Uploaded by Carvey Ehren Maigue

Medium Length Line Nominal T Method Lab Report

Experiment No. 2 – Medium Length Line Nominal T Method
Name: Carvey Ehren R. Maigue
Experiment No. 2 – Medium Length Line Nominal T Method
Fig 1.0
Fig 1.1
Fig 1.2
Fig 1.3
Fig 1.4
Fig 1.5
Fig 1.6
Experiment No. 1 – Short Line Investigation
Fig 2.0
Fig 2.1
Fig 2.2
Fig 2.3
Fig 2.4
Fig 2.5
Fig 2.6
Fig 2.7
Fig 2.8
Fig 2.9
Fig 2.10
Experiment No. 2 – Medium Length Line Nominal T Method
Software and Circuit
For this experiment, Tina Version SF-DS has been used. The students were tasked to
determine the characteristics of a medium length line with a nominal T configuration represented by
figures 1.0 and 1.1. The circuit shown in figure 1.2 was made using the software to simulate the circuit
configuration. It can be observed that unlike the previous short line model, the medium line nominal t
model now has resistive and inductive components in both ends with a shunt capacitor in between,
parallel to the load and supply.
No load conditions
It can be observed that under no load conditions, as shown in figures 1.3 and 1.4, current still
flows in the circuit with the shunt capacitance as a load. It can also be observed that among the two line
drops only the sending end line impedance carries a voltage drop labeled as “Vdrop1” in this experiment.
This is true since the receiving end line impedance is considered floating without a load.
It can also be observed from the aforementioned figures and figures 2.0 and 2.1 that a higher
shunt capacitance value increases voltage drops and current, thereby increasing shunt capacitance loss.
This consideration is very important since it would mean that on such systems, even under no
load condition, power is still being lost and consumed by the transmission system.
Full load condition
Under full load condition both cases showed immense changes in the phasor diagrams shown in
figure 2.2 and figure 2.3. Several phasor components emerged such as voltage drop on receiving end line
impedance, voltage and current in the receiving end, and power consumed in the receiving end as well.
Comparing the two configurations, it can be observed that a higher shunt capacitance causes the
phasor angle of the sending end to swing from a lagging position to a leading position. This would change
as R load is lowered, and as shown in figure 2.4, the sending end voltage became lagging and almost had
the same phasor configuration. This can be attributed to the load R being small that the system shifts to
a more reactive type of system.
It is also important to take note of the phasor angle and power factor of the receiving end, in
both runs and under all R load values, the PF remained to be 1 or in unity. The main reason is the nature
of the load, being purely resistive, the voltage and current’s phasor angles would remain in phase.
The experiment requires the students to sweep the resistive load values within the range of 10
Ohms to 50 Ohms, while observing the changes in parameters. As seen in figures 2.5 and 2.6, the sending
end voltage remained the same, however as R load increases, the shunt voltage drop and the load voltage
increases. Conversely, as the R load increases, the V drop across the line impedances decreases.
Comparing the results of run 1 and run 2 it can be observed that a higher shunt capacitance tends
to increase component voltage values by a small amount as seen in figures 1.5 and 1.6.
The resulting currents after varying the loads across multiple values can be seen in figure 2.7 and
2.8. Several observations can be drawn from the figure. First, as R load increases, the sending and
receiving end currents decrease. This holds true to Ohm’s law. However, it can also be seen that as R load
increases the shunt capacitance current also increases. Further, it can be observed that a higher shunt
capacitance value increases the magnitude as well.
A peculiar observation can be seen in comparing the sending current and the receiving current
magnitudes. The receiving end magnitude tends to be higher. However, if phasor angles would be
considered, it can be seen that the receiving end current and the shunt capacitance current when added
would yield a value the same to the sending end current. This is true and follows KCL.
Power and Phasors
The power values for both cases can be seen in figure 2.9. It can be seen that as R increases P in
general decreases; however an inflection point can be seen between 10, 15 and 20 and can be attributed
to maximum power transfer parameter. It can also be observed that a higher shunt capacitance value
increases the overall power profile of the system.
Efficiencies and Voltage Regulation
It can be observed from figure 2.10 that as R load increases, the efficiency increases as well.
Conversely it can be observed that as R load increases the voltage regulation value for both configurations
drastically decreases. Although minutely, it can still be observed that a higher shunt capacitance value
tends to lower overall voltage regulation values and increase overall efficiency values.
Experiment No. 2 – Medium Length Line Nominal T Method
From the observations, analysis of results and discussion, the following can be drawn:
Medium line systems also consider capacitance and admittance aside from resistance and
inductance of the system.
Under no load conditions the sending and receiving voltage are different, this can be
attributed to the shunt capacitance that acts as a load even during no load conditions.
For medium line transmission systems with a nominal T model, the sending end current
is the summation of the shunt capacitance current and the load current in alignment to
Kirchhoff’s Current Law.
A purely resistive load would yield unity power factor regardless of the line conditions.
The system becomes more efficient as resistance of the load increases. Higher shunt
capacitance values also improve the efficiency and voltage regulation characteristics of
the system.
Any reactive component will cause the system to have an inflection point in terms of its
power and load curve. This might be related to maximum power transfer but further
investigation must be done to be conclusive.
Overall, the experiment has been successful. It allowed the students to determine medium line
characteristics, construct a nominal T circuit using TINA as a simulation software, determine the
voltage regulation and efficiencies of a nominal T configuration, and construct the relevant
phasors needed.
Experiment No. 2 – Medium Length Line Nominal T Method
1. What did you observe about the value of the receiving end and sending end currents in the nominal T
circuit as compared to the currents in a short line circuit? Explain your answer.
Ans. As opposed to a short line circuit, the nominal T configuration has unequal receiving and sending
current. This can be attributed to the shunt capacitance which also functions as a load. By KCL, a portion
of the sending end current flows through the shunt capacitance branch causing the receiving end current
to be unequal to the sending end current.
2. Why is the capacitance of the line being considered in the analysis of medium length lines?
Ans. As the line lengthens the shunt capacitance value causes the admittance value to increase which
causes current to flow which in turn results to a voltage drop. This causes a power loss. It is important to
consider since the power loss can still occur even at a no-load condition due to its configuration of being
in parallel with the load and supply.
3. What causes the voltage at the receiving end to rise more than the voltage at the sending end at low
load conditions?
Ans. In this experiment, such has not been observed. However, such happened to current. It can be
attributed to the system becoming more reactive with a leading power factor. The real component
increases but the over all complex power of the system remains conserved by compensating with the
reactive component of the parameters through changes in their phasor angle.