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Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE Practice Test

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Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Question No : 1
In the image below, what does the “Remove” command in the Navigation window in CATIA
A. Hide the objects from the product structure view in the current session
B. Delete the data from the database
C. Disconnect the data from the next higher assembly
D. Delete the instances only and not the references
Answer: A
Question No : 2
When a BOM Engineer increases the quantity of a part by 1 or n, how is it communicated
to the CATIA V6 Designer?
A. The BOM Engineer reviews the change with Designer so that the Designer can make
necessary changes on the Design side
B. The command “Synchronize with Enterprise” will be used by the CATIA V6 Designer
C. The command “Synchronize with Engineering” adds the instance(s) in the CATIA
product structure to be positioned correctly
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
D. The BOM Engineer manually adds the instance(s) on the CATIA Product Structure to
keep it in synchronization with EBOM
Answer: C
Question No : 3
The Authoring window within CATIA V6 is NOT used for what?
A. Navigate and filter a working design environment
B. Make positional updates on the 3D data
C. Modify engineering constraints on the 3D Assemblies
D. Create and modify the 3D design data
Answer: A
Question No : 4
Where are the CATIA V6 assemblies managed?
A. They are managed within ENOVIA V6 database
B. They are managed in CATProduct files
C. They are managed within File Stores
D. They are managed with ENOVIA Designer Central
Answer: A
Question No : 5
The Navigation window within CATIA V6 is used to do what?
A. Browse and filter the necessary 3D data
B. Make design changes to the 3D data
C. Create Engineering constraints between parts
D. Make positional updates on the 3D data
Answer: A
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Question No : 6
The Sheet Editor function in VPM V6 is used to:
A. Modify the attributes of more than one object at a time
B. Modify multiple attributes of a single object at a time
C. Save the changes on the attributes of an object
D. Delete the attributes of multiple objects at a time
Answer: A
Question No : 7
Which statement is NOT a benefit of the Minor Version capability within CATIA V6?
A. It makes changes on released data involving a form, fit, and function change much
B. It eliminates manual rerouting of all the related data to the data being versioned
C. It eliminates bubble up versioning of the next higher assemblies that are released
D. It removes any impact on other teams for changes that do not alter Engineering intent
Answer: A
Question No : 8
What does the Effectivity on a CATIA V6 object mean?
A. Effectivity is an expression that tells a CATIA V6 Part or Assembly what Product
Configuration it belongs to
B. Effectivity defines the duration for which the Configuration Features remain active on a
CATIA object
C. Effectivity is an expression that tells an EBOM part what Product Configuration it
belongs to
D. Effectivity is the effective date from which a part will be rolled out in the Product
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Answer: A
Question No : 9
When the CATIA V6 Designer makes design changes, how are they communicated to the
Engineering Bill of Material?
A. The CATIA Designer reviews the changes with BOM Engineer so that the BOM
Engineer can make corresponding changes in the EBOM
B. The Compare option allows comparison of EBOM and CATIA V6 product structure to
understand the changes
C. The Designer uses the “Synchronize with Enterprise” command within VPM V6
D. The designer uses the “Synchronize with Engineering” command within Engineering
Answer: C
Question No : 10
Using the Duplicate function with CATIA V6, you can:
A. Duplicate existing design data with new naming
B. Duplicate existing data maintaining links to source data
C. Create a new version of the data
D. Duplicate the instances pointing to the same references
Answer: A
Question No : 11
Which one of the following is NOT the capability of the Configuration filter in CATIA V6?
A. Instant access to the 3D design for any pre-defined product configuration
B. Instant access to the 3D design for any ad-hoc configuration filter
C. Validation and evaluation of 3D design for any product configuration
D. Define configuration rules between the feature options according to business rules
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Answer: D
Question No : 12
Using the New Evolution function with CATIA V6, you can:
A. Duplicate existing design data with new naming with no history of source data
B. Duplicate existing data with new naming while maintaining links to source data
C. Create a new version of the data to capture a product snapshot at that time
D. Promote the lifecycle of the data prior to making updates
Answer: B
Question No : 13
What does transfer ownership on an object do within VPM V6?
A. Provides the access rights to another user to modify the object
B. Unlocks the objects so that another user can lock it and modify it
C. Transfers the location of control of the object
D. Synchronizes the object from CATIA Design to the EBOM
Answer: A
Question No : 14
Business Objects of the same type in your system, will typically differ in what? Select the
best answer.
