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Meet-Point Cafe

Karki 1
Phanindra Upadhaya
Advanced Graduate Writing Workshop
IACER, Kathmandu
Dibendra Karki
5th March, 2012
A table in a little dark corner welcomes us in the Meet- Point Café, New Baneshwor.
He dials keys on his LG Optimus android cell phone, and a wheat-white, dark-haired and
slightly round-faced beauty shines at once and sits in front of us. He makes us introduced one
another. My heart starts jumping with joy due to her eye-catching sight. They start talking
about romantic things, I am without word. He calls a waiter and asks for a Hukkah, hubblebubble called Sisha that may contain different flavor of smells. A set of hukkah having a
snake-like pipe stands there immediately. He starts smoking holding its tip. He then offers
me. I am curious but afraid because it is the first time I ever smoke hukkah. Anyway I try it
and smoke lightly with a fear whether there is any danger. But I find it little softer than I have
Three cups of coffee accompany us after a while. My eyes don’t want to stop looking
at her even a chunk of second. My attention is on her rather than hukkah, coffee, and their
talks. She hardly looks at me so that my eyes get chances to enjoy her hypnotic beauty. The
sun glasses on her head suits her much more. She looks foxy in her black kurtas and slightly
pink sweater that entice me every time. The large-eyed girl gets shy in some pranks made by
my male friend beside me. That shyness matches her. Her sweet smile mesmerizes me so
much that I want to drink it. Trimmed eye-brows prove that she has recently gone to parlor.
How come her full lips are blooming like roses? My sight doesn’t go beyond the raised
Karki 2
breasts. Lovely hands placed on her thighs move sometimes here and there when she talks.
The nail polish adds much charm on her moderate fingers. Normal flat black sandals easily
prove that she is not to be heightened to show others. She is okay in height.
Her voice is as pleasant as the bubbling water of hukkah at its bottom while smoking.
The bubbling is synchronized with the music “my heart goes salalalalah in the sunshine…..”
played in the café. She doesn’t hesitate when she easily accepts his offer of smoking hukkah.
I use my napkin to wipe out the pipe tip when my friend, the boy smokes whereas I don’t do
so after she smokes because she has just put her full lips on it. That thing sensitizes me as if I
feel like kissing her. I am worried because the moment with her is going to be shortened as
the coal of hukkah at its top. To lengthen the stay with her, I call the waiter once again and
ask for yet another hukkah. Immediately, it is brought and that last for an hour more.
However, we depart from there finally at six. I get back home playing with different thoughts
about her. I try to control myself when I am distracted while biking.