Uploaded by Claire Mcphail

Ecosystems Performance Task Worksheet

Name ___________________________________ Due Date:
Ecosystems – Performance Task 4
Combine all of your knowledge about ecosystems and the interworking’s of them to write a
You will do a short paper report and either a diorama or Google Slides presentation.
Include what animals are in the ecosystem, how they interact and depend on each other,
what the abiotic and biotic factors are in the ecosystems, list the food chains in the
ecosystem, discuss any limiting factors, and explain what would happen if another animal
were introduced to either ecosystem.
Scoring Guide Task 4
Meets all “GOAL” criteria plus…
 Includes additional information not required
“Goal” Criteria:
 Includes 6 components listed
Progressing Meets only a portion of the “GOAL” criteria:
 Missing only 1 component
Meets only a portion of the “GOAL” criteria:
 Missing more than 1 component
Name ___________________________________ Due Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Ecosystems – Performance Task 4
What animals are in the ecosystem, how they interact and depend on each other, what the
abiotic and biotic factors are in the ecosystems, list the food chains in the ecosystem,
discuss any limiting factors, and explain what would happen if another animal were
introduced to either ecosystem.
Name of Ecosystem: __________________________________________________________
1. What animals are in the ecosystem?
2. Describe how three of the animals in the ecosystem interact and depend on each other.
1. __________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________
3. What are the abiotic and biotic factors in the ecosystem?
4. Complete a food chain included in the ecosystem.
________________  __________________  _________________  ________________
5. Are there any limiting factors in the ecosystem? Circle: YES
If yes, what are they?
6. What would happen if an animal from a different ecosystem was introduced into this