A. Lifecycle
B. Name and Revision
C. Owner
D. Vault storage location
Answer: B
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Question No : 15
When you run a report from the Business Metrics module, what format is NOT available?
A. Tabular (similar to Excel)
B. Bar Chart
C. Line Chart
D. Bubble Chart
Answer: D
Question No : 16
In the Connect dialog box, which button allows you to browse and select a 3D XML data file
for connection?
B. Options...
C. More...
D. Cancel
Answer: C
Question No : 17
Which of the following 3D Search tools will you use, if you want to select all the objects
surrounding a particular part?
A. Box Selector
B. Pick Selector
C. Proximity Selector
D. Sphere Selector
Answer: C
Question No : 18
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Which of the following contextual commands will you use to retain only the selected parts
of a big assembly in your Navigation session?
A. Examine
B. Explore
C. Keep
D. Remove
Answer: C
Question No : 19
When creating a route task, if “Approve” is selected in the action field, the task assignee
A. Choose an approval status only
B. Enter a comment only
C. Mark the task complete only
D. Enter a comment and choose an approval status
Answer: D
Question No : 20
Which of the following statements gives access to a V6 CATIA Designer to the
Configuration Features defined by a Product Manager?
A. Configuration Features need to be published using command “Synchronize with
Engineering” for CATIA V6 Designers
B. Configuration Features managed with Variant Configuration Central are directly
accessible within VPM V6
C. Integration between the Variant Configuration Central and VPM V6 needs to be set up
according to business processes
D. Configuration Features managed in Variant Configuration Central are not accessible to
CATIA V6 Designer
Answer: B
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
Question No : 21
Which of the following commands will you use to see to which assembly does a selected
part belong?
A. Explore All
B. Examine All
C. Explore Parent
D. Properties
Answer: C
Question No : 22
A CATIA V6 assembly can be exported into STEP format from which window?
A. Authoring
B. Navigation
C. 3DLive Examine Window
D. 3DLive Review Window
Answer: A
Question No : 23
Which of the following statements is TRUE about Product Configurations defined in Variant
Configuration Central accessible to the CATIA V6 Designer?
A. It is not possible
B. Product Configurations defined within Variant Configuration Central have to be
published to Engineering for CATIA V6 Designers
C. When the Model from Variant Configuration Central is attached to the CATIA V6
Product, all existing Product Configurations are available on the Product
D. Designer needs to manually recreate these Product Configurations within CATIA V6
Answer: C
Question No : 24
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
What is an Issue?
A. A “mini“ Task + Project + Workflow to track current problems
B. A thread that people can view and make comments on
C. An ENOVIA object that causes an ECO (Engineering Change Order) to be created
D. A notification that an object has been changed
Answer: A
Question No : 25
Which tool allows the Designers to bookmark a specific CATIA V6 Product or 3D Part for
subsequent easy access?
A. Favorites
B. Folders
C. Filters
D. Saved Search
Answer: A
Question No : 26
Which of the following methods will you use to save a search for later reuse?
A. Use Advanced Search options
B. Propagate to database
C. Export to a file
D. Add to Favorites
Answer: D
Question No : 27
Which option allows the user to retrieve the next higher assembly of any CATIA V6 Part or
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
A. Favorites
B. Impacts Graph
C. Explore Parents
D. PLM Compass
Answer: C
Question No : 28
What does this icon indicate?
A. There are multiple files
B. The file is not under version control
C. The document in not under revision
D. The latest version of the file is being viewed
Answer: A
Question No : 29
Which of the following tools will you use to start a Co-Review session with a colleague?
Dassault Systemes ENOV613X-3DE : Practice Test
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question No : 30
Which one of the following does the PLM Toolbar at the bottom of CATIA V6 interface NOT
A. Collaborating with People
B. Searching data
C. Propagating modifications to database
D. Applying configuration Filter
Answer: D
Question No : 31
Which of the following is NOT of the three value propositions of the 3DExperience
A. Reduce Time to Market
B. Reduce Total Cost of Ownership
C. Reduce Number of Engineering Changes
D. Increase Operational Efficiency
Answer: C
Question No : 32
What license is required for ENOVIA Team Central workspace usage?