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Construction Project Management: Temporary Services & Risk Mitigation

Question One A
a. Temporary services for duration of project:
i. Electricity connection for lighting and equipment use
ii. Water pipes for drinking, washing, curing of concrete, hosing down of equipment
after use and for waste water
iii. Data & telephone connection for analysis and communication/coordination (Wiki,
Worker Safety & Amenity as per H&S Employment Act 1992:
Toilet facilities
Drinking water & washing facilities
Designated area for meals/breaks
Accommodation for meals and clothes
First aid facilities
Dry Area with shelter
Access & Storage
Site office for team meetings, consultant visits and management team
Security – lockable entry/exit points to close off access after work hours
Access points for delivery vehicles to drop of materials etc.
Parking for workers and consultants coming on site
Storage area for tools and equipment
Storage area for materials to be used in project
Area for rubbish to be disposed safely and securely
Public Protection as per NZBC clause F5: Construction and Demolition Hazards
Hoarding (minimum 2 meters)
Toe boards
Temporary works required during construction process (TWFNZ, n.d.)
a. Subfloor & Foundation
- Demolition and clearing of original building on site
- Site clearing – removal of top soil, vegetation and all loose aggregate
Site Grading – to obtain required elevation so that concrete for car park and drive
way can be laid
Compaction of soil – engineer report states that soil is extra sensitive to disturbance,
methods of compaction such a roller compaction or dynamic compaction may need
to be undertaken.
Excavation of site as required per foundation design, along with any excavation
support that may be required.
De watering methods
Trenches dug to allow services and pipelines to be laid.
Formwork – used to contain poured concrete for foundation
b. Structural Frame & Envelope
- Falsework – in order to keep structure in place until it can support itself such as back
propping and/or shoring
- Crane – particular if tilt up construction method is used
- Crane base– will need to be set strategically on the work site where it doesn’t impede
day to day construction work but also so that it can lift and place heavy loads as
- Scaffolding
- Mobile platforms for elevated work
- Retaining walls
Question 1B
All construction projects are unique with individualised specifications that pertain to the
particular project, and complex in the sense that there are a variety of activities ongoing at
any given time that requires effective coordination and management to ensure deadlines
are met (Lepage, 2020). Delays are almost always inevitable in one sense or another during
a construction project, due to the dependence on a variety of parties and individuals, such
as contractors, suppliers and workers etc. to deliver within a set time frame. Construction
delays are defined as the extra time, beyond the stipulated completion date, that is
required for the project to be completed (Andersen, 2018). The importance of the project
manager in mitigating delays and disruption during construction is paramount, and is
achieved through effectively coordination and management. The following are the key risks
identified that may disrupt or delay the project:
a. Bad weather is a key risk that can cause delays to any construction project, due to its
unpredictable nature and the fact that it is outside the control of contractors. Bad
weather, such as persistent rainfall, can lead to a day’s work being ‘rained off’, and is
especially problematic as it can have a domino effect that leads to follow on delays
such as: damage to partial works, earthworks being saturated, clean up and drying
required on site, material delivery delays, cost implications etc. Bad weather is always
a key risk for construction projects in Auckland, where we are exposed to unseasonal
climatic conditions all year round, and is of particularly relevance to the project
located at 25 Tui Road, as this site is identified as being susceptible to ‘very high
rainfall intensity’ at 90-100 as per BRANZ rainfall intensity maps (Benaroche, 2019).
b. Asbestos is another key risk that may disrupt the Diversity Centre project construction
due to the fact the site previously housed a post 1950’s building, which had to be
demolished in order for the Diversity Centre construction to begin. Asbestos was a
common material used in buildings between 1940-2000 due to its fire and noise
resistant properties, before it was later discovered that it is a carcinogen that diseases
such as lung cancer and mesothelioma (WorkSafe NZ, 2019). Asbestos is dangerous
when it is disturbed or damaged – especially during demolition, (which is of particular
concern to the site in question) where fine dust and fibres are released into the air,
and then inhaled/indigested. This risk is of particular significance as WorkSafe NZ
brought in new regulations for Asbestos in April 2018, which must be adhered to, or
will cause further timely and costly delays to the construction project (WorkSafe NZ,
c. Unforeseen ground conditions is another risk that may impede the construction
process of the Diversity project, and can occur due to the fact that geological tests
cannot always predict the condition of the whole site (Kieran Sean Flynn, 2017).
