal with adequate carbs and then 3 hours later you’re feeling hypoglycemic
(dangerously low blood sugar) and you better get more in you. But for purchasing/legality
issues, this is what most guys use. This is an insulin I would not recommend using more than
1 time/day. I’d use it post-workout and make damn good and sure you’re not using it within
4-5 hours of bedtime. You want to be awake with this stuff so you can deal with any issues
that are coming on from it.
The next type of insulin we will talk about is Humalog/Novolog. Humalog and Novolog are
the same type of insulin, just different brand names. It’s just like Sony and Panasonic. This is
a faster acting insulin with a 15 minute onset, 30-90 minute peak, and 3-5 hour duration. This
is an insulin that you can shoot more than once/day, 2-3 times/day injections are fine, but
you need to be cautious of insulin stacking. “Stacking” is when you take an injection, then take
another injection say 3-4 hours later, and even though you measured out x amount of units,
it was really like x+3 units because there was some residual left from your last shot. What can
happen is you misjudge carb intake and you think you had adequate carbs, but you really
fell short and can start getting hypo. I would recommend using Humalog or Novolog over
Humulin-R, it’s a faster onset, peak, and a shorter duration. You can know what to expect
from it a little easier than Humulin-R. Also, being able to use it 2-3 times/day will keep you
more anabolic and provide better gains.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Next we get into our long acting insulins, or 24 hour insulins. Lantus/Levemir - these are
the mack fucking daddys of insulins. You want some huge gains? Then run a slower acting
basal insulin behind a faster one such as Novolog or Humalog. There is no peak with Lantus,
its release is slow enough that your body adjusts to it before any side effects. It’s the safest
insulin you could use. Levemir is similar, but has a slight peak at 6-8 hours, though it’s nothing
noticeable in most cases. These insulins are usually shot before bedtime, with a 1.5 hour
onset, no peak (slight with Levemir, but not Lantus) and a 20-24 hour duration. This means
you’re anabolic all the time!! So this is like your basal anabolic machine gun, and adding a
faster acting insulin such as Humalog or Novolog is your grenade launcher. I’ve recently
packed on 16 quality pounds in only 4 weeks with this, and that is ONLY USING insulin and
my 150-200mg/wk testosterone replacement dosage!!! And to think if I was on cycle too?
Jesus Christ, what kind of gains would that yield?
Eating on Insulin
First off, I would highly advise against using insulin while strictly dieting. You just put yourself
in a very dangerous state with lower nutrients and calories on insulin. Not to mention, it is
easier to put on body fat with insulin if you’re not careful. I just don’t see the benefit of using
it while cutting body fat.
While using insulin, every few hours you should have a protein/carb source. We are not doing
anything like intermittent fasting, or carb backloading here. You will feed your body on a
regular basis throughout the day!!! Post injection of insulin should be 10 grams of carbs per
every unit of insulin!!! WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF A SHOT!!! And remember, with Humulin-R,
another meal with 40-60 grams of carbs, 40-60 grams of protein, and SOME healthy fats
should be eaten 60-90 minutes from that!!!
ALWAYS BE NEAR SUGAR AND FOOD. Actually, make sure it’s on you!! If you start feeling
sweaty, irritable, dizzy, shaky, hungry, thirsty, or getting cold sweats just know you’re probably
going hypoglycemic and you better eat some simple sugars pretty fucking fast!!!
BUY A GLUCOMETER!! These are fairly easy to use and it’s good to know what your glucose
levels are anyway, but even more so when using insulin. The electronic strips that you use
with the meters are a one time deal, they usually come in bottles of 50 strips. I’m not exactly
sure if you need a doctor’s script to get the strips or not, but I’d suggest going to your doctor
and asking him to write you a script for the diabetic test strips. Just tell your doctor that you
would like to start monitoring your glucose levels on a regular basis. Any doctor should write
a script for that.
NO MORE THAN 4-6 WEEKS ON INSULIN!!! You do not want to turn yourself into a diabetic,
therefore 4-6 weeks max!! It’s also difficult not to accumulate SOME body fat on insulin. I’d
follow it up with at least 12 weeks off. Humulin-R, Novolog, and Humalog can be used only
on days you train if you prefer, this would probably be better so your body does not get too
accustomed to it. Now with the 24 hour insulins like Lantus and Levemir, those you will need
to take every day.
Anyway, I’m not condoning using this stuff, and how you acquire it is up to you. I’m just telling
you how to use the shit safely and what to expect from it. But I’m not going to lie, when it
comes to gains in the gym this is some powerful shit!!! Insulin is the most anabolic thing you
can use.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has gained much more popularity in the past 10 years than
ever before. I can remember a time when everyone chalked up HGH as a waste of money,
and something that should only be used by top ranked bodybuilders. Nowadays, everyone
hypes HGH as if it was the holy grail of muscle building compounds. I’m here to tell you that
what you get out of HGH depends on three major factors. The three factors are the legitimacy
and quality, duration of use, and dosage amount.
Let’s first talk about the legitimacy of HGH. There is much more fake HGH floating around
than real HGH. There are only a couple manufacturers of HGH in the world, and they sell their
products to the different labs for resale. HGH costs a lot of money to manufacture, so usually
even black market kits of HGH go for at least a few hundred dollars per kit. Pharmaceutical
grade kits such as Norditropin or Humatropin will sell for more, at $600-$800 per kit. Now, let
me share this much with you: the largest individuals I’ve ever met who were running HGH had
no issues paying $600-$800 per kit of high quality HGH such as Humatrope or Norditropin.
They understood the price was for the legitimacy of the product and it got them results. I
would be very skeptical of the underground kits floating around these days. Right now the
Riptropins are coming in as the highest ranked HGH as far as generics go. Rips are good to
go, but definitely do your research on other brands of generic HGH. And remember: if the
price seems too good to be true, it usually is.
The second factor that determines results with HGH is the duration of use. HGH takes a long
time to see results from, usually a minimum of 12 weeks before seeing anything, and cycles
should be no less than 20 weeks. This is one of those deals where the longer you’re on HGH,
the better. This is due to short exposure times of HGH processing and IGF-1 exposure. HGH
causes the liver to produce IGF-1, which is ultimately responsible for the effects from HGH.
Well, the issue here is HGH works in pulses rather than a constant and steady release. This
is why HGH takes so long to see anything from, it’s those repeated pulses that are necessary
to see results. This is why splitting up your shots throughout the day is a wise idea, because
more pulses mean better results. Splitting shots up can also alleviate side effects that HGH
can cause.
The third factor that comes into play with results would be dosage. I’m going to tell you right
now that unless you are using 4-6iu’s/day you won’t grow much from HGH. Anything under
4iu’s per day is more in the fat loss zone and anti-aging range, and then 4iu’s and beyond
seems to be the range to use for growing.
Also keep in mind that with most generic HGH’s, under dosed vials are pretty normal now. So
what you think is 4iu’s per day may only be 2-3iu’s per day. It can definitely be a crap shoot
with HGH these days. Now pay close attention here to what I’m going to tell you. DO NOT
GO TOO HIGH ON DOSAGE RIGHT AWAY!!! It takes time for your body to adjust to HGH and
levels increased too quickly can cause side effects that you don’t want. I decided to jump from
4-5iu’s one week to 8iu’s the following week and I got sicker than a dog from it. I’m talking
projectile vomiting, loss of appetite, and felt sicker than I’ve ever been in my life for about
three or four days, and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO to feel better when this happens.
It just needs to run its course and those levels need time to drop back down to a point that
your body can handle. With HGH you want to start at about 2iu’s a day for a few weeks, then
go to 3-4iu’s/day for another month, then maybe increase another iu per day the following
couple weeks, etc.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Another thing about HGH that you need to know is it can knock your thyroid function down
over time, and it can also cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). It’s a very good idea to
start including small amounts of T-3 (thyroid hormone) in the equation once you get to 4iu’s/
day and beyond. 50mcg/day of T-3 is a good place to start. It’s also a good idea to include
insulin when you start going beyond 3-4 months with HGH. The insulin will help counter
the hyperglycemia HGH can cause, and including insulin can actually REDUCE the odds
of becoming diabetic from prolonged HGH usage. Many think insulin use will make them
diabetic, but it’s actually the opposite when on HGH.
