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Michael Weisman CV

Michael Weisman
4442079556992, maweisman@lse.ac.uk
Apr 2020 — Aug 2020
Equity Research Intern, Credit Suisse
NewYork, USA.
+ Used the HOLT Lensto conduct fundamental analysis between Sony& Nintendo, pitching the better
investment opportunitybased on valuation, risk, leverage, operationalefficiency &¢ innovation
+ Fundamental analysis included analysis ofsales, margins, and turns,calculating rate ofgrowth and fade in
CFROIevels, duc to mean reversion,within the next5 years, realizing a S-ycar price target
+ Analyzed historical market expectations,indentifying Sonybeing continously undervaled relative to market
price since 2011
Oct 2019 — Feb 2020
Business Intern, Google
Dublin, Ireland
+ Interned in the Large CustomerSales team working on an International Growth Consulting
+ Was responsible fora project on export opportunities for European companies to Asian markets, focussing in
particular on the Retail, FinTech, Mobile Gaming and Travel segments
* Worked on market insights, marketprioritisation and opportunitysizing forthe Google EMEALarge Customer
Sales business.
Jun 2018 — Aug 2018
Global Markets SummerIntern, Amplify Trading
London, UK
+ Traded financial markets by applying advanced technical analysis & fundamental analysis across assetclasses
+ Managed a global multi-asset portfoliothrough macro-driven volatilityand outperformed the established
+ Pitched an IPO toinvestors and achieved the targetforinvestmentthrougha differentiated business model
+ Operated as an investment bankmarket maker and salestrader through Amplify’s FlowTrader simulation
Jul 2017 — Sep 2017
Global Data Analyst Summer Intern, Bloomberg LP
London, UK
+ Enginecred Python tool to source proprietary financial data savingthe company £30,004
+ Presented Python toolas personal project atthe departmentallevel as one ofonly internsselected to doso
+ Coordinated 14 internsin group project on improving data quality in the Global Data department
+ Facilitated client relationships and completed the Bloomberg Market Concepts course
Sep 2020 — Sep 2021
MScEconomics, LondonSchoolofEconomicsandPolitical Science
London, UK
Secured rank2 (97%) ofapproximately 150students in EC411 Microeconomics (Summer Term) and rank 1 (95%
in the exam)in EC426Public Economics
Sep 2016 — Sep 2019
BSc Economics, London Schoolof EconomicsandPolitical Science
London, UK
First Year Modules: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, LSE 100
Second Year Modules: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics, Finance
Final Year Modules: Advanced Economic Analysis, MonetaryEconomics, Principles of Finance, Public
Student Ambassadorfor the Department ofManagement, London
London, UK
Sep 2020 — Present
Consultant, Enactus LSESU
London, UK
May2017 — Sep 2019
Economics Department StudentRepresentative, London School of
London, UK
Oct 2020 — Present
School of Economics andPolitical Science
EconomicsandPolitical Science