Where the ground conditions are found to differ greatly from what was expected, this
can cause significant delays on the project as it may lead to a need for change in
excavation methods, a redesign of the foundation to accommodate ground
conditions or the use of different equipment more suited to the conditions – all of
which can cause significant delays and costs to a construction project. Examples of
unforeseen ground conditions can include; rocks existing where it was presumed soft
strata existed, unexpected utility lines from previous building on site, or unknown,
previously buried debris.
d. Force majeure e.g. covid lockdown, natural disaster
e. Unable to work during night/outside of council specified construction times
a. Bad weather is inevitable but can be mitigated through effective planning and
scheduling for weather delays and allowing the project timeline to accommodate
such uncontrollable variables. Although it is possible to undertake work on the site
during mild bad weather, extra safety precautions for workers must be provided such
as; non-skid materials, proper outerwear, signage for slippery areas and adequate
lighting so that work can continue. However, forcing work during bad weather, can
cause accidents to occur, which in itself brings a whole other set of delays. It is vital
to have open communication with the client in the event of any weather induced
delays to let them know that delays will be expected as a result. Having effective
drainage systems on site, along with water pumps, will speed up the drying process
post bad weather on site and allow construction to continue as soon as possible
(Benaroche, 2019)
b. Asbestos regulations NZ requires any demolition on pre-January 2000 buildings to
identify any asbestos on the building, and where it is not possible to determine, you
must assume the presence of asbestos, as per WorkSafe guidelines. All asbestos must
be removed prior to demolition taking place, this will be done by hiring an Asbestos
specialist in Auckland such as Protectus, which is a WorkSafe licensed asbestos
removal contractor (WorkSafe, n.d.)
c. In order to mitigate the risks of unforeseen ground conditions during construction, it
is vital to undertake a thorough Geotechnical investigation of the site, so that any
possible geological risks posed to the construction can be identified and mitigated
accordingly. As per the geotechnical survey undertaken on the Diversity Centre site
by LANDER Geotechnical, the report states the following disclaimer, “as evidence has
been obtained from three bore holes…provides information about a small volume of
subsoils…there may be special conditions on this site which have not been disclosed.”
This is a key disclaimer from LANDER saying they have only tested a small sample of
the site, and further investigation is required to fully understand the make-up of the
whole site. The report is based on the findings from only three boreholes being dug.
Therefore, a further and more extensive testing around the site will give a clear
picture of the geological make up.
Question 2a
All work to be done on the proposed building in terms of services are to be carried out in
accordance with relevant NZ Building Code provisions and AS/NZS standards, as stated in
Architectural Specifications document prepared by Apex Architecture LTD.
a. Hydraulics
Hydraulic services system designed by hydraulic services consultants ltd
Hot and Cold-water supply system work carried out to NZBC g12 standards
All plumbing work carried out under the plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers act 2006
2-year warranty provided for installation
Gas installation carried out as per Gas Regulations 2010
Tapware, showers, sanitary fixtures installed to NZBC G13 guidelines
Ground Level consist of: 1x Rheem 45 L Hot Water Cylinder, 1x 135 L Rheem Mains
Pressure Hot Water Unit
Level 2 consists of: 2x Rheem 45 L Hot Water Cylinder – 1 for kitchens on level 1 and
2, and 1 for bathrooms on level 1 and 2
Level 3 consists of 2x Rheem 300 L hot water cylinder for the 7 rooms on 3rd floor
Sanitary installation carried out to nzbc g 13 requirements
Stormwater installation to meet NZBC e1:e2
Stormwater drain located in north west on the ground floor
b. Ventilation
Mechanical ventilation system being installed by comfort systems as per ventilation
design report
Mechanical ventilation system complies with NZBC G4 Ventilation guidelines, NZS
4303:1990 & AS1668:2:2012 provisions for Ventilation
For ground floor: 6x inline extract fans located in male and female bathroom in lobby
(3 each) and 1x ceiling mounted extract fans for gym shower and toilet
For 1st floor: ceiling extract fans located in shower/toilet, while both the meditation
room and community hall area have openable window area at more than 5% of floor
area so complies with NZBC G4 and doesn’t require mechanical ventilation
Level 2 has openable window area at more than 5% of floor area so complies with
NZBC G4 and doesn’t require mechanical ventilation
For level 3: kitchen and bathroom extract fan system are coordinated for each of the
7 rooms
c. Electricity
1-year warranty provided for electrical installation
Electricity work carried out to comply with Electricity Regulations 2010
Wiring system done to NZS 3000 standard
Security system installed as per NZS 2201
d. Fire Safety
Installation of wet pipe automatic sprinkler system carried out to NZBC Clause C
All work carried out under the plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers act 2006
e. Elevator
Installed by Schindler NZ
Lift model: Schindler 3300 with speed of 1m/s, capacity of 1000 kg with 4 stops in
1.6m x 2.239m in dimensions of lift car
1 year warranty period
Certificate of Conformity provided, guaranteeing compliance with NZBC B1, B2, C5,
D1, D2, F4, F8, G8 G9 clauses.