The best way to run HGH is to blast and cruise as you would anabolic steroids. You dedicate
a 12 week time frame to different goals, and you base your goals around your dosages. For
example, let’s say you go 12 weeks at 6iu’s/day with 10iu’s/day of Novolog insulin and 50mcg/
day of T-3: the following 12 weeks you would be smart to back down to 2-3iu’s/day and cut
out the insulin and T-3. Remember, we want to counter some of the negative effects here, but
at the same time we don’t want our bodies totally reliant for good on the addition of these
HGH loves testosterone!! HGH by itself is basically very weak in producing gains and even
weaker in terms of strength gains, but with testosterone it works fantastically!! If you want to
know what most professional bodybuilders are doing nowadays to get the massive growth
they are getting, it’s high amounts of testosterone with HGH. Now, with that being said, the
addition of HGH can also get you better results on lesser amounts as well. What I mean by
that is you could take 500mg/wk of testosterone and look very good and defined while using
HGH, much more so than just test alone. But one thing about HGH you need to understand
is you will most likely get some water retention when you first begin HGH. But this subsides
pretty quick, and in due time, fat starts melting off since HGH increases your metabolic rate,
allowing you to eat more while losing fat as if you were dieting harder than you actually are.
HGH is great for anti-aging and feeling young again. The improved sleep is noticeable almost
right away, and it improves the elasticity of the skin and helps wrinkles go away. I remember
seeing a photo of myself one Xmas when I was on HGH, and I looked much younger in the
face than I usually do. For myself, I would have to say 2iu’s per day of pharmaceutical grade
HGH would be where it was at. This is simply because I’m pleased with my size already, and
I’d be looking for more anti-aging and fat loss benefits from it than anything else.
I’m not going to sugar coat this one. Side effects from HGH can be downright nasty. You will
notice that on some days you take off from HGH injections you’ll start to feel a lot better. I’m
not speaking in terms of a fat loss or anti-aging dosage but the amount of HGH you’d need to
inject to try and grow from.
Side effects of HGH may include:
EXTREME lethargy (to the point of not being able to safely drive a car sometimes)
Uncontrollable burping
Farts that would make a dog leave the room
Sulfur taste in your throat from time to time
Distended abdomen from intestinal growth
Acromology (growth of skull and facial bones)
Foot growth (it’s not uncommon to increase one shoe size)
Hand growth and finger swelling
Massive water retention (initially)
John Doe Bodybuilding
Increased risk of muscle tearing/joint issues
Organ growth
Thicker skin
Increased rate of tumor growth or cancer cell manifestation (if you have pre-cancer cells
to begin with)
• General feeling of brain fog
I’m sure I’ve left a few of them out somewhere in there. Some people can handle HGH better
than others. My best advice is to increase the amount VERY SLOWLY.
HGH Cycles
Weeks 1-4: 2iu/day HGH (taken in late evening), 500mg test (test enanthate, cyp,
Sustanon, or blend), ½mg/day Arimidex
Weeks 5-8: 4iu/day HGH (split shots up, 2iu earlier in day, 2iu before bedtime), 500mg
test, ½mg/day Arimidex
Weeks 9-12: 6iu/day HGH (split into 2 shots of 3iu, morning and night), 750mg test, ½mg/
day Arimidex, 5-10 iu/day Humalog, Humulin-R, or Novolog
Weeks 13-16: 8iu/day HGH, 5 days on/2 days off (split into 3 separate shots of 2iu, 3iu,
3iu, morning + afternoon + before bed), 1000mg/wk test, ½mg day Arimidex, 10-15 iu/day
Humalog, Humulin-R, or Novolog
Weeks 17-20: 8iu/day HGH, 5 days on/2 days off (split into 3 separate shots of 2iu, 3iu,
and 3iu, morning + afternoon + before bed), 1000mg/wk test, ½mg Arimidex daily, 1015iu/day Humalog, Humulin-R, or Novolog
When you take your insulin with this cycle you will take it just once post-workout in weeks
9-12, and then you’ll use it twice/day in weeks 13-16 and again in weeks 17-20. I recommend
before breakfast and then again post-workout, or if you aren’t training that day then before
dinner time.
(use at least 50mcg/day of T-3 when going over 4iu’s HGH Per Day)
Weeks 1-4: 2iu/day HGH, 200mg/wk Deca, 500mg/wk test (shot twice/wk), ½mg Arimidex
3 times/wk (Mon/Wed/Fri)
Weeks 5-8: 4iu/day HGH, 200mg/wk Deca, 750mg/wk test (shot twice/wk), ½mg Arimidex
every day
***split HGH into 2 shots
Weeks 9-12: 6iu/day HGH, 200mg/wk Deca, 1000mg/wk test (shot 3 times/wk), ½mg every
day Arimidex, 5-10iu/day of insulin taken post-workout or before dinner on non-training
days, 50mcg/day T-3
***split HGH into 2 shots
John Doe Bodybuilding
Weeks 13-16: 8iu/day HGH, 200mg/wk Deca, 1500mg/wk test (shot Mon-Fri at 300mg/
day), 1mg every day Arimidex, 10-15 iu/day insulin taken twice/day (i.e. 7iu before
breakfast, 8iu post-workout), 75mcg/day T-3
***split HGH into 3 separate shots of 2iu, 3iu, and 3iu, breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Weeks 17-20: 10iu/day HGH, 200mg/wk Deca, 1500mg/wk test (shot Mon-Fri at 300mg/
day), 1mg every day Arimidex, 20iu insulin per day (split into 2 separate shots of 10iu pre
breakfast, and either post-workout or before dinner), 100mcg/day T-3
Weeks 21-22: 2500 iu/wk HCG, 1mg/day Arimidex
Weeks 23-25: 150mg/day Clomid days 1-3, 100mg/day Clomid days 4-10, 50mg/day
Clomid days 11-20, drop to ½mg/day Arimidex during this time
Know your stuff about insulin before doing this!!! Insulin can kill you fast if you don’t
know about it!!!
***You can follow this cycle protocol with HGH to grow with it. Other compounds can
fill in for the Deca if you wish. I would run compounds that are safer to use long term,
such as EQ, Primo, or Masteron. If you use something harsher such as tren, I’d just
limit it to the first or second 10 weeks of the cycle, but not the entire time!!! It’s not
necessary to use any more compounds here; keep it simple and effective!! Test is really
what HGH wants here and there is no reason to be using a ton of other products.
In this cycle you will be using HGH to cut with and therefore you want to lose the insulin
(insulin promotes more fat gain). This would be a cutting cycle as if you were preparing for a
bodybuilding competition. You want to drop your HGH about 4 weeks out from the show, as
it does hold some degree of water.
24 weeks out from competition to 20 weeks out: 2iu/day HGH (5 days on/2 off),
500mg/wk test enanthate, ½mg every day Arimidex
19 weeks out to 16 weeks out: 2iu/day HGH (5 days on/2 off), 500 mg/wk test enanthate,
½mg every day Arimidex
15 weeks out to 12 weeks out: 4iu/day HGH (5 days on/2 off), 500mg/wk test enanthate,
½mg every day Arimidex
11 weeks out to 8 weeks out: 4iu/day HGH (5 on/2 off), 500mg/wk test enanthate,
300mg/wk tren, ½mg every day Arimidex
7 weeks out to 4 weeks out: 4iu/day HGH (5 on/2 off), 500mg/wk test prop, 300mg/wk
tren, 300-500mg/wk Masteron, 300mg/wk Winstrol, ½mg every day Arimidex
3 weeks out to showtime: drop the HGH, run your test prop at 500mg/wk and drop
at 10-14 days out, continue to use Masteron at 500mg/wk straight to showtime, bump
Arimidex to 1mg every day, continue on Winstrol at 300mg/wk right into show
***Take note that at the 7-8 week out mark we will be switching to test prop and
beginning Masteron and Winstrol!!
John Doe Bodybuilding
So do I think that taking HGH is worth it?
Well, it all depends on who you are and what you’re using it for. For someone who is
financially set and over the age of 40 years old, if it’s legitimate HGH that is taken at a fat
loss/anti-aging dosage,then yes, I think HGH is well worth it. For a kid in his 20’s who’s trying
to grow with HGH by dumping all of his money into it and taking amounts that cause gut
distension and acromology? Nah, I don’t think it’s worth it at all. HGH can ruin a really nice
body if you’re not careful. Some of the effects of HGH aren’t exactly reversible, and you don’t
want a nice, tight waist, to go to hell in a hand basket just because you wanted another 20
lbs of muscle mass. If you take too much HGH it can make you appear blocky and really
take away from your aesthetics. Does HGH work well? Yes it does, if it’s real!! But HGH, in my
own personal opinion, is certainly not the holy grail of bodybuilding or the end-all-be-all of
performance enhancement.
John Doe Bodybuilding
The cycles in this chapter are strictly for experienced users who respond well to higher
dosages of steroids and peptides. Admittedly, these are not dosages I myself use, due
to the fact that I don’t believe that more is always better, I’m not trying to become a
professional bodybuilder, and I cannot spend the money needed to run these types of
cycles, even if I wanted to.
You’ll see that ancillary compounds are at higher dosages for added safety. If you’re reading
this chapter then you should know by now what cycles to put together on your own. You
should know how to tweak something to fit your individual needs as well. These cycles are
layouts and to be used as templates. There is no perfect cycle. If you want to follow these
advanced cycles exactly as laid out, then be my guest. If you need to tweak them a bit, feel
free. Maybe you need to use 1 ampoule/day rather than 1500mg/wk out of a vial? Then
go with 1 amp/day instead. You get the idea right? These cycles are geared more towards
building size. There is no reason to use 1500mg/wk of Winstrol, or 2000mg/wk of Masteron.
These cycles are built upon more basic building blocks of raw size: testosterone, HGH, and
insulin. A guy using one of these cycles is probably already on hormone replacement, and if
he’s not, he’s cruising in that direction when these cycles are done with. Be smart…be safe!!!
***NOTE An ampoule is a sealed glass vial usually containing the premeasured amount
equivalent of one dose of a steroid injection.
***OPENING AMPOULES It’s easiest to open an ampoule by purchasing either an ampoule
opener or scoring the top of the amp with a kitchen knife and then quickly snapping off the
top. Just take a few swipes with a kitchen knife and then grab the very top and snap it off
quickly. Oftentimes there are small colored dots near the top of the ampoule, and that is
where you want to make your scour.
Weeks 1-12: 250mg/day Sustanon, 1000mg/wk EQ, 1mg/day Arimidex
Weeks 1-4: 3-4iu/day HGH, 20iu/day insulin (split up into twice/day shots: morning and
post-workout or pre-dinner on off days)
Weeks 5-8: 4-6iu/day HGH, discontinue insulin, use 2500iu/week HCG (split twice per
week at 1250 iu/shot) for weeks 7-8 (so total for the two weeks 5000iu HCG)
Weeks 9-12: 8-10iu/day HGH, 20iu/day insulin (same protocol as above or if you’re
experienced you can use pre-workout instead of post-workout)
After 12 weeks you will cut back to a bridge cycle of some sort and drop to 4-6iu/day of HGH
until week 20. I would possibly use insulin again on weeks 17-20, but something lower dosed
such as 10iu/day post-workout, or pre-workout for the experienced. During this time you will
use HCG at 500iu/week (dosed twice per week at 250iu/shot) for the remainder of the cycle.
Examples of a good bridge: 250mg/wk test, 50-75mg/day Proviron OR 250mg/wk test, 200mg/
wk of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (otherwise called NPP or “fast acting Deca”) OR 250mg/
wk of test, 300mg/wk Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate)
John Doe Bodybuilding
Test Enanthate/Tren/IGF-1 LR3/Anadrol
Weeks 1-12: 1500mg/wk test enanthate
Weeks 1-3: 100mg/day Anadrol
Weeks 1-10: 600mg/wk trenbolone acetate
***IGF-1 LR3 is to be used at 100mcg/day on training days only weeks 1-8
***Arimidex is to be used at 1mg/day throughout cycle!!!
***HCG is used at 250iu 3 times/wk throughout cycle
20 Week Primobolan Run
This is something I would definitely do if I had the extra cash. You run Primobolan Depot at
1000mg/wk for 20 weeks straight, and keep your test on the lower side (around 200-300mg/
wk). Although not necessary for 90% of guys, you can add Arimidex in at ½mg 3 times/wk if
you wish. You may want to add it in just in case your Primo was faked with EQ. I would only
suggest a legitimate Primo source. No other compounds needed here, a gram/wk of Primo
should build nothing but quality results over the course of 20 weeks!!!!
Weeks 1-6: 4iu/day HGH, 20iu/day Lantus, 20iu/day Novolog, 1500mg/wk test enanthate,
600mg/wk tren, 1mg/day Arimidex
Weeks 7-12: drop insulin, continue on trenbolone and test, 1mg/day Arimidex, take HGH
to 4-6iu/day, 1mg/day Arimidex, start T-3 at 50mcg/day
Weeks 13-17: 30iu/day Lantus, 20iu/day Novolog, drop test to 750mg/wk, HGH is at
8-10iu/day, drop tren, drop Arimidex to ½ mg day, increase T-3 to 75-100mcg/day
Weeks 18-20: back HGH down to 3-4iu/day, test dropped to 500mg/wk, drop insulin,
Arimidex continued at ½mg everyday, drop T-3
***HCG is used at 250iu 3 times/wk throughout cycle
CJC-1293(or 1295 without DAC)/GHRP-2/Test/Tren
Weeks 1-12: 300mcg/day CJC + 300mcg/day GHRP-2, 1500mg/wk test enanthate
Weeks 1-10: 600mg/wk tren
***Arimidex used at 1mg/day throughout
***HCG used at 250iu 3x/wk throughout
HGH/IGF-1 LR3/Novolog/Test/NPP
Weeks 1-6: 3-4iu/day HGH, 50mcg/day IGF-1 LR3 (training days only), 1500mg/wk test
enanthate, 4-600mg/wk NPP, 1mg/day Arimidex
John Doe Bodybuilding
Weeks 7-12: 4-6iu/day HGH, drop IGF-1 LR3, continue on 4-600mg/wk NPP + 1500mg/wk
test, begin using T-3 at 50mcg/day, begin Novolog at 20iu/day (taken twice/day at 10iu/
each, morning and post-workout), stay on 1mg/day Arimidex
Weeks 13-16: Begin IGF-1 LR3 again at 100mcg/day on training days only, HGH at
4-6iu/day, drop T-3, drop NPP, lower test to 750mg/wk, lower Arimidex to ½ mg/day,
discontinue insulin
Weeks 17-20: Increase HGH to 8-10iu/day, begin T-3 again at 100mcg/day, continue on
test at 750mg/wk, begin Novolog again at 30iu/day (10iu per shot taken 3 times/day), drop
***HCG used at 250iu 3 times/wk throughout
Weeks 1-12: 1500mg/wk test
Weeks 1-3: 100mg/day Anadrol
Weeks 1-6: 600mg/wk tren
Weeks 1-6: 4iu/day HGH, no insulin yet
Weeks 7-12: 6-8iu/day HGH, 20-30iu/day Novolog or Humalog, 75mcg/day T-3
Weeks 9-11: begin Anadrol again at 100mg/day for 3 weeks
Weeks 12-18: start tren again at 600mg/wk, increase HGH to 12-15iu/day, increase T-3 to
100-150mcg/day, lower test to 750mg/wk, stay on insulin at 20-30iu/day
Weeks 18-20: Anadrol is started again at 100mg/day for remaining 3 weeks of the cycle
Weeks 19-20: test stays at 750mg/wk
***Arimidex is 1mg/day throughout
***HCG is 100iu 3x/wk throughout
I know that is a hell of a layout, but to sum it up: the Anadrol is used at three separate 3 week
intervals throughout. The tren is used at two separate intervals during the cycle. The addition
of T-3 is used when the HGH dosage is increased beyond 4iu’s/day to keep thyroid function
under control. The use of insulin is necessary when HGH is taken higher, and although I
don’t normally recommend insulin for more than a 4-6 week interval, it’s necessary with the
amount of HGH in this cycle. The T-3 is also necessary with the amount of HGH in the cycle.
The test is cut in half from week 12-20 simply for the fact that I don’t need anyone to be
reliant on more test as even maintenance, so we don’t want to get too used to 1500mg/wk
forever, not to mention potential water weight. I could see gains of up to 40 lbs on this cycle.
John Doe Bodybuilding
I’ve used Synthol on two separate occasions and got nothing out of it as far as permanent
growth goes. There is all of this talk about Synthol stretching the muscle fascia and allowing
for more potential permanent growth, but I believe that is total bullshit. There is nothing
about the product that has any growth properties to it, and all it does is swell the muscle up
and put you in a decent amount of pain the entire time you’re using it. The only purpose this
product has is to swell up a muscle and bring up a lagging body part for a competition on a
higher level than what most people would even compete in. The bottles are these huge 100cc
bottles of oil and I ran through 2-3 of them the last time I used it, and it yielded NOTHING
The thing about Synthol is if you space out your shots evenly and know what you’re doing
with it, you can use it without your arm looking fake...to a point!! My arm still appeared hard
and large until I got to putting 3cc’s in each site. At that point the arm looked so swollen you
could tell something was in there.
Then it just became a maintenance deal where I’d drop a couple cc’s into my biceps and
triceps a couple times per week. I had my wife inject my triceps for me in two different sites,
and every time we would do the injections I’d make sure she aspirated the needle about
three times before putting anything into my arm. If you inject this shit into a vein or artery
you could die. The product is either going to be silica based or collagen based, and having this
travel to your heart, lungs, or brain can kill you. The best case scenario is a stroke, pulmonary
embolism, or heart attack that you eventually recover from. But death is very possible!!
Synthol in my opinion is not worth it. It’s a dangerous foreign substance that you don’t need
to be putting in your body. I listened to all the hype about the muscle fascia stretching and
permanent growth, and I knew not everyone who used Synthol looked like the few clowns
online with 28 inch biceps. If I felt like it yielded anything permanent then I’d tell you guys, but
unfortunately it doesn’t. I would go for trying to have a rock hard 17-18 inch arm over a soft
21 inch arm any day. Just to put things into perspective, in my 20 years of bodybuilding there
has maybe been a FEW times I’ve seen someone in the gym with a hard bicep over 20 inches!!!
Most guys with an arm this size have a soft arm. Even some professional bodybuilders have
an arm that looks soft to me.
It’s not worth using Synthol to have a larger arm, and you won’t just use 1 bottle of it to try to
accomplish this task. It’s going to take bottle upon bottle upon bottle of those 100cc bottles.
That means your body is full of that dangerous substance and what’s even worse is trying to
process it!! Your body is trying to rid itself of silica or collagen that is trapped in your muscles,
I will not even share with you how to “properly use Synthol” in this chapter. If you’d like to use
it then the best advice I could give you is to look up Synthol use online and follow the protocol
showing you all the different injection sites you need to use on your biceps and the few sites
to your triceps. This will only help you to the point of hopefully not having a morphed looking
arm from not injecting all required sites.
I will not promote people destroying a good physique, or using oil with no muscle building
properties or hormone to it. I’m not going to have you kill yourself for an extra 1 inch on your
arms that will soon go away when you stop using the stuff.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Stay the hell away from it, and take it from someone who has been there and done it!! There
are so many other good compounds or products you can take without wasting your money
on Synthol.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Why hormone replacement therapy?
No man was ever made to live a life that lacked greatness. No man was truly ever satisfied
with being mediocre and just scraping by. Even if mediocrity felt comfortable, man wasn’t
made to live in a comfort zone that would soon turn into his own self-destruction. We get one
shot at life and it goes by pretty fast! I want you to think about the happiest times in your life:
not the events, but the feelings you had when the events unfolded and you put forth some
real effort to make something happen. Now I want you to ask yourself one simple question:
are those feelings the same now as they were back then? Do you get out of bed pumped up
and ready to start your day? Or is it just another day of a living hell?
What I have found is that sometimes life isn’t as bad as we make it out to be. We mentally
turn small things into a major crisis, and it’s easier to do this as we age and our natural
testosterone production gets lower. Things like bills, money, that small dent in your car door,
or that annoying tree limb that needs to be cut down in your yard, none of these things are
really that bad!! But we mentally transform everything in our lives into some sort of damn
crisis because we become accustomed to a life of shit, because we constantly feel like shit!!
Nobody ever wanted to be the guy who sat on the sidelines and watched his kids play
baseball, or lacked the energy to chase them around the yard. It’s pretty easy to see that
the majority of men turn into programmed drones as they age, with every last bit of life and
enthusiasm sucked out of their bodies!! It’s easy to chalk it up as “just getting older” and
accepting boring everyday existence as normalcy. Sure, you may look forward to an annual
vacation, taking the boat out once a month, or your company Christmas party, but what is in
between all of that? I want to know why it’s not OK to feel like fucking Superman on a day to
day basis!! I’m here to tell you, YOU CAN, and life is passing you by faster than you think, so
you better pay attention to what I’m about to share with you.
There is a way to get your old self back. There is a way to become better than your old self, if
your old self totally sucked. It’s called testosterone replacement therapy.
I want you to clear your mind for a moment and forget about all of this natural versus
unnatural bullshit. You aren’t natural and you’ve never been. There isn’t anything natural
about taking headache medication, laying in a tanning bed, drinking soda’s and eating
French fries, or putting on the deodorant you wear every day before going to work. You think
because someone does a two week detox they erase damage they’ve done over the past 3040 years or so? Nah, it doesn’t quite work that way. Society and media have done a great job
at putting it in everyone’s head that if you take a hormone through a needle then you’re in
the same category as a heroin addict, and that is total bullshit!! But I’m here to fill you in on a
little something: replicating hormone levels from when you were 18 years old is a hell of a lot
closer to natural than all of the antidepressants doctors want to prescribe people now, since
they think that is the real solution to feeling like shit all the time.
I get a lot of guys who come to me and tell me, “I don’t want to have to take this stuff forever.”
Well what the hell kind of sense does that make? So they’d prefer to feel like shit forever?
There is such a stigma when it comes to taking a medication through a needle.
John Doe Bodybuilding
I’m a firm believer in that the medical community would prefer you to be sick all the time
so they don’t lose your business. Think about it for a second: if people got healthier and
stronger, they wouldn’t spend as much time at the doctor’s office. I believe that this is the
biggest reason that the medical board is cracking down on doctors who prescribe HGH, HCG,
Arimidex, and testosterone to men and women. Every year millions and millions of dollars
gets spent on clinical research for every other known disease, but yet they still think hormone
replacement is dangerous!!
The ironic part is what they prescribe a lot of patients with weakness, wasting syndrome,
growth disorders, muscular dystrophy, and other life threatening diseases. They prescribe
steroids!! So what the fuck sense does this make? I can take a steroid if I’m dying, but I can’t
take one if I just want to be healthier and get my energy and libido back. God forbid someone
takes something to feel better and potentially save their sex life, marriage, and overall sense
of well-being!!
I’m here to tell you how the other side lives. I take prescribed hormone replacement through
my doctor and I feel incredible. I have been on testosterone replacement for the past 3-4
years now. I needed to go on testosterone because I had used anabolic steroids since I was
about 19 years old and my natural production was pretty much gone. I knew this was the
road I was going down, and truthfully I didn’t mind it.
I was fortunate enough to have friends who were much older than I was and were a great
example of what testosterone replacement could do for someone. These guys didn’t act like
they were older and they outperformed guys in the gym half their age!! I never looked at
these guys as if I was hanging out with someone my father’s age because they didn’t act the
same. Age was just a number to these guys and it’s as if their life never missed a beat from
when they were 20 years old.
So no, it never bothered me when I got on hormone replacement. I think I probably
celebrated with a few drinks and said cheers to a new me forever. What I’m going to give
you in the next section of my book is all of the information you should know about hormone
replacement and how to do it safely. Who knows, maybe what you’ll read here will help
change your life forever.
How do I know if my testosterone is low?
Sometimes you may not think your testosterone levels are low. Your body is so adapted to
functioning on below average test levels that you have no idea. But as a general rule, you
will be experiencing extreme fatigue all the time, possibly a lack of sex drive, trouble burning
body fat, weakness, anxiety, and depression. You may have all of those symptoms or you may
just have a couple. When I was off testosterone for about 8 weeks prior to getting a script, my
anxiety was absolutely terrible!! It was the worst anxiety I’ve ever experienced in my life and
nothing in my life felt right.
But I knew what I was going through, that is the difference between other men and me. I
knew I just had to wait long enough for those levels to drop enough to get a prescription.
When I had my hormone levels checked my total testosterone count was only 89. Now, there
are a few different reference tables that are out there now, but generally anything that comes
in at 350ng/dl – 1100ng/dl is considered normal. But you have to go by the symptoms as well.
For example, I would probably feel like total shit with a test level of 450ng/dl while someone
else might feel fine. It’s very person specific.
John Doe Bodybuilding
Also, your estrogen levels have a lot to do with how you feel as well. Your testosterone may
be normal, but your estrogen levels may be elevated. So something like an anti-estrogen
may be all you need to take. But the first step in the process is getting to a doctor and
talking to him about getting your hormone panel tested. A good doc will check for your total
testosterone, your level of free testosterone (which is the actual testosterone your body can
use that is available at the time), your estradiol and estrogen levels, and your IGF-1 levels. It’s
also a good idea to have your thyroid checked, and before writing a prescription most doctors
will want to do a prostate check.
I highly recommend searching in your area for a doctor who specializes in anti-aging and
hormone replacement. You may find that an endocrinologist is the best option in your
place of residence. I would do my research first. You’d be shocked at how many general
practitioners know absolutely nothing about this topic!! They are afraid of prescribing
something they know nothing about and view it as a liability.
Types of Testosterone Replacement
To my knowledge there are three different types of testosterone replacement. You have
“AndroGel” which is a cream and sometimes comes in a patch. There are testosterone
pellets that you can have implanted every few months, and there is good old fashioned
injectable test!! I have never messed with creams, patches, or pellets. I think a bottle of
straight testosterone is the best possible option, because it’s a steadier release and won’t
have the constant elevation and drop of test levels. Not to mention I do not like the idea of
walking around with pellets in my ass or having to rub cream on my skin every day that could
potentially damage my skin or rub against someone and possibly cause them adverse effects.
I would opt for good old fashioned injectable testosterone!!
Now, a lot of doctors will want you to come into their office once every 2 weeks for a shot.
This is not optimal for me, because by day 9-10 after my shot I’m starting to drop lower. I
think 2 weeks is just too damn long to go between shots. Also, it’s more expensive since you
have to pay for every visit (or at least a copay) which is another reason why they want you
in there every 2 weeks. There is absolutely no reason you cannot do shots yourself in the
comfort of your own home. Once per week shots will make you feel much better than once
every couple weeks, trust me on that!! The standard protocol for 90% of men is 100mg of
testosterone cypionate every week or 200 mg every 2 weeks. This may not be enough to get
you to an optimal level.
I don’t want to be average; I want to be at the high end of hormone replacement. I take
200mg each week and that is enough to put me right around 1200ng/dl the day after my shot
and about 6-700ng/dl by around day 7 after the shot. The lowest I want to be at is 6-700ng/dl.
So for me, 100mg each week would not be enough. But for someone else it may be enough
to feel good and perform better. I don’t think I’ve been outside of that range now for the past
few years, and this is even when I use other steroids alongside my hormone replacement.
What to Look for in your Blood Work and Precautionary
I do not suggest hormone replacement for anybody who isn’t going to go into a doctor’s office
for regular blood work and checkups. When you simply “self-supplement” for an indefinite
length of time, you are playing with fire without knowing how your blood work looks on a
regular basis. Blood work is most commonly required once every 12 weeks, and your doctor
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will make you come in to have it done in order to renew the prescription and continue on
with testosterone injections. The insurance company may also require it, but just know that
most insurance companies will only cover labs that are performed 12 weeks apart from each
other. So the dilemma can often lay in a small gap of 2 weeks between your last shot and
when you’re eligible for another blood draw.
Allow me to explain more here: I get 200mg/wk of testosterone for 10 weeks, but I cannot do
my blood work until week 12, therefore I have a 2 week lapse. So with my regimen, usually
by about week 8-9 I am lowering my testosterone dosages so I can hit another shot between
the end of week 10 and week 11. This isn’t a bad thing, because the last thing you need is to
go in for your blood draw with higher levels than average. When your blood is drawn and
your test level is 600, then you’re fine, but if it’s 1200-1300ng/dl, then it may throw up a flag to
insurance providers, or even the doctor. With that being said, we want to ride on the higher
side of hormone replacement, so I strongly suggest making your last shot about 1 week
before the lab work or even cutting the shot to 100mg rather than 200mg.
Cholesterol Levels
Now, understand that I’m certainly no doctor here, but this is what I normally check for in
my blood work. Cholesterol levels are going to be a big one to look out for, and over time
testosterone replacement can increase bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol. Your
(LDL) is going to be your bad cholesterol and your (HDL) is your good cholesterol. I always
come in a bit lower on my good cholesterol and on the high end of average on my bad
But the biggest factor to look for is a total number which is basically a ratio for future “risk of
cardiovascular event” (AKA a heart attack). The ratio number on the chart for this corresponds
to a list of odds for “risk of cardiovascular event” and the odds are normally listed as “½
average risk, average risk, 1.5 times higher than average risk, 2 times higher than average
risk, and 3 times higher than average risk.” So keep an eye out on your cholesterol levels
during hormone replacement. The first few years on testosterone you may be fine, but things
may start creeping up on you down the road. Your blood work chart will have a reference
range next to your number and if anything is too high or low it will usually be highlighted.
Hematocrit Levels
The next thing on my blood work that I look for is my hematocrit levels. Hematocrit is the
measure of the percentage of red blood cells in your body. It does become easier to have
elevated hematocrit levels while on testosterone replacement therapy. When hematocrit
becomes too high, you are at a possible increased risk for a stroke. Dehydration can
also elevate hematocrit levels so make sure you’re drinking plenty of water on hormone
replacement, which you should be doing anyway. An elevation in red blood cells can enhance
performance to a major degree, which is the primary reason why endurance athletes do
blood doping (withdrawing blood for several weeks leading up to an event, and then pumping
it back into the body before the event). But prolonged elevation/too high of elevation can
be very dangerous and should be avoided. It’s best to keep your hematocrit and red blood
cell count in normal range. Honestly I float at the upper end of normal range, but if I hydrate
myself enough I can drop down into average range.
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Liver Values
The liver is one of the most important organs in the entire body. It’s responsible for hundreds
of chemical reactions in the body and used to detoxify the blood. Without a healthy liver,
you’re no good. The liver also plays a major part in protein synthesis, the production of bile to
break down foods, breaking down insulin as well as glucose production, and clotting factors.
The liver stores chemicals and other vitamins that are used by the body on a daily basis, and
stores iron that is used for the production of new red blood cells.
Liver values are expressed on a lab chart as 2 main values called “AST” and “ALT”. To simplify
what these values mean, they’re basically measures of liver damage or possibly tissue
damage from other places in the body such as your heart or kidneys (since elevated liver
values can also indicate damage in other organs in the body).
One thing to note here is if you work out on a regular basis these levels can simply be
elevated due to muscle damage. My liver values are always a little high and they’ve stayed
around the same markers for a number of years now. Each value is usually about 20 points
higher than normal. This doesn’t mean that my liver is unhealthy and not functioning
properly. There is a lot of mixed information on what unhealthy liver values are, despite a
common reference range on lab charts. When there is damage to the liver or signs of organ
damage somewhere else, these numbers may be elevated by a lot, or elevated by just a
little. Just know that if you lift weights a lot, it will almost always cause these two numbers
to be at the top end of normal range or slightly above normal range. In some individuals
these numbers can even double the top end of the normal range just from lifting weights!!
Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to keep close watch on them.
Triglycerides are the measure of fat content in your blood. You need some triglycerides to be
healthy, but too many triglycerides can lead to heart disease and metabolic syndrome. The
biggest factors that contribute to high triglycerides with most people are being overweight
and consuming alcohol. Other contributing factors include poorly controlled diabetes, an
underactive thyroid, and kidney disease. Triglycerides usually aren’t as big of an issue with
people who eat healthy and exercise, but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on them.
The Benefits of Donating Blood
Your doctor may want you to start donating blood if you’re on testosterone replacement. But
even if he doesn’t mention it, it’s never a bad idea to start donating blood to keep your organs
healthier and your lab numbers in check. Donating blood makes a huge difference in your
lab results and it’s a healthy practice to get into. It’s believed that women statistically outlive
men because they have a menstrual cycle each month for over half of their lives, and in this
process new blood is made as old blood is being flushed out. This pulls toxins out of the
organs of the body and is sort of like a detox for your body. Think of this as giving your body
an oil change!!
To donate blood you need to first find a donor center such as Red Cross or the organization
that handles blood donation where you’re located. You will have to fill out some paperwork
and/or an electronic questionnaire before you’re allowed to donate. This questionnaire asks
you all sorts of things about your health, sexual practices, tattoos, and travel in places outside
of your country. It usually takes about 15-20 minutes to fill this out and you will be required
to do it each time you donate.
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THERAPEUTIC REASONS!!! They aren’t supposed to take blood from people doing it for
therapeutic reasons. All they need to know is that you’re a good citizen and doing your part to
help out!!
Now, in many donor centers you have the option of donating “whole blood” or what is called
“double reds.” I always donate double reds. Donating double reds is only allowed every 120
days or so, and this process involves taking twice as many red blood cells as whole blood,
and pumping your plasma and platelets back into you. It’s pretty neat actually: during the
donation you can see the different parts of the blood getting separated into a few different
bags and then your arm gets a little cold feeling as the components of the blood get put back
into your body. I was a little squeamish the first time I did this, but after a few minutes it was
no big deal!!
Donating double reds usually takes me about 20-25 minutes or so, and I usually sit there on
my phone checking emails and doing whatever to kill the time. Donating whole blood only
takes about 10 minutes. With whole blood you’re allowed to donate every 2 months. A lot of
guys opt for donating whole blood, but I always just go with double reds. And in all honesty, it
does feel good knowing that my steroid tainted blood is helping to save lives!! I wonder who
out there is walking around with my blood in them?
After the donation they encourage you to have a snack before leaving. Sometimes I’ll hang
out and have some popcorn and a drink and talk to someone else there at the snack table.
All joking aside, it’s a very nice feeling when I donate, and the people there are very friendly
to me. It’s an even better feeling when I raid the snacks and drinks and bring home stuff for
the kids’ school lunches too. They haven’t complained yet, and a few times I’ve even gotten
T-shirts, bowling tickets, and coupons for free ice cream. Once you get over feeling like a
junkie with a needle in your vein, it’s actually a pretty decent experience!!
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There are certain steroids that work well alongside HRT. These steroids can be run for longer
runs in lower dosages and can provide the user with a smooth and steady increase in lean
body mass. These aren’t going to be big bang cycles such as your typical 8-12 week cycles, but
they provide quality and can be run safely for longer durations. Cycling in this manner may
appeal to a guy who doesn’t want increased side effects with higher dosages. Middle aged
men who aren’t looking to pack on a lot more mass but would rather be lean and healthy,
may opt for cycling in this manner as well. Veteran steroid users who have gained all of the
size they’re going to get in their earlier years may also choose to run some of these longer,
low dosed cycles.
The first compound I will talk about is Primobolan Depot. If you do your research on
Primobolan online, you’re going to notice that most people say anything less than 400mg/
wk is basically a waste. This isn’t true if you’re running a longer cycle alongside testosterone
replacement therapy. A cruising dosage of 200mg/wk alongside 200mg/wk of testosterone for
a time frame of 20-25 weeks can yield excellent results with nothing but quality!! Side effects
are basically non-existent and your routine blood work should not change to any significant
degree, and this includes your hormone panel as well.
20 Week Primo/Test/Cialis Cruise
Weeks 1-20: standard 100-200mg/wk test replacement therapy, 200mg/wk Primobolan,
½mg Arimidex 3 times per week, HCG at 250iu 2 times/wk, Cialis at 5-10mg/day
Another compound that works well alongside TRT is Deca-Durabolin or the shorter version
of Deca, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP). Dosing for Deca or NPP for a cruise cycle
alongside TRT will be 100mg-200mg/wk. Honestly, even at 100mg/wk you will experience the
joint improvement properties of Nandrolone and an increased sense of well-being. Believe it
or not the standard dose for a lot of old time bodybuilders was nothing more than a 200mg
shot of Deca once every 2 weeks!!
Remember, with Deca you’ll only need to inject once/wk but with NPP you’ll need to go twice/
wk. At this level of dosing, I don’t think I’d place any value on one over the other. NPP holds
a little less water when dosing gets higher, but at something such as 100-200mg/wk, you can
stay looking lean with a healthy diet and I wouldn’t even worry about this. Remember that
Nandrolone has a tendency to elevate blood pressure, so those with BP issues may want to
go with Primo instead of this one. But at only 100-200mg/wk of Deca, I still think 90% of men
could control their blood pressure with this compound.
20 Week Deca/Test/Cialis Cruise
Weeks 1-20: standard 100-200mg/wk test replacement therapy, 100-200mg/wk DecaDurabolin, ½mg Arimidex 3 times/wk, HCG at 250iu 2 times/wk, Cialis at 5-10mg/day
Another compound that works well for longer runs is Equipoise. Equipoise (or EQ) can be
run for longer durations just like Deca and Primo. EQ even at lower dosages can help with
vascularity and pump and may cause an increase in appetite, which depending on who
you are could be good or bad. I personally find EQ to be beneficial around 300mg/wk. It’s a
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slightly weaker compound than Deca is, and 300mg/wk is where I’d run it at alongside TRT.
EQ can also elevate blood pressure so again, keep an eye on that and if you have issues or
are already on BP meds, then I would steer clear of this altogether. EQ is also a bigger one for
elevating red blood cell count, so if you’re going to use this then it’s a good idea to make sure
you have your RBC’s in check. If you are regularly donating blood or are planning to donate
blood as talked about earlier, just know that if your hemoglobin is too high, they won’t let you
20 Week EQ/Test/Cialis Cruise
Weeks 1-20: standard 100-200mg/wk test replacement therapy, 300mg/wk EQ, ½mg
Arimidex 3 times/wk, HCG at 250iu 2 times/wk, Cialis at 5-10mg/day.
Let’s talk about another compound here that is an interesting one to run for a longer cycle,
and that is Masteron. This one is interesting in that it’s most commonly only run the last 6-8
weeks before a bodybuilding competition to bring about an increased level of hardness to the
muscles, but it’s mild enough to run much longer if you are already lean!! Masteron is a great
compound to run alongside TRT if you’re already very lean. I would not use this if you are not
single digit body fat already, but if you’re looking to make some dramatic changes on very
little, then 300mg/wk of Masteron alongside test replacement just may be the answer. This
would be something I would do for the summer time. A good 20 week run of Masteron with a
good diet and only 200mg/wk of testosterone can have you looking pretty damn good!!
The downside to this would be cost, as Masteron is going to be more money since it’s usually
only dosed at 100mg/ml and you’d be taking 3cc’s per week. Also, injection frequency goes
to 3 times/wk with Masteron. Some go every other day with it, but I have always gotten away
with 3 times/wk. There also may be some shedding issues with the hairline, as Masteron is
highly known for this. Usually I lose a little hair when I run Masteron, but it’s not until I get a
good ways into the cycle.
20 Week Masteron/Test/Cialis Cruise
Weeks 1-20: standard 100-200mg/wk test replacement therapy, 300mg/wk Masteron
(injected at 100mg/shot Mon/Wed/Fri), HCG at 250iu 2 times/wk, Cialis at 5-10mg/day
Optional - Arimidex at ½mg 3 times/wk (Masteron acts as its own anti-estrogen and the
chances of estrogen related side effects are slim to none with this, but ½mg 3 times/wk won’t
hurt anything). If hair-loss is a concern then look into running some finasteride with this cycle.
I can’t comment much on this because I’ve never used it, but I do know research chem sites
sell this online (liquid version) and it’s easily available.
The Perfect Oral to Run with HRT...Anavar!!!
Anavar just kicks ass, plain and simple. I’ve run Anavar more times than I could shake a stick
at, and it’s a fantastic oral compound with minimal side effects. The only side effect I ever got
from Anavar was a slightly upset stomach and it occasionally killed my appetite a bit. But this
was on higher dosages in the 80-100mg/day range. Anavar is just about the only oral other
than Proviron that I’d recommend using for longer durations than 4-6 weeks. A very safe
dosage of Anavar for men would be right at 30-50mg/day if using for longer periods of time.
I would throw Anavar into any one of those cycles I’ve listed above at 30mg-50mg per day
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for up to 12 weeks, no questions asked. Anavar can be pricey, but it’s a great addition to any
cycle!! I don’t think I’d go as long as 20 weeks with it, but I would have no issues going 12
weeks with it. It shouldn’t throw liver values off too much at 30-50mg/day. You may notice
slight elevations, but it’s nothing that you can’t improve once you come off and give it a
month. You could even run only Anavar alongside your test replacement dosage and get
some fantastic results.
Proviron is an excellent oral compound to run, but not very cost effective. The benefits of
Proviron are an increased level of muscular hardness, increased level of libido, and overall
it is a very mild oral compound that provides an excellent sense of well-being. The issue I’ve
always had with using Proviron is that the cosmetic results didn’t become very noticeable
until I got to 100mg/day. Commonly referred to as “the oral Masteron”, Proviron is just
too expensive of a compound for me to run very often. The increased level of libido and
muscle hardening effects are nice, but honestly nothing I couldn’t get with a little Cialis and a
different hardening agent such as Anavar tabs or Masteron. If you’re going to use Proviron,
50mg/day is the minimum amount I’d suggest, while 75mg-100mg/day is much more efficient.
For cosmetic purposes, you should use 75-100mg/day.
Now where Proviron beats out other compounds is the overall sense of well-being when
you’re on it. I never felt that great on Anavar. I didn’t feel that bad, but I didn’t feel like
superman either. Proviron gives you that “high on life” feeling. If you can afford it, try it out!!
This is another oral compound that can be run out longer than the harsher compounds such
as Anadrol, Dbol, or Halotestin. Cycles of 12 weeks are not uncommon with Proviron.
Every 4th Day Dosing
Another way I occasionally dose compounds is to go once every 4th day. I take a slightly
higher amount than I’d use if going the standard 2 days per week injection schedule and I hit
it every 4th day. So for example, if I was to inject on Monday then my next injection day would
be Friday. It’s the day you inject, 3 days off in between, and injecting again the following day.
So next week it would be Tuesday and Saturday, so on and so forth.
I might do something like 150mg of Primo every 4th day, or 125mg of Deca. I will load up my
test in the same syringe as another compound and I will inject them every 4th day. When
you’re on hormone replacement and you’re sticking yourself all the time on a regular basis,
this is a nice way to find a happy medium between using just a little bang with your test, and
not feeling like a pin cushion. This just allows you to go a little longer between injections while
still getting the added benefit of another compound used in a moderate amount safely.
I know guys who do this with other compounds that are recommended at “a minimum
of twice/wk”. They get away with it and have no issues, but these are older and very
experienced individuals. I would never go every 4th day dosing if you’re new to a steroid
that is recommended at 2-3 times/wk. It all depends on how you react to it. I can now run
shit that is supposed to be taken every other day and hit it twice/wk and be fine. Yes, I still
get great results. I believe the reason side effects are not as prevalent for me as many other
guys is because I’m always running a long chain test and usually an aromatase inhibitor
such as Arimidex or Aromasin, so sides such as estrogen fluctuation or the rise and fall of
testosterone are pretty much kept at bay. I would only suggest every 4th day dosing if you’re
more experienced.
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OK, now what I want to talk about here is something that I like to call “the overcompensating
effect”. The overcompensating effect is everything you need to do on hormone replacement
to outweigh any potential risks involved with testosterone replacement. Remember how I
talked about being on testosterone replacement for a few years and having no health related
Well what I’m talking about here is how to take care of you for the long haul. I believe that
under proper medical supervision, with regular blood work, testosterone replacement is
relatively safe IF YOU LIVE A HEALTHY AND ACTIVE LIFESTYLE!! But just know that eating clean,
keeping up on your cardio training, and avoiding certain addictions and vices in life becomes
even more important when you’re on TRT.
Things such as donating blood, cardio training, and clean eating are what will outweigh any
potential risks that would be involved down the road if you were at risk for any negative
outcome under testosterone replacement. I believe risks to be very minimal if everything is
intact, and I also believe the health consequences of low testosterone far outweigh any risks
involved with replacement therapy. But with that being said, if you’re using testosterone as
a quick fix for a lazy lifestyle, if you are an alcoholic, constantly eating junk food, smoking
cigarettes, or anything else that can negatively impact your health, then you may have
worse health effects by adding in hormone replacement or running any type of testosterone
derivative for any prolonged period of time.
I’ve talked about donating blood on the regular, but what else can you do to stay as healthy as
possible while walking around beyond what nature had intended your hormone levels to be
at your age?
Well, I would keep up with the cardio on a regular basis for starters. This doesn’t have to
be a cardio machine either; short rest periods between sets at the gym are very beneficial
for elevating your heart rate as well. Your heart is the most important muscle in your body
and chances are if you have been using steroids for a long time, then your heart is already
enlarged to some degree. A slight enlargement of the heart isn’t a big issue, but a significant
enlargement of the heart can be.
Eat Less
I would strongly suggest a diet that is lower in calories than what you are eating now or may
have eaten 10 or 20 years ago. It’s been statistically proven that people who eat lower calorie
diets live longer. You don’t need to starve yourself here, but very few men beyond the age of
35 years old should be eating more than 3,000 calories a day on a regular basis.
