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AVAS Contract-Malachi Parker-converted-signed-signed

This document serves as an agreement between both parties on the terms and conditions in
accordance to AVAS Connect (hereafter referred to as VA or callers- call center agency)
and Malachi Parker (here after referred to as client) work hours, performance, and
responsibilities will be mentioned here in.
Caller/VA will use an auto dialer or manually dial to measure and record outbound and inbound
calls. As a highly competent appointment setter, Caller will bring a resourceful and self-directed
energetic attitude to his role and maintain an exceedingly efficient and professional environment
while cold calling for client.
Caller/VA will make sure to generate as many appointments or follow ups as they can per day.
Success is having at least 100 to 200 conversations per hour using Calltools dialer per caller
with accurate property leads and setting at least 2-5 qualified leads per day.
Caller/VA will record how many calls were made and appointments were set every day after
working shift so that both parties, client and manager can keep track of the dialing hours.
AVAS Appointment Setters will manage and provide an efficient and effective cold calling
script to help set and generate a higher volume of appointments every day. Client may also
provide a script to be used.
● Caller/VA will be paid $5 USD per hour/caller, with a 4 hours a day shift for a total of 20
hours a week. With no management fee and sign up fee.
● Malachi Parker and AVAS Connect agreed to provide 1 caller to start. (Additional callers will
be provided per client’s and manager’s agreement.)
● It is management’s responsibility to make sure quality of leads are of the of utmost standard.
And that caller is performing up to par with client’s business needs and the standards of this
work contract.
● There will be a one-month period of contract in using cold calling services. A contract
extends per client’s and caller’s agreement.
● Client will be given an exclusive caller only for his campaign. And can also replace his caller
if performance satisfaction is not met.
● Payments will fall every Saturday or Sunday.
● Payment method is via PayPal.
● PayPal official email address: roberts.rex000@gmail.com
Terms and services mentioned above are agreed by both parties
Malachi Parker
Signature: ___________________________
Date: __________________________
AVAS Connect Campaign Manager
Signature: ___________________________
Date: __________________________