Assignment 2 Faculty Name: Information Technology Module Code: ITSDA3-B12 Module Name: Software Development 3 Block 2 Module Leader: Mr Sheunesu M. Makura Internal Moderator: Dr George Obaido Copy Editor: Mr Kevin Levy Total Marks: 100 Submission Date: 21/06/2021 – 25/06/2021 This module is presented on NQF level 7. Mark deduction of 5% per day, to a maximum of three days, will be applied to late submissions. Assignments submitted later than three days after the deadline or not submitted will get 0%. 1 This is an individual assignment. This assignment contributes 15% towards the final mark. Instructions to Student 1. Please ensure that your answer file (where applicable) is named as follows before submission: Module Code – Assessment Type – Campus Name – Student Number. 2. Remember to keep a copy of all submitted assignments. 3. All work must be typed. 4. Please note that you will be evaluated on your writing skills in all your assignments. 5. All work must be submitted through Turnitin.2 The full originality report will be automatically generated and available for the lecturer to assess. Negative marking will be applied if you are found guilty of plagiarism, poor writing skills, or if you have applied incorrect or 1 Under no circumstances will assignments be accepted for marking after the assignments of other students have been marked and returned to the students. 2 Refer to the Eduvos Policy for Intellectual Property, Copyright and Plagiarism Infringement, which is available on myLMS. ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 1 of 8 Eduvos (Pty) Ltd. (formerly Pearson Institute of Higher Education) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 101, of 1997. Registration Certificate number: 2001/HE07/008 insufficient referencing. (See the table at the end of this document where the application of negative marking is explained.) 6. You are not allowed to offer your work for sale or to purchase the work of other students. This includes the use of professional assignment writers and websites, such as Essay Box. If this should happen, Eduvos reserves the right not to accept future submissions from you. Assignment Format You must fulfil the requirements when writing and submitting assignments as follows: • Use Arial, font size 12. • Include a title page, a table of contents, and page numbers. • Include the completed Assessment/Project Coversheet (available on myLMS). • Write no more than the maximum word limit. • Ensure any diagrams, screenshots, and PowerPoint presentations fit correctly on the page and are referenced. • Use the correct referencing method throughout the assignment. • Include a bibliography based on the applicable referencing method at the end of the assignment. • Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. • Run the assignment through Turnitin software. • Print submissions on both sides of the page. Essential Embedded Knowledge and Skills Required of Students • Report-writing skills • Ability to analyse scenarios/case studies • Understanding of subject field concepts and definitions • Ability to apply theoretical knowledge to propose solutions to real-world problems • Referencing skills Resource Requirements • A device with internet access for research • A desktop or personal computer for typing assignments • Access to a library or resource centre • Prescribed reading resources ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 2 of 8 Delivery Requirements (evidence to be presented by students) • A typed assignment3 • A Turnitin originality report Minimum Reference Requirements At least five references for first year, ten references for second year, and fifteen references for third year. Additional reading is required to complete this assignment successfully. You need to include the following additional information sources: • Printed textbooks/e-books • Printed/online journal articles • Academic journals in electronic format accessed via ProQuest or other databases • Periodical articles, e.g. business magazine articles • Information or articles from relevant websites • Other information sources, e.g. geographic information (maps), census reports, interviews Note • It is crucial that students reference all consulted information sources by means of in-text referencing and a bibliography, according to the applicable referencing method. • Negative marking will be applied if a student commits plagiarism, i.e. using information from information sources without acknowledgement of and reference to the original source. • In such cases, negative marking, also known as ‘penalty scoring’, is the practice of subtracting marks for insufficient/incorrect referencing. • Consult the table at the end of this document, which outlines how negative marking will be applied as well as the way in which it will affect the assignment mark. 3 Refer to the Conditions of Enrolment for more guidance (available on myLMS). ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 3 of 8 Section A Learning Objective Gain the knowledge and skills to design, code and implement object-oriented Java programs. Assignment Topic 1. Java Sets and Maps 2. JavaFX and Java Database Programming Scope Block 2: Weeks 1 – 4 Technical Aspects The assignment must be done using NetBeans IDE. Marking Criteria Marks will be awarded for a fully functional Java application based on specification. Ensure that your applications implement all required functionality for full marks. Marks will also be awarded for a clean and neat graphical user interface (GUI). ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 4 of 8 Question 1 40 Marks Study the scenario and complete the question(s) that follow: Sets and Maps A map is a container object that stores a collection of key/value pairs. It enables fast retrieval, deletion, and updating of the pair through the key. A map stores the values along with the keys. The keys are like indexes. In List, the indexes are integers. In Map, the keys can be any objects. A map cannot contain duplicate keys. Each key maps to one value. A key and its corresponding value form an entry stored in a map. There are three types of maps: HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap. The common features of these maps are defined in the Map interface. Source: Liang, D (2018) 1.1 Using the Map interface knowledge, create a Java application in NetBeans that implements a HashMap and a LinkedHashMap. The application must do the following: a. Add at least 5 elements to the HashMap b. Print out all the elements in the HashMap including their keys c. Find and print out the value of a specific index d. Remove one of the elements from the HashMap e. Print out the HashMap after removing the element f. Add at least 5 elements to the LinkedHashMap g. Print out all the elements in the LinkedHashMap (35 Marks) 1.2 Based on the application you developed, what are the differences that you noticed between the HashMap and LinkedHashMap? (5 Marks) [Sub Total 40 Marks] End of Question 1 ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 5 of 8 Question 2 60 Marks Study the scenario and complete the question(s) that follow: JavaFX and Database Programming Pearson Institute of Higher Education (now Eduvos) has clinics on each of their 12 campuses. When a student goes to the clinic to receive medical attention, they need to be registered when it is their first time. Currently, they write the student details on paper and keep the details in physical files. Pearson management has contacted you to digitise the process of registering new patients at the clinics. They would like an application developed which will enable the clinic staff to register the patient digitally. The patient records should then be saved to a database. Source: Makura S.M. (2021) Create a JavaFX application using NetBeans for the Pearson Clinic. The application should have/do the following: • A graphical user interface (GUI) that will allow the user to enter the following details: Patient Name, Patient Surname, Patient ID Number, Patient Cell Number, Patient Student Number. • The GUI should have an interface that will enable a user to save the details of the patient to the database. • You will need to create a database that will store these details. You can make use of any relational database management system (RDBMS) of your choice. • Ensure that your application checks if the user enters numbers only for the patient id and cell numbers. If the user enters other characters, an alert message box should be displayed to inform the user to enter numbers only. • Once the registration button has been clicked and all details have been captured and saved to the database, the application must output an alert message to inform the user that the details have been saved to the database. Afterwards, it should clear the fields to allow the user to enter another patient’s details. • Ensure that you add screenshots to your documentation of the results from the database. • Ensure that your application handles all necessary exceptions that might be raised. (60 Marks) End of Question 2 ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 6 of 8 Section B Plagiarism and Referencing Eduvos places high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students and adopts a zero-tolerance policy on cheating and plagiarism. In academic writing, any source material, e.g. journal articles, books, magazines, newspapers, reference material (dictionaries), or online resources (websites, electronic journals, or online newspaper articles), must be properly acknowledged. Failure to acknowledge such material is considered plagiarism; this is deemed an attempt to mislead and deceive the reader and is unacceptable. Eduvos adopts a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism; therefore, any submitted assessment that has been plagiarised will be subject to severe penalties. Students who are found guilty of plagiarism may be subject to disciplinary procedures, and outcomes may include suspension from the institution or even expulsion. Therefore, students are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with referencing techniques for academic work. Students can access the Eduvos referencing guides on myLMS. ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Page 7 of 8 Negative Marking Third-year Students • A minimum of 15 additional information sources must be consulted and correctly cited. • If no additional information sources have been used, a full 15% must be deducted. • Deduct 1% per missing resource of the required 15. For example: o If only five resources cited, deduct 10%. o If only three resources cited, deduct 12%. • Markers to apply the penalties for Category A for insufficient sources and incorrect referencing style. • To determine the actual overall similarity percentage and plagiarism, markers must interpret the Turnitin Originality Report with reference to credible sources used and then apply the penalties as per the scale in the Policy for Intellectual Property, Copyright and Plagiarism Infringement. • The similarity report alone is not an assessment of whether work has or has not been plagiarised. Careful examination of both the submitted paper/assignment/project and the suspect sources must be done. Category A Minimum Reference Requirements No additional information sources have been used or referenced. ITSDA3-B12 – Assignment 2 Block 2 2021 | V1.0 Deduction from Final Mark 15% Page 8 of 8