Uploaded by Joverose Villamor

Climate Change: Effects & Prevention Research

Climate change may be due to natural processes, such as changes in the Sun’s radiation,
volcanoes or internal variability in the climate system, or due to human influences such as
changes in the composition of the atmosphere or land use.(Nordhaus, W.D. and J. Boyer,2000)
But as the time passed man has polluted the environment at a large scale. The
temperature of the Earth has been increasing year by year in the last few decades. The earth’s
temperature has been increased by 3% and scientists explained that it will increase in the
Considering the increasing rate of the Earth's temperature cause by natural or mostly
human doings this study aims to know how we can prevent this issue that's been going on
since a long time.
Preliminary Literature Review
Impacts of Climate Change
°One of the most important impacts expected from climate change is to deteriorate health. Its
size may be understated since estimates are largely incomplete. The number of additional
deaths coming from an increase in temperatures has been estimated only for specific diseases
(Malaria, heat- and cold-related cardiovascular mortality, heat-related respiratory mortality).
Furthermore,the indirect consequences of climate change on health through food availability,
water constraints, air quality or conflicts induced by climate change are mainly
unknown.(Fankhauser 1995, Nordhaus, 1991, Tol, 2002):
°Climate change can increase or decrease energy consumption and water resources and
demand. The impact is expected to strongly depend on regions, with warm regions being more
negatively affected than cooler ones. (Fankhauser 1995, Nordhaus, 1991, Tol, 2002):
The literature also suggests that there is a large range of uncertainty surrounding
these estimates. First, physical impacts are only partially understood. The incompleteness of
estimates is an upward risk (regarding health and extreme events for instance).
Statement of the problem
The main problem statement of the study:
" What are the measures we can do to prevent this climate change?"
° to determine the effects of this phenomena
°to determine the solutions to consider to prevent climate change.
1. Renewable energies
Changing our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy. Solar, Wind, Geothermal
and biomass could be the solution.
2. Sustainable transportation
Our transport methods must be aligned with environmental requirements and reduce their
carbon footprint. It is essential to rethink our transport methods from the design stage towards
eco-friendly transportation.
3. Air pollution prevention
Many methods exist to prevent, control and reduce air pollution, in particular by reducing the
consumption of fossil fuels, and limiting industry emissions and waste.
4. Waste Management & recycling
The simplest solution to reduce waste is to adapt our production methods to our consumption
patterns. The recycling process must also be taken into account in our consumption habits.
5. Sea and Ocean preservation
Oceans and seas are the largest storage of greenhouse gases and are an exceptional support
system for life on this planet. Limiting overfishing, unsustainable development activities in
coastal areas and the consumption of environmentally friendly products is now essential.
6.Circular economy
Use the 3 r's of circular economy (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to significantly reduce our waste
and avoid unnecessary production of new items.
Fankhauser, S., R. Tol and D. Pearce (1997), “The Aggregation of Climate Change
Damages: A Welfare Theoretic Approach”, Environmental and Resource Economics 10:
Nordhaus, W.D. and J. Boyer (2000), “Warming the World: Economic Models of Global
Warming, The MIT Press, 2000
Joverose M. Villamor
San Jacinto National High School
January 18, 2021