Question 2b
Risk group for building is SM, CA and VP based on escape heigh of 10 metres
Ground, 1st and 2nd floor installed with type 4 automatic fire alarm system with smoke
detection, manual call points as per NZBC/as2 and in accordance with NZS 4512
Level 3 accommodation level requires type 5 automatic fire alarm system
Ground and level 1 have two means of escape
Level 2 and 3 has single means of escape
Emergency lighting Provided along horizontal and vertical staircase in accordance
with clause f6
Signage Will be installed along escape routes in accordance with clause f8
Inter-storey construction, car park and accommodation areas separated by a
60/60/60 FRR
Fire Doors:
Designed to achieve a -/60/30 FRR
Auto closers and signage as per clause f8
Designed to swing both ways and divide corridors used as escape routes
Flooring used will be non-combustible or have a radiant heat flux of not less than 2.2
All exit lighting to meet F8 of NZBC, with emergency lighting system installed to AS 2293:
2005 standards
Question 2c
Procurement is one part of the pre-construction phase and is the process through which
the necessary goods and services of a project are acquired, in order for it to be completed
within the set time line. Developing a proactive procurement strategy is vital, where
ordering of all required materials is done in an organised and timely manner to facilitate a
smooth construction project.
In determining the key services plant that require pre – ordering for the Diversity Centre
project, it must be noted that due to the scale of the project, which being rather small, in
comparison to other large scale commercial building projects, many of the key service
plants will not require pre ordering due to the small scale of the project and the fact many
things can be purchased on the day. For example, heat pumps can be purchased on the day
from stores such as Harvey Norman, while if it was a 20 storey building, then it would not
be possible to purchase the required amount of heat pumps on the day, but In the case of
the Diversity Centre, with it being a medium size 4 storey building, the required heat pumps
can be purchase on the day and wouldn’t require pre ordering. Furthermore, service plants
such as Hot Water Cylinders, Pumps and Gas Heaters, all can be purchased from stores such
as Plumbing Plus on the day also. Therefore, due to the medium size of the Diversity
Project, majority of service plants won’t require pre ordering. The one key service plant
that will however need to be pre ordered is the Elevator from Schindler.
Question 2d
Project management software such as “Base Camp”, ProofHub” and “Meister Task” can be
ustilised to ensure correct organisation of building services, by coordinating the order in
which services need to and will be installed e.g. first electricity must be installed on this
date, so that the lift can be installed following on from that etc. (Adair, n.d.)
Building Information software such as “AutoCAD”, “Revit”, “Sketch up” could be used by a
specialist to create a fully integrated building services system, to then be implemented by
contractors (Best Building Design and Building Information Modeling (BIM) Software, n.d.)
The installation of all building services will be carried out in accordance with relevant NZ
Building code Clauses and AS/NZS Standards that apply to each service, the key/relevant
guidelines for the main building services are provided below (Building Act , 2004):
Water Supply System
Applicable Codes/Standards
AS/NZS 3500.1:2018
Plumbing and drainage Part
1: Water services
Supplies: Protection of
Potable Water
Drainage Service System
AS/NZS 3500.2:2018
Plumbing and drainage Part
2: Sanitary plumbing and
NZBC Clause G13 Foul
Electricity Supply System
AS/NZS 3000:2018 – NZ
Wiring Rules
NZBC Clause G9 Electricity
Electricity Act 1992
AS/NZS 1367:2016
AS/NZS 15018:2005 A1
AS/NZS 11801.1:2019
HVAC System
NZBC Clause E3 Internal
NZBC Clause G4 Ventilation
NZBC Clause G5 Interior
NZS 4303:1990 Ventilation
for acceptable indoor air
AS/NZS 4740:2000 –
Natural Ventilators
(Building Act , 2004)
Question 3
Foundation/Ground Floor
Current System: Mix of slab and pad
Pad/Slab foundations are an economical option, requiring less excavation, allowing easy
installation and the ability to be easily molded into varying shapes and sizes makes it usable
across varying site conditions and varying architectural designs.