I have been living off a diet that is less than 3,000 calories a day for the past 3-4 years now
and it hasn’t had much of an effect on my muscular development. I still walk around at a
lean 220+ lbs and if you ask me, even that is too much weight for someone of my height to
carry beyond 35 years old (I’m 5’9” and single digit body fat). Whether it’s fat weight or muscle
weight, it’s not good for your heart to have to work that hard throughout the majority of your
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life. As you get older and walk around heavier for a long period of time, it certainly doesn’t get
any easier to lose the weight. If you’re overweight, I would strongly suggest working on this
right now. It may be difficult at first, but our bodies are pretty good at adapting to change. I’m
willing to bet if you could get those calories down for a month or so you would get used to it.
I have found that as I’ve aged it just gets harder to relax sometimes. I suggest finding an
activity that helps you relax and practicing this on a regular basis. Whether it’s a breathing
technique, a yoga class, relaxing in the sauna or jacuzzi, or sitting on a park bench enjoying
some scenery, just get into something on a regular basis that will help wind you down and
Maybe a new bed would help you relax more at night so you could fall asleep easier, or
a routine massage every couple weeks. How about an oxygen bar or one of these new
hyperbaric oxygen chambers that are springing up? I’ve had people tell me these places have
improved their sleep a lot.
You may also want to get a sleep study done, and if you have sleep apnea, then focus on
losing weight or wearing a CPAP mask at night so you’re better rested the next day. Relaxing
and proper rest plays a vital role in heart health, and personally speaking it’s one of my
biggest downfalls.
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I thought that this would be a good way to wrap this book up. I want everyone reading this
to remember that without your health, there is no physique!! When a guy tells me that he
is planning some crazy ass cycle, my question to him is, “And then what?” That is the thing
about steroid usage: the cycle will eventually end and then you need to come up with another
game plan. For me, the game plan is back to hormone replacement therapy until the next
cycle. But for the bulk of beginner to intermediate users, they will need to take enough time
off between cycles, or they’ll need to be on hormone replacement if they ever want to have
a normal life and function properly. It helps to look at the big picture sometimes and a lot of
guys just live for today and never plan on tomorrow.
Another point I want to mention is that statistically most big guys are more likely to have
heart complications and strokes. Getting up to a shredded 250 lbs is impressive, and even
though it’s muscle, it’s more body mass that your heart has to pump blood to and carry
around. Sure it may be fine to carry around for a little while, but as you get older you need to
strongly evaluate what you’re doing if you want to live a long life.
I stay around 220-230 lbs in single digit body fat about 80-90% of the time. I’m at the point in
my life where I wouldn’t care if I only walked around at a quality 200-210 lbs, but I’m carrying
too much muscle to lose that kind of weight easily. I would almost have to stop working out
altogether for a while to lose that size and that isn’t going to happen because I’d go crazy. I
have been as heavy as 260 lbs before at 5’9” and I wasn’t what most people would consider
“fat” at this size. So even walking around now at 220 lbs is on the lower end of the spectrum
for what my body is used to. Think about that as you’re building yourself bigger and bigger.
You may want to find a happy medium that looks great and is also healthy. Walking around at
250+ lbs may be fine for a few years, but when you start carrying that kind of size around half
of your life or more, then you may be looking at health problems down the road.
When you listen to me talk about donating blood, getting regular labs drawn, doing cardio,
maintaining a diet of 3,000 calories a day or less on most days, this isn’t because I’m not
hungry or I enjoy getting blood drawn from me like a guinea pig. It’s because I know what
kind of lifestyle I chose and all of these things have become necessary to live a decent
quality of life. I love bodybuilding and almost everything I’ve done in over half of my life has
been focused on building the best body I can. But I also love waking up every day and going
outside. I love throwing a football in the yard with my son or having a drink on the beach and
watching the waves crash. I don’t want to die young because I have other things in my life to
live for besides just going to the gym.
It’s not steroids that are dangerous when used wisely and in moderate dosages. Rather, it can
be factors that stem from prolonged or abused steroid usage that contribute towards health
issues down the road. Things like elevated hematocrit, high blood pressure, elevated cortisol
levels, decreased insulin sensitivity or production, liver and kidney failure, enlarged prostate,
and a host of other health effects can come from steroid abuse over the years.
Most very large individuals in this game just don’t live as long. We are just beginning to see
this because the guys prior to around 1985-1990 didn’t have the type of mass that the guys
carry around today. There are a few retired Olympia contenders from the early 1990’s that
have gotten smart and trimmed down or totally revamped their lifestyle. You don’t see Lee
Haney or Dorian Yates still walking around with the size they had in their competitive days
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now do you? Kevin Levrone is a great example of someone who walked away from it all and
changed his training regimen/lifestyle to put health before looks. He looks like a normal/inshape guy now. There are a couple others who tried to hold the same level of size throughout
retirement, and they recently dropped dead just before 50 years old. Now, I’m not saying that
those people wouldn’t have had health issues anyway, but I firmly believe your odds increase
as you walk around at a larger body mass throughout the bulk of your life.
Guys are going to do what they want and there is nothing wrong with that. I have friends right
now that probably won’t see another 10 years out of life. They don’t go into the doctor for
checkups, they have no idea how their blood work looks. They just keep using more and more
gear. What’s even worse is they’ve accepted the fact they may die young, and they don’t care.
They have gotten so deep into this lifestyle that the fear of death is non-existent. But what if it
doesn’t come in their sleep? What if it comes at the expense of being bed ridden for years or
suffering through something terrible before they finally keel over? I’m sure by then the hardass attitude would change. Nobody gets softer and realistic until shit starts happening.
If you’re a beginner and you’re reading this I’m going to give it to you straight. You aren’t
going to just run one or two cycles of steroids and look like some superhero. You will keep
very little, if any of those gains. With all the recovery in the world, and dosages taken as high
as you wish, when you discontinue steroids you will go back to normal. I’ve talked about the
physiological changes and how they correlate to retainable size gains before. Basically you
need to walk around at a certain size for so long before your body gets accustomed to it
and it becomes the new norm. You don’t use steroids just one, two, or even three times and
change permanently. You have to use them again and again.
What I want you guys to think about is how you’re going to go about doing that if you need to.
If you eventually get to a point where you need to be on hormone replacement, are you going
to have the health insurance to cover it? What if ordering steroids becomes so dangerous
and risky that people start getting caught left and right? Are you going to have the legal
means to get testosterone and everything you need along with it to live a decent quality of
Listen, I understand that bodybuilding is one of the biggest joys in the world for a lot of guys
and is one of their greatest accomplishments. To take your own two hands and build your
body as if it was a skyscraper is an endeavor and accomplishment that very few will ever
know, or accomplish. But there are things in your life that shouldn’t get put on hold for it. If
you truly love this lifestyle, then you’ll do what it takes to be smart and look for longevity in it!!
Don’t push away people who care about you for bodybuilding and steroids. The biggest piece
of advice that I could give anyone reading this right now is to find a way to work bodybuilding
and steroid use into life, not work life into bodybuilding and steroid use. Look back on your
life and accomplishments and be proud; do not look back with regret about what you never
had because you tossed it all away for syringes and muscles. If I found a way to make this
lifestyle work for me, I’m sure others can too. Be smart, be safe, and give this life every
fucking thing you can bleed out!!
Over and out.
John Doe has decades of experience in the world
of bodybuilding. His frank and candid approach
to sharing his wealth of information has made
johndoebodybuilding.com a popular spot for those
interested in building a better physique.
This book isn’t just about the weight room, it’s a book that
provides the reader with the outlook and mindset of a
Becoming the Bull follows a once shy teenage kid through
the hurdles of life, while laying out workout plans and
phases of development that brought the man behind John
Doe Bodybuilding to where he is today.
Here are just a few things covered in this book:
• The truth about supplements and steroids
• Taking natural training further than you thought
• Bouncing back from set-backs
• High intensity principles that work!
• Taking what you want in life
• Muscle building and nutrition that makes sense and
realistic plans that are sustainable!
Visit becomingthebull.com for more information
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amassed more than 140 posts
on subjects related to the life of a
If you are interested in more
information outside of the pages of
his books or want to contact him, this
is the place to do it.
Visit johndoebodybuilding.com