Slab and Pad foundations are poured and completed in a relatively short time,
allowing for project to progress in a timely manner
Provide good thermal insulation (Design Buildings, 2018)
Easy integration with variety of flooring systems
Stable and sturdy option as building is directly rested on concrete slabs and pads
which transer load to soil (Homes, 2018)
Can be vulnerable to differential settlement
Difficult to integrate with building services from underneath
Difficult to modify post completion (Civil Engineers Forum, 2016)
Alternative System: raft foundation
Rafts are a sturdy, shallow foundation option that is particularly useful on unstable strata
with low bearing capacity, where the weight of building needs to be spread over a large
area to create stability.
Economical option due to less excavation being required due to shallow nature, while
also combining the foundation and floor slab into one.
Easy to construct and install
Resistance to differential settlement through bridging over cavities on below strata
Enhanced bearing capacity
Can be vulnerable to erosion
(Civil Today, n.d.)
Recommended System
Raft foundation due to its usability on unstable strata as the geotechnical investigation for
the Diversity Centre analysed that the site strata may be vulnerable to large disturbance in
soil and have varying degrees of strength (Define Civil, 2018).
Structural Frame
Current System: reinforced concrete
Reinforced concrete is a popular, economical building material combining cement concrete
with steel reinforcement.
High Compressive strength
- Good Fire resistant properties
Durability of material as structure along with low maintenance costs over time
Ability to be moulded
high compressive strength and good tensile resistance
low labour costs with erection (Prasad, 2019)
Shrinkage can occur overtime, causing weakness in structural integrity
Lower tensile strength compared to alternatives
Unsustainable material in terms of low recyclable properties and high environmental
disturbance (Shoaejn, 2016)
Alternative system: steel structure
uniformity in property, providing precision in finish and low material variability
fast construction times leading to lower labour costs
High Strength And Light Weight Nature
Produced off site, allowing efficiency with project
Steel is 100% recyclable, making a green building material and great sustainable
solution (Civil Today, n.d.)
Expensive intial option compared to alternative options
susceptible to corrosion when exposed to air and water (Prasad, 2019)
Recommended System
Steel Structure, due to its high sustainable integrity, light weight properties in compared to
concrete, while its uniformity and ease of installation makes it a fast structure to set up.
External wall cladding system
Current System: clay veneer cladding on concrete block
Cheap solution for cladding
Easy installation
Aesthetic option
Lightweight option, reducing structural load
Fire resistant properties
Low ongoing maintenance costs (Kapoor, 2010)
- Vulnerable to prolonged, heavy rainfall – moisture absorption can occur overtime
- Does not aid structural integrity (Renocompare, n.d.)
Alternative system: profile metal cladding
Good weathertightness properties – high deflection of elements
Wide range of colours and styles
Low maintenance long term
Very sustainable option as metal is 100% recyclable
Fire resistant
Lightweight option (Shoaejn, 2016)
Low penetrative strength
High initial cost
Vulnerable to rust
Colour fading over time from conditions (Cladspray, 2020)
Recommended System
Metal cladding, although it has a higher initial cost, its weathertightness strength and
recyclability provide long term vision and accountability.
Interior partitions:
Current System: gib wall
Versatile and usability across varying designs and needs
Easy to install
Fire resistant
Economical option with good durability
Great sustainable option as material is recyclable and most use recycled materials
(Decor, 2016)
Weak resistance against moisture
Easily damaged/dented (Remont, n.d.)
Alternative System: Glass
High aesthetic appeal
Promotes natural light
Low maintenance
Easy to install
Good sustainable option as made from natural resources and recyclable (G.D. Lint,
Reduced privacy
Expensive option (Sheker, n.d.)
Recommended System
Gib Wall, as it is a much cheaper option then glass as a partition wall material, while also
providing great sustainable integrity with a large amoint of GIB material being made from
recyable material today, and being lightweight and easy to customise and